The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2174
  • @Rat 9k's not bad for 15 mins work. :) And yeah, so many points still out there, but I can't find them. I should B1 for awhile to clear the tunnel vision. btw, S-22 I think maxes at around 140-150k if one hits two hard shots and two ridiculously hard shots. Hopefully these new players fresh eyes will find some neat stuff we've overlooked.

    I could've sworn your B2 score jumped by 4k around 11-12pm today. Maybe I imagined it. Either way, it put me in frantic catch-Rat mode, which turned out OK.
  • This one is new to me @Ma. I don't know what it's going to take to get past it. I can't even take a breath without elevating the pain. The best way to describe the pain is if you ever had laparoscopic surgery and the gas traveled north after the surgery, you can get severe pain in your chest, shoulders, neck, and jaw. Now multiply it. That's what I'm dealing with on top of my existing issues ATM. No position is comfortable and I can't lie down without increasing it. I'm hoping it's an inflammation issue that I can get under control. But I don't know Ma.

    Good score on S-22 @Kelani. Keep the seat in my office warm for me.
  • You're right @Kelani, but it was just a missed entry from yesterday.
  • Awwa @Pa I Have had that kinda surgery and i know the Pain is unbearable !!
    The only thing that somewhat helped me was laying on my left side with my right arm stretched over my head.. kinda awkeard and pribably wouldnt be very comfortable on your neck:(
  • I'm currently working in B1 level 13 RatStrat I've gained about 10k so far:)
  • @Rat you got it. Seat warmed and coffeemaker prepped. I've had something like the laparoscopic migrating gas issue, but localized and still highly unpleasant. Hope whatever's causing your problem goes back where it came from.
  • @Rat -- Just curious about medical care from VA -- Do you have any other medical insurance, or were you lured into thinking the VA would take care of all? The idea of waiting 9 months to see a doctor when you're injured boggles my mind (I do know it's been in the news allot, but still..). Is "Obama Care" a possibility? I have no idea how it works in practice, but I think they can't exclude you, and maybe can't penalize you, for pre-existing conditions.
    I really hope your neck gets better soon.
  • @Rat -- Are you allowed to go to a real (not VA) hospital emergency room? Seems like it would be justified. I guess if you're in the VA system, you don't have a specific general practitioner. Gaah! Sounds even more awful, the more I think about it. I can correspond with my primary care Dr. by e-mail, and if there is an urgent problem, can get an appointment the same day. For example, when my spider-bite started swelling, I called at maybe 10 or 11 am, and left for his office right after.
  • @mvnla2 The way it worked for my dad was his Tricare/CHAMPUS/CHAMPVA (whatever they call it now) health coverage let him go anywhere, like if he needed ER or urgent care. But another hospital would still have to deal with the VA to get his medical record, which took forever in the 80s. I'm sure if that's different now, he'll let us know :P

    You're lucky you can contact your doctor. I had a terrible reaction to an antibiotic in 2011, and it took me 2 weeks to get mine to call me back. When he did, the response was "What do you want us to do about it?" Sadly, he's one of the better ones here.
  • @Kelani -- That's incredible (about your doctor)! My primary care Dr. is in the UCLA network, and if I need a specialist, he usually refers me to someone within that network. Don't remember if my eye Dr. is, but probably. All your medical records are online, so if you have blood tests, it goes instantly to the Dr.
  • Night night everyone :/
  • @mvnla2 our local hospital was a non-profit that just became part of a huge NC system, and they also have all records and tests available and networked, but they don't use it for some reason. That's one thing I miss about bigger cities: Choice. Call any doctor here and they're not accepting new patients.

    @Kathy you goin' to sleep already?
  • Yep @kelani I'm very tired..loong day:(
  • @Kathy okie. off to bed with you, then! :P nighty night
  • night Ma
  • Ugh. It is so humid outside, I think if I flapped my arms hard enough, I could swim.
  • @Rat @ JLZ666 @Estar @Hunnybunny @mvnla2 @Kelani (hope I didn't miss anyone)

    Thanks you so much for your words of support, they are greatly appreciated!

    Rat and Hunnybunny, I am sorry for the recent loss of your pets. I have lost a few pets over the years, and I know it never gets easier. Next time I get a pet, it's gonna be a turtle, who will hopefully outlive me. Oh, and Hunnybunny, that Max was a handsome dude!

    Estar, you are so right about "being in limbo", it sucks! PC (Patty Cat) gets exploratory surgery in a couple days, then hopefully I will know something. I have to admit though, I am fairly pessimistic at this time :(

    A special thanks to @Kelani for making me laugh! When I first got PC as a kitten, the dogs I had at the time were not very impressed with her. They finally bonded one day when PC had a brief bout of super stinky gas. One dog, my dear old lug Leo, actually sat up after PC farted, wide eyed, with an expression that said, "That was AMAZING!!! Can you do it again!?" Soon afterwards, they became pals.

    I am happy and relieved for you Swipe is on the mend. Hopefully, PC too will soon be putting back on some weight. I was so sure she had a number of good years left in her. She is such a stinker for doing this to me. Cats!
  • It is so pretty outside right now. There is a dark rain cloud directly overhead, with a steady rain coming down, but just to the west are blue skies and a setting sun. The sun rays are lighting up the rain drops and giving the plants in my yard a gorgeous glow. I love the Pacific Northwest :)
  • @JLZ666 I goofed with your @ mention. Please see my post above:)
  • Anyone still around? I wonder if anyone else is seeing a problem with summary info on leaderboards again? All the ranks show up doubled for me, i.e. my real rank in Beak 2 is 4th but it shows as 8th in summary info.
  • Hi @fenikus! I also reported the issue on the "Bugs in the Nest" topic

    That is where I go to report on, or look for other reports on website bugs.
  • Look, Mahdi made a new Avatar for me, isn't it nice?
  • @Rat, Aweful, your neck again. Sorry for you, really sorry
  • Whoo hooo!
    Just a little fling with breakfast, 5 mins later, 8-20, little red takes out the first four waves of pigs all by himself! 230k!
    Now, the next stage of the plan is for the blues to take out the next two waves, and a little bit of debris gets Boss Hog. I'm sure 250k is possible.....

    Good morning all :-)
  • Oh my, @rat9. I hope that awful pain goes away soon, so you can start feeling better.

    Nice way to start the day @hunnybunny! WTG!
  • *grabs baskets from storage room and places one in each booth, two on the bar, and one next to the door*
    Welcome Nesters, It's WHINE TUESDAY!! For your safety, please take a pair of earplugs and wear them whenever someone wants to let out a few WWHHHINNNNEEE screams.

    Have a good day and Happy Flinging!
  • Hi everyone at the BP! :D

    I haven't been here in a while ... took me a whole day to catch up!
    I'm quite busy ATM. My grandmother is sort of a co-owner of a summer camp, and I'm one of the people trying to prepare the place for the arrival of a hundred kids on June 28 ... which means an awful lot of cleaning and other housework. I love the camp and I'm glad to help though ;)
    I also finally started learning to drive (I've been the last one among my friends without that ability for way too long) and ... let's just say I'm really terrible at anything that requires multitasking :D

    Oh, and well done in Beak Impact, everyone :)
  • @hunnybunny, awesome. Great
  • @annifrid hi, glad to hear it's all going well, other than the driving. I won't bore everyone to death with my tale of the driving test I failed, needless to say it was a disaster!

    @bernersenn haven't caught you yet, though!

    Morning @sweetp

    Off to do mores chores, ready for the impending doom, sorry, arrival of family ;-)
  • @hunnybunny, one good shoot, wherever, and you are!
  • @bernersenn couldn't resist, you're #3!
    I didn't take your sheriff badge on #19 though, just second place, it was enough :-))))))
  • @hunnybunny, speechless. But, again, well done. And I'm at work, argh...
  • @Annifrid -- Good to see you! If it only took a single day to catch up, you must have been speed-reading! : D
    Not sure what you mean by mentioning multitasking and driving in the same sentence? You are not supposed to be multitasking while driving, just concentrate on the driving. Especially when you are learning, the radio should be off and there should be no one in the car other than you and the person teaching you, who really needs to be a calm person quite a bit older than you who does not talk except to give you driving instructions.
  • @mvnla2 you forgot to tell her to keep her hands at 10 and 2. :P

    Actually, when I went through drivers' ed in 1991, that changed to '9 and 3', and when my cousins took it in 2004, it was "Use two hands. I don't care how. But turn off your phone, and look at the damn road!"
  • Good afternoon @all from scorching Scotland! OMG the UK is basking and it wonderful! @mumsie I hope you've got your sunscreen this week or you'll be a prune the next time we see you!!
    @kathy nope I hadn't heard of those poor doggies :( It's no where near me thank goodness. All the animals I know are perfectly happy with their lives here ;) Thank you @kelani.....nice one! I liked that although @mumsie knows I'm only kidding and would never say anything so mean lol!
    @BPC don't worry about the name,I don't get notification in here so no worries! I reread as much as I can though so when it's highlighted I can see it. Please let us know how she's getting on.
    @Sweetp that's wonderful news! Long may your recovery go from strength to strength X
    @annifrid enjoy what sounds like hard work! I'm sure your grandmother appreciates you though :)
    @mvnla I think @annifrid maybe meant driving in general? It's the mother of all multitasking if you think about it. Eyes on road and mirrors,hands on wheel and gear stick,feet doing all kinds of mad stuff on the clutch,brake and accelerator! I think if we were to think to hard about it we'd never get it right. Thank goodness it's all 2nd nature now! It will feel completely alien @annifrid but trust us,once you've got the hang of it it's the best feeling in the world!!!
    Ok my eyes are streaming trying to peer at my phone through the sunlight so OB could I have a large glass of DC with a ton of ice please? Cheers!
    Off to make some burgers for the barbi ;)
    Laters X
  • @JLZ I'm somewhere between 1/4 to 1/2-Scottish, so I wasn't sure what the protocol was. Am I allowed to make that joke, or would I be shot as a traitor for doing so?
  • Blimey! I'm just about to chop onions when I realised I hadn't finished talking!
    @rat you sound so miserable :( I'm sorry you're in so much pain. I've got an old whiplash injury that appears out of nowhere with something as stupid as a sneeze or a quick head turn. You've got issues on top of that though :( feel better soon X
    @hunnybunny "enjoy" your family time! Heck yeah I can make fun because I've got it 3 times a year when my Mum flies in ;) Oh and sorry *cough* my parents hadn't met when that song was out so I wasn't even a twinkle then!! At least yours is a good song!
    @kelani you should no better then ;) Nah we've got extremely tough skin and a good sense of humour,you're ok! The Scot/Eng thing is age old which some take very....and stupidly IMO,seriously. I don't. Mother in law had an English Mum and my BF is English so nope,it's all good jesting from me :D What part of you is Scottish? Clean answers please ;)
  • @Hunnybunny, did I read that right? You took out *four* waves of pigs in flying saucers on 8-20? How do you do that?
  • @JLZ It's a bit confusing, so bear with me and don't burn your burgers! :P I know one GGF (great-grandfather) from each side was Scottish. (One from Edinburgh and the other from Inverness). #3 was Irish, and #4 must be from some awful place, because nobody ever mentioned it. :P

    Both Scottish and the Irish GGF had a thing for Central/Eastern European women, so I had Serbian, Czech and Hungarian GGMs. The weird Mystery GGF had a Scottish wife. This is why I've had "ethnicity DNA test kit" on my birthday list since forever. So, Scottish is in there somewhere. My dad was named Robert Bruce because his mother swore she could trace the lineage back to the 14th century or some nonsense. :P

    @fenikus if you read that and got confused, let me clarify. Serbian GGM had a daughter from a prev. marriage. That daughter became the grandmother I told you about :P
  • @mvnla2 It's exactly as @jlz666 says, by multitasking I mean you have to concentrate on so many things at once ... plus I've always had issues with the left/right thing.
    It's pretty much driving me mad :D
  • @fenikus about eight million attempts!
    Seriously, first wave with red bird, second wave with NE lava rock debris, third wave with carcass of red bird, something, I have no idea what, blew southern rock which took out the fourth wave.
    I just played safe after that, but I'm sure two waves could be taken out with the blues, which I'll try if I go back. But it won't be for sometime, I'm cross eyed!
    Bye for now, family due any moment......
  • I was gonna try to catch up in Beak1 today, but you guys are scaring me with all these impossible strategies.
  • Ciggy break away from the kids
    @bernersenn I don't know whether I'm sad you're back at #2 or happy that Mister Rat is nearly dislodged. Good flinging, what did you do?
    And Mister @rat hope some medical breakthrough will cure all your ills, but mysteriously leave your flinging finger inoperative ;-)
  • @hunnybunny, darling (there is your new moment of fame :-) ) - you triggered me to play #20. Ok, got 222k, not your score, but enough for me - for now. It's a level that brings more luck the more you play it. Anyway, I have to relax for a moment, looking Brasil-Mexico, at the mean time I'm doing some flinging. Come and get me
  • @hunnybunny the big bully on #2 is Ollygod or did you mean overall?
  • Ok, done for now. Good night to you @all
  • Good morning @hunnybunny, sounds like you won't be able to fling with us for awhile. But, enjoy your family while you can, and save those precious memories! We're not going anywhere else soon, and will still be flinging in BI when you get back.

    @bernersenn, good luck in #20. I've been flinging at those pigsaucers now for more hours than I'd care to admit and still can't get a better score! It's really frustrating to see all of the lava and ice boulders blown to pieces, after taking out only the first wave! Grrrr!

    @rat9, I hope you've found some relief from all that pain, and can get a little rest somehow.

    Nice to see you back, @annifrid! Well, for a little while anyways. I think you'll be alright with the driving lessons, just concentrate on the road and whomever is teaching you. Maybe to help with the left-right issue, you could wear a bracelet or ring on the dominant hand. Do you write with your right hand? The piece of jewelry on that hand will give you a visual reference, so when the instructor says "right turn" for example you'll know that's the direction they're referring to. Good luck!
    It's so good of you to help your grandmother with the summer camp. It'll be a lot of work keeping up with a hundred kids, but I know it's going to be a blast!

    @JLZ666, thanks! Into my second week now, and will be glad when all is done. Look out for those onions, they can render you temporarily blind! Glad you're enjoying the beautiful warm weather! It's been nice here the past couple of days, with temps in the mid 80's (F). Otherwise it gets too hot, nearing 100 and unbearable.

    @Lyrian, good to see you're enjoying yourself! I'll take you up on that chat, next time we're both here at the same time! Good luck keeping up with those Space sheriffs, it does get brutal at times!

    @kelani thanks for lending your ear, I'll send you a PM when I have a minute.

    Do you all remember what today is? It's WHINEEEE TUESDAY! you all must not be having anything to whine about, since I haven't heard anything today.
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