The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2177
  • Hurrah @pagechangermumsie! Ha ha - that's cheered me up!
  • @Mumsie I apologize for my cheeky reply to you on the challenge page. I just couldn't resist :)
  • @kelani - cheeky?? Must have missed that - thought you were just being your usual (funning) self! Sadly I have not had time to fling much in Star Wars! Having never seen the films often have no idea what the strategists are telling me!
  • Bloody question: how do you insert pictures in the comments here?
  • Haha, that's perfect @mumsie42! Thank you!
    Have fun with your golf game tomorrow, and wishing lots of luck, you'll get at least a birdie on every hole.

    Sad but true @kelani. We don't hear about very many (if any) artists, only the most popular ones. When I was on the exec board for a local high school band, we got to meet a couple of composers. One that really impressed me was David Maslanka. During concert season competitions, our school's Wind I won several Grand Champion awards playing his music! Here is a sampling:
  • @bernersenn, to post a picture here, you'll have to first upload it to your album, then copy the embed link and paste it into your comment.
  • @sweetp, thanks. But that is not what I meant, on this way we got a link in the comment. Look above at the comment of @munsie, she inserted a picture here, not a link. I like it to see a thumbnail of a picture. Again, thanks anyway
  • @bernersenn - yes, the embed link is what you want to show the picture here.

    edit: when you use the Embed link, the picture will automatically appear.
  • @bernersenn - SweetP is right ! I always have to check I've used the right link by previewing!
  • Mind you just realised you cannot see the whole pic unless you tap on it whereupon it takes you to my album!!
  • It worked, you can choose at a picture for 'embed' or 'link'. @mumsie, thanks. @sweetp, read your comment again, you mentioned embed link. Thanks
  • @mumsie Ack! I meant silly, not cheeky. But yep, my usual self. :)

    @bernersenn the embed link shows a 100x100 thumbnail, so if you want to show a small image at full size, definitely use preview to make sure it's not cropped.

    @SweetP I copypasted music link. I'll check it in a bit :P
  • @kelani, will also care of that, thanks.
  • Congrats @bernersenn ! Nice to learn something new!
  • @all, it's done here - wish you all good night.
  • Good one @bernersenn. I laugh at your 40 point lead. I hope you're laughing in the morning. lol
  • Nighty-night @Mumsie42, sweet dreams!
  • @kelani search for a BBC 4 programme "The Mike Oldfield Story" we watched it last week. Fascinating. The only links I can find on this side of the pond are the BBC one, which won't work in the US, and a crappy YouTube four minute version.
    @beakflingers wish I'd never mentioned my struggle with 8-20 you all did it and sped away from me
    Hi everyone else, the visitors are so well fed, they are quiet and undemanding. Peace at last.......
  • Love it @mumsie now once these visitors go, all I need to do is to get HWDNF to take me out to lunch and dinner, every day.....
  • @hunnybunny Thanks, I'll look for it, but a copy would probably be hard to find. A legal one, anyway. Illegal, not so much.

    Sped away from you? Last time i checked, your #20 score thrashed mine.
  • @kelani you're a top Beak Two player, I haven't even (other than the first pass) looked at that.
    Think I might try @burbman strategy, two / three weeks on every game / episode / level
    Check him out, never number one, but a great flinger
    Was it you who asked who the greatest over average in all games flinger was? @burbman
    Although thee-michelle might top him haven't looked.
  • Oh, BTW, @kelani I loved the idea of a badge for that "great, over average, in all levels, flinger" but just try and interest the admins in any new FLINGING badge. Zilch response.
    I have no problem whatsoever with the pastoral badges, those who get them, mainly, deserve them.
    That's what we do
    Sorry for shouting........
  • OB talking to myself, you and the blues, again!

    Goodnight all, off to see the Dr Who experience in Cardiff Bay tomorrow, followed by Techniquest (check it out all you scientific types) and Slimbridge (for bird lovers, haha) on Friday
  • @hunnybunny I think @BPC started the 'best overall flinger' conversation. I haven't been here long enough to know. I think there should be a badge for every new episode and several other currently-unrewarded things, and (selfishly) bonus points for every strategy post, but pfft. nobody listens to me :P

    As for Beak 2, I've been there almost exclusively, and had a few days where I got some unusually good scores. That's all that was. Beak1 still eludes me.
  • I left you a good new strategy on 8-10 @Kelani. It should help your overall BI #1 score.
  • @Rat there is no post by you on #10. The Top Score isn't showing either, for that matter.
  • @kelani popped in before bedtime
    @rat is messing with you
    He just wants to draw attention to my most embarrassing post ever
    Sorry Rat it's public knowledge in BP go back a few pages @kathy is rolling around with laughter, after I brought it to her attention
    @kathy the 8-10 "tada" post.......
    I'm thick skinned, I'll live with it
  • And @rat if you can't say something nice (next four words deleted) ........
  • @hunnnybunny what a schoolgirlish thing to say!

    *runs fast, zig-zagging and ducking in case you're armed*

    edit: I wouldn't worry about it. 70% of people who will see that post will be none the wiser. 20% who have a thing for schoolgirls will go catatonic, and the last 10% BP crowd will never speak of it again ;)

    edit 2: @hunnybunny the offending post isn't on #10 Unless it's removed, @Rat didn't even get that right :P
  • @HunnyBunny, you give me too much credit for deviousness. Sorry, no ulterior motives. Just my stupidity. I was doing something on 8-10 at the time, so it was on my mind, but the strategy I was trying to refer to was S-23.
  • BTW, @HunnyBunny, I used your strategy on 8-15 to get second place. Sorry, but I edged you out by about 10-20 points.

    Edit: Now you can look at this one with critical eyes @HunnyBunny. I am trying to be funny. Your post had me laughing so hard I relaxed and got a good score. Thank you. ha ha
    You know what they say, "Laughter is the best medicine". And with the pain I've been enduring lately, I need all the medicine you can give me. New strategy??? haha Keep em coming.
  • I actually thought it was kinda nice to see a @happybunny over a good score.
  • @Rat Vortex said he followed the video on S23 (a top shot). If you think that's possible, why'd you go for the lower shot? :P

    edit: "making new baby green glowy ones" best line I've seen all week.
  • I see the score as a possibility @Kelani. Approaches differ.
  • We aim to please @Kelani. We aim to please.
    Most of the time I aim to please myself, but if I can make you smile, all the better.
  • Now! What's this about a "Ta da" I missed @HunnyBunny. Sounds embarrassing. Inquiring minds want to know.
  • @Rat while I think your '1 in 3' may be a tad optimistic, that's a pretty darn good strategy on S23. btw, thanks for keeping the throne warm today. I'll still be sick tomorrow, so I'm sure you'll hop back in during my absence. :)
  • I'm sorry @Kelani, I thought it was you that was keeping it warm for me. Not the other way around. You sound confused. lol
  • @Kelani I thought the one in three odds might be a tad overly optimistic. haha
    But I'm not the math wiz you are. I'll let you compute the odds.
  • Hi ho! ! Just got home about a half hour ago..36 +unread notification! ! Argghh not gonna try to catch up now or I'd never get here lol..
    OB I'll have a PigKiller please. .a double as i spent the evening with 'the crazy sister'
  • B1 #19 got me stuck:/
  • @Kathy what's the mean ol' level do to you?

    @Rat me? math whiz? rofl. I like probability cos of poker, but I suck incredibly at math. You're thinking of @fenikus and Slim. They're the number guys in this establishment.
  • Pa reading your strat I don't get when to send the second Terrence ?
    You said when they are both in there upper right quadrant..well I can get the 2 seater at 2:00 but then Terrence leaves the atmisphere and the other ship still floats around?
  • Lol @kelani don't make in fun of me. .I nestled a niceittle spot in #18 ;) still got some work to do. .
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