The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 3009
  • Try her with the haggis.
  • So is it a new house you are moving into then?
  • Do you remember those two Ronnie's sketches where Ronnie Barker would give an answer to the next q? That's what this conversation is like. Yes, it's a new house.
  • Hope the electrics are ok. Otherwise you might need four candles.
    (Non UK readers need not laugh).
  • Two very smiley nurses appeared at our door today saying "Hi, we're the covid team! " They were so cheery I thought they might break out into a song and dance routine. Unfortunately they didn't. Fortunately they had the wrong house. But it's getting closer...
  • "Who's on First?"
    "No"," Who's on second" What's on First!
    "Well Who's on Third? "
    " No , I just told you, Who's on second"
    " Where is Third"
    " Right Field"
    " What"?
    @BrianN How's that Crown holding up? Make sure you keep it polished!
  • I screwed up that whole thing :/
  • I recognise it.
  • It's a lot older than you!
  • Thanks @DesperateDan :D at least you know what I meant haha, that's true friendship :D
    I was to lazy to Google it, plus last time I googled something , I had nightmares of Mountain Goat entrails!! Gross yech, b!lech !!There now I've gone and done it, I'll be here all night :
  • Is it? Old? I always contributed it to Laurel and Hardy?? Guess that's pretty old, not that I ever saw the show, just old reruns! Never heard of Ronnie Barker? Did he do it too?
    Anyway yeah ,I think @BrianN moved into a new house, connected to another house? We call that a duplex here, usually a condominium
  • By the way, did we ever answer the question was to why You were wondering why Simon was a suggestion for @Sweetp new puppy?
    So many unanswered questions lol!
    Just like the old days @catsnbirds , pages moving so fast I can't keep up! Well not quite as fast , but..
  • Abbot and Costello. Twiggy having another bad night. Ronnie Barker famous British comedian who partnered with Ronnie Corbett as the Two Ronnie's mainly back in 1970s and 1980s. He wrote some of their most well-known material, usually word play stuff like the baseball sketch but submitted it secretly so that nobody knew it was him. Not even Corbett. He even criticized his own work to put people off the scent. Quite amazing.
    The four candles I referred is the most famous sketch of the lot.
    A man asks a shopkeeper for four candles, who gives them to him. The man doesn't want them and keeps saying no, he wants four candles. After several attempts to get them he says in exasperation, no, fork handles, handles for forks.
    The misunderstanding then continues with various other items.
    Four candles featured prominently at his funeral many years later.
    There, you don't have to risk googling that now and I won't mention the innards of moutain goats or any other animals.
  • I live in a condominium apparently, which is not, as I previously thought, a (very) small item of birth control equipment.
    As for Simon the dog, I lost track of that a long time ago. @sweetp needs to put us all out of our misery.
  • Hi @kathy r u a red sox fan? Me I like lime green or dayglo orange.
  • Challenge hotting up today. BP holding top 2 places but @asher lurking. Can we hold on?
  • I don't think I can hold on, this level is mind numbingly DULL!
  • Not dull enough to stop @asher going past us. At least he is puppy-less.
  • His mum must be letting him stay up late tonight.
  • Hey @kathy, we got overtaken but he can't catch your old mate @bonneypattycat. I think I can say that, you did call her an old dog once.
  • Once he gets those BlueStacks crosshairs lined up there's a certain inevitability about it all. How are you getting on with BS Dan? Figured out the coordinates yet or still waiting for the big bang?
  • Anyways, backtracking a few posts, I thought a condominium was a baby bird of prey? And also I think @sweetpea is a man and his dog is called Butch.
  • Have you got any o's?
  • Just continuing the Ronnie Barker thread there. I'm off to bed before I do any more damage. Nite all.
  • I'm not going over to the dark side.
  • Still waiting for my big bang.
  • Hi all! Yes @BrianN am here!

    @catsnbirds are you lurking?

    The most talented cat in the world:

    Felix the Huddersfield station cat:
  • Hey @tompuss.That Aussie cat reminds me of the one in the film Meet the Parents. Think it was called Jinksy. Bob De Niro trained it to flush the toilet. Who new cats could be trained in real life. Obviously only to do things it likes.
  • @desperatedan, being a cricket fan you'll know England did pretty well out in Sri Lanka. But did you come across Jonathan Agnew's insane piece of radio commentary? He spent 2 minutes wittering on about how a batman's dismissal was an almost exact replica of the previous one until someone told him it was an action replay. Well worth a listen if u haven't heard it. (Our American friends may now wake up.)
  • Hey Guys and Gals :D
    Happy Saturday!
    @DesperateDan yeah I had the wrong comedy team,, Abbot and Costello rings a bell! No I'm not a red Sox fan, I only wear white lol! I've heard the Four candles bit before, but I don't remember it well, so I will have to Google!
    Here Condominiums come in all forms, duplexes, high rise buildings,, apartment units,, all depends on whether you Rent or Own! Never heard them used as Birth control though lol!
    @BrianN how s the new place?
  • I'll actually give the challenge a fling, see if I can help out Team BP!!
  • Hey @kathy New house is fine, everything seems to be in the right place, except my brain. Did you know the Red Sox were once named the Boston Red Stockings? Kinky.

    Today's challenge is almost as boring as yesterday's. Will have a final go before bed, might send me to sleep.
  • Lol @BrianN and agree today's challenge is definitely boring!!
    I'm headed back to Rio..
  • Mmm, let me see now, Rio or winter in Mass? Can't decide.
  • Just got a 0 birder in Mighty Hoax. Think it might be my first. Found that preferable to the rather tedious challenge today although I accept it takes all sorts. Posted a low score in (semi) protest. That's my story.
  • Had a final fling, managed to shuffle above Ziegfried. You must tell me more about this 0 bird level. But that's for another day. Nite all.
  • Nighty Night @BrianN
    @DesperateDan Do tell more about the 0 birder?? And Why post a low score, what's to protest?
    On my phone right now, when i get on my tablet I'll check the 'self destruction, instability'forum .
    Please say what level , so i can see if it's been previously reported. Post your score and leave a note in the walkthrough please. Here I n the Nest , we are dedicated to encourage other Birdies to fly ;)
  • Perhaps I don't live in a condominium then? A duplex?
    You say tomato, I say tomato.
    Er...that didn't really work did it?
    @tompuss, loved the cats. I expect Felix the Huddersfield cat can do all the things that smart alec Aussie cat can do, but just can't be arsed.
  • @kathy, it's a well known one on 4-9 that Rovio fixed back in 2012. I had to load up version 2.1.0 to get access to it. Even my 0 birder is ranked 111th on that level. I left some comments on the walkthrough.
  • I thought a duplex was one house on top of another. Maybe @kathy can clear that one up. Another one birder for the daily c. Whoever sets them up must use a memory mouse.
  • Was wondering what my old nemesis mean guy was up to. He's back, put up the top score last night, almost a puppy. 2:55 am. He's got it down to a fine art.
  • So @kathy,in the UK a duplex is one house on top of another connected by an internal staircase. In the US it can also be side by side. That's how my house is set up. You can sleep well to nite.
  • Like I said, you say tomato, I say tomato.
    I'm still working on that one.
    Can't find the Agnew clip @briann, but it sounds like a classic. I enjoyed the Indians stuffing the Aussies almost as much as England's win.
  • Ooh, I've gone up a place in the ABO rankings without lifting a flinging finger. @yor _el has dropped out the top 3 for some reason.
  • Think it was on one of those Google pop ups. Worrying thing is India play us next. Gulp.
  • @DeaperateDan tomateo and tomato
  • @TomPuss Love the Aussie cat! Sure has lots of fun playing outside with his mates. When I gave my cat kids the option of learning some tricks, they looked at me in puzzlement and asked when I had lost my mind. At least, that’s what I heard ;-)
  • Tomato/tomatoe reminds me of dear old Dan Quayle, bless him.
  • It's very cold outside and I have to go to the shop...
  • So it would be good to wear a nice warm fez!
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