The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2723
  • ahhh @Sweetp 'Over the steps '' kinda like estar video?
    I don't understand why he didn't upload the whole video to you tube, like he usually does :/
    anyway I'm off to fling , listen to my book and fall asleep soon
    have a great night all, *Yawn* I'll be lurking. .for a bit.
  • Ive tried several times and can get close, but I think the hardest is getting the TNT on the far right under the fireworks stand.
  • And The Princesspagechanger retains her crown for one more day lol

    I swear it's not on purpose lol..
  • agree @sweetp getting that wood on top of the far right tnt is tough!
  • Yes, you're thinking correctly @kathy. It's a tough shot, but I've been able to do it. However, my previous shot with Chuck did not explode the TNT on the far right. I'm still trying to find his "sweet spot" that breaks through that wood fireworks stand.
  • @sweetp oh ok well maybe next time for a puppy. at least I am in the top 20 :) MMMM brownies sound yummy
    @kathy well it looks better on me :P I am off to sleep
  • can you even believe that this forum has 136,101 comments, really 136k comments in well, what 5 years?
  • LOL @kathy, you really are the @princesspagechanger! ☆
  • Ya I don't think so @gumby Is MY crown lol and don't you forget it!!
    Nighty night :)
  • @kathy theres probably 30k comments since I came to BP lol
  • ♡♡ @sweetp nighty night ♡
  • Wow, that's a lot of BP history! And to think you were here from the very beginning, too. I bow to you my dear friend. You've got real staying powah, outlasting those that have come and gone.
  • lol @gumby, wonder if there's a way to tell ,hmm
    alright really nighy night
  • thanks @sweetp lol we are all chatting over each other, i can't keep up :)
  • Nighty night @kathy, and sweet dreams. You must be awfully tired from all that packing. I'll come by later and bring your flashlight.
  • ty @sweetp yes me berry berry tired....♡
  • Nighty night @Pa
  • *grabs @kathy's flashlight from behind the bar. Checks the batteries and gives it a good cleaning. Tiptoes into @kathy's room and gently places the flashlight under her pillow. Adds a Sea Salt Mist wax bar to the warmer, then turns it on to see the soft glow of the light that will see her safely to dreamland.*
  • Doing this on my phone, goodness only knows how people fling, type etc on one all the time! It's so, so tiny...
  • @gumby I will take some new pictures of Wolf tomorrow. And show them here.
  • @bernersenn, I got a ding that you @mentioned me? I can't find it. :(
  • @sweetp I nominated yesterday Comex666 for the High IQ batch. Forgot to mention you. So I replied to my own post with your name.
  • Hello Everybody :)
    @hunnybunny oooohhh, ahhhhh St. Paul's Cathedral is oohh just Awesome! What Grand stucture! Thank you for the pic!! Happy to hear your having a grand time, hope your not wearing heels!!!
    Thanks @sweetp for polishing up my flashlight, and I slept peacefully with Sea Salt mist scenter :)
    @bernersenn looking forward to more pics of our mascot:)
    @gumby Waaasssuppp! ! nice day for a change :) hope tommorow is the same, moving Day:/
  • @hunnybunny St. Paul's is impressive. Think of the time it was build. No cranes, no nothing. Bare hands and lots of smart ideas. Enjoy your trip.
    Last time I visited London was 1974.
  • Yes @bernersenn imagine that was built by hands of men, one brick at a time, as impressive as the great pyramids! ! I would Love to go to Egypt, but these days no:(
  • Yes @kathy Think of this: this cathedral carries a dome. That is resting on a few pillars. I read once an article about Da Vinci who has build about the same thing in Rome.
  • Yep @bernersenn, ,truly amazing, ,i will look up DaVinci
  • Wow @bernersenn very interesting, ,these guys were geniuses, imagine what they could do now! !
  • @kathy nowadays we still have geniuses. I'm actually reading a magazine from the german "der Spiegel". It is this time a historical view on the sixties, last century. Change of time, cold war, hippies, female revolution. But also the landing on the moon. More technical described. It inspired Steve Jobs to build his first computer.
  • Just heard this song, touched me:
  • @bernersenn i can not see the link, only half a picture of the video? That's strange¿

  • @kathy isn't it presenting the video? At the Ipad it is. Pressing on it will start the video.
    And, before you are starting asking, it's not about how I feel it, but the way I feel to hear that people can have such thoughts.

    The video is presenting Bruce Springsteen (my idol), singing "Philadelphia"
  • @sweetp thanks a lot for awarding that badge so soon.
  • Oopsy lol looks like i added my support for comex to late:/
    I'll look that video up on you tube @bernersenn , as it's not showing here, but i know I've heard it, i love Bruce Springsteen also:)
  • I must say that flinging goes bad last week. Couldn't get hardly any points, no matter where.
  • I'm not having any luck either @betnersenn , I'm trying the 'easier Easter eggs 1-3, doesn't seem easier for me:(
  • Happy belated Birthday to the Nest! Love you all guys, so glad that this site exists.

    @hunnybunny have a lot of fun in my beloved London!
  • @bernersenn now the video is fully showing twice lol, on my phone, must be my tablet had the problem :/ yes great song! and Video, great structures in Philadelphia!
  • @kathy WASSSSSSUUUUPPP UGHH 2 trips to Foxboro today
    @hunnybunny London is calling lol I couldn't resist, I fling on my tiny phone all the time and yes everything is so small especially in Seasons. It makes all my good scores feel better thou :)
    @bernersenn I am patiently awaiting new adorable pics
  • @sweetp I have been working on a different strategy for SC level 3 but so far I haven't beaten my previous score. I did manage to get 245k with it, and think it can do better but every game is different because of the way the debris flies from OB especially. If I can beat my previous score with it I will post it.
  • @Gumby Waaasssuppp? ? What's up at Foxboro? I know that they are playing Dinesh Desousa movie, i won't say the name, ,controversial. .but what else ? is this what you were thinking?
  • @kathy no there is a Coldplay concert there
  • I'm very tired ,busy day tomorrow, night all,
    Nighty night @Pa
  • Thanks @gumby, and that's a great score!
  • Are you ill @Ma? Going to bed that early?
    Nite nite anyway @Ma
  • Hello guys, good morning.
    This afternoon I'm walking the dogs, taking my camera with me.

    About the Challenge, @rat I'm too stupid to get that bird splitted the way you wrote. Ok, one of them gets the iceball, the other two are playing Kamikaze into the Ice on the right planet.
    My score is below average. Say again "below average". Help
  • Ok, got 74k now, above average. Skills? No. Luck? Definitely
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