The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2169
  • @Kathy on #9 I just heard a weird gurgling sound. wth is that?

    @Rat Terence into the white wire right of the stone block on the top left corner. Takes out the entire top + both gates.
  • @Kathy grr on that level. I just had a piece of lava destroy the entire arm and still only got 62k. :(
  • Yep @Kelani. That's where shot #2 goes. I need to revise my earlier estimate on the potential high score for level 40. I now think scores over 145k will be achieved.
  • Ackkk distractions. .yep @kelani i know about the wood ball. . And yep that would be me gurgling and choking in #9.. having a bad flinging day:/
  • @Rat so, pretty close to the 20k I mentioned earlier. :P I see you're gonna pass me again. Guess I should have kept flinging.
  • @Kathy have you done the 'ol close game - reopen game any today? I'm about to on 33.
  • Yep @kelani done that a couple times.. I'm about ready to close it for good and hit the hay..
    One more fling lol..;)
    Ahhh I know what the trouble is.. sorry OB no one has even spoken a kind word to you all day:( sorry yes.. your still very needed and thanks for putting up with the craziness . .I'll have a SunUpper Before bedtime ty :)
  • SunUpper before bed? Shouldn't that be a MoonLighter? :P Okie, I sleep too. let's leave @Rat to beat up on my score some more.
  • Well at least i brought myself up above average. .:/
  • *hands over flashlight to OB. . * Nighty night. ..
  • night Ma
  • Some of you might remember the origin of my name here. When I registered here at ABN I used the same name as I do on Game Center. When I first registered on Game Center, I didn't expect to do much gaming of any kind, so I just plopped in my cat's name "Bonney Patty Cat", who at the time was sitting on my left arm, as she always does, even when I'm flinging. Kinda weird to be called by her name, but I have become accustomed to it, and it does make me smile to see her name on the ABN leaderboards.

    She turned 14 in April, and appeared to be going strong, though she had lost a bit of weight. I didn't think too much about it, she always loses a little in the spring, and it isn't unusual for older cats to drop some weight. But, she continued to lose. She has lost 4 pounds since February when she was last at the vet, weighing in now at 8 pounds. If she loses any more, her ribs will be sticking out. Other than her weight loss, she has no other symptoms and her blood and urine test came back good. The only other real change I have seen is her increased appetite. The vet suspects a problem in the lower intestine, preventing absorption of nutrients.

    Poor girl, she will most likely go under the knife this week so the vet can take a look see and do a biopsy. There can be a number of different things wrong, some treatable, some not.

    Darn it, I'm just not ready to lose her now :( Not that I ever would be.

  • @BPC Having gone through the same thing just last year with Robert, I can feel your pain. Robert didn't make it, but I'm pulling for Patty cat to make a full recovery after one tasty miracle pill from your vet. My thoughts are with you.
  • *sighhhhh* my bottom lip started quivering as I read the last line :( I'm curled up on the sofa with Lily. She's in her usual position,on my stomach with her chin resting on my chest. She's looking at me intensely as I write this. I can imagine your anguish @BPC and can only send you my warmest best wishes and hope that as @rat said,if they find a problem,they also find a miracle pill for her. I sincerely hope that the news is good and that she's sitting on your arm for a long time to come. XXX
  • @kathy, thanks, I did enjoyed the soccer. Although I missed the England game, the 'Azuri' did win. My sunday things are done - include relative things. So I can spent a few hours on flinging - then the Swiss will play their first game. I love Switzerland, but I think they stay in the tournament for long. It's more a wintersports country.
    Oh, btw, good afternoon to all on our side of the pond, good morning to all of you on the other side.
  • Ow, another thing, I bettered my position to #5, that's one more than yesterday. Or didn't I understand this well?
  • Good afternoon everyone... it took me a while to catch up, didn't fire up the computer the whole of yesterday?! IKR, that never happens. But I see I have missed @JLZ 's little during the game sneak in :((

    @BPC awww, you have come the to place where a lot of people have been in that place, seeing something is wrong with our beloved pets and even worse, not knowing what it is... in limbo :( Stay strong and we are all rooting for a positive outcome and Patty will be purring next to you for a long time to come!
  • @Kathy WOWOWWWWWWWW!! Congratz on the back up! Your hoodoo voodoo phone can not take pleasure in ditching your progress anymore :)
  • On a lighter note, I see a Bostonian Lady creeping, slowly, ever so slowly, but ever so well, up the Beak #1 leaderboard
    WTG @kathy it'll be another one I can't catch you on, eventually :-)))))))
  • @kelani -- Any classical composer anyone's every heard of, huh? Too bad my hubby isn't home right now, but he could name a few you've never heard of. I'll have to think a bit to see if I can come up with some. : D
  • @BPC -- Best wishes for your cat. I no longer have pets, and I was more of a dog person, but I know how painful it is when they get old.
  • Happy Fathers Day @all dads in the Nest ;) hope you have a great relaxing day.
    @bonneypattycat I'm soo sorry to hear about your kitty, it's tough watching them get old. I pray she get through the surgery and the doc does indeed have a magic pill to keep her going a long time to come.
  • Lol @hunnybunny I had a peek at your leaderboards .. I'm not going to catch You! ! Nice flinging:)
  • Arrgghhh 8-20 is driving me nuts. @rat reckons 240k is possible. I reckon 250k
    The shots I've had, but unfortunately not all together.........
    I need some rodent accuracy / luck / bird gods on my side PLEASE
  • @Lyrian, to answer your question from yesterday: I was ousted out of the Beak 2 office by a junta of southern confederationists. I was offered an honorary position of Secretary of State but I discovered I can watch FIFA 2014 on demand and I declined the offer -- I'm running for second term! I see that you prudently declined your offer to run for the Speaker of the House. No worries, you can be my running mate. VP is a good position, all they need to do is flash their shiny fake teeth to the country. Think about it.
  • @Hunnybunny, 250K on level 8-20? I'm going to be looking forward to your strategy here...
  • @fenikus it's not strategic, it's all luck: bits of debris, bird corpses, the blues that survive the initial fling and kill the next wave.
    I'll take a drink from you when someone does it, and they will ;-)
  • @fenikus, ah I must have missed your resignation in there somewhere. When I saw your message, I was in the 4th slot. I could have sworn speaker for the house was 3rd in line. Your comment made me question if I remembered my social studies stuff from school. And I think I'm on a break from BI 2 for a bit, I really need to play some other levels before I start screaming.
  • Mrs. Bunny, just refreshed my memory on 8-20 -- haven't mastered it yet but 250K still sounds pretty high, idk. On my 215K run, I finished the level with the bomb bird (so 5 birds left) and middle top lava boulder stayed intact. I figure it could have brought up to 20K. Anyway, this level might decide the presidential elections in Beak 1, so good luck!
  • @Lyrian, at the time you were in 4th spot but only few hundred points behind me and seemed poised to overrun me in a landslide. Also, I'm the kind of guy that shoots for El Presidente spot, and if I fail, I join the opposition ;-)
  • {dubiously fun fact}: I didn't know "President pro tempore of the Senate" (whatever that is) is 4th in line. I thought it was Secretary of State. I seem to remember there was a recent movie where this line of succession was in the plot.

    Edit: Ah ok, pro tempore president is basically acting head of the senate; the nominal one is VP.
  • @BPC I'm going through the same thing, so I know how you feel. My little guy Swipe just turned 14 in April. He'd been losing a lot of weight over the last year and having constant digestive issues. He also usually waits for me in the hall every morning so we can go have breakfast. every day I wake up and he's not there, that scares the hell out of me. Fortunately, it seems he was either tired of crunchy food, or it was too hard on his little fangs. I started giving him as much Blue/Wellness/Earthborn wet food as he wanted, and he now eats more (and better!) than me. He's slowly going back to normal. The only downside from the wet food is the ever-present cloud of kitty farts that follows him. I could live without that, but the dog finds it fascinating.

    @mvnla2 I'm actually better with Jazz/Big Bands, but feel free to pass on any Classical stumpers your hubby can think of. I bet I'll either know who it is, or will have a recording by them somewhere. :) Music theory/comp study requires lots of music history classes. I got all A's :)

    @estar lol, evilstargirl. Was that for being Swipey's dad? 'cause I didn't get any Fathers' Day cards this year. My prankster friend was probably too busy with his 6 rugrats.
  • @fenikus the president pro tempore is elected by the senate. This person presides over the Senate sessions when the vice president isn't there. There is a tradition of the most senior senator of the Senate majority being elected to this post, but it is not required by law.
    *edit* never mind, you figured it out while I was typing *edit ends*
  • @bernersenn sneaky jump into second place :-)))))))
  • @hunnybunny, finally made this #14 (remember from the river)?
    Btw, switzerland scored just 1-1
  • Today, Murphy was living here. At the daily challenge (old score 150k), I had 158k - no birds left, one pig alive, argh
  • @Anyoneover126kon#33 Did you use red to bounce the rectangular block into the TNT or red to bounce the round boulder into the TNT? I'm trying to post a clearer strategy there... and get above 122k. I think punting the rectangular block into the TNT maxes out around there.
  • @bernersenn awesome almost-score! I think that's my challenge, but I couldn't get anywhere near my old 151k score. :(
  • @kelani hee hee I do remember some things from the BP and I found it funny your friend sends you a card on a day like that. I am always backwards (no desire to celebrate any of the standard holidays, always find a different day to surprise someone, much more fun) so this was a perfect opportunity ;)
    And even better seeing your friend didn't (or maybe the posty was late and it will turn up tomorrow)
  • @kelani, look at the comment of @burpie. He on his return reacts on another comment, he switched birds. That I also did.
    @ollygod has dropped me down at #3
  • @estar surprises are more fun, except fathers' day cards from fake women. The first one I got nearly killed me. :) I should scan one of them. He is an excellent forger with a talent for picking great cards. He can also mimic all kinds of feminine writing styles, and somehow is able to find kid photos that look EXACTLY like me. If you ever buy a wallet and the fake family photo is missing, blame him.

    @bernersenn thanks. I shall give that a try.
  • Whahahaha I am so sorry @kelani but me likes your friend, could have been a prank my hubby could have done... I sure wish there was a video of you very first card and your reaction, the thought alone is making me roll of my chair.
  • @bernersenn just been talking to @ollygod invited him to join the rat hunt. We have a pack behind the rodent now
  • Swiss did win it's game 2-1 to Ecuador
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