The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2644
  • Too get to the actual level, go to your level selection page, and it should be the first episode, before SMH
  • Nighty night @Pa
  • @kathy I need to find it on this crazy set up on my phone
  • @gumby It is confusing to find the Pig Day levels since they aren't numbered! This one has an image of a pig suspended from what appears to be a parachute. Start from the first PD screen (far left) and swipe to the fourth. Follow the dots to the 13th level on that screen. Good luck!
  • Nighty night @Pa
  • @catsnbirds thanks I found it
  • @kathy sleep well
  • Thanks @catsnbirds for the explanation, your right I forgot they aren't numbered..
  • @kathy LOL I know how to find the walkthrough pages :P
  • Lol @gumby is late I'm tired, follow @catsnbirds instructions nighty night
  • @gumby Darned Rovio, opened up to play the challenge, five pages of Pig Days missing. Download page one, it goes berserk, hard close of iPad, it's back. Download page two, it goes berserk....
    You can guess the rest
    I had a really nice strat on that one, basically @angrychicken top score is the same. Tried a few times, gave up, couldn't get close

    @rat sending you virtual chopped off rabbit's foot. You won't like it, it's MANKY!

    Watching MASH, loved it when it first came out, watched the re-runs years ago, as soon as this one came on I remembered it. Why the heck can't I remember what I went upstairs for two minutes ago...

    Don't get old! As Mr Bunny always says
  • @hunnybunny yea whats up with having to download each page?? Thats silly, anyways its a tough challenge
  • @gumby I love the angry birds, but Rovio drive me mad. Why don't they let stuff just be stuff, if you know what I mean. Power Ups, no thank you, glitches that came and went, levels that got easier, levels that got harder. Just make birdie stuff the same from the day it came out to time immemorial. Level playing field, please....
  • @hunnybunny ,i had no problem downloading the pages, but Wtf do We have to do that Every time i openig Days!!! I've downloaded them All before, but seems Every time I shut down my tablet and then next time i open PD ,i have to turn on Wi-fi and download them All again!! It wasn't like that before the FHM (in your description of the letters) And I'm still missing my Penquin Awareness score!!
  • @gumby i took one look at the challenge and quickly looked away ! And then i was po because I had turned on wi-fi And downloaded All the pages!!
    Agreed @hunnybunny Why can Rovio Not get there act/app together, obviously it something technical in the coding , they changed one thing and it affects another!!!
  • @kathy Penguin indeed gone, forever, I suspect. But seeing I check progress here, rather than Game Centre, I'm not too worried about that

    Time for music! Seeing it's not Blues Day, I'll try some seventies....
  • Here's one of my favourites

    And another, it's really naff pop, but I love the lyrics. So sad..

  • Hi all....just checking into the bar and finding plenty of conversation about...Angry Birds in the 'old days'....and music from the '70's. It's all good!

    Mine's a campari and soda.

    @Hunnybunny hadn't heard Airport for decades.

    @Kathy has the Penguin 'glitch' been removed?

    @All - the trouble with nostalgia's not what it used to be :)

  • @pellystar mine's a G&T

    Will search iPod for more seventies you haven't heard in ages! But I fear late seventies for you, whereas the slightly older Bunny loves the earlier stuff!

    Just had a thought. Give us a minute....
  • Here's a late 1970s @pellystar I love it, Mr Bunny hates it with a vengeance
  • @hunnybunny Iloove Mash :) and thanks for the tunes :)
    Not sure about the glitch @Pellystar , haven't played it since i lost my score, nice to see you here:)
    Soo none have got their Penquin score restored @hunnybunny?
    Ya nostalgia isn't all is cracked up to be lol agreed pellystar :)
  • Never heard that last one @ hunnybunny , not really my style , although i grew up in the 70's , maybe it's an across the pond thing
  • @kathy another version of the same song, completely different, but just as good. Guess it's British stuff
  • Nah still not feeling it @hunnybunny sorry: (
  • Not that i don't like British music I do @hunnybunny just not Fine young cannibals:/
  • Love the Buzzcocks number. @Kathy that's a very British song. Doesn't translate Stateside that well.

    I also love the Jam, Stranglers, The Knack, etc

    Going earlier into the'70,s - gotta be very selective. Some of my all time heroes are from that era. Nb @hunnybunny my wife is similar age to you and like you prefers 70's to my tacky '80s.

    But the ultimate punk rocker IMO is Iggy Pop.
  • Well @pellystar @kathy I'll leave you with this 1972 (I think) classic

    "when Suzy wore her dresses tight" do you know the song from those lyrics?

    Nighy night xx
  • @Hunnybunny I have been fortunate enough to see Elton John live. Fantastic.

    Sadly never saw Queen/Freddy Mercury - if I had a time machine...

    Night all.
  • Lol @Pellystar The opposite situation here, my other half is an 80's fan as opposed to my 70's
    I Almost got to see Elton John but unfortunately we were halfways there and he called off the concert: ( never got to see Queen, would have loooved to!
  • Yikes as always happens, you say goodnight, and then get drawn back. @pellystar Saw Queen circa 1975 and Elton much the same in the Capitol Theatre, Cardiff (now part of a shopping centre) We used to queue up outside on a (very early) Sunday morning to buy tickets. Freddie was the best ever....
    Not been much of a live concert goer since the seventies, but recently seen Tom Jones and Jools Holland (both in Cardiff) and Stanley Clarke at Ronnie Scott's recently. All amazing, must book more
  • @kathy of course you have your "boy toy" as you say stateside and @pellystar appears to be a "toy boy" as we say here, which explains the difference in musical taste.

    Note to self: ditch your old git, find toy boy!

    Only joking, I'm really off to bed now.
  • Ohhh @hunnybunny I hate to do it , but ' recently seen' tut tut. Recently 'Have seen' or recently 'we've seen' or 'I recently Have seen' *sigh* correct me if wrong
    I can imagine though those 'recently seen concerts must have been Amazing!!
    Nighty Night Mrs. Bunny Sweet Dreams :)
  • My keyboard is on the fritz again :( going flinging!
  • @kathy WASSSSUPPP I was here earlier but had a bad headache ( I think from the stupid challenge ) LOL what is a Penquin Awareness score?
  • @Gumby Waaasssuppp! !The Penguin awareness is Pig Days 5-13 ,when tyne FHM update came out it erased everyone's score! and caused a few other changes in Seasons
  • @kathy Oh ok well not much to worry about for me then. I have barely done Seasons at all.
  • @kathy you know when comex is only up to 49th overall that its a tough challenge. He is 5th or 6th on challenge
  • Ya no worries for you @gumby , except there used to be a glitch on Penguin day that gave really high scores, not sure if it still works:/
  • Ya that PD level was really difficult, @angrychicken left a good strat , but it's tough!
  • @kathy I lose out on all that stuff. There used to be a 0 bird in ABO. I can't even get close to those scores
  • @kathy I think if Rovio changes stuff on a level that they should add extra birds, so we can obtain scores equal to the ones others have from the glitches
  • Ya @gumby I've missed out on a few glitches as well like the Santa Hat glitch, which there was a badge for,, and some feather glitch that there is also a badge for i think. Now that i know more flingers we all kinda get in touch and let each other know when there's a glitch, now you'll be included in that circle cuz you know all of us here at the BP and you've made other friends also: )
  • Stupid error box,
    Well since it's Whine Tuesday SMH level 10 is giving me fits,
    OB I'll have a Long Island Iced Tea please , with a wedge of lemon, put in your earplugs
  • @kathy take it easy on those long island iced teas and Irish coffees, you gave me a link to a walk thru last night LOL
  • Lol @gumby In my defense it was late ,I was tired and i was just trying to help;)
  • Lol @gumby your welcome:) so where ya flinging tonight, not still the challenge? Tomorrow should be SW i think ,I forget the rotation.
  • We don't do SW2 for challenge right @Karen68 ,@sweep ?
    So it's ABO , Seasons ,,Rio, Space ,Sw that's it right?
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