The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2262
  • @fenikus lol. I just saw he was at it again. Although the latest one wasn't the video strategy, it was paraphrasing a well-known alternate :P

    @estar I'm actually being a good kel and restraining myself to make them last longer. The first pack of AIRMentos has one left. It'd have more, but I used 6 of them to get rid of the drop taste :P Everything else has minor damage. :)

    btw, here's tic tac silvers.

    That's a big bag, but it's actually the smaller one you could buy . The big institutional-size one had 2x the pieces.
  • we're gonna have to start calling @fenikus @grumpikus :)
  • Yeah, yeah @Kelani…while I'm at it, there is a certain flinger that's almost 20K points ahead of me in Timber Tumble…that's even more annoying!
  • @fenikus like I thought... thanks for the heads up, but as @kelani mentioned, he is trying to find a loophole by using longer sentences telling the same thing as the others. Which makes it harder, cause why are they allowed to write those comment and not he? (welllll they don't make them and move on to the next level to do the same?! duhhh). But I keep you posted
  • Thanks @estar :-) Now can anything be done about that rogue flinger that shall remain nameless…cough…kel…cough…ani…that's been obliterating competition in Timber Tumble? He's not even using his preferred device (PC)…whineeeeeeee!

    p.s. Actually, he did slow down a bit ever since he tasted the "evil drop" you sent him…perhaps you can send him some double salty ones? ;-)
  • @fenikus Sorry, I had to do it at least once on ipad. I'm sure a few people have wondered if I was really using TestBox to crank out high scores. :) But the bright side is, if I can get that score with nothing but whines, anyone can.

    FWIW, HH has not been so accommodating.

    edit: My limited ipad time should be enough of a handicap. double-salty would probably kill me.
  • Good flinging @Kelani. But the timber has started tumbling for me lately…I think it was my excursion to Space that temporarily messed up my Rio flinging skills. I think they're coming back.
  • haha @fenikus I could, but I am sure he sees it coming... I might have to look up a recipe to make a mentos lookalike double salted drop... O wait... sorry @fenikus @kelani promised to send me a little surprise package back some day and I am just too darn curious about other cultures and things, I just can not resist wanting to know what he has planned. so (for now hee depends on what nasties he has planned for me LOL) he is my fwiend ;) but you won't let yourself get beaten by ani Kel now are you?
  • Ok, any future candy deliveries will be run by my food taster first! :)

    edit @estar I have no nasties planned for you. Yet. :o)
  • awwww your poor Grandma, you wouldn't do that to her now would ya @kelani??
  • okay boys, have to get moving about again, talk to you later!
  • @estar What grandmother?! I meant hiring a food taster, or maybe Pattydog if she's been a PITA. What you said is just...mean! lol

    edit: that's the kind of thing that'd get one disowned.
  • @kelani yes, I'd love to see this pictures too. And as @estar mentioned "we just did it", so do our children, etc. I think that with all kids are curious about what other people eat, so they want to know. They try and they love it, or hate it. Although most of the dutch like it, the minor part doesn't. So come on, don't be shy, just one tiny, little, small picture. :-)
  • @kelani nice picture. And I think you're right, every country has its own unique flavor. The dutch is a cheese country, switzerland also. I don't like cheese at all - that's not understood in our country. Most of the dutch are eating cheese during lunch, I don't. Meat is alright.
    Something different: in a week from now I'm in the Swiss, yes.
  • Hi @all I like mints, liquorice and cheese, especially cheese!

    I hope @karen68 didn't feel severe pain on the Octopus daily challenge level. I was sticking pins in a voodoo doll that I had no idea was Karen shaped....

    I'm sure @surfcow was born somewhere on the west coast, longed to surf in Hawaii and moved to Kansas where all he could see was cows, hence his name. He makes me laugh so much in his walkthroughs.

    @kelani look in badges I've left the bribe, in an alleyway, next to the light blue painted door
  • @hunnybunny -- I don't think so (about @Surfcow), but will have to find explanation to prove it.
  • @mvnla2 we should just have looked at his profile. Rather than speculating. I wasn't far off!
  • @hunnybunny All I found was a small ticking box with a middle finger scrawled on it. Oh, wait...

    Thanks :P That pic looks like it's from some kind of applet. I hope so, cause I'm gonna spend hours tracking it down later tonight.
  • @kelani don't open the applet, the small ticking box should have given you the clue "kelboom" lol
  • Hey everyone! ! Haven't caught up on everything but I don't eat candy so i missed most of those posts..@mvnla2 I think i asked @surfcow once about the origins of his handle but totally forget what it was.
    @Kelani are you the Rio expert? Or is it fenikus ? I'm fed up with Timber doesnt Tumble so i decided to pick up where i left of in carnival I wasn't concentrating on scores then just 3 stars. But I'm wondering after all these updates it seems hard to even reach my old scores. :/
  • @Kathy I'd have to say @fenikus is the Rio expert, especially if you're in Carnival Upheaval. I hate that episode intensely. My scores in it are terrible, and will remain so.

    I'll also defer to him on HH. When you give TT a try, all of us probaby have some insight for ya.
  • @Kelani I already finished TT Timber doesnt Tumble? I finished in #17 .. where have you been I was asking for help all along..I even @ you a couple times hello ?
  • @hunnybunny -- Got to admit you are correct about @Surfcow's name. The story is on his profile page. How could I forget? He's probably having a good chuckle.
  • @Kathy Any @kelani from you, I replied to, unless you had already figured it out, or someone else replied first. I've been sitting in here the whole time, you shoulda come in here and yelled at me :)

    @fenikus better up his game in HH before tomorrow night. My quickie 2nd runthrough only left him a 14k lead. :)

    edit: explanation aside, dubious score on HH #15
  • Hmm I know you always reply @Kelani.. maybe i didnt @mention you in TT I thought i did. .but I've been in here whining about it enough i thought you knew i was playing it:/
  • Kathy actually, I haven't seen you here much either! :P You'd come in, wwwhhiiiinnneee, say you were having trouble/w/tablet and TT, then off to fling or bed. :)

    Oh boy. Discovery has Shark Week, now WE has Snark Week.

    edit: I'm ipadless again. Your scores are once again safe :P
  • @Kelani I'm sorry i misunderstood I guess :( or you just being funny saidH. "When you give TT a try, " so it confused me.. sorry I'm not inn the best of moods dealing with crazy sis all last night then. .insensitive friend today. .
    I did Finally straighten out my Tablet issue :) can you believe the whole problem was because my Date and Time were off? Pita lol.. really soorry didn't mean to be grouchy to've helped me a lot throughout a few quests of the RatPack.
    OB I'll have a Marmoset kiler and bring Kenobi a drink of his choice please:)
  • And your right i haven't really been keeping up lately. .but 2 pages of Candy:/ I do get All notifications from here..I actually have a couple videos that @TomPuss posted I have to watch I just haven't had time:(
  • :) thanks @uncle Kel ♡ no really I'm sorry. And I am kinda done with TT..I think idk maybe another try.. Rio used to be my absolute favorite but idk now I'm thinking of space ..idk
  • @Kathy the rodent has corrupted your mind! Hmm, I don't know which my favorite is. Both have their ups & downs. Guess it doesn't matter since both of them are probably done.

    edit: btw @Kathy talk about corrupting minds. Ever since you called me uncle when talking about my COUSIN, I've had two people ask me about my niece :P
  • Lol sorry @UncleKel :/ it just seems like your an uncly type to your cuz.. and i am brain dead.. I'm sure you told me before but is your cuz a girl an how old? Sorry that's just the impression i have of you. Your amicable Uncle Kel to a pre-teen girl:/ sorry to be presumptuous:/
  • I'm ignoring the rodent comment I know not of whom you speak:/
  • Oh-oh I said something wrong huh? Sorry.:(I'll just fling. .
  • @Kathy Sorry, had to water garden. No pre-teen's ever touching my electronics! She's 22 :P
  • S'ok @Kelani .hey at least I got the gender correct. .hmmm 22 , your a good cuz;)
  • @kelani -- How did you find out the number of posts? @Kathy has been here a long time, as have I.
  • Hello, y'all! Sorry I've been inactive for so long. I don't know if ABSM has told you guys, but we're moving (again). I've had my nose in books and no Internet, (oh, the torture!! [I still dont have a wireless phone**grumbles**]Lol) and so now I'm at my grandparents and they have wifi so I thought I would stop by for a while. I feel bad because I have been away from the nest for so long, but oh well.
    Soo... Hi!
  • Hi @Bubbles. Say hello to the apprentice for me. Is he flinging in the new Space release?
  • Nevermind @Bubbles. I just looked at @ABSM's leaderboard. Tell your brother I'm disappointed in him. Not one decent score in all of Beak Impact. School must be tougher this year.
  • @mvnla2 click on your name, or anyone else's name. There'll be a Comments Tab partway down the screen. It's the number in blue. You have 5718
  • CongRATz @Ollygod. Another milestone. You've busted through the average rank of five for all levels in BI #1. Your average rank is 4.95. WTG!
  • Sadly, no. He's on a camp out. @Rat haha ABS(apprentice) had to leave his phone at home. His last words to me were him asking "how will I last without angry birds?!" LOL Oh, how sentimental he is! XD
  • Trust me when I say @Mvnla2 has more than 5718 comments in the nest @Kelani.
  • @Rat of course she does. :) This is just just the BP. You have 3885.
  • You're fussing about no wifi on your phone @Bubbles? I don't have wifi on mine. And it's not game capable either. It's barely a step above an antique.
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