Angry Birds Epic Bugs

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  • GNC_Hunter

    I have found the issue and the solution for this.

    The issue is the app “Android System WebView”.
    It is installed under Android 5.x.
    Deinstall it’s updates and you can Play again.

    Tested this on my xperia z2 and Nexus 7.

    Have fun in the game again. :)

    Best Regards


    This fix also worked for me. I’m on a Nexus 9.

    Vasil Panushev

    Works also on Galaxy S5.Still this needs a fix. I can not keep the webview app unupdated forever.

    Thanks a lot for the finding.


    Just Uninstalled the updates for Android System WebView and worked for me too thanks.


    I also uninstalled the WebView app because it was interfering with several of my other apps. After doing that, I realized that the bugs in Epic I’ve had all month were gone, too. I guess WebView had another update just after the 1.2.6 Epuc update that caused my earlier glitches. I wish I had realized that earlier!

    Ghost Rider

    Trying to farm coins in auto play and the game shuts down going to the next multiple screen at the desert castle. Tried it part way through at the different screens with the same results.Uninstalled the web view app and the game is working again.


    Playing on iOS; in the arena was facing Spies with “the sling” and plushies. During the AI 1st turn, the Spies attacked, then immediately attacked again. No, the time-turner was not in play, nor was Chuck with the chronos set. Of course, it is hard to win when the AI gets 4 bird attacks to my 3 birds.


    I was in a castle and was offered a free cherry juice for watching a video, the video black screened and I now have to wait 12 hours or whatever to get piggy mccool, not cool.



    I tried watching a video mid-battle once and exactly once. Locked me up toward the end of a 10-wave battle and I had to start over (and lose the helper pig, as you noticed).

    Basically, I’ll never watch a video mid-battle again, not ever. These video ads are a pox upon this highly enjoyable game, yet no matter how many folks express interest in paying for an ad-free version, it just isn’t happening.



    I’m not sure if this is a glitch, but what happened today was that I used the Rage Chili on Chuck in PvP. He used it, but then died from Retaliate, and then immediately the rage attack ABORTED. Matilda was still alive, but she NEVER even ATTACKED. Basically I only got 1 attack from Chuck’s rage instead of the 3 I should have gotten (Matilda could just go and attack twice more!).


    @freckledpig147 I’m pretty sure it has always been that way.


    Minor bug: when Fiery uses his goo bomb, the visual effects for Pigiana Jones’ counter disappear.


    Yesterday I had what I think is a bug in the arena (although I wish this kind of bug would come up more often) :
    At some point I was to battle against just a level 1 knight.
    It had 126xp and the banner not a lot.
    So of course it was fun and easy (no need to mention one-shot…) but wondering if it already happened to some of you?


    My opinion only: it’s not a bug, it’s a loophole of sorts. My daughter plays on her Kindle Freetime, she advances normally but Freetime will not allow social media so there are no FB updates. The game connects the first time before Kindle notices and shuts it down, the player is then entered into the pool of players but it never updates the stats.

    Again just my opinion based on how she shows up on my game as opposed to her own.


    @musicoftheapes The lone level 1 Knight has been showing up since the start of the arena. I, and I presume most of us, have faced this character many times.

    Maybe it is just a bonus Rovio has thrown in to offer some relief.

    I also believe there are a couple of similar opponents – I have seen this team with a couple of different team names, in addition to the “unnamed player”.

    Angry Johnny

    @musicoftheapes Do you mean this guy?


    He shows up from time to time for an easy victory ;-)
    I faced him last week but I and other people have encountered him at a number if occasions since the Arena was first introduced.


    I met that formidable opponent in season one!



    @amslimfordy @birdleader @mvnla2 @admins @all can anyone tell me why the epic tips thread won’t work for me. Says the page can’t be found.

    Angry Birds Epic Tips (Master Topic)

    This is the link I get when I click on it.


    @tigerussell — Not sure what the problem is, but did you try clearing your browser cache? Next step would be to close the browser and restart your device. You didn’t mention what and where you are clicking on to get the error message. The Epic Tips thread was made a master thread yesterday, so if you haven’t refreshed the Epic Forum and/or cleared you cache, that could be the source of the problem. BTW, the link you posted above works for me.

    Angry Johnny

    @tigerussell It is because that topic is right now in approvement limbo. The first post is so big and has so many links so with every edit to it the topic has to be approved by an moderator before it can be viewed.


    @mvnla2 — Doesn’t work on my phone or PC. Not at home yet to try there.


    Hey all,

    Not sure this is the right place to post, but is there still such a thing as cheating during events? The reason I ask is that last night before I went to bed I saw someone on my event leaderboard shoot up to 30,000 points (the nearest competitor ws something like 4000).

    Now, with all the stamina potions out there, it is not impossible for this person to have faced the big pig 40 times for 280 stamina (I have well over 500 stamina potions hoarded). This person would also have had to use friendship essence to re-roll and be sure to get the 750 every time. Not sure why someone would establish such a crazy, unnecessary lead, but it _is_ possible.

    OK, weird thing now — I am showing at the top of my leaderboard on the event screen, but when I click the podium (1-2-3) button, the person with 30,000+ medals is still number 1. Huh? Does that mean Rovio thinks this other person cheated and the list will clear them soon?

    Overall, I just wasn’t sure about the state of Event cheating at this point. I’m mainly just in the Event for more stamina potions in case mastery every gets expanded (all my classes are already at level 10), but still wanted to be aware of how things are going…


    EDIT: Now the top person is back at the top of the list on both the main Event screen and the leaderboard listing with 30,875 medals. I’m second with 6,125, having only missed stamina overnight and also spending a few potions here and there to fight some 5-stamina and 7-stamina battles. I also burned some friendship essence to get better rolls.


    @sutekh137 if you go to the event thread, you’ll see that he’s on many of our boards. He actually made that jump in less than 4 hours, which may be impossible.


    @sutekh137 @neomerlinmagic — He made the jump in less than an hour by my reckoning. I’ve got a list running in the cheaters thread. 17 boards and counting.

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