The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2619
  • Ya @karen68 hope you can pop in:)
  • @kathy You just had to be mrsprincesspagechanger again LOL
  • @gumby thanks for the reminder :) I'll have to try & drop by.
    @kathy I know, sometimes it's hard to be sure about a score. But you're right, everyone can get lucky sometimes.
    I'm off to peek at the new Challenge before bed. The only time I play Rio these days is for the Challenge.
  • Nighty night @gumby
    And of Course I Am the Princess Page Changer after all
  • Nighty night @Pa
  • Good night @Ma
    You were cracking the whip pretty hard on poor @Gumby.

  • My Goodness, I wondered what happened last night, I was all curled up in a booth (it must have been Mumsie's, I had wool in my hair this morning) and suddenly I went through the walls of BP, lots of little rats still there, and "poof" I was home in The Big Bed, as we call it, next to Mr Bunny. @kathy that's the second time you've "poofed" me. It's frightening!

    Seventy degrees! It's ******** freezing here, still...

    @mvnla2 does the salt come done with the rain? It would kill the plants in my very small garden. I would NOT be happy...

    And may I open up Blues Night with a track from another of my favourite films, sorry if it's been posted before, don't always listen to them all, as its bed time for me when you lot get started

    Nighty night xx
  • Sorry about that @hunnybunny, I didn't want to disturb you, but I figured Mr. Bunny would miss you;)
    Thanks for starting off Blues Night great tune:)
    Nighty night, Sweet dreams
  • @hunnybunny :) thx for a Bluesnight contribution
    @kathy WAAASSSUUUUPPP woot 70 degrees what a nice day outside, too bad temp is going back down :(
  • Yep @gumby was a beautiful day!! To bad I was stuck at work: (
    Haven't had the time to look for songs will shortly:)
  • @Pa c'mon that wasn't a whippin' just friendly encouragement ;)
  • Stupid blue error box is haunting me: (
  • @rat and I couldn't sit down all day :P she got out her microphone and beat me senseless with it :P
    @kathy yea I had to work all day too, but came home 3 times for a bit of R and R
  • Think I may have posted one twice:/
  • @Gumby Your turn:)
    Wish I could leave work and come home for R&R

    Any Lurkers want to join in feel free to post your blues tunes:)
  • Not sure if I did this one
  • @hunnybunny -- I was going to say that I should have said "cloud seeding" not "cloud salting", but when I looked it up, it appears that salt is sometimes used, rather than the more common silver iodide or other substances. In any case, there isn't enough seed material used to have any impact on plants or humans, or so they say.
  • @mvnla2 yea or so they say is right. Who knows what impact it will have, if it hasn't already. Like the saying goes, You shouldn't mess with mother nature.
  • and of course these same people explode nuclear weapons on the planet
  • @kathy -- Thanks! Yes I do like jazz, and jazzy blues.
  • Happy you enjoyed it mvnla2 , or will enjoy it :)

    Ohhh @gumby if it helps induce much needed rain then it's good!! The EPA harms the planet more with their regulations IMO!
  • Oops didn't mean to yell , getting use to typing mm my new old tablet:/
  • @kathy it hasn't been proven to make more rain. and the epa probably doing its share of no good as well. Did you listen to my song I posted. I am only doing 1 tonight :)
  • Yep it's a good one @gumby , why only one?: ( you bailing out on blues night?
  • @kathy no not bailing, just flinging and falling asleep at the same time LOL
  • Oohh @gumby lol, been there done that; )
    Seems you've improved in the challenge nice flingjng; )
    I just got #3 spot in HH 2-9 tough level! !
    OB I'll have a Long Island Iced tea please:)
  • Nighty night all' to tired for bitmoji

    Night @Pa
  • Night Ma♥
  • Mr Bunny is off to bed, I may go soon. Don't want @kathy to "poof" me again. Scary...
  • Wow @hunnybunny It's Huge, and quit's a sight to see!!
    Black sand because of volcanic ash? How often does it erupt? That must be Amazing and kinda scary!
    I promise I won't *poof* you home anymore, I'll use Ripsy 's special line and have Mr. Bunny come and carry you; )
  • @kathy never erupts these days! For what I pay for a hotel close by, I wouldn't take the chance of being buried in lava. And yes, black sand is lava from volcano

    See Mooncake 1-8 for the charming man's reply. And our thread for my response.

    Think I'll climb the stairs to snuggle up to Mr Bunny tonight. Much safer.

    Happy flinging all xx
  • @knichy Don't get involved on the post in moon cake 1-8 I had a feeling that rude alan-dennis would respond like that! Admins have been notified, and I've given him a piece of my Mind.
    He's been rude in past when his score is questioned , that's why I tried to be nice, but the gloves are off!! Your best to just not reply to him!
    His score may be reinstated, or Hopefully
    Hopefully his account will be suspended!
    @hunnybunny what a beautiful sight, I want to go to Hawaii sometime or Iceland and see the active ones. :)
  • @gumby Wasssssuuupp ?? In I'm sparing my killer microphone ,I have a target lol!!
  • @kathy where is everyone?
  • Good question @gumby Haven't seen Pa for a couple days: (
    @hunnybuny probably sleeping, haven't seen @mvnla2 or @knichy :/ dunno:(
    You flinging the challenge?
  • @kathy yea flinging it, #3 challenger last I looked its a tough one
  • @kathy 760 points separates 7th place from 50th
  • Good job @gumby , ya that's a big spread and whoever gets the score first in case of a tie say for 10th there could be 50 flinger in spot 10 and the last one who score gets 51st place:( I hate those levels: (
  • @kathy ties dont necessarily work like that. I Got top score on a level for a puppy even, wicket tied my score afterwards, but it shows him as top scorer.
  • Mmm @gumby that's weird!
    I'm so mad right now, my cable box upstairs for some reason has no sound!!
    I unpug it to reset it, it comes on hear the show, then bam no volume:(
  • @kathy thats a sign that you should be flinging instead :)
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