The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2173
  • @Lyrian victory over what cake? :P

    btw, I don't know if it means anything, but on the #29 CW half-speed shot @Rat mentioned, if you hit that pesky NE pig, red corpse can carry around and set off the TNT house.

    @Rat alright, I saw that. Where did you find 7k points in 30 mins?
  • @kelani, hmm, that might be interesting, but on the CW shot it's the bottom right pig that always remains. I will have to do some testing. BTW I finally got a decent score on #31.
  • @lyrian Ah, I got my shots confused. 'grats on #31. :) How long did it take you to get it? I still think there's a better strategy hidden in there, but for now, I'm gonna shut my mouth and be happy with my score.

    Do you see how this competition goes? I sneak by @Rat this morning (who pretends not to be here, but I see him posting RatStrats) and 30 min. later, he pulls 7k out of some unnamed orifice. If I found 8k right now, in an hour, he'd come back with 10k. :P

  • @kelani, thanks, surprisingly it only took me about 5 minutes or so. I knew what needed to happen, but the lava was being very adamant about not blowing up the top and bottom piggies in their stone ships. I tried it today, and suddenly the stars align and it works. Although it probably did help that I started taking out the bottom pig on my way to the anti-matter.

    I'd probably start flagging @rat scores. He's got to be cheating :P
  • I'm sheriff for #19. Good evening to you all
  • I see @burpie just logged an 11k gain. I'd better get busy.
    edit: Very nice score on #19 @bernersenn

    Wow, 6 players joined the Beak2 space race last night.
  • @kelani, that shot isn't too bad. The way I look at it, I have a much higher success rate with that shot than getting the lava to pop that pig. The awful level I really don't want to work on is the space eggs cannon one. Screw that level sideways with a chainsaw. And I'm just teasing @rat, I'm sure he is getting all those scores.
  • Grats @bernersenn, nicely done! One of these days I'm going to really work on part one of BI.
  • @lyrian, thanks, as a man I am absolutely not multi-tasking. I wikl continue aa long I can get more points on BI #1. There's a lot to get, largest problem at this moment is time. Days should be extended during Fifa2014
  • Heck yea @bernersenn! I really need to see if I and getting any of the games, I haven't been paying as much attention as I should.
  • @lyrian, you will, you will
  • @Lyrian the S22 space cannon, or E-15 with bombs? S22's been pretty much figured out, it's just a matter of hitting 5 or 6 very precise shots. I like that level because I know success or failure is entirely up to me, not a random number generator.

    @bernersenn do you plan to play B2 afterward?
  • @kelani, of course my friend, of course. And as always having plans... First I have to chase @rat, he has shocked me last week.
  • @kelani s-22, yes I know it's been figured out. I've pretty much figured it out too. It's just difficult to execute on a phone, well at least for me. My phone's screen is so sensitive that I don't even need to touch it to activate it, it can pick up the electrical field from my finger hovering over the screen.
  • Man, the power of the whine does work. I was just thinking about whining here and suddenly I beat my previous high score on #22
  • @Lyrian It sure does. For 6 mo. before I came here, I went through every ABo, Space and Rio walkthrough to boost scores, and saw hundreds of whines. The names change, but the results are always the same:

    2:02 PM @Kathy wwwwhhhhiiiinnnneee
    2:04 PM @Kathy Yay! I just improved by 10k!

    I don't envy your doing S22 on a phone. That just seems cruel. Still, even a big screen and mouse don't help much. I discovered the timing and possibly speed of each meteor drop changes every few turns, which kills any chance of developing a shot rhythm.
  • @bernersenn We're trying our best to keep him distracted in Beak2, but he still finds time to sneak back to Beak1 and 'surprise' you and @Hunnybunny.
  • S-22 is cruel on a phone. Since I really don't think I will get back to the top of BI 2, I should probably go back to the old levels and start improving scores there. Most of my scores are just, Yay 3 stars! And then on to the next. That was before I found this site and the leaderboards.
  • -ahhh- @bernersenn I see you left me for another woman, and followed Trish's strat on Beak #19
    Good flinging.....
  • @hunnybunny, you had your moment of fame, remember? I even called you ...
  • @kelani@fenikus (and anyone I forgot, I didn't forget Rat, I know he always does it)
    How on earth are you so far up the leaderboards on both Beak one and two?
    My only excuse is having the attention span of a gnat, as regards game playing. I just get bored and move on. Whereas you lot seem to spend hours deliberating, posturing, doing your trigonometry, discussing shots. Reading every single walkthrough comment. Over and over again.
    Hats off, I can't ever compete
  • Fleeting, @bernersenn fleeting
  • Right 8-20 here we come. I was one darned piggy from taking out four waves with little red! And the piggy left gave absolutely no options for a good second shot.
  • @hunnybunny After all my high scores got thrashed, I didn't think I was still in the Top 50 on B1. I just played through once on ipad and PC, then spit-shined a handful of levels. Aside from a few mins. on #9 yesterday, I've been on B2 all this time.
  • Haha @kelani, sorry to set off the grumbles. I won't say I'm just that awesome at angry birds, because I'm fairly sure I'm not. I do agree that I did climb up the leaderboards quickly, but I'm pretty certain that a serious amount of luck was involved. My boredom threshold is variable, I have an infinite amount of patience for some tedious things, and absolutely none at all for others. Some of these fling and pray for a good score levels have me ready to tear my hair out. I much prefer the others that require a difficult shot. I can work on skill, I cannot work on luck.
  • @hunnybunny, that's life - fleeting. I wanted to challenge you to better it - you did last time. Cross my fingers
  • @Lyrian Once it became apparent you're not some bored 14yr old faking scores to impress his net.chick (or compensate for low testosterone), the grumbling ceased. :) I don't know how one could determine AB awesomeness, but some people here do have a talent for finding/exploiting the best strategies. Anyone who climbs a board that fast using a phone has that talent.

    I'm with you on no patience for fling and pray. It's no fun playing a rigged game. Blossom River was nothing but, and it quickly got old. Beak1 has a few F&P levels, but fortunately, Space generally seems more skill-based.
  • @kelani, there are also other people. Lately, we had our nieces (21, 23 and 25 years old) visiting us. They saw me flinging and asked 'still flinging?'. Said yes, they couldn't understand, they had 3 stars on the games, what else could you want? Boring, that's what they said.
  • That's it for me today, wish you all a good day - night.
  • Aw, well thank you @kelani. I don't know what it is, but for BI 2, most of the solutions have seemed more obvious to me than usual, which means the real high scores are gonna be found in solutions like @fenikus strategy for #26, totally off the wall (or planet).

    @bernersenn I understand where your nieces are coming from. I didn't get super crazy about high scores until I found the nest and it's leaderboards. I guess some people are into the competitive spirit of the thing, and some are not.
  • Hello @all! Hope everyone had a great weekend.

    Hi there @Lyrian! Pleased to meet you, glad you've joined us here. OB, could you please get whatever beverage she'd like, and put it on my tab. Thanks!

    I've been a bit AWOL lately, so busy with real life and having a great time! Radiation treatments are going well, so no complaints on that side. One week down, and 5 more to go.
  • Hello there @sweetp, glad to meet you! I'm very much enjoying my time here at the BP, and thank you very much for the drink. Next time you've got a few minutes we should have a nice chat, and drinks will be on me.
  • @sweetp glad to hear things are going well xx
  • @sweetp Glad to see you back. I wondered where you've been, then saw you were 11th in Beak 2, so I assumed you were busy flinging! I didn't know you had to have radiation treatments. :( It's great you tolerated it well. You're pretty tough, so a few more treatments should be over before you know it. Of course if it ever bothers you, feel free to PM me and gripe all you want. :)
  • @Hunnybunny, I just started the phase where I read walkthrough comments. Hours spent flinging yes; hours spent reading comments etc. -- not yet.

    I'm glad to see our friend @bernersenn recovered from the weekend knockout and is sending rodents scurrying in Beak 1.
  • @fenikus I've learnt a lot from Beak. I flung before I discovered ABN, just happy to three star. Then just couldn't work out some MoonCake stuff in Seasons. And arrived in the Nest. I still three star everything before looking at the walkthrough, but my three good top scores, only the one beaten so far by Thee-Michelle (don't know if you've run into him, Asian, strangely male with a name like that) all came about without even taking a sneaky peak at the walkthroughs.
    I think @kelani @lyrian made me think you were like that too. God, how they go on LOL
  • And unlikely I'll send any rodents or dutchies scurrying soon, house guests arrive tomorrow til Friday. Little time to fling or catch up with friends here in the nest.
    Nighty night @fenikus
    @kelani @lyrian just messing with yer
    Missed you @kathy x
  • Awww, @Hunnybunny, my feelings are hurt! Lol, just kidding. We have dominated the chatter here for the last couple days with strategy talk, so I see your point.
  • And I'll leave you with this. If anyone thought @jlz666 confession of the first single she bought was embarrassing, just take a look at mine

    @kelani (and any other young ones) don't, just don't, say you weren't born then....
  • @all Quick post. Take advantage flingers. As you can probably tell from my lack of chatting in the BP lately, I'm not doing well. I blew my neck out by flinging for less than an hour last night. I'm not being unsocial by choice, but it's even hard for me to type ATM. Truth is, I don't think it was the flingin' that got me. I coughed and something in my neck shifted. My health care is through VA so I should be able to see the neurologist in about nine months. lol Maybe if I cough hard again, or have SWDNF hit me in the head with a rolling pin, I can get back in the game. It does feel a little better than it did this morning, so there's hope.

    I see loads of points in parts one and two. This is far from over. So beware flingers! I may be slowed way down, but @burpie is about to show you why he's known as the "Prince of Space". Good Luck to all.

    Stop that @Lyrian. Flag my scores???? It hurts when I laugh.
  • @rat Ouch, sorry you hurt your neck, I know that is no fun at all. Just curious, but can you see a chiropractor? I've had a lot of trouble with my neck and jaw in the past and my chiropractor was able to sort it out for me. Anyway, rest up and I hope you are feeling better soon. Sorry for making you laugh so hard.
  • Hey @Hunnybunny, I do know that song!
  • @Rat9, hope to see you back in action soon. But not sooner than medically responsible. Be sure to bring a doctor's note :-)

    As for me, when I figure out what to do with S-22 I'll be in the running... but then the grinding just begins, and I'm not particularly in the mood for that. I'll see.
  • @burpie @anderthon posted a great 120k strategy. It saves all eggs and is a good springboard for getting higher scores with harder shots.
  • Howdy everyone! ! Sorry i missed ya @hunnybunny omgirraffe ! I used to loooove the archies lol!!
    Hmm i can't catch up on everything to much and to little time:(
    Pa !! Say it aint so? Seriously pulled your neck out! ! Nooo more flinging like @burpie said bring a doctors note.. Remember the wise words someone once told me ..this race its not a Sprint is a marathon (also a little birdie just reminded me of that the other day) soo please rest♡
    Lol @kelani I see you quoted my famous (or infamous) favorite 2 lines about the whine..haha that's back in the day where i only cared about above average. Since then you've probably noticed i perfected and patented the longer version!

    And a Reminder its June Get your favorite avatar nominations in before the end of the month;)
    OB I'll have a SunUpper please; )
  • @Kelani I only shot for about a half hour last night before it got bad. Luckily, @Sglouk had posted a great one bird strategy on #35 that netted me 9k in about 15 minutes. The other 15 were spent verifying a BI #1 strategy for someone. Actually picked up an additional 500 points helping them. Lots of points still out there like S-22 for example.
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