Can't connect to Facebook, so I can't run nodes now

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum Can't connect to Facebook, so I can't run nodes now

  • Anyone know how to get reconnected to Facebook?

    Neither the Facebook button in the “Select a Teammate” screen or on the bottom left of the map are working.

    And since I can only select a buddy when I’m connected to Facebook (due to the bug in v1.8.9.0) then I can’t run nodes any more either.

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  • RizDub

    I’ve had a similar problem for almost 6 months now, which started back when I switched to a non-personal Facebook account for the game. Ever since then I haven’t been able to log in to Facebook. With the last update the only thing that’s changed for me is that tapping the FB button will open the FB app as though it’s logging in, but it still doesn’t actually log me in to the game.

    I can still select a buddy without logging in to Facebook, though. It’s a shame that that doesn’t work for some people.

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum Can't connect to Facebook, so I can't run nodes now

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