Few questions

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Few questions

  • So my first question is in how much time do harvesting spots gets active again?
    And the second is basically an opinion question.which pig enemy you hate the most? Specify exact one if possible.
    For me it is Ice Shaman.. friggin’ blocking the healings XD

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  • Can’t answer the first question but I have quite a few pigs I despise. XD

    I hate snow pigs since they dispell everything.
    I hate the snow pigmies that also dispell your helpful effects.
    I hate that one shaman who is a tribal one. I don’t know his exact name but he’s got an ornate staff and headgear. He’s the one who does a lot of damage to one bird and completely blocks their ability to heal.
    I hated the banshee (the ghost with the blue wig) when I was lower leveled since he always called more ghosts.
    I hate all ghosts in general since they revive too fast and it can be endless if you didn’t play it right.
    I hate those ghosts that have that smoke shield that has a 50% chance of yours birds attacks missing. I always miss with that.
    The pig I hate the most us the Master Ninja. He is the WORST. He has a large chance of dispelling your helpful effects and does a LOT of damgage. And of course there’s that awful dodge ability he has. I don’t have issues with him anymore since I’m maxed but in my lower leveled days, he could take out my birds easily especially when paired with the shogun in the same round. He makes rage. Haaaaaate.


    Can’t answer first question.

    My least favorite enemies are:

    1. Demonic Wizpig
    Fought him more than 15 times and lost all of the battles. His attack is very powerful and he summons ghost allies to heal himself. Used 37 potions and 23 Veggie Cakes and still failed. Spent 30 Lucky Coins on reviving. I could only defeat him with Mighty Eagle.

    2. Banshee
    I hate this guy so much he summons a lot of ghost allies and since they’re ghosts they revive so you have to kill them at the same time.

    3. Monty
    He doesn’t attack but his summoning is annoying. One turn and he summons 2 rogues.
    He has high health and gives his allies a defense boost (25% attack boost)

    4. Ice Shaman
    Steals any received healing by the target onto the pig with the lowest health. So annoying. His healing heals for a lot, and it’s not a heal that waits 2 or 3 turns.

    5. Witch Doctor
    Reduces received healing on a bird by 100% and it lasts 3 turns.

    6. Shaman
    Reduces received healing by 50% on all birds. His heal cleanses.


    It seems like one harvesting spot becomes available for me every 24 hours and yields exactly 9 resources. It seems like it is random which one will become available.

    Demonic Wizpig and his ability to devour ghosts to regain thousands of health is my least favorite. I was lucky enough to beat him the first time I fought him because I was able to prevent him from healing himself, but I failed many times fighting him later on.


    Snow pigs are annoying asf. True that! I hate that snow wizard kind of guy too, he blocks our rage abilities for 3 turns.
    I also hate those tickling guards! They empty our precious rage chilli!

    : damn those are a LOT! Are you sure you like the game? XD


    Ninja/Samurai Pigs.
    All of them.

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