Clan Recruitment Thread

Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum Clan Recruitment Thread

  • Recruit more members for your clan!

    This is the place to recruit members from the nest. 2 Members are better than 1, so why not recruit some here?

    Players looking for clans may also post here.

    Thanks to @birdleader for sticking this topic.

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  • MaxStar

    Okay, I’am also for having a single clan recruiting thread. Here is our info:

    Clan: Active Birds ( US)  Search Number: 10160

    Members: 50/50

    Challenges completed – 100%

    Rating Azure – aiming to become Diamond

    Flock power – 15600

    We are currently recruiting 1-2 active players willing to contribute minimum 3 points per challenge. If you join today you will collect the rewards from  2 challenges. The best way to join the clan if you email me directly at wiifriends gmail com. Since we are at maximum capacity email me only when you are ready to join.

    Thanks and have a great day!


    Mechanic pig you worry too much for this forum than the actual non responsive and 99% of time ”not caring” moderators…congrats for your effort they should give you  3 pig inflators or 50 gems then you could say wow rovio gave me 3 pig inflators.

    Mechanic Pig

    @serkann Bird Leader actually wanted someone to make a single clan recruitment topic, so that’s just what I did.


    yes he said they’ve not enough staff member to care of the forums so don’t expect them to be ready to help in time they invented 18 different games with zero support or symbolic support once after months.

    Mechanic Pig

    @serkann The ABN creators are not Rovio.


    @birdleader when you sticky this thread, can you please lock the 10-13 other clan recruitment threads (on page 1) and redirect them to this one…. or alternatively merge them all into this thread, as long as older threads don’t mess with the original post.



    Are you feeling unappreciated in your current clan? Are you always taking first place in Clan VS Clan events but still losing because the rest of the clan can’t pull their own weight?

    Is your flock power 550 or higher and you want to collect rewards so you can level up?

    We’re Old Gregg is looking for a couple more heavy hitters. Everybody does their share and we help each other out we just need a couple more players who can dominate in Clan VS Clan. Our record is 15 and 3 but 3 losses is 3 too many and we don’t like to lose.

    We’re Old Gregg
    Clan #68881
    Clan power 18,286
    VS record 15:3
    46 active members
    100% event rewards

    Come and check us out, you wont be disappointed. If you don’t quite meet the requirement but think you’ve got what it takes hit me up and we’ll talk…


    Serkan, Mechanic just tried to create ONE topic for clan recruitment instead of dozens others spamming the forum. The idea in itself is good. It came from our clan

    Mechanic Pig

    Don’t forget Bird Leader too @shiggy


    yeah good job Shiggy,Mechanic the problem is that the forum moderators are so slow and non responsive most of the time so they barely care about the people ideas to make the forum better…they should’ve created a single thread for all clan discussion in the first place not you or me…they get their cash why should they care for the forum just accept it as it is there’s a weak moderation here if they don’t care i don’t if it’s flooded or not.


    ok understood serkan lol the world is bad rovio just steals our money nobody has good ideas except you lol you don’t care about this game but post your endless monologues repeating yourself every time (lol)


    lol whatever shiggy it looks funny when someone creates a topic and says hey all players from now on plz post all your clan related threads here hehe moderators don’t care about it users don’t care about it..only mechanic pig and you worry about the forum management,keep up the good work friends this forum needs your genius ideas.

    Mechanic Pig

    Just making sure topic doesn’t fall below page 1.


    I think we could use some help to complete the Mt. Pork challenge. Too many slackers just sitting on 1 point. If you are a serious player please reply here or email me at wiifriends  @ gmail . com  Clan ID is 10160.


    Dear all! We are already a strong active clan reaching top prizes for all previous events. Looking for more active members preferably 200+ flock power that can consistently contribute to the team (0/1 pt is not allowed, 3 pt is currently bare minimum, 6 is safest, 6+ is best). 200- flock power is also welcome as long you contribute (see below for details, images for current and past few games).

    Clan name: USA Wins
    Clan number: #4994
    Top prizes: 100% event winning rate with top prizes for all previous events
    Current members: 41/50 members (40 is lowest)
    Current total flock power: 12041
    Clan type: usually “open” if no events, “closed” if near the end of events. We are very responsive to new applicants.
    Clan location: United States of America
    Language preference: English

    Below are images of current event and previous ones:

    Feel free to join!




    We finished the Mount Pork challenge yesterday and I just kicked out some slackers. If you are serious about playing AB2, now is the perfect time to join Active Birds, Clan 10160. We prefer players who are active and are willing to add at least 6+ points per challenge.


    I am very active and would love to join and help you guys out!         IGN-Aidan                                    Player #-526707462939


    Im not a slacker! Replace me with one! IGN-Aidan Player #-526707462939


    I will help out the clan and score points! Replace me with a slacker please!! IGN-Aidan Player ID-526707462939


    @maxstar i am very active and play everyday! Replace me with one of your slackers with 1 points please! IGN-Aidan Player #-526707462939


    Yeah… it’s ok. These messages came out before I joined you guys, not after. I wouldn’t ditch my clan :) @birdyangerson

    Old Boy Smash

    I joined Active Birds a week ago and would highly recommend any active players to take up these places b4 they go. I must say what a well organised and extremely fair clan they are with good leader and co leaders so don’t miss out. It looks to me like there aren’t many slackers left to kick now.

    Good luck and hope to see u there


    Sorry @birdyangerson I was trying to delete my posts my didn’t know how to do I just left them. Didn’t know it would cause this problem…


    Join Clan ‘We’re old Gregg’ or just search up Gregg and you will find us!!  35/50 players with clan power of 11500!! Help us reach diamond clan rank!! We earn max rewards every event and would love your help! Thanks!


    Mechanic Pig

    Hello everyone. I just got a 2nd account (not the same) for my phone and I’m planning to make my own clan. The only problem though is fact that I don’t have a name for my clan. Does anyone have some good names?

Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum Clan Recruitment Thread

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