Clan Recruitment Thread

Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum Clan Recruitment Thread

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  • Bird Flinger

    Full Metal Pork is a great clan. Most of us are all over 350 fp.


    <p style=”text-align: left;”>SLAYER CLAN #7974 Emerald League. Clan FP over 13500. Rank and members will fluctuate. Currently 37, had 41. 2 left for no reason, have great winning streak, 2 kicked, 1 more will probably follow in a few days.</p>
    Send Request

    In short, basic requirements, be reliable on all clan events, make points, play as many free plays in clan battle, communicate some at least, especially if one day you’re away and can’t play that week. Play your levels some each day, daily challenges. Arena, complete a streak at least one a week. We all know how much the arena is a huge pain with trying to get a streak with unfair match ups, lol. We don’t want cheaters either. If rovio finds out you’re cheating, they win find you. Don’t annoy Rovio too much either, or make them angry, or they will ban you for a short time.

    Growing clan, great crew. 200 FP  & over preferred. My wife is a co-leader, I have 3 more co’s as well. Also have another 2 other members that are married, 1 couple not married yet.


    Unreliable member just got the boot, one more may follow, both were reliable, so I guess they got bored??? Thought we had all reliable members, things change I guess. We just received new member last week as well.


    Me and my girlfriend are looking for clan. What we care the most is that members are active in clan battles. We are 343 and 382 FP without event hats. We are active, playing everyday (with some rare exceptions).

    Bird Flinger

    Full Metal Pork has openings.  We would accept you both. All of us are very active in all aspects of the game . We are new but won our first CVC really well! You won’t be disappointed.


    Is there any minimum amount of points each player should score in every event?

    Bird Flinger

    In the challenges it’s 3 points for every 200. 6 for 400 points and 9 for 600 points.


    Slayer 7974 requires 1 point minimum. Of course we hope for more  but not everyone can afford gems.



    Clan battles are more and more frequently dominated by cheater clans, unfortunate for those of us who don’t cheat. The clans you find on this forum usually do not have cheaters, therefore winning an honest clan battle is increasingly rare. But there are still plenty of rewards in the other challenges.

    Bird Flinger

    I can assure you we Full Metal Pork is an honest clan. No cheaters, hackers or cloned accounts will be welcomed. It’s all your choice now. Currently we have 17 members and growing.


    Mike Skultety

    Play them all is the name of the clan that will play all of the battles? Join us!



    SOUR KUSH  #8624

    This is my clan and I am looking for several

    daily active players. I prefer FP 250+ but as

    long as you are working towards that goal

    and participate in all Clan battles and events

    I will welcome you.




    join red devils?



    Just to inform: we decided to join Slayer. So far so good. ;)


    Smallville clan of 11 active players seeking more active players

    Bird Flinger


    Would you be interested in merging with my clan. We are currently at 26 players with 11400 clan power?

    Bird Flinger aka Teresa Grinstead


    I will check with our leader

    Birdy Thrower

    I have closed my uk clan wasteman united and joined with an international clan called “Plan B” we now have 27 active players and the only rules are to play and have fun. Rewards for all have improved, best move ever to join clans, and we have places for any others who would like to join us. Search for Plan B.

    Birdy Thrower


    We would be a full clan if we were to join? I’m no longer the leader but sure the team would be up for it.

    Bird Flinger

    Birdy Thrower

    Will your leader send me a private message through messenger?

    Teresa Grinstead

    Bird Flinger


    I’m not sure if you received my response. Please have your leader send me a private message through the messenger app.

    Teresa Grinstead


    Our clan is looking to recruit. We recently had a massive house cleaning and now we are down to 27 members and need several more active players. Up until recently we were a high scoring clan who maxed out every challenge. We would like to get back to that.

    If you are interested in joining we are known as: The Beasts #3612.

    We prefer players who have a flock power of 300+, but if you are currently below that and are an active member who participates in the challenges we can overlook the lower flock power.


    #100658 The BirdBrains
    FP 749 – 114
    CP 16414 Amethyst
    46 members
    No restrictive rules
    Daily players
    Sign up for every clan battle
    Winning team
    Friendly clan chat communications

    We have just removed 4 inactive members from our clan. The clan is closed now because of clan jumpers. New members are welcome! Flockpower 300+ would be desirable. Please send a request and join us if you would like to be part of our great team.

    Tom Stargel

    Breaking Beaks #113169 is looking for active memebers.  All are welcome.  We have 12 solid players right now and we are still completing 600 point challenges, there are 50 player groups not doing that. Want to get in on the goodies? Come check us out. Note the clan #


    Breaking beaks,


    I have a clan of 15+ active members ( 34 in clan but kicking inactives)

    Would your 12 be interested in joining my clan so we have

    One awesome clan?

    I put our status as open now in case you or anyone want in.

    SOUR KUSH #8624


    Twinturbo Svt Smoke

    Great Clan we just have ppl that dont BATTLE..i don’t get it idoits…13000 pwr…clan # 5048…we put our work in and keep gettin better….so we need GOOD…check us out if anyones out there

Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum Clan Recruitment Thread

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