Final boss of ABE anniversary 2 sucks…

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Final boss of ABE anniversary 2 sucks…

  • The fact that you are able to face against wizpig at wizpigs castle is very cool.You had to have a 3 vs 3 showdown,with wizpig as the leader.He summons lefty and righty,zombie pigs,to aid him in battle.However,the birds prevailed,and wizpig turns into demonic wizpig.The final boss is helped by prince porky,dealing the final blow to wizpig.
    But…if that is a really epic final boss,we should expect a better boss!…nope.
    The final bosses are Stepsi and Stepfi,clown pigs.These clowns may seem like massive hard bosses,with both of them ruining the party by spraying water and throwing a pie at the flock.The extra hard boss battles are re-made harder bosses from the 5 castles.If the castles were hard aren’t the clown pigs supposed to be hard also?
    Anywho,this years anniversary event were trashed by these two clowns.Good job rovio for messing up.

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  • TheRedBird

    An extra note: Terrence also ruins the party due to his…highly loud grunts.


    Facing Demonic Wizpig again for the final level? That’d be such a hard boss (I have trouble beating Wizpig’s Castle a second time!) and not really fitting to the event’s atmosphere. I actually said before the event I don’t wanna battle Demonic Wizpig again. I got my wish fulfilled.

    Y’know, the pigs celebrate with the birds in this event – I find it OK that the bosses were Stapsi and Stapfi. Sure they could’ve had more HP, but they’re meant to cause some laughter not frustration in my opinion.

    I don’t think Rovio messed up. The event was nicely balanced and there were some surprises too, but nothing was absurdly difficult except maybe for level 6 where you couldn’t dispel Wizpig’s buff. But nothing cheatingly difficult like Demonic Wizpig :D


    @smwforever45,however its really sad to see these two.These two can only take that many hits that they die in 2-3 turns.It would be much cooler if we had to fight Easter wizpig,heartstruck prince porky and vampire king pig.That would sum up the events better as a final true boss.Rovio messed up with the low hp though


    I agree I don’t think Rovio messed up, and they did get the balance right. If it’s too hard, people won’t play.


    See easy bosses as a gift to you by Rovio :) Making it a bit easier for you to get to GPC.


    Indeed so.


    I redo that level over-and-over again to get Birthday Cake (Presents are the only other thing I need) for the Elite Pirate- level is really easy once you get the hang of it, so winning shouldn’t be a challenge (unless you have really weak gear)

    (P.S. the descriptions of the elderly-wizard pig are messed up, and so is targeting them, not to mention their damage and glitched XP readings)


    Personally, I play the third level of the last area to get the remaining cakes. It has only 1 wave and you need only 3 stamina not 7. While 7-stamina battles give a much higher chance to obtain one of the ingredients, you can only do 2 at a time, as opposed to 5 of the 3-stamina battles.


    @redbird-justin @suzyq @rowdypup @smwforever45 I found the ‘final bosses’ amusing for the .2 of a nanosecond they existed! ROFL! Elite Pirate buff for all, Witch buffing Wizard, rage chili… bye bye!! :-P


    @smwforever I have sort-of developed a system for stamina use, to make sure that I can finally get an ELite Class for my birds (the Easter event never let me participate and thee “The Angry Birds Movie” event had overpowered and redundant bonus turns), so here’s how it goes (it CAN’T fail- or I may just have a breakdown from birds):

    Today (Friday)- Every 2 hours and 45 minutes (time it takes to fill 1 energy every 15 minutes), I will check back on Epic and keep doing level 20 to get the required Birthday Cake for the Class (there’s a 4/8 probability that I will get a cake from the wheel due to there being 2 present), which is easy to get 3-stars on- but it takes 7 stamina, so I can only do it 2 times every 2-3 hours unless I use Stamina Drinks as back-up

    Tommorow (Saturday)- Presents will be present on my “grab-em'” list that day- will head out to either the Halloween or Bamboo Forest levels (somewhere in the middle) to pluck them out and grab the presents. Those levels only take 3-5 stamina, so I should be okay, and I will have more chances to do these levels, but less chances to win presents because of their rarity (1/8) on the wheel.

    Epilouge (Sunday)- If I haven’t gotten all the presents (my main concern), then I will have to stay up late trying to get them quickly, as the event ends at noon that day- in other words: the Elite Class will be mine!


    As you said, it takes 15 minutes for 1 stamina to refill.
    So all 15 stamina take 3 hours and 45 minutes. Not 2 hours and 45 minutes.
    While 14 stamina (2*7) will take 3 and a half hours.

    Also, the chance to get a cake on level 20 is 6/8 not 4/8. :) There’s 8 possible outcomes and 6 of them are a win.
    Likewise, the chance to get a cake on levels 16-19 is 3/8.

    I’ll try to prove why I play 3-stamina battles not 7-stamina:

    First, the odds:
    0 cakes in 5 battles: (5/8)^5 = 9.54%
    1 cake in 5 battles: ((5/8)^4 + 3/8) * 5 = 5.72% * 5 = 28.6%
    2 cakes in 5 battles: ((5/8)^3 + (3/8)^2) * 10 = 34.3%
    3 cakes in 5 battles: ((5/8)^2 + (3/8)^3) * 10 = 20.6%
    4 cakes in 5 battles: (5/8 + (3/8)^4) * 5 = 1.24% * 5 = 6.2%
    5 cakes in 5 battles: (3/8)^5 = 0.74%

    0 cakes in 2 battles: (2/8)^2 = 6.25%
    1 cake in 2 battles: 2/8 * 6/8 * 2 = 18.75% * 2 = 37.5%
    2 cakes in 2 battles: (6/8)^2 = 56.25%

    Chance to get at least 1 cake:
    – 3-stamina battles: 90.46%
    – 7-stamina battles: 93.75%

    Chance to get at least 2 cakes:
    – 3-stamina battles: 61.84%
    – 7-stamina battles: 56.25%

    While 3-stamina battles have a slightly higher chance of failing, they also have a slightly higher chance of bigger profit. :)


    @smwforever45 (fixed) I have about 13 Birthday Cakes and 8 Presents at the moment, so I have a 90% chance of winning the event if I stay on schedule and just follow your guide (thanks BTW!), but I also have to manage things on other AB apps that are happening at the same time, like the Arena on 2, the Monster Pig event on Fight!, and the Heatwave event on Transformers, reducing my chances of “taking the cake” (BirdDay pun BTW) by 10% to manage these important things too. Sheesh- all this organizing and calculating is making me feel like an accountant :P

    Calculating the percentage of getting a [special] item from the wheel is tough- believe me. I must’ve mistake that getting the cake on level 20 would be a 4/8 chance because- let me break it down:
    OK, so the wheel of fortune has 8 parts, 2 of them have pieces of cake, and the other 6 have bonus points for the campaign- if you get 3 stars, then the chance of it landing on a cake is 3/8- one space for each star. Now- gosh, I just lost myself in thought! I never said explaining this would be a piece of cake :/ (You’re a lot better at this than I am for sure)

    Anyway, I just hope that the cake isn’t a lie (reference intended), because I’m working really hard to get this- and I don’t want all my Friendship Essence and Lucky Coins going down the drain


    Off-topic: Either call me smw or Yoshi, or tag me correctly XD While Super Mario World for “smw” isn’t exactly wrong it isn’t exactly right either XD

    No problem – I was curious to know about this anyway ;)

    Good luck on that! You seem quite a bit away still, but nothing that’s not doable… just make sure to check in regularly :) Spending a few FE’s can help you too but that’s optional.

    Give the Arena a lower priority for now. While the Arena goes on forever, it’s still not certain if Elite Pirate will ever be on sale again, plus obtaining it for a bit of grinding is better than spending 90 LC’s on it :)

    It’s not that hard! The reward wheel has 8 slots therefore 8 possible outcomes in total, and with 3 stars you can claim 3 slots therefore 3 possible wins after 3- or 5-stamina battles and 6 possible wins after 7-stamina battles:

    (Yellow and lime green are the cake slots; the red-framed slots are the rewards you’ll get if you get 3 stars in the level.)

    Odds are always defined as: winning outcomes divided by total outcomes. Thus, 3-stamina and 5-stamina battles give a 3/8th chance, and 7-stamina battles give a 6/8th chance. Easy as pie :) (pun intended :P)
    Then again, I did math at school for 12 years and was always among the best in class. XD


    @smwforever45 I’m in the home-stretch now- 4 more Presents (all the Cake is finished) to go until the Elite Pirate is in my wings, so I’ll be doing my usual “nab-a-Present” level, which (forgot the number) is set in Bamboo Forest and has many Chinese-themed Pigs, with a pretty easy difficulty, so I can just blow through those 3-energy levels to get a chance at Presents or just watch an ad if one pops up- I have 39 hours left in the event, so I should be OK :)

    P.S. Did you make those graphs yourself? Pretty good with all the correct helpful info (thx!) to get me going on my “quest” right in one comment (I’ll leave it up to you to do all the math from now on- your clearly better at it than me) :)


    4 more to go? Should be doable :D

    That must be #13, played this one myself to get more presents. Easier than #11.

    Yeah I made them myself, 5 minutes in Paint were enough :D


    Yoshi don’t worry- I got all the pieces that I needed yesterday, so I can rest assured that I now have my Elite Pirate class, an that is that (boy, you have to be an elite just to get an Elite class!- am I right?). Great. I wonder how getting the Elite Cleric and the Elite Tricksters will play out :/


    Higher mastery ranks (8 and above) can help to clear off the enemies :) But you don’t need to be elite. Veteran is enough to make it :P

    Anyway, congrats! I don’t think Elite Cleric will be too difficult; not sure if we are going to get Elite Tricksters as the old splash screen showed Marksmen not Tricksters.

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