End Of Line! – New Event!

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  • The Dark Knight

    @seaspray Drift has a similar type of weapon like Novastar’s Thought it’s not going in Spiral way. It goes straight and obliterates everything in it’s path. Remember why i overpass you in Points yesterday? That’s because I change to Drift because Dead End couldn’t damage so much the stone blocks, and Rodimus & Ricochet are more sharp shouting and specific hits but they do not make so damage to take a big pile of blocks whatever the type is they only do deadly accurate hits in pigs etch Ricochet easily very easily takes down WMTs… And today i slept 8 hours and i didn’t wake up in the middle of my sleep to play lol and now i re-started to play that i made coffee… So yeah i am sitting in 16th place with 18225 points. Not serious playing indeed :(

    Drift’s weak spot is only that it can’t hit missiles and thus i used him his Shieldor but to tell you the truth i using Glassor to make as much as possible damage to gain more points.

    And here some photos from drift making some nice runs :D


    “He tasks me. He tasks me, and I shall have him. I’ll chase him round the Moons of Nibia and round the Antares Maelstrom and round Perdition’s flames before I give him up!”

    from: Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan

    The good news: Came in first today, and also hit the 200K mark, so maxed out 3,500 tokens for the day.

    The bad news: it took me five recharges (210 gems total) to do it.

    Rovio is seriously p!ssing me off because:

    1. I had two Unicron runs, neither of which I completed (only got 4/5 of the way through on both before Astrotrain showed up) because I had him in Cobalt Valley – too many cliffs blocking my shots, and too many Falling Monoliths to dodge.  If I had completed both of them, I would have made 200K without the last 80 gem recharge

    2. the very last run of the day (after I’d already hit 200K) was Unicron in the Meadow, easy peasy.

    The Dark Knight

    AAAAAH today i will be top Stone Blocks Day with my Drift & Glassor i am hitting average 1200-1600 each :D


    Day 2 i took 3rd w/19,322, 363 base/run, 19 runs, no recharge, 1 BP kill and 1 Unicron (1063 base)




    Without having some idea of number of runs made it’s hard to know for sure, but given that you both are using bronze crown TF that can destroy stone, it does seem that available points increases with rank.  I am in between the both of you in rank and score, even though I’m using Rodimus this seems to be my conclusion, though i can’t say for sure

    The Dark Knight

    @seaspray i finished with 32890 points.

    Now as we speak i am at 41340 points with 10 gems recharge. let’s just say 8 runs after i started 30 minutes ago.



    Daaaang dawg.  You’re smashing it.  That’s 2153 base/run.  I’m doing 841 and getting creamed by Soundwaves and Nauticas of lower promotion than mine.  Thinking about switching to nautica and forgoing the multiplier

    The Dark Knight

    @seaspray I will upload some images from some of my runs ;)


    My buddy DER is back on the leaderboard.  I described him in a Novastar post during Bumblebee event, the guy who switches from silver star Ratchet to silver star Heatwave on missile day and smashes several thousand points in 1 run.  Today he’s 2 star gold Drift, the only player on the board besides me using a squad member.  I know he’s a bot and won’t finish high, so I’m not gonna worry about him.  All other leaders using Nautica, SW or EG promoted lower than my Nautica.  I’m gonna switch.

    The Dark Knight

    @seaspray Here are some low and high runs

    Lowest Run Of 3rd Day – Stone Blocks – Pre Bonus 140%

    Average 1 Run Of 3rd Day – Stone Blocks

    Average 2 Run Of 3rd Day – Stone Blocks

    High 1st Run Of 3rd Day – Stone Blocks – Pre Bonus 140%

    High 2st Run Of 3rd Day – Stone Blocks NO Unicorn! Normal Run!

    High 2st Results Run Of 3rd Day – Stone Blocks – Pre Bonus 140% NO Unicorn! Normal Run!


    I wonder how those scores would translate to a Dead End with Glassor?

    Trying to “optimize” the number of runs needed to reach 200K while using minimum gems.

    The Dark Knight

    I don’t know about dead end maybe the overpowered version can deal better damage than the Dead End lvl 15. But Drift owns this Party even in lvl 15 without overpower!


    Dead End does a lot of damage, but very little splash damage, so he tends to leave a lot of “scraps” all over the place.

    I think I’ll work from an estimate of 1,250 / run, which means I’ll need more or less 20 runs to max out at 200K (I have +700%).

    That means I’ll start playing in the middle of the night, but that’s no problem – I’m getting old so I need to get up at least once per night anyway :p

    The Dark Knight

    It’s already 04:45 A.M. I should be at the bed but… it’s damn amazing night so i am awake to take some nice night sky photos ;)


    my soundwave is earning 1300-4000 per run before promotion block day. (13k after 5 runs)somehow an even promoted optimus appeared between my 2nd and 3rd run at 22k points. is 22k points possible in 5 minutes with 35% optimus on stone block day?


    won day 2 also. no recharges needed. sitting at over 3500 tokens after 2 days. might recharge a couple times tomorrow if that optimus is not like 50k points ahead of me and get a few more tokens from that


    if i keep this pace up not only is de a sure thing but can buy the 3 spark packages and/or de accessories also

    The Dark Knight

    @seaspray yes i am from Greece. But i live most of the time at Italy.



    No, it’s not.  In 5 minutes at level 80 with OP?  Gimme a break.  That’s a bot.  I call that type of bot the leader bot.  Trying to entice you to spend gems to catch him.  I will not be surprised if he never plays another run.  Remember the tortoise and the hare.  There is no way an even promoted OP can take you on this event.


    My first run yesterday. Watch the leader and second place


    Look at dima now. Clear first, needs to hit 50k, might get bp or unicron.  What would you do?


    Forgo the multiplier and switch to sw of course!  And notice the old leader, kdkekwkq… Never played another run after the second one


    kdkekwkq… is a bug in the algorithm.  The string of symbols is the identifier to let programmers know what to fix for the next update.  I’ve got another one I’m watching tonight.  So far, hasn’t made a 2nd run.  I call these dead bots.  I also think there’s chaser bots, to entice you to spend so they won’t catch you.  Hans above could have been one.  If he was a real player, he did 3 recharges in 45 minutes and got a unicron run on his 13th to slide into second.  Then didn’t play his last run of the day.


    But what can Soundblaster do against Unicron?  I don’t know, never tried it.  All I know is his base score for that run was 150% his average.  He couldn’t have done it on BP.


    Went ahead and bought 10 steel crates since not upgrading bots and needed more sr for my storage and got enough sparks to take my soundwave to silver and got the super rariums i needed. Now I need the 120k coins i used but not a bad opening


    So now have a 40% soundwave

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum End Of Line! – New Event!

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