The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2279
  • Woo hoo Max the GSD changes the page!!
  • @Hunnybunny again Max is a beautiful dog. I completely agree its the the owner.. see My post on previous page.
  • *woofypagechanger*

    edit: now I know what GSD means. yay.
  • @Kathy, it's a long story but those neighbors keep to themselves and I never actually met that dog (they have another one, I think a female). So you have a rather imposing, stranger dog going after your girl, of course I was nervous!

    Yes, the smaller (male) dog is border collie / springer spaniel mix. The girl is BC/Huskie mix. She's stunning (you can't see it in the video but she has mesmerizing blue eyes) so I don't blame that Rottie for wanting to get a piece of the action ;-)

    Anyway, like I said, he seemed like a good boy, albeit naughty.
  • Ooh I agree @fenikus especially if you don't know the dog.I would have been nervous also. I don't blame ya who knows what would havd happened if he decided he to jump over. !!
  • @fenikus Concur with @hunnybunny and @kathy, bad rep but bad owners are the problem.
    Max was indeed lovely, @hunbunz
    Nighty night xoxo
  • They are both beautiful dogs @fenikus ;)
    That was alot of the S word.. not looking forward to that again; (
  • Nightly night @TomPuss Sweet Dreams♡
  • Why is it always the neighbors you don't know that have the biggest dogs?
  • @Hunnybunny, I agree the environment they're in plays the prevalent role but it can also be the nature of a particular dog (not the breed). My neighbors on the other side adore GSDs and when I moved in my house they had this huge and magnificent (much like Max) female GSD. I've never seen a gentler dog. A couple of years after she passed, they got another (smaller) female GSD and she's the roughest dog I've seen. So exact same environment, two completely different dogs.
  • Ok I give..I forget what is GSD I'm assuming German Shepard Doberman but Max looks no part Doberman at all:/ @hunnybunny
  • And yep @fenikus again like kids. . They have their own personality even when brought up by the same parents . ..
  • @fenikus when we decided to buy a dog I wanted a female Samoyed HWDNF wanted a male GSD.
    He took to me to some godforsaken place in the Welsh valleys. We pulled up outside and there was this snarling brute, tied to a post. No way, I thought. The breeder said, ignore him, we can never sell him, it's just his way. We keep him as a guard dog. Come and meet the rest of the brood. Little Max the puppy stole our hearts
  • @Kelani, I didn't know about St. Bernards (I don't think I've ever even seen one in these neck of the woods) but those little "rat dogs" (no pun intended) are the nastiest…they'll just bite you for no apparent reason. They can't do much damage though which is probably why they don't have bad rep.
  • @kathy nearly there German Shepherd Dog,
  • Wahooo just got #6 in 15!! Thank goodness no looney bin for tonight so far..haha.m
  • I assume GSD = German Shepherd Dog.
  • Hahahahahahahamwwaahaha oh my @hunnybunny That's what i thought at first but then i says nahhh obviously its a dog why would they add that? Must mean something different"
    But nooool heee hee..ty
  • I guess they wanted to make 100% sure nobody confused one with an actual German shepherd, or the elusive German Shepherd Cat
  • Nope #7 :) s' ok I'll take it :)
  • @kelani memories of walking Max, off the lead, down a disused railway cutting. Little old ladies with cairn terriers, scotties, whatever but little yappy things, screaming at us "put your dog on a lead"
    Max just ignored them. The yappies tried every ankle biting trick in the book to rile him. No effect

    @kathy there's a bug thingy walking over my iPad! Should I scream / run / get the **** out of here?
  • Roflmao @Kelani. .haha
  • Arghhhh get the f outta there whilr screaming @hunnybunny! !
  • @kelani GSC it would be then ;-)
  • Aw @kathy he's my little pet bug now.....
  • Mrs. Bunny, will you ever get another GSD?
  • But .....drum roll please dadada.I moved up to#3 on the TT leaderboards:)
    Own drinks on me. .I'll have a Marmoset killer:)
  • @fenikus no, not at the moment. Dogs are a tie, we like to travel two or three times a year. And a once a month weekend away. Kennels are expensive, and you always worry. We have no children, my sis lives abroad, HWDNF family are another long story, but basically nowhere I'd feel happy to leave a dog.
    And a GSD? Not sure. Max was the best one ever. Can't ever be replaced.
    Perhaps one day, as we travel less...
  • Wahooo Team BP owns TT leaderboards! !!!!
  • Drums rolling everywhere!

    WTG @kathy what did you do?

    My #1 spot is in jeopardy
  • Idk @hunnybunny I only just got a good score on #15 .I still have levels to work on.. and uhmm I Did say i never take your trophy but uhmmm didn't say i wouldn't move up the board worries i think your safe I'll never conquer level "#20 :/
  • @kelani watching a rerun of Dolly at Glastonbury
  • @kathy you will, I know you will
  • Level #20 is Beyond Me!! Help! !! I do exactly like the video 4 birds and cannot most times even get 3 stars!!! My total score is just barely above average aWTH am i doing wrong?
  • TT #16 has blanking gotten on my last blanking nerve. I'm gonna go pull weeds.

    edit: Another weird high score on it, too. Can't be a 1b, so I dunno how he got that one.
  • @kelani try ssi131 strategy it's the one that (nearly) got me 3.8m I had to make an extra 190 points on #12 to actually get there

    Don't confuse weeds with plants in your anger!
  • Woo hoo!
    Just broke 2.5m on Beak One
    Thanks @fenikus for your strat on 8-9 and @rat for your tip

    Off to HH tomorrow.
  • @hunnybunny anger's from game crashing twice on the only two attempts that beat my current score :P I missed ssi131 strategy. I was actually playing around with a non-bloated version of it. Glad to see it had promise.

    heh, the weeds are actually the only things growing in mi jardin. Well, weeds and cucumbers. Tomatoes have a virus or some deformity that's made them look like a 16th century torture device, Squash is making plants the size of a Volkswagen, but no edibles, everything else is a buffet for the whiteflies and fungi.

    ty for verifying Frankie. I was in no mood to do it :P
  • I'm guessing the "kel tank" will crush me into the earth sooner rather than later :-)
    Keep flinging BP team
    Goodnight all
  • @hunnybunny In the vernacular of, um, y'all: not bloody likely. :)
  • @fenikus what's all that white stuff in your yard? The only time we pull out the mower is when the grass gets too high. ;-)
    That rottie seemed to obey you pretty well under the circumstances. Your pup was just defending territory. I'm still wary of pit mixes. My boxer was pinned belly up by one at the dog park. I don't think the owner had a clue how to control the dog though was at least trying to socialize it. Fortunately a friend pulled the pit off before any damage was done.
  • Hi @all Happy summer to everyone. I'm back from another training trip and looking forward to enjoying one more week off before I have to go back to school again. Been flinging as I can & making ever so slow progress in SWDS2.
  • @kel catching up. The moon landings did happen for real. Have some faith man.
  • @ABcrazy never said they didn't :) Just said the documentaries were very persuasive until you did some research.

    edit: garden hose
  • @kel any good story can have doubt holes poked in it. Doesn't mean it isn't true.
  • Hah! Not the garden hose. She doesn't like the garden hose.
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