Best slingshot

Home Forums Angry Birds Friends Forum Best slingshot

  • For you, what is the best slingshot in angry birds friends,except the golden slingshot? I think is the jingle sling.

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  • bcandwh

    Me too,but I think the diamond one is also good.


    Jingle sling is my standard but the bouncy sling is awesome in certain situations.


    “Jingle” should be the ‘default’ sling for serious players, but that varies week by week…sometimes it’s a ‘curse’, blowing up valuable real estate that will yield a higher score if (detonated, etc) later in the level…


    For power to pretty much go through anything, the Bone sling. Came out at Halloween. Have been told that the Gold sling is the same thing, yeah, I’ve seen both in action. Nope, not the same. IMO. And face it, anything that lets bats fly is cool. 😁


    How much does the jingle sling cost? I don’t like spending money on these games, but as @copyu said above, it’s often the default for serious players. I need to get one, but don’t know how many bird coins it takes.


    @dingbat- I’m not on my game right now so can’t answer, but, you can go into your game and find it.

    Go into your shopping cart, or shop, whichever your device shows, click on Slingshots, and then scroll through the different ones available to you.

    Jingle Sling is available to all. As is, Wood Chipper sling, Stone sling, Gold Sling and of course the original sling. Oh, and the Glass sling. When getting to the two top League levels, the Bouncy Sling and Diamond Sling will become available automatically as it is earned. Those two, you do not purchase, they are gifted.

    Sorry I couldn’t answer exactly, but that will get you the info, as well as what each sling does.

    Yes, the Jingle Sling is a good all-around sling, but in certain situations another is better. Like any other tool. ;)


    @hammockgal Ah, thanks. I found it. Doh!


    @Dingbat, so how much DID I pay for that jingle sling? It was a long time ago and I was impressed enough to buy one for use on my other device. It seemed a little expensive, but worth more to me than a bunch of power-ups…


    The jingle sling costs 1950 birdcoins.


    If you can wait, get one on sale. I paid 975 for my jingle sling.


    Jingle sling is the most useful one. Don’t wast your bird coins or money on any other ones.

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