The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2272
  • Wow, someone got a super lucky puppy on Rio HD Golden Chest.
  • I see it on Google Maps @Kelani. The closet I ever got to Dinuba was driving past it on Hwy 99. Btw, I lived in California City, just down the road from Mojave, from 91-95. But I missed the Voyager launch in 86 because I was in Nevada at a "secret" location. lol
  • @Kelani @fenikus No spoilers please. I'm looking forward to watching Inception.
  • @Rat lol. I bet you were 'secretly' passed out in a corner booth at the Rachel Bar & Grill :P

    I was in... 6th grade? I think my teacher may have let us watch the launch on TV. She was a hardcore aviatrix.
  • @Rat Spoilers are impossible for that movie. :)

    edit: I could type a full synopsis, and you'd still need to watch it twice to know what the hell I was talking about.
  • @fenikus, I also saw Gravity in 3-D. It was just "ok" and IMO not worthy of high accolades. Interesting concept though, what it would be like in space.
  • @mvnla2 Saw your post on the bug forum. Here's a link to the next-to-last page of the registered members.

    The "last" member on that page is Jakkie95 (@jake1995) who is still active.

    According to the list, Jakkie95 is member 42,000 of 42,015. It's possible those missing 15 members are dummy accounts, or people who have been banned/closed their account. I also don't know why the list shows 42,015 members, but the tab at top says 61,600. Hope that helps :)
  • @SweetP congrats, you're the first person I've seen call it OK. :) IMDB boards are unusually polarized about it.
  • @Kelani, are you sure those ticker symbol figures were correct? Maybe your feed has a delay. Actually, have you heard of after-market trading? Seems like that session was lively tonight.
  • Were they buying or selling @fenikus?
  • @Rat, FINK reported better than expected quarterly earnings due to increased level 15 production. Stock soared overnight. I wasn't watching MEOW but it was bound to go down since FINK is its main competitor.
  • Duh? I'm trying to find FINK. You're talking about yourself. Don't I feel stupid.
  • Congratulations on your investment @fenikus.
  • @kelani, @fenikus, @rat "Inception", wow, I love it! Yeah, spoilers impossible here! Enjoy, @rat!
    Edit @rat Just concentrate hard and bring all that great intellect of yours to bear on it!
  • Intellect? That dog won't hunt @TomPuss. I wuz reared a good ole Southern boy just like @Kelani.
  • @rat Puhleeze, the false modesty bit doesn't fool me for an instant. You just hiding your smarts behind all that Southern charm :)
  • Just trying to compete with all that French wit @TomPuss.
  • Unlike the wife, I'm not a member of Menza @TomPuss. lol
  • Good afternoon guys, just left work. Two days to go till holiday, yeah.
    @rat that's good news - will it last this time?
  • @kelani -- Thanks for the link. Actually I get a different person at the bottom of the page. I think there must be a limit on the number of pages. I had the list set to show alphabetically, and the names on the last visible page started with "O".
  • @rat No problem then, you watch it together with @MrsRat, she'll do a running commentary for you :) lol. . Seriously tho, I think you'll love it. Have you seen Vanilla Sky? Where sometimes you wonder what is going on? But it all makes sense in the end? Inception's like that but more so.
  • No @TomPuss, I haven't seen Vanilla Sky either. I must be behind everybody in movie watching. Most of the time I can understand the plot without Mrs. Rat's help and if I can't, I just look at the pretty colors and nod knowingly. She does help with the audio though. She's my closed caption.

    @bernersenn You misunderstood. I'm not really fling capable yet. I'm hoping to be soon. I seem to be improving, albeit slow. How long it lasts if I get there is a crap shoot. But I am flinging in very small doses, hopefully under the wife's radar, just to keep the thumb limber.
  • @Rat Your wife is in Mensa. Menza was the drummer for Megadeth :P My mom wanted me to join, but I don't see the appeal in paying $70/year for the right to attend events that aren't anywhere near me. :)

    Did you know there are five more high IQ societies more exclusive than Mensa?

    98th Percentile: Mensa 110,000 members
    99th Percentile: Intertel 1,400 members
    99.9th Percentile: Triple Nine Society, 1,225 members
    99.9th Percentile: Int'l Society for Philosophical Enquiry 500 members
    99.997th Percentile: Prometheus Society 120 members
    99.9999th Percentile. Mega Society 26 members.

    I guess that's a natural side-effect of creating an elitist society. :)
  • @TomPuss you completely understood Inception after one viewing? I'm nominating you for that Mega Society I just posted about.

    @fenikus Huh, I guess my stock ticker feed must've been misrouted through the same flaky HBO server your movie came from. Don't cash in your options yet, though. There's 5 hours of trading left today.
  • @SweetP you can remove my reply to @Kathy on TT5 if you need to to fix the duplicate link post. It's just a congrats, and she's seen it, so now it's just leaderboard clutter anyway :)

    @mvnla2 I hope you weren't washed away by that flood on Sunset blvd. Last thing you guys needed :/ I saw the pics of Pauley Pavilion. That's gonna cost a fortune to fix.

    @All FWIW, major water main breaking the day after Cali's water restrictions take effect=not irony, but close.
  • @hunnybunny very nice catch-up you did there :) I only have four hours to fling before it's Byepad time. If I fight you, my HH stock price will keep falling. If I fight @fenikus, I'll get steamrolled by an angry bunny. Tough call...
  • Yeah, Mother's want a lot for their kids @Kelani. But way to often, they get disappointed.
  • @kelani I tried my best this morning, before real life took over. Off to cook the dinner now, let the battle recommence in about 90 minutes
    Although I'm sure @Fenikus would much rather have the pleasure of your company tonight!
  • @hunnybunny eww. that sounds unpleasant :P Nobody's getting my company tonight unless they're also playing Beak.

    @Rat They sure do. Nobody wants to hear 'your kid's unremarkable'. I feel so bad for the poor teachers who deal with those parents: "MY kid is the smartest one in your class, and don't you forget it!".
  • @Kelani -- Fortunately not close enough to get wet. The amount of damage from that one is horrendous. They say 700 cars in UCLA parking garages are underwater. They just spent $100M on renovating Pauley Pavilion. There was another major break last week (?) in Venice, CA, which is really part of LA. Been lots of water main breaks recently, most not quite as spectacular. Saw evidence of one a few blocks from here last weekend. The water main broke on our street about a year ago. Fortunately that was more a temporary inconvenience than disaster.
    Wonder who is liable for all this damage? I wouldn't say it was "an act of God" when the city has let the infrastructure get so ancient. I would think it's a particularly bad thing to do in a city crisscrossed by fault lines. I would bet there is a fault line along Sunset, or within a mile.
  • Hey @bernersenn Gute fahrt! And make sure you get a clear day for your visit - I find Accuweather Wengen the most reliable. Above all, have a wonderful holiday!

    @kelani *blushes modestly* yes I did understand it the first time, but that's most likely because of the very old-fashioned way I look at movies. No cable, no satellite dish (have seen these in hotels etc, reception is far from perfect and sometimes non-existent), no streaming. . . Just good old (already!) DVDs and the rest recorded off TV with trouble-free reception from classic aerial on the roof. And of course, you can pause it and take a coffee/ciggie break, no better way to ponder over the plot. .

    @mvnla2 Only had time to cast a cursory eye over the pages these last few days. . did I dream it, or did you really declassify your age at last? :) Well, I'm older than you. . . And like great wines, we can only improve with age. . Viva Vintage!
    Sorry about your burst water-main BTW xoxo
  • Hi @tompuss thank you. I hope the weather will be better overthere, yet it is wet, wet, very wet - as it is here in Holland.
    You pulled me in here, due to lots of preparations for the holiday I had no time for flinging. We got a small webshop, for that we had to do some things.
    To everyone here - nighty nighty. Keep those birds flinging.
  • And @rat let's make this clear. Better a good health for a start and bad flinging. Once all is settled that will return also. Wish you really a good recovery
  • @Tompuss yeah, that's a much better way to watch. :) I just remembered I was sick in bed when I saw it, so that may have affected my ability to follow the multiple plots. The really hard part was trying to convince my mom to watch it. Her first question is always "Is it violent?" All I could come up with was "It is, but technically, it isn't." :P

    I saw an article somewhere by one of those PR guys who does exit-polling for sound bites. As people walked out, he noticed most of them looked very confused. He tried to talk to a few, but they ignored him. About half went directly to the counter and bought another ticket.
  • @kelani The movie I wanted to see again straightaway was The Usual Suspects! One of my favourites ever.

    @rat Hope you feel better soon.
    Nighty night xoxo
  • @TomPuss -- Yeah, @hunnybunny finally insulted me into calculating it enough times that I think what I said is correct. Interesting thought about the wine, but not sure I can afford one as old as I am. The water-main break that affected us directly was a year ago, and only left us without water for most of a day.
  • @kelani can't hit a barn door tonight. Don't know about your stock in HH, but your TT looks like a good investment

    I see the Boston Lady climbing the board, my "nobody wants a pep talk from bunny" pm worked for @kathy lol

    Small Wednesday wwhhiinnee!!
  • Aw @mvnla2 it was hardly an insult......
  • @kelani look for some bunny paw prints :-)))))
  • @kelani I think you'll find I'm having Hawaiian Princess pizza tonight, with extra Kel topping :D
  • @hunnybunny so, where'd you find those sexy 4k points?
  • @kelani #13 changed angle of second shot.
    You must be really bored today, stock market, recipes....

    OB please look after Kel, I'm off to bed and he really, really, needs care and attention until 'Hi Pad" time
  • Sorry @fenikus. I was thinking of joining you in Rio but @Ollygod said he's not done yet. Looks like I need to come out of retirement again. Olly just doesn't know the meaning of the word quit. He's got his scores for every level in BI #1 in the top seven now. About time to pull the "Pixelator" out of mothballs. lol

    It looks like they're attacking you from a couple of directions as well @Kelani. Wish I was chopping down the trees with ya. I dearly love rabbit stew.
  • @Rat Yeah, now I know how you feel. People always picking away at those scores. When you finish toying with Olly, I hope you're able to make an appearance. They're fun levels. After this, I'm gonna do a ipad Beak2 marathon and see if I can't scrape up those missing points.

    Oh, forgot to mention, I heard a weird commercial the other day. Didn't hear anything except the last two lines:

    Mom: What is that?
    Little girl: It's my Happy Shake!

    Apparently he's left Nepal or wherever and moved into fast food.
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