Challenge Daily Token Limit

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum Challenge Daily Token Limit

  • I have noticed that people have had different jumps to the next token amount. But I am wondering if anybody has maxed out the daily token limit recently. Since the last event I am yet to max out the daily tokens. I’m starting to think the daily tokens (if your willing to spend the gems) is unlimited. It would also be the only way you could get enough tokens to “overpower” all available characters.

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  • ph

    Just looked and my next reward is for 180,000 points. I am currently at 18,100. Think something is off


    @phillips That has been my thinking along. I am pretty sure that your theory is correct. Or, you know, they could just tell us! Novel idea! From Rovio; You will Play the game 24/7, spend gems, spend gems, spend gems!!! Give us your money, we have balanced your game!


    I haven’t maxed out the daily tokens as the targets are impossible to reach unless you spend a lot of gems.

    Yesterday I got to 32k and the next target wa 240k for 750 tokens. This was not going to happen and never saw anyone on my leader board get over 60k so far


    It’s just another way Rovio has balanced the game and make it more enjoyable to play well that is what they think as they are all take take take and no give.
    The jumps is so fast that i can’t see anybody ever trying to go for them at the end of the day it is really pathetic of them.

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum Challenge Daily Token Limit

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