The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2176
  • @mvnla2 I know he'll win this game. Eventually, you'll come to someone I know, but forgot I know :P
  • @Hunnybunny @kelani -- I was in Yellowstone during the 1959 "Yellowstone" earthquake, magnitude ~7.4, which was actually centered in Montana. We were camping at the time, and I slept through it. After the quake there were lots of geysers erupting that normally erupted only once every 50 years or so. I thought it very exciting, and was way too young to be scared.
  • @mvnla2 wow. I didn't know there was such a big quake so recently. I bet that would've been a neat sight. Also, you must be a very deep sleeper. :P

    Knowing the history of that place, if I was there today and a big quake hit, there would be high-pitched screaming and soiled clothing. People just don't know that the whole park is the caldera.
  • Anyone want to discuss Russia vs. Korea soccer game? Please?
  • нет! Россияне обсудить ядерное оружие!

    edit: But to be fair, you can tell me all about it, if you want :P
  • Classical music...Soccer? I watched part of a Phineas and Ferb cartoon today. I think I'm on a different level and I'm not talking about flingin'.
  • @Rat Ignore it. It's just etiquette. I made a cat fart comment the other day, so I had to redeem myself today.
  • Are you in part one @Kelani? I've seen no movement in 2 today.
  • Ahh, @kelani she is a cutie! I did like Matt Smith, and wish they'd kept him for the new season. I guess Peter Capaldi is a good actor, but it'll take me awhile to get used him as the new doctor.

    Well it's getting really late, and I have to get up early in the morning so I'm headed for the bed. Nighty-night to everyone on this side of the pond, and good morning to everyone on the other side. have a wonderful Wednesday!
  • What the hell is that Enci83 guy doing on the leaderboards? He's getting highscore after highscore in BI#1. Ridiculous.
    CC. @amslimfordy @sunshine

    btw, good afternoon to you all
  • WTG @bernersenn good flinging!
    I'm stuck in a kitchen preparing food for the ravenous masses that have invaded my house.
    I too noticed a stranger posting very high scores, hmmmmm......
  • @bernersenn This is probably not the right place to tell Slim and Sunshine about a possible troll. I'm not sure, but I think the postings at the bottom of the Space BI #1 page would be more appropriate. Btw, there appears to be two other players in Beak Impact that aren't aware of protocol. They have both posted overall higher scores in BI #1 and #2 than the @Rat. I will assume they just didn't know any better and forgive them this time. lol
  • @bernersenn I don't feel great but I have been flinging this morning and have a little present for both of those flingers in Beak Impact.
  • @hunnybunny, why not taken the best of both worlds? Explain your invaders how the game is played - press them your Ipad in the hands and let them play. In the mean time you can cook a delicious dinner for them.
    @Rat, must say that I mostly get reactions from one of the admins when I post something here.
  • @Rat, that would be fine, just enter some better scores. Your condition is the reason why I didn't write anything here about my position. It seems not fair, competing with a competitor with his hands tied.
  • @hunnybunny, new targets here. Great shooting @Rat
  • CongRATs to you and @Kelani both @bernersenn. Just don't let it happen again. lol
  • @Rat, reporting the troll here does work (or it was the flag that I used on one of the scores) - that guy is removed.
    Thanks @amslimfordy @sunshine
  • @BI fanatics -- You can also flag the scores on the leaderboard, although there isn't always a fast response. In fact, whatever happened to the investigation of the person posting high scores last week?
    @kelani -- Well, your list of obscure composers only has 3 that I don't remember hearing, or hearing about: Suk and Ullmann, oh yes, Oldfield. Your description of him reminds me of Partch. Will have to ask HWDNF about them.
    Obscure classical composer, huh? Have any of your pieces been published or played in public, as in a performance people had to pay to hear? If so, HWDNF may have heard of you. Somehow I thought you were more into pop music? Didn't you say you played in a band? Am I totally confused? Wouldn't be the first time.
  • @kelani -- HWDNF has heard of all of them except Oldfield. So score 1 for kelani.
  • @mvnla2, I think @Kelani played a trick on you: even I know of Mike Oldfield, but never considered him a "classical" music composer.
  • @bernersenn, can you do your reporting trick on that suspicious flinger that is currently in top spot in both Beak 1 and 2? It's ridiculous!
  • @fenikus -- Yeah, I looked up Mike Oldfield, will have to listen to some of his music, but calling him a "classical" composer might be something of a stretch.
  • @mvnla2, he's best known for his Tubular Bells album. Excellent stuff.
  • @fenikus, he IS extreme good - when he's healthy. Today I had #1 in my hands, for a few hours. And it's getting harder and harder to gather some more points.
  • @bernersenn, I hope the Dutch keep an eye on that Tim Cahill guy. I've never seen a player with better header skills.
  • Good one @fenikus. Ha ha ha ha ha

    Edit: I'm sure @HunnyBunny had already bumped my scores against Game Center to see if I'd been hoarding points.
  • At this moment the game starts holland-australia. We'll see.
  • @Rat @bernersenn I noticed that user independently, in fact. Haha. I'm trying to keep an eye out before life gets too too busy.
  • @amslimfordy, thanks.
    @fenikus, the dutch didn't listen when you warned then for Cahill. He scored already once (1-1 at halftime) - by foot. Beautiful goal
  • Thanks @AMslimfordy. I know. You're always watching!!! Ha ha ha
  • @all I must be going crazy. I keep hearing footsteps behind me, but every time I turn around and look, nobody's there. *snicker*
  • @rat9, watch out for those ghosts in your attic, they can wreak havoc with your mind! Hope you're feeling better today.
  • *hides a pair of squeaky shoes in the trash*
    @Rat Yep, you're definitely losing it.

    Fake news story of the day:
    Rovio releases Latin version of Beak Impact: Aves Iratus Caelus: Becci Conflictus
  • Match has ended, the dutch win 3-2, tough game
  • @bernersenn, what a game (again)! Two best games of the tournament so far both involved Holland. I hope the trend continues all the way to the finals, my friend.

    Edit: Those socceroos are a tenacious bunch to the end, aren't they?
  • @fenikus, thanks - you have now opportunity to watch the games (earlier you didn't)?
  • @bernersenn yes, but in Spanish (which I don't know yet but I predict will be fluent in by the end of the World Cup!).
  • @fenikus, then we do a quiz in spanish (I don't speak spanish either but don't have to look spanish tv). Can you imagine that the Americans are not interested in soccer? They even got a team overthere - 1 team for a federation of states.
  • @kelani -- What or who is BMI? Don't think you mean body mass index.
    I have no problem with modern classical music; listen to a lot of it. What instrument/instruments do you play?
  • @bernersenn, soccer is definitely popular in US nowadays. I guess it also depends which region we're talking about; where I live in Northeast US, it's very popular and many people play it. Many amateur leagues here which I played in until I broke sufficient number of bones to take a little break (for now).
  • @Kelani, surprised that people here don't know about Mike Oldfield. What about Jean Michelle Jarre? I consider him a composer but not classical, like his father Maurice. It's a bit of a gray area what's considered classical composer, my guide is -- if it has a beat, it's not classical.
  • @fenikus, thanks for upgrading my mind about the soccer in the US.
  • @Kelani, I would take your rant seriously but your atrocious Latin language skills made me lose all the respect I had for you ;-)
  • @rat, you naughty boy. Walked away for 7k. While I was looking soccer. Well, now looking Spain-Chile and have time for simultaneous flinging. Did #20, got 229k. Eureka.
    About the game: 0-1
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