The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2353
  • Kathy O Brother is good, I think. It's been awhile.

    Maybe I just don't like Mark Wahlberg and Will Smith. They are responsible for four of the 6 movies I can think of that I hate.

    Movies I Hate. In Order
    I Am Legend
    The Pursuit of Happyness
    Four Brothers
    The Last American Virgin
  • @Kelani is that why you ignored my "I am Slim" offer a while back? BTW, how are these two involved in Titanic and why do you hate it?

    Edit: Oh and I bet I know why you hate "The Last American Virgin"…booooooo-ya!
  • Well add 'o brother where art thou' with sorry @hunnybunny with George Clooney stupid movie. .
    Iliked the pursuit of happyiness
  • @Kathy -- Congrats on 20,000 BP posts!
    Still 2.5 pages behind, and won't be able to catch up today.
  • The others on your list @kelani I haven't seen. . Now just back to the news.:/
  • Thanks @mvnla2 :) thanks also to you for being a steady patron of the BP :)
  • I've given upon trying to keep up lol..@mvnla2 ido read all notifications but can't possibly comment on all. .
  • Couple of days ago I saw Trespass with Cage and Kidman and it was surprisingly good. It contains every known movie cliche but it was exceptionally well acted by the entire cast. And whereas I don't care for Nicholas Cage movies where he is a "hero", I love him when he plays vulnerable characters (Leaving Las Vegas is a favorite).

    Edit: Trespass is not for everyone though, it involves home invasion.
  • Oohh I'm sorry I Did see Titanic it was o.k but i wouldn't put It on my favourites list.
  • Hmm @fenikus is that a new movie 'tresspass' I haven't heard of iti don't mind movies likr that. .ooohhh ohh have you guys ever seen 'Intensity ' I think that's the name omgirraffe that is a great movie!
  • @Kathy, Trespass is probably….2013? They have it on Netflix.

    Titanic is weird for me...I wanted to die in the theater while watching it (at the 2 hour mark I had tears in my eyes and not because of the storyline). But then I watched it several more times on TV. Somehow it draws you in and you can't stop watching.
  • I hear ya on that one @fenikus I never saw it (titanic ) in the theater (I don't do movie theaters well) but I've seen it a couple times on t.v not payingattention much. . But when i did pay attention it does kinda draw you in.. i think for me was the thinking that 'this actually really happened somewhat'
  • is this the Intensity movie you mentioned:
  • YES @fenikus Great movie! !
  • Hm, Netflix and Amazon don't have it available for streaming :(
  • @fenikus they weren't involved. I just said they were in 4 of 6 movies I hate.
    I actually hate TLAV for a reason, not what you're insinuating :P

    @All Anyone remember when this happened?:
  • I don't have Netflix @fenikus I saw it years ago.. if you can find it somewhere is really good!
  • Lol @kelani that would have been around 2008
    I remember .45 cents inn the 70's
  • Is raining now:) is o.k my doorbell is broken lol. It kinda is nice.
  • @Kathy That pic was from 1998. I was lucky it happened right around time for my road trip. :)
  • Oh wow @Kelani I don't remember that of the top of my head.. if I gave it some thought i might b
  • Ill never get 2.7 if i keep chatting. .byebye bbl..
  • @pa voice in my mind lol..
  • yeah, and I'm definitely not staying up til 5am again tonight, either.
  • And exactly WHY did you stay up to 5a.m @kelani ohh yeah the music collection?
  • So when do we get the preview? I think the jukebox is inn need of a change soon
  • @Kathy Not really a preview. When it's setup right, you can login and listen to anything whenever you want. Tonight I'm reinstalling XP on my old computer so you can access the full collection and aren't forced to listen to my stuff :P
  • @Kelani, is that a full collection of entire world music or just U.S.?
  • O.k @kelani lol no idea what your doing but looking fforward to hearing some good (I hope) tunes
    Have i mmentioned lately that i Hate my phone and keyboard! !
  • @Kathy and/or @Kelani, when you got your 200K+ scores in HH 9, what took out the left structure -- stones or little rockets? And I assume you did the count-to-six thing, right? I've gotten numerous 1-birders but none better than my 2-birder score of just shy of 199K.
  • @fenikus I don't get the count to 6 thing. Everyone counts at a different speed. For me, stones weakened it, rocket pushed it over.

    @Kathy well I dunno about "good" but my stuff's instrumental keyboards, then me with my teenage floyd-doors-ish band, and me with a jazz duo, all kinds of different styles, so most people find one or two things they like. Right now I'm trying to unshare the comedy stuff with naughty lyrics. :P
  • @fenikus I've never got the little rocket to do much damage. .mine was 2 birder.I did the count to 6 thing but i better noticed right about when it passes under it starts to speed up a bit for me it was around 5 count.. but more importantly look for that very subtle pick up of speed. That's the best i can tell ya on that one. Gl
  • If that rocket pops the structure, it can really mess it up. Need a lot of luck to hit it, though.
  • Well, I've gotten the left structure to fall all kinds of ways (rocket, stones, both) but the problem for me is that leftmost part of the structure that always stays intact with 1-birders.
  • Do you mean the right part of the left structure @fenikus with the birdcage on it? That what usually i have standing when i don't get the one birdee and i have to fling OB (sorry OB not you. .your brother in the batlle field)
  • @fenikus I can't check it, but the rocks may have destabilized or damaged it, and the rocket pushed it over. I get the left side falling quite often.
  • Nope, the left side of the left structure that has a little metal triangle at the base. 1-birder will often drop the two stones on the left but never (for me) vertical wooden planks and that triangle. I can't seem to get more than 196K with 1-birders.
  • @fenikus your birds are defective :)

    Weird. I was checking my AB versions, and looked in Seasons. I have the latest version, but there's no golden egg screen in it that I can see.
  • Oh and @fenikus I have got one birdee in level #9 sorry i forgot. .but it wasn't a good score better with 2 birdies for me anyway m
  • @Ma You're going to hate yourself for not having watched O Brother, Where Art Thou. It's one of only a few movies I've watched more than once. Love it. Every time I watch it I see something new I had missed before. I knew the sheriff was Poseidon to Clooney's Ulysses, but I had missed that he also represented the Devil with his dog, Cerberus by his side. How did I miss that? You can watch this movie and just enjoy it for humors sake (it's hilarious), or you can try to correlate almost every word and action to Homer's Odyssey (also funny on a more intellectual level). And don't get me started on the Dapper Dan pomade. Ha ha ha ha ha

    You might want to watch it again if you don't remember whether or not you like it @Kelani. One of my favorites. And it has George in it for the women.
  • @Rat I think I have it around here somewhere. If I can find it, I'll put it on the schedule.
  • Zombies are a safe bet. The writers don't have to come up with anything new.
  • Hmm .. Finally caught up, and it looks like everyone was up so late they're still in bed. Or maybe mopping up from the storms in the east.
    Dry and hot here today, ugh!
    Been trying to make it through all they episodes where I lost progress. Getting close, but why oh why did I have to lose progress on Rio RR? Hate those birds on spinning rockets.
  • @Kelani -- Forgot what question #1 was exactly, but does
    F = ma
    answer it? or was your question something different?
  • @mvnla2 @fenikus F=ma could probably find the answer if one had math skills, but I don't. I just need to know how the energy released when a falling object hits the ground changes if gravity is altered. Here's my question from 2 pages ago:

    Say a dropped object hits the ground, and the energy transfer is 7.3ft-lb. If gravity is reduced by 10% and the drop is repeated, would the reduction in energy transfer also be 10% (.73 ft-lb), or some non-linear/logarithmic value?

    There must be a better way to phrase this, but I don't know it. Sorry :(

    edit: I think I meant standard gravity. i.e. free-fall. not universal gravitational constant
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