The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2408
  • Hey everyone! !
    OB I'll have a SpacePigKiller please !! Yes yes you did and outstanding job in preparing it last night! !
    @mvnla2 I think your Escher Idea is Great! Seems interesting and doable.. very challenging to say the least lol..but yes good idea. .hope they pick it.. do we get to vote?
  • Wellll Heeelooooo Princess :)
  • Ya @Kelani now that charter ad gave me a headache. .uh.m think my speaker on my phone is blown:/
  • @Sweetp I am dabbbling in Space at the moment trying to improve scores. .I'm in Pig Bang .. yes it would be nice for the FF to fling together again.. but we need KimmieKim :(
    Feel free to join me if you want.
    Congrats @Annifrid !! Nice flinging. .I haven't even attempted SW 2 never mind the new update. Are there separate leaderboards for swaps and Pu's ?
  • Hope to see you again @beautifulvvorld I am currently flinging in space also maybe catch ya there:)
  • Just finished first run-through of the AB SW II Rebels episode. Think I have positions of all coins and boxes, but don't have all of either, and don't have 3* in most.
  • Hi @Mvnla2. I'm not sure how the programmers could implement a total disregard for the laws of physics. It'd be an interesting level if they could pull it off.

    Oh no! Heeee's Baaaaccck! Did I see @Romo stop by the BP? I've enjoyed being first in Beak Impact for the last couple of weeks. He's going to force me to fling again. I just know it. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.

    I've been flinging a little with you in Bing Bang @Ma. I had to. You got ahead of me on almost every level you played so far. WTG!! I know it's not the FF, but at least you're not alone.

    It looks good before anyone else enters their scores doesn't it @Annifrid? Now stay in the lead. ?????
  • :) @Pa I wasn't trying to get ahead of you .. I'll be more careful lol..nice to know i have company; ) and yes I saw a Romo fly by..
    @mvnla2 are there separate leaderboards for swAps and\or Pu's in ABSW2 ?
  • @Rat They could use stuff from space, be it very tiny planetoids with strong grav fields, or the repulsors from Star Wars.

    @Kathy there's no separate leaderboards for anything. Wish there was, but there won't be. Even on a non-PU/Swap/LCS board, someone will always try to post bad scores. And there's just not enough players to justify the administrative nightmare it'd be.
  • I'm pulling for ya @Mvnla2. If I read your entry correctly, you're only asking them to have three planes of reality instead of a dozen. They might pull it off. If they do, I hope their graphics do it justice.

    Go ahead @Ma. Take the lead in Pig Bang. You've got the skill to do it. But leave some of the other episodes in Space to me please.
  • @Kelani. Stairs in Space??? Between planets???
  • @Kelani How's your stinky bug problem? Has the cold driven them into the basement?
  • @kelani @rat -- Don't think it's a total disregard for the laws of physics, "just" need to change the direction of gravity when a bird goes through a portal. There I go using a banned word again (banned in my group at work before I retired). Not sure I understand how kelani's concepts of small planetoids or repulsors would work. They would have to be off-screen, and only there for a single orientation.
  • What word @Mvnla2? Disregard? Why?

    Edit: Or did they ban thinking?
  • Hey @Ripsy:)
    Sorry Pa I had to showa I thought they had separate leaderboards for something no?
  • @Ripsy I never heard that song it is awesome !! Ya boring video but is o.k that song was beautiful sad though..I hope your not sad:(
  • Ripsy is good. How is @Kathy?
  • So is that something you wrote and recorded @Ripsy? That was an understatement about the video. Nice song though.
  • @Rat -- I think it was the word "disregard". The new AB SW II episode has birds/ pigs that make multiple bounces. So I think it's "only" the gravity problem that needs to be solved.
  • I'm good @Ripsy sorry battery died.. and crazy sis texting me
  • @Rat I might have had something to do with it. Still tweaking the new stuff before i post it. This is old hat.
  • @Rat they could have grav fields. No planets needed.

    And NO, some are coming inside, but I have been outside spraying down the outside of the house every day this week. There are millions of them on every surface. kill them, and more take their place.
  • I don't know what I'm going to do when they get here @Kelani. Moving is not out of the question with the wife retiring next year. But where?

    Hmmmm? Might @Ripsy? Playing this close to the vest are we?
  • @Ripsy nice mix. :) A few years ago I could've named which guitar and mic models were used, but I seem to have lost that ability.
  • @Rat well, you could update your house to be airtight, and add airlocks over every opening, but they'd still find their way in.
  • Wha' what'd I miss? Whos finding their way into your house @Pa ?
  • @Rat Nope. Just being silly.

    @Kelani It was a 2002 Mexican Fat Strat played through a Yamaha Y100 amp. Both vocals and amp were recorded with a Neumann Condenser Mic.
  • @Kathy Rat's talking about the stinkbug invasion that's making me want to move right about now. It'll reach him in a year or three.
  • Avkkk @Kelani TLM and KM ? Really !! 'member we were talking'bout numbers? Well those letters are also associated with my numbers things wierd ....
  • Stinkbugs? Hmm I think I've seen maybe 1or 2 inn my whole it true if you squash em they stink?
  • @Kathy really? Between that and my Neilsen thing last night, that is spooky. Here's a few more model numbers. See if these mean anything to you :)

    U87Ai, KMS105, M147, SKM185, BCM104, KK104S

    edit: Yes! They didn't get the name 'stinkbug' because they don't bathe. :/
  • KK104S yeppers..the M147 of course. .the rest not so much but a little spooky yes lol @Kelani.
  • Uhmm how would a bug bathe @kelani lol

    I gotta fling I'll never get anywhere Chatting here.. who thought of this forum anyway its definitely a distraction! ! Lol..
  • @Kathy I heard it was a bunch of troublemakers. And this was their Time-Out room, but they never left.

    Trust me, the bugs on my house have gotten baths all this week. I've sprayed 10 gallons of unkind chemicals on them this week.

    They are awful. I looked at a few windows today, and there were 50-60 of them crawling around inside the screens. Each one's a bit bigger than a dime, so you can imagine..
  • Eeewwww @Kelani !! Gross hope the chemicals are safe what if @swipe gets e.':(

    Aww I know you better of course there safe chemicals. .err uhmm maybe that's why they ain't dying .. ya think. .
    And why doesn't @swipe get them anyway?
  • myselfiandme found a glitch in Rebels BE-12. He;s currently got a 3,276,980 score and counting. lol
  • @Kathy they're definitely not safe, but he can't get outside, and I know he won't eat any that get inside. He's already learned that lesson the hard way.

    edit: apparently, they taste worse than they smell. He's scared of them now.
  • Yep a couple of bored trouble makers is what i heard also. .in the middle of the night no less!!
  • Oohhh @kelani they are on the outside looking in? Still eeeeww I'd move
  • @Kathy they're coming your way also. Just slower.
  • Nope @Kelani Nope nope nope...I won't have it lol!!
  • @Kathy Hmm... Assuming they won't obey you, you'd better put a down-payment on a crop duster, and start scheduling flights over your house.
  • Oh my goodness look at the time!!
    Gotta fly.. night all have fun..
  • Night @Pa thank you:)
  • @Rat Pig Bang 1-14 has come full circle. Back when I first came here, that level gave me a fit, because the strategies were cryptic and the video links were dead. Then you popped in to explain happyshake's strategy, which let me 3* it. it finally came up as a challenge, so I just uploaded a video of that strategy (or a clumsy interpretation thereof). No longer will newbies be tearing their hair out over that evil level, and it's all thanks to you.
  • @all. I just realized only @beautifulvvword works for notification e-mail but not for @romo thanks to @Kathy and @Rat.
  • Yw @beautifulvvorld ..I don't think i used the @ for Saying Romo
    I'll try that also
  • Night night @Romo sorry I can't stay workn tomorrow :/
    See if it works ?
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