The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2653
  • @snoid would agree on the Floyd @gumby, I like em but Les claypool's pig brigade does their music Justice!
    I was stuck at 198 for a while and finally broke 200. Completely rinse and repeat, this one.
  • WOOT a little whine helps I made it to 200710 still not good but better :)
  • @knichy Yea and seems like a ton of luck might be needed because most times there isn't much debris left
  • If I had to pick a favourite, ID have to go with deep purple. Well deserved induction. Great cover of Donovan's lalenya. Blues, heavy, mellow, they have masterful artistry in all. No reggea though. At least Judas Priest had a dabble there. For those following I plated trombone and lead guitar and wrote for a touring reggea/ska band in the late 80s too.
  • sorry bf blabbin
  • Power of the WHIIIIINE
  • Bf blabbin?
  • Didn't notice we Bob Segar ed. As in turn the page. Although Metallica did a pretty good version of that.
    Are we making Friday random non-sequitor music reference night or is it just me?
  • @kathy lol
    @knichy Deep Purple is great also I saw them on the Perfect Strangers tour 1985, and if you didn't know Ian Gillan sang the part of Jesus in Jesus Christ Superstar which is amazing if you like rock opera. That came out in 1968 btw and if you've never heard it you might wanna give it a listen, some of the songs are a bit kooky sounding but overall just amazing.
    @knichy also YES the power of WHINE i just got to 203490 :) maybe I should Whiiiiiinnne a bit more LOL
  • And it does tell the story of Christ kind of, but I listen to it for the music not for religious reasons.
  • Ya @gumby that's very weird! Ooh thanks @knichy Only hunnybunny and Pellystar have been ' tossing out good tunes'? What are Me and gumby chopped liver?? And sweetp played a good one! Hrmmphh..
    OB I'll have a Blue Mongo and knichy is shut off !! Lol;)
  • Ooohhh Hidden Harbor that's a tough one , i think that's the one that used to have the exploding dolphin glitch...crap i forgot!! Sorry @sweetp:( my bad :(
  • @kathy lol ruh roh @knichy youve been shut off
  • @kathy I haven't seen any dolphins on this one, but it is a pain thats for sure
  • Oohh great and now @knichy Is another Crown theif!!! Double shut off !! Haha
    I'm just joking you know right @knichycrowntheifpagechanger !!
  • I hereby apologize @kathy @sweetp and @gumby for treating you like chopped liver, although I quite enjoy the chicken liver appetizers at the Japanese steakhouse. You guys filled like 4 pages in 2 days so I had to skim.
    On another note, oh boy what fun the youngest has head-bugs. Oh Joy. Almost done with my 10 minute window so have to find and nit-pick
  • @knichy its ok I just post em, and people can listen or not, and they can like em or not
  • Oohhh noo @knichy Not the Head Bugs!! OB knichy can have as Many Mongos as he wants on the house!!!
    And Yes Friday is post em' if you like em' night :)
  • Friday is hereby declared non-sequitor music reference night :) whatever that means:/
  • And all is forgiven @knichy , but happy to hear you like chopped liver lol! Yuck!!
  • @kathy A non sequitur is a conclusion or reply that doesn't follow logically from the previous statement. You've probably heard an example of a non sequitur before, therefore bunny rabbits are way cuter than chipmunks.
  • *goNe fLinGin'*
  • a statement having little or no relevance to what preceded it
  • Well I just got knocked out of the top 50, so I give up on the challenge. Next starts in less than 40 mins anyways :)
  • Thanks for the explanation of non- sequitor ( whatever spelling lol) @gumby
    Sorry you got knocked out :(
  • @kathy its ok my score got me into 50th place, briefly lol
  • Hey at least you improved @gumby :)
  • Ooo! Ooo! A Space challenge. But it's a timing level. Yuck.
  • Oohh yuck @Pa FmttM yuck!
  • @kathy ya improved from 0 points lol
    @rat YUCK a Space challenge
  • oh haha @gumby well from 0 to top 50 is a pretty good improvement !
  • Nighty night @Pa
  • Nite Nite @Ma
  • @gumby we actually had "JC superstar" prior to dad bringing home Machine Head. And my grandfather s bass. At this same time. The rest was inevitable.
  • Talking about music, this is one of my favorites:
  • Oohh @bernersenn I've never heard that song but I love it!! It's a great song, the lead singer is not hard to look at either: D who is it?
    Boy Wolf is getting bigger by the minute lol, at what age will he stop growing?
    Hope everyone is enjoying their day I'm having a lazy saturday morning/early afternoon woke up to rain which was actually quite pleasant because it's warm, now it's stopped and the birds are singing and in the backyard looking for worms!
  • @kathy that is Bruce Springsteen, better known as "the Boss". He wrote lots of songs, most of them completely different.
    About Wolf: BMD's grow in their first in the height (out of proportion, like a teenager). The second year they grow width, the third year their head.
  • That was Bruce Springstein!!! I didn't recognize him lol! He is young there and I never heard that song, not one that player played on the radio i guess.
    So Wolf still has some growing to do, he is tall, so next he will grow wider, he's gonna be huge, i never really thought about heads growing his is kinda big already!
  • @kathy it was (is) him. And... He is born at 1949/9/23. And still touring.
  • @bernersenn love Wolf and The Boss!
  • @hunnybunny thanks. Did you ever see this guy live?
  • No @bernersenn
    I'm not a great concert goer, but Freddie Mercury was the best I've ever seen. Recently seen Tom Jones, Jools Holland, and Stanley Clarke (at Ronnie Scott's) Enjoyed them all, so perhaps I should start going again....
  • @All

    As it's Saturday night, anyone mind if I make a song suggestion for the jukebox?

    Hadn't heard this in ages, and it came on the radio whilst I was having dinner:

  • Hi @Pellystar :D
    Rush is great, i only have heard a few of their songs 'Closer to the heart is one of my favorite, haven't heard them also for Ages!
    just what were need to liven this pub Up!:)
  • Nice!

  • Another Rush classic:

  • @anyone interested in my manky foot (I guess not) But..
    Forked out £140 to see a specialist today. Diagnosed with some unpronounceable pustular "manky" foot disease
    Prescribed a new ointment: rub it in, cover foot with cling film, put on sock. Apparently the ointment works better
    Mr Bunny can't wait for me dressed like that!
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