The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2910
  • Enough for now..:D
  • @hunnybunny Great photos, so nostalgic for me! Happiest childhood years spent in Derbyshire, have been to Chatsworth, Haddon Hall and Hardwicke Hall many times!

    @ixan57, @kathy, @all

    Tell OB the cavalry is on its way with supplies right now!! Best video yet of these beautiful horses:

  • @tompuss great video. Beautiful horses? What to think about what they are pulling? Beer!

    Here another horses-beer video:
  • Hi guys,,I see the Princess turned another page lol!
    Can't wait to see the horses bringing the beer, Thank you @Tompuss for stocking the bar!
    I'm happy it's all on Video, I'll be sure to watch later, can't do it now, Dave is napping We are sequestered in this freakin' room!! not for much longer if i here my way ;)
    OB I'll take one of those Ice cold beers! always tastes best straight of the cart;)
  • @Gumby Waaassssuupppp??? come check out the Horses beer wagon!!
    i haven't seen the video yet, but I'll watch it tomorrow at work ;)
  • @bernersenn Beautiful, Theo!
    So love those horses, pity they're too big to cuddle!
  • Hello guys

    Horses can be cuddled as well:

    Have a nice day
  • @bernersenn Aaaaaawwwwww cute ❤
  • eewwppss! @Gumby Wwwaaassssuuuppp?¿
    better late than never heehee :)
  • @surfcow Great to see you! You and your entertaining comments have been missed. Mahalo for all of the smiles you have given us.
  • @catsnbirds Mucho mahalo to you. Hard to believe it’s been seven years since we joined the Nest. I’ll see what I can do about providing more commentary now that I’m almost done with getting educated.
  • @surfcow Almost done gettin educated? You mean there's an end to the process?!?

    7+ years of fun and friendship. But I sure do miss updates to the original games, especially the advent calendars.
  • @Surfcow Wow! Welcome back, hope your gonna stay a while?
    Congratulations on getting the education Almost Done! lol as @catsnbirds inferred ,I don't think eduction Ever gets done! learn something new Every day!
  • What a nice surprise to see these guys again.

    Hello @surfcow Of course you did well on that machine. In the meanwhile these birds are in our blood. Like viruses.

    @amslimfordy same, nice to see you again.
    Sorry to hear about your disappointment. If you have anymore of these tips, please don’t hesitate to sent them to me.
    By the way, now you’re here. We (the Nest) lost their birthday calendar. Do you have a copy of it? I would love to bring these old traditions back.

    Bloody timezones, need to leave. See ya all tomorrow
  • What I have to add here is this:
    ABO Friends, we all didn’t like them because these awful PU’s are allowed.
    But.. you can play them without these PU’s. And, there are three new tournaments each week. Meaning, three times a six pack of new sling games. Did I say sling games? Yes.

    I created now for almost two years leaderboards and walkthroughs. Never played the games. Then suddenly thought “why not”. Of course, without PU’s you won’t reach the position that we are used to, but still. I would say, just give it a try and who knows who we will see in the walkthroughs.

    Now really off
    Nighty nighty
  • *slides Slim a Sam Adams , if I remember correctly @Amslimfordy ¿
    I'm disappointed as well,!!! A few of the Loyal Nesters have done the best we've could!
    Thanks to @Birdleader for keeping this pub open or we'd miss a lot of stuff! thanks to @catsnbirds for being a Loyal Lurker;)
    I went back a few years and copied as many Birthday banners I could find, and now we've lost the Calendar for the 'When is your Birdday' forum @sunshine has been a big help in getting a list for each month :D @E-star is sorely missed as well but @Hunnybunny has become pretty good at making banners also! I just haven't posted for people who haven't been here in years, and Those i Didn't find a banner for..
    Honestly I forgot the Birdday of the Nest, my bad! We need you back!! @Birdleader needs you!!
    aside all that, hope all is going well and you've finished school and still happily married (with family?)
  • oopsy sorry @bernersenn I was typing at the same time, about the same stuff lol!
    Nighty Night My friend :)
  • @kathy
    Great minds think alike
  • Woot!

    @amslimfordy I’ll always remember your birthday 5/18 same as mine, but never remembered ABN birthday
    Some of us keep the place alive, and still fling sling

    @surfcow for some unknown reason I thought you were a wrinkled old man. How wrong I was.
  • Lol @Hunnybunny, funny how we get an impression on our mind if how people look just from talking with them, most times I'm also waaayyy off!
    Now we just need @BirdLeader to pop in!
    and a belated Happy Birthday to the Nest! sorry i couldn't find the banner! i don't have the patience to travel back through 3 years of posts at the moment :( been there done that it's very time consuming!
  • @kathy WASSSUUUPPP
    @surfcow mahalo and where the heck have you been hiding, the nest needs your input :)
    @AMslimfordy wow I thought maybe you had left this green earth. Glad to see you are still alive and hopefully well.
  • @Gumby Waassssuppppp???
  • @surfcow @amslimfordy so glad you both stopped by. i miss the old days and I will gladly slap myself across the face for the lack of happy bday posts. That's nobody's fault but my own. We are so fortunate to have such an AWESOME group of people. There are very few communities like this on the web. Thank you ALL!
  • Argh! Visits from @BirdLeader , @AMslimfordy and @surfcow all on the same day! Feel like I stepped into a time machine and went back three years. So great to hear from all of you.
  • @BirdLeader Soo happy you popped in :D Please don't slap yourself though that would be silly ;)
    We are All so Grateful you created this Wonderful site that allowed us all to meet and become part of a great community of friends from All over the World ! It's amazing really if you stop And really think about it! And I speak for all of us when I say that we are all happy to help in Any way we can to keep it running. We know your
    also Always there behind the scenes keeping the Nest up and running ♡

  • Lol @Catsnbirds My thoughts exactly!
  • I agree @catsnbirds, a real time warp!
    Nice to see them pop in, and I echo @kathy’s thoughts, there are so many of us thankful to @BirdLeader for create this site that has brought so many of us together from so many far places.
    A belated Happy Birthday to the Nest.
  • Well it's been a good day/night in the BP , Old friends returned , existing friends popping in to Welcome! Now if we can get some banners restored and start celebrating birthdays and special days again we'll be back in full True Nest Form!
    I swear if @E-Star pops in, I won't be able to speak @catsnbirds please pick me up of the floor and place me in a booth lol! but be sure to ask her about the calendar and banners ;) in case I'm out of commission to long!
  • Nighty Night my friends, ♡♡
    Long Live the Nest !
  • The "When is your birdday" forum is buried in General Discussions. No way are newbies going to find it. Could it be put somewhere more obvious? Like on the Nest introductory page??

    Some time ago I took screenshots of it, usually I check them regularly but didn't this time because of heatwave and other disasters.

    And @ixan57, we don't have yours, please let @Kathy know asap!
  • @TomPuss 24th December. Almost a Christmas baby, 3hrs 35mins off the mark
  • Thanks @ixan57!

    Love your pic, @surfcow!
  • @Ixan57 , I'll record your birthday in my phone calendar, but I can't update the Birthday forum. that's E-star project and the calendar is missing anyway.

    @Tompuss I can get to the forum, but it's the calendar itself that's missing. I have no skills nor a computer If did, I can't make changes, even to this forum and really don't want the responsibility of keeping up a forum like the birthday forum.
  • @kathy WASSSUUUUPP
    @Birdleader Rovio may have given up on us but we still have you :)
  • @Gumby Wwwaaassssuuuppp??
    Nicely said @Gumby, and @Birdleader You Still have us :D
  • but @Tompuss I missed your point! sorry! Your right of course z the birthday forum isn't in an obvious place for newbies to find it! I was actually surprised last week when i was trying to notify @Sweetp that someone popped in with their birthday, i had to apologise and explain we are doing the best we can to restore it!
  • Hi @kathy, yup, it's the calendar that's disappeared! Thanks for yours @ixan57, I won't forget it, Santa will remind me!

    Lovely to see you @sunshine, @SweetP, @catsnbirds, @gumby

    Great cat video!! Stay zen and let it all hang out -:)

    Cool! xoxo
  • @tompuss that is one cat that feel extremely safe!
  • Thanks @Sunshine (((((Hugs))))) Now maybe that'll give @BirdLeader something to work with, although i would think the calendar somewhere in his archives, wish @Estar would wave her magic wand! of course we still won't be able to edit it to add new birthdays, but at least we will have something to remind us! Your efforts are appreciated more than you know!
    @Amslimfordy maybe you could lend a hand, so next year you won't be disappointed ¿
  • Nighty Night my Friends ♡♡♡
  • @kathy WASSSSUUUPP super quiet in the BP today
  • @Gumby Waassuuuuppp?
    Yep super quiet, people pop in one day and not the next..;/
  • @kathy think it was a tourist bus that stopped by.
  • must've been @Ixan57 I hear they do that every 3 years or there about ;)
    Drinks on the House my friend, even if a tourist bus happens by early ;)
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