The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2217
  • @hunnybunny if it is the princess safe, I think it's empty :P

    I've seen the genkik name before, but not much else. Attracted to the aloof ones, are we? ;) You should turn on the charm and make a new friend out of that loner :)
  • @fenikus gagging for: dying for, longing for, I NEED NOW
    No I hadn't, but googled him. Chess is the only game HWDNF can beat me at. Every time! Not good when you're a competitive little bunny.....
  • @kelani no problem with talking to strange, unfriended people.
    We're all a bit strange, and at one time without friends in here.
    Just thought he might be a troll
  • BFN off to watch a quiz programme.
    We play against each other. We both have our own strengths, and weaknesses.
    Hoping I'll win ;-)
  • Ok @rat on my way out to ask questions at the quiz league - so it's on the wall and you need it to fling? Yet you fling outside? Is it that SWDNF can see you through it and if you sneak outside without her say so .......
    Or there is no light outside so pretty coloured light shines from the study outside to create an atmosphere conducive to focussing on the iPad??
  • @Rat -- The stained glass is mounted and hung like a painting, with a white mat an inch or so behind the stained glass. It is definitely not a window. It could be used as a signal from you to SWDNF that you are flinging outside, and please do not disturb. The signal would be something like taking it down from the wall and placing it someplace obvious.
  • @fenikus -- You are really close. Will take a quick peek to see how I described it a year or so ago.
  • @fenikus @kelani @rat -- Actually, I obviously had more fun torturing teens last time around. : D If you really want to know the answer it is given in this comment:
  • @kelani, anyone else who really wants to know (or doesn't really want to know) what a corner-cube is ...
    Imagine the corner of a box, where you have fit 3 mirrors that have one right-angle corner so that they join at the corner, with the mirror side facing the box. Glue them together and remove from box. You now have a corner cube. If you now mount them so the corner faces generally away from the direction you are shining a laser or other light from, the corner cube will reflect the light back in precisely the direct it came from over quite a large range of incident angles. Thus it is an ideal retroflector for bicycles or laser retroreflectors left on the moon.
  • @Mvnla2 and @Mumsie, you're both correct in that there are lights behind the stained glass reflected off a white background to make the stained glass pretty, especially at night, and it is permanently mounted on the wall. But no, it's not the fling signal.
    What am I?

    Edit: Last hint. It's hinged.
  • @mvnla2 nice picture, I would never have got it.

    @kelani {nice kelhug} I love badges! and thought you deserved it! even in six months you just became part of the family, flinging, commenting, and those amazingly long strats.
    @fenikus nominated me for "certifiable" quite recently, and he deserves a {small Bunny hug}
    I think it's a great badge. Just keep your eyes peeled, and nominate when you see someone who you think has earnt it.

    Strangely enough, my first nomination for "certified" was @rat What was I thinking, his ego is big enough already lol And he wasn't terribly impressed at the time, or so he said.....

    @rat come on now, who's closest on your "what am I picture"?

    Edit: rat you gave the clue whilst I was typing
  • @rat coffee making cupboard? Virtual tequila store? Cigarette and ashtray hidden away?
  • @Rat -- I think @hunnybunny must be correct. The only other thing would be where you keep your iPad and anything else you need to fling, but didn't @abcrazy already guess that?
  • Burning Island Puzzle

    A man is stranded on an island covered in forest.

    One day, when the wind is blowing from the west, lightning strikes the west end of the island and sets fire to the forest. The fire is very violent, burning everything in its path, and without intervention the fire will burn the whole island, killing the man in the process.

    There are cliffs around the island, so he cannot jump off.

    How can the man survive the fire? (There are no buckets or any other means to put out the fire)
  • @Rat dammit. I said it was a hinged door for something. We're getting into hair-splitting territory now :P

    Maybe you have a projector back there and get a full-wall i-pad screen to fling from.

    @hunnybunny well, I thank you for that. It'd been a pleasure getting to know most of you. :> Speaking of long strategies... I just posted one on #33. Too hard to describe. I need a nap now :P

    @fenikus wait for the rain to catch up?
  • @bernersenn I could live the rest of my life without eating meat, other than crispy bacon yum yum!
  • rawr. bacon!
  • @Kelani, no rain in sight. The solution involves entire island being burned to the ground but the man still survives.
  • @fenikus but not for long, surely, no vegetation, no food......
  • Other than that comment, can't work out the fire thing
  • @fenikus Bah! cloud-to-ground lightning usually comes from the leading and trailing edges of thunderstorms. Behind that lightning strike should be a thunderstorm, and given the winds, it should put the fire out :D

    Unless he digs a hole and hides in it, it's back to the drawing board, then. (or drooring for you UK types)
  • @Hunnybunny, the man survives the fire…whether he makes it further is beyond the scope of the puzzle ;-) Though one would think all the fire and smoke would eventually get someone to investigate and save the man from starvation.
  • @Kelani, no tools to dig a hole on the island. Let's say the man is Magnus Carlsen and the only tool he has is his ridiculously high IQ. (There is another hint in there -- if you google images of MC, you'll see his physical condition. In other words, Stephen Hawking wouldn't make it ;-)
  • Dang...real life is really doing a number on me... the PITA isn't laying low at 50% today and I feel like crap. So didn't get the chance to read up on where I left of yesterday :( Maybe in a few on the iPad. Anyway, a quick pop in from me to keep the computer sitting time at a minimum... @kelani... ehhhhhh YUP, indeed it is and I ain't ashamed to admit it hee hee... so get your behind moving and start writing that long promised novel ahahahahahha

    @hunnybunny I love my new working @mentions, this way I did see you question. All I can say, when I googled the name it came back to something Chinese or Japanese to keep it a large enough area so I am not giving out info that should not be given out, my powahs kinda confirm this idea ;) So my guess is he/she works really hard on the English comment, but doesn't want to participate in too much conversation due to the language barrier??

    @all sorry to drop in and out again, but butt :((
  • @fenikus so, all I have is:

    If a fire was approaching me, my two hands would dig a hole damn fast :P

    1. He digs a hole and hides in it.
    2. He was to the west of the lightning strike, and due to winds, in no danger.
    3. He can't jump off the cliff, but he can climb down.
    4. His name is Icarus and he's yet to learn his lesson.
  • btw @fenikus you do get the irony of you posting this puzzle, right? :P

    edit: Magnus Carlson the singer, or Carlsen the chess player?
  • @Kelani…nope, none of your 4 answers are correct. Nope, don't get the irony.

    p.s. Impatient folks could easily google the name of the puzzle (that's why I left it in). But no spoilers, please -- my money is on @mvnla2 or @ABcrazy to solve this puzzle.
  • @fenikus you said your name was a play on the Serbian word feniks. We're talking about a man about to be incinerated, which I now think is his only shot to get off the damn island! :D unless..

    5. His reality show is cancelled, and the fire and island set pieces are torn down to be used elsewhere. :P
  • @Kelani, ok -- got it…but no, the man survives unscathed…he does not raise from the ashes. Answer 5 is not correct either, this puzzle is for real.
  • @fenikus Answer #5 was pretty slick, IMO. I'm sure it's some obvious answer that will make us feel like idiots. So I'll be sitting here until I figure it out. Glad I have no plans tonight and tomorrow. :)
  • @Kelani, it's not a trick puzzle, I promise. If you somehow got into that situation, the solution could really save your life.

    Edit: Magnus Carlsen, the chess player. (Hint: chess players usually think at least few moves ahead).
  • OB I'll never catch up!!
    @mvnla2 very nice picture good mind tester!!
    Lol I was rolling laughing at some of the guezses of both your and @rat9 pics!!
    @mumsie SWDNF ? Don't get it? thanks for having blues clean up my flashlight:)
  • @fenikus I used to play semi-pro chess, but that's not helping much with this puppy. :P
  • Pa I was wrong idk what it is:/
    @estar I hope you start feeling better. .sorry i missed you:(
    @fenikus that's easy one:) I think I know but I won't guess yet..or I could be wrong:/ I would think @mvnla2 would get it right Away! !
  • @fenikus -- Sorry, can't look at this now; maybe in a couple of hours.
  • @fenikus run to the east side and lay flat on the ground?
  • @Pa everyone already guessed everything:/ did you tell yet. .I might have missed it..I only quickly skimmed the pages ;/
    OB I've had a very long day first day bask to work. .that Harvey Wallbanger that @bernersenn had sounds good! ! Ty @bernersenn :)
  • @Kelani, is there anything you *haven't* done in your prior life? My father thought me to play when I was like 5 or so but I never competed.

    Nope, if he runs to the east side and lays flat, he'll burn. It's a fictional puzzle so assume the forest goes to the very edge of the island and there is absolutely no place to hide.
  • @Kathy, give it a try.
  • @kelani open your brain man!! Think! ! I really thunk i know but I'm probably totally tools right? @fenikus no nothing..hmm but i think I'm close anyway
  • @Fenikus Fight Fire with Fire ?
  • Like take off his shirt set it on fire and start a fire on the east ?
  • @Kathy, very close. How does starting a fire on the east save him?
  • Uhmm @fenikus cuz the fires will eventually have nothing to burn and smolder out? I'm not really sure How it works but i know they do it when fighting wildfires in Ca. That's why i thought @mvnla2 would guess quickly ?
  • Oohhhh cuz the Wind will blow the fire from the east into the one coming from the west?
  • You're very close in concept, @Kathy…good job, I'm impressed! You've put @Kelani to shame, let's see if he can work out the details now that you opened his mind.
  • LOL @Kathy, now you took a wrong turn :-) The wind blows from the west so the fire can move only eastward.
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