Beachcomber – new event

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  • Joel

    I am in the middle of a week long camping trip, so I can’t play. I will follow @elpapam and wait for the cheaper bundle when I get home Wednesday


    So close!


    Beachcomber pushes energon megaton in the barracks:



    Tried it out.  Fascinating, thanks!  It would never have occurred to me.

    Neither of them were particularly amazing (no gems, for example) but managed to get three overpowers (all to L16) albeit on TFs that I wouldn’t normally use.

    I wonder what parameter the game uses to determine which is the most recent save – rank?  pigs killed?

    Drover’s Dog

    @elpapam I notice that we are in the same grouping for today, right now you are 2nd and I am 4th, but I am off to bed now so you will probably be way ahead when I get up in morning, always great to see another ABN member in the game


    I always wondered at what day of an event the cost of a bundle (like the beachcomber bundle in this event) will be lowered.
    Up till now I never have waited for this and bought the bundle straight away for 500 gems, which seemed a good price. However after the recent increase of the price to 750 gems, this waiting becomes a more interesting alternative.
    My question is, if this decrease of the costs is on day 6, like many people say (e.g. @elpapam in this thread)?
    Or is it on day 7 (token exchange day), which is the last day of the offer?


    @optimuspig Anything that can indicate a “newer” save. Like increased rank and any form of increasing currency (any of them), or even recent purchase at that time.


    The Dark Knight

    @droversdog I am going by the name Darkoulis. You have the same nickname that you are using here?

    the change of the cheaper bundle is always at the end of the 5th day to the start of the 6th day. In some other countries this starts at the end of the 4th day and at the start at the 5th day.


    @elpapam Thank you for this clear answer!


    @elpapam @moifirst

    Interesting about the cheaper bundle.

    Is it cheaper because it gives you less stuff than if you buy it at the higher price, or is it the same stuff but at a lower price?


    @elpapam @droversdog is using same name in the game as here.

    @moifirst  There are actually two character bundle offers (at two different prices) that are being offered. There are three tabs in the gem store: one is for gems; one for the featured sale; and one is for all available special offers. Only one offer can appear at a time in the featured sale tab, that’s why it appears as if there is a price reduction on the character bundles.


    @jimmy-necessary Thanks for this explanation. It doesn’t change much on the result, except that this would imply that the cheaper bundle would have less sparks, coins, crates  and/or accessories.

    The Dark Knight

    @optimuspig & @moifirst, the cheaper bundle contains the character an accessory 25000-35000 sparks and some times around 10000 coins or so… But there were times that the cheaper bundle except from the character it was also include 2 accessories but even less sparks.

    Drover’s Dog

    @elpapam my mistake I thought you were DarkKnight who is in my cohort

    The Dark Knight

    @droversdog it’s ok no worries :)


    @elpapam So this would mean that I’ve already got the lowest offer for 750 gems, viz.
    4,500 sparks
    10,000 coins
    1 Gold crate
    Nevertheless I’m curious to know if I get a better aka cheaper offer on day 6.

    The Dark Knight

    @optimuspig & @moifirst, Here is the second and cheapest bundle compare the 5000 gems and the 2000 gems.

    Drover’s Dog

    @elpapam I was just about to post the same pics as your bundles match mine.

    I currently have 9237 tokens (includes 800 tokens gained today in black block challenge) and am tossing up on 3 options:
    1} Get to 10,000 tokens and get TF and hope to get a few more tokens to get an accessory or sparks etc,
    2) Use tokens first to open 10 Gold Crates in hope of winning the TF and if not buy it for the 2000 gems
    3) Buy TF with gems and then open Gold Crates in hope of getting some worthwhile goodies

    The Dark Knight

    @droversdog i have about 9224 tokens as we speak. But I will buy the tf with gems and the rest tokens i will open a 10 gold crate and if they are spare the rolkcage or the 1500 sparks canister.


    @elpapam This is the first time I actually see a picture of the two offers, although it has been mentioned several times on this forum. Thanks for this.
    I only have one bundle offer and one gems offer (at least on this tab). See below:
    You can imagine that I prefer this, because your shown bundles are too expensive for me.
    Still waiting for tomorrow to see if there will be a new sort of offer.

    The Dark Knight

    @moifirst I really wish i could have this bundle of yours. I Asume that you ain’t have a cheaper version of this bundle but i really don’t know. I believe you should better buy this one if you can afford it.


    @elpapam I’m gonna buy this bundle for sure. But first I’ll wait for day 6 of the event to see what will happen (preferably a lowering of the price). The present offer is valid until the end of day 7 (token exchange day), so that shouldn’t be a great risk.

    The Dark Knight

    @moifirst Honestly i wish you to have an even cheaper bundle. My self i haven’t decide to picked up the chepaer bundle. And now i have around 9724 tokensin the worst case scenario will end up with 9924 tokens today (doubt) because i will play a bit more so i am also thinking unlocking him entierly with tokens and not gems this time…


    If I were you (but of course I’m not), I would go for unlocking Beachcomber entirely with tokens.
    You will get the now missing tokens by either of the next ways: playing on and reach a higher treshold/milestone, collecting the prize for your rank at the end of the day and even the daily quests give you some tokens.
    Moreover, there is still day 6 to come. So you also can get tokens for accessories and/or sparks.

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum Beachcomber – new event

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