The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2636
  • @jkhab69 I am barely awake
  • New pig days April fool's day! Already got sweet 2 birder for 178 but no leaderboard to enter 8*(
  • I apologize for an earlier misstatement about needing bird coins to open the bonus levels in MH. I haven't unlocked any one the second row and gelled on the level count. I hope.slim wasn't looking. There are 12 levels, times 3= 36 stars, +12 for the next 4 bonus = 48, so you can open the 45 star bonus with no coins if you don't 3* everything.
    But finally another legit trophy on my board, looks pretty sweet on HM 16. But still no write it up.
  • Oh, I don't do the eagle so I did have to buy the last one. Bird coins, though.
  • Happy Friday.. not just Friday but April Fool's day. Haven't seen anything from Rovio - they like to put out a hilarious joke video on April 1st.
    @knichy I'm sure the walkthroughs for MH will appear soon, they do take time to create. Sounds like you're doing some awesome flinging, you'll have to leave some breadcrumbs for everyone to follow.
    BTW you were gunning for my top score on TorT 2-4, someone else has already taken it :(
    OB a large black coffee please - busy day ahead :D
  • Hey @Jkhab69 Nice to see you here:) have you been here before? I'm sorry i can't remember, if so it's been a while!
    If not please read page 1 to see what we are all about, mostly just fun heehee
    And OB (the barkeep) will bring you anything you want to drink or eat , on the house for your first visit: ( of course no one ever actually pays for anything lol, is just a courtesy thing;)
  • Uhmm was i seeing things? Could have sworn i just saw jkhab69 ..oh oh TGIF lol!!
  • Happy Friday everyone:)
  • Night night!
    Happy April / Maire Hamtoinette / Whatever!
  • Nighty night @hunnybunny Sweet Dreams:)
  • @Gumby Waaasssuppp! !
  • You flinging for a puppy?
  • Hey Shirley We are here @mon go got your blue stuff ready; )
  • I may fling for a pup, I am way below avg on that one which means much room for improvement. I hope they open more MH walkthroughs, I actually have a trophy legit style for once and want to share! still need to 3* 5 and 9.
  • @kathy I gave it some flings can't get into top 50 even, too tired to try anymore
  • only 6 people so far have broken into top 50 from the challenge today comex top 10 but no puppies for anyone yet.
  • That comex and gladvold. hruumph! I haven't even brought up ABO to check it out yet. evenong on the Football Pitch, heating leftover Chinese for son, researching piano sheet music for contemporary songs, having a Blue Mongo ... playing the new April Fools and Marie levels, who has time for the challenge anymore!

    OB, another Blue Mongo!
  • even @bernersenn is in the improved and hasn't made top 50! Sacre Bleu!
  • @knichy I almost had 114k+ a few times but didn't get the 3rd shot to cooperate :(
    and there are many good flingers that haven't even hit top 50, annach, wind walker, karen68 among others thou karen and I are close
  • @kathy I think my youtube is fixed, next Blues night should fare better :)
  • Ooh cool @gumby next Wednesday will be better, and start earlier:)
    Ya that's a tough level, who's #1 probably manu?
  • OB I'll have a Blue Mongo as well thanks:)
  • The good thing about the new update is it doesn't make my tablet so not e as FHM did!!
  • Smoke break brb
  • took a few flings, at least improved, but there are some seriously high scores on this one, and no additional strats.
  • Sorry @mg516 my fellow terrapin, one-upped you on the improved list. I'm done with the challenge tonight, though ....
  • No go huh @knichy? Don't blame ya maybe I'll try tomorrow's will see what it is, i only have 4 puppies: (
  • @gumby Waake Up!!! Is Friday!!!
  • Anyone flinging the new update still? I just started, still working on level 1:\ highly unlike me, but I'm gonna try to get into the top 10 early on: ) so far I'm #12
  • @knichy Congrats on the shiny new badges:D
  • :( so quiet: ( just gonna listen to my book bbl
  • @all -- The new Seasons update isn't that easy as far as I'm concerned! Hope everyone is doing well.
  • @mvnla2 good ta hear ya! Marie hamtoinette not easy but what worthwhile endeavor is?
    @kathy I'll be up late polishing my new badges!
  • @mvnla2 I'm still on level 1 ,#9 atm I'm gonna give it my best so i don't have to go back through, but so far lol 1 level no not easy at all, who said it was easy?
  • I'll be here to @knichy, at least until my battery goes haha then what's the point, can't fling may as well sleep;)
    X smoke break bbiam
  • Well my battery quit before me, so I'm off to dreamland
    Night night all, happy flinging.. Till tomorrow. ...
  • Nighty night @Pa
    Where you been all day? Hope to see you tomorrow!
  • Nitey nite!
  • Nighty night @knichy.....zzzzzzzz'
  • Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  • Since it was April Fools day I was hiding.
    Good night @Ma
  • Morning!
  • Shhhush...not so loud. I have a headache.
  • Hey Hey whadda ya say? Having a very rainy cold day today, this weather is nuts, was 70° Thursday, then not so bad yesterday, bit now 45° and rain: ( good day for flinging!
    @ mvnla2 I'm only on level 3 of the new episode MH , imo it's very difficult so far, i don't know how flingers are getting all these points!
    @catsnbirds your doing quite well, any secrets lol! Seriously though congratulations on how well your flinging, i just can't seem to get it. Although I've made it to the top 10 of 3 levels, nowhere near high scores, just barely above average, as soon as the Higher flingers join in I'll be kicked down the board like a soccer ball!! As of now only 65 are flinging
    OB I'll have a Blue Mongo please
    Bolo for @ixan57 guys, he took a peek in the window last night, but had to walk to nowhere to tend his horse, i have the workmen outside atm building a proper hitching post!
  • Helooooo ...looo..loooooooosd
    Going to charge up and easy something mbblidkbpmlw
  • @kathy Watching the snow gently fall out the window. Beautiful, and thankfully not sticking except to bushes. Ready for spring!
    Yes, I do have good scores to start on MH, but I've only played three levels so far. Slow and steady and repeat, repeat.
  • I'm still on level 3 also @catsnbirds yep slow and steady definitley, this episode is a tough one it seems, while I'm charging up I decided to fling some ABO on my spare tablet, but I cannot figure out how the b'day party levels work, I'm on ,it just has a pic of a cake and says 3 I don't know how the heck to find the walkthrough:(
    @bonneypattycat your the ABO queen any help ?
  • But on my selection screen is the first board, the second 2 I've already flung:/ 《《《《《《confused.
  • O.k I think I found it ,even though my level selection screen has a pic of a cake and says 3 ,is actually walkthrough Cake 4 level 3 * scratches head* what's up with that?
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