The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2157
  • OB a large whiskey for me please. Cheers @bernersenn
  • @hunnybunny, I'm so sorry about that 3k (I thought you would) - but, there are a lot of hunters behind us. So keep up that good flinging. Oh, I pulled a good one at #8. Now I'm working on one your sherriffs. Hang on there.
    Cheers @hunnybunny
  • @hunnybunny 32 years. Wow. Seems like all you BP denizens have logged quite a few happily married years. I really do envy you guys (ages excluded ;D). As for the 'never a cross word' thing, that could be good or bad. Marriage counselors would say an occasional grumpybunny moment keeps you from becoming Bunny the Husband Slayer, or as my aunt says "I start fights with my husband so I don't kill him". :)

    On the bright side, at least your spat ended in dinner, rather than being escorted out by management...or the police. :)
  • @kelani I'm not saying I remember the "date" so much.......I was 16 and in a pub..;) but the actual calendar date won't be forgotten! He was 2 yrs ahead of me at school and I fancied him from age 14! He wouldn't look my way for 2 yrs and even went out with my friend but I got him eventually! I still can't believe he's been in my life for all my adult yrs. As for your ex.....well you forgot that she's also coming home to multiple wives as well! Don't tell me they like what they get into? Nutters!
    @hunnybunny He drives me bonkers most nights and your Sunday argument sounds like my weeknight meals but he makes me laugh more than any person I know! Thank goodness for extremes :D
  • @kelani sorry I was talking over you but yep,a good argument is needed.....frequently! There's a lot of long lasting relationships here. I don't know why but we also seem to own pets,not children LOL! Maybe we need to take our frustrations out on each other so silly,laugh our arses off arguments are needed? The only exception is our @estar who freakishly seems to have avoided fisty cuffs with her hubby........hmmmmm give her time I say ;)))
    Sorry.....the remote control for the telly just whizzed past my head...better go ;)
  • @JLZ That's awesome. :) I've known a few people who found the love of their life at an early age, but most were split up by their mid-20s. I guess that makes you one of the lucky ones :)

    As far as the girl, I assumed it'd just be her and a pile of husbands. Adding multiple wives to that circus would make it like a hippie commune. Then again, most men wouldn't enjoy their spouse sticking a 'cuddle time for other men' schedule on the fridge. Darnit. Now you got me curious what happened to her. I'm gonna call a few mutual friends this weekend and find out. :)
  • All pets and no kids. Check. Well, for the record, I'm pretty sure I don't have kids. However, that doesn't stop a friend of mine from sending me a fake "Hi Daddy!" card every blanking Father's Day.
  • @Rat better hunker down. Big 'ol storms on your doorstep.
  • It's here!!!
  • @all 32 years married, never once considered divorce, murder yes, divorce no

    @bernersenn catchy, catchy

    But I can smell rodent, strong, powerful rodent smell. He's coming at me, should I retreat to my hutch? No, Mrs Bunny, fling on, accept your fate (and I tell you what, second place behind the Space King ain't too bad)
  • It was a battle ground last night . I lost TV, internet, one cooling zone, and the hot water. I'm hoping for better tonight.
  • Keep going Mrs. Bunny. You're doing great.
  • @rat, I saw that you're the shreriff on 3 games. Nice flinging. What means lost tv, internet, I assume signal or did you mean more? For tv I use a dish, although I look very less tv. Tomorrow the fifa2014 starts, that's double work - watching football AND flinging. We'll see if that works.
    Btw, imagine on how many places in the world people are playing AB - us we know, but that is just a little group of people. Must be overwhelming
  • Well Happy Daddy's day @kelani if I don't see you on Sunday ;) At least that's one thing I KNOW I don't have!
    Hey Mr @Rat :D
    Sorry I seem to be interrupting the storm force ;)
    I'll leave you to it,enjoy @rat,@bernersenn,@hunnybunny,@kelani
  • @hunnybunny, murder? You killed a spider?
  • @Bernersenn -- Are you sure about Harry Potter and Fenikus? All I could find is that in Dutch (maybe also German?) phoenix is feniks. No harry animals involved.
  • @mvnla2, I think you're right. Today I googled Fenikus and (on my pc) there came a lot of hits concerning Fenikus within HP. Now, on my Ipad (that's complete english), it doesn't show up. Tomorrow I will look again and let you know
  • @bernersenn see my above post. I found a few neat fenikus links :)
  • @kelani, probably I was talking shit - as said, I will look at it tomorrow
  • @Hunnybunny, nice going on Beak Impact part 1! I didn't play last weekend and I've been making up lost ground yesterday and today. I'm done for now though... I'm heading back to part 2 and the new Eggsteroid levels for a few days.

  • @burpie thought you maybe at theHockey World Cup. You do live in The Hague? I know two people playing (veterans) and two watching and guzzling!
  • @burpie, I didn't play last weekend? Hu? You opened your window and scores flew in?
    @hunnybunny, I'm sorry, have to leave - see you tomorrow (I think). Btw, you're #2
  • 220 points? Shouldn't be too hard @bernersenn
  • @hunnybunny, as you will know, we're living an hour earlier as you. So I must quit this show. So, come on, don't disappoint me - tomorrow new fight. Good night
  • This might appeal more to those on this side of the pond. But it sums up us "middle class" Brits
  • Sorry @bernersenn I just had some béarnaise sauce for supper......
  • @hunnybunny bernersenn sauce? Did you have anything along with it, or just guzzled it from the pan? :P
  • @Hunnybunny I do live in The Hague but I was spending the weekend camping. I 'm not really into hockey. The event is getting a fair amount of TV coverage but not nearly as much as the upcoming soccer championships.

    @Bernersenn, for me (momentarily ranked 4th in part 1 and 6th in part 2) there are still loads of points everywhere. So yes, my current scores did pretty much fly in through the window :-)
  • Now I start to see the greats. High scores in Beak one and two. Just don't look at my Beak pt 2 scores, please. Just one pass, and a very pathetic one at that :-(((((
  • Oh no! I've got estrogen above me in part one and two. What ever shall I do?
  • @Rat put on your pretty dress and go start a catfight, of course.
  • Mumsie decides to pop in as she's worn out trying to get 3* in Beak 2 (nearly there after spending hours!) golf for the next two days so won't be checking all the wonderful strats that you lot have put in! Reading up made me chuckle, me & hubby have been married nearly 41 years - however divorce was never on the cards as we agreed whoever left would have to take the kids! All five of them! Makes one pause for thought and decide maybe we can work it out!! And yes he makes me laugh! We've decided that when we grow up we may run away together to get away from the kids and gkids!!! Off to bed now OB a nice cup of tea please!

    ps I've read all the Harry Potter books, seen all the films cannot remember a fenikus!
  • @rat go and play with the other girl!
    Leave me in peace. Please.......
  • @mumsie yes my other half makes me laugh too. He left his first wife (he's obviously somewhat older than me) taking only the TV and his car. I've offered him that option, but he still won't go!
  • hmm. some newbie "Anderthon" with only 4 awful scores entered on the last 4 levels, just stole the S22 high score I stole earlier from @JLZ. I don't know if that's suspicious or I'm just annoyed about it.
  • It's still early @Kelani. Scores will come and go. Don't get too attached to any of them at this point. I've lost all my top scores in part two. I'm making more in part one. But they too shall disappear soon.
  • @Rat I lost all mine in Pt 1, not really 'attached' to any of them, but this guy's brand new and posting is suspicious so far. I'll check later and see if he entered any more scores. Kinda odd to start and the end and work your way backwards.
  • @kelani look at Burpie's scores in part 1
    A definite working backwards!!

    But that DOOM flinger is very suspicious, apparently plays on iPhone, has a GC name. You look on GC leaderboards, not a sniff of him / her.

    I always think the hackers / trolls / suspicious players are men. I think women are far too devious to waste their time manipulating game scores
  • @hunnybunny They are usually, but not always. When I wasted a summer writing add-ons and tweaks for Diablo II, I came across quite a few ultra-competitive self-described haxor chix. Some were a lil bit scary.

    DOOM is the ultimate lurker. S/he/it has been a member 3 years. lol.
  • Good night all
    Happy flinging
  • Anyone who describes themselves as Haxor Chix is more than scary. Probably certifiable.
    Goodnight @kelani goodnight
  • Goodnight Irene... er @hunnybunny
  • Thanks @fenikus @kelani @bernersenn @anyone else who has posted strats in BI! Last I looked, I'm above average on BI #2, and only have one below average on BI #1. Expect it will change by tomorrow. We (or at least I) could really use more players posting below average scores.
    Anyone have any ideas why there are so many fewer people posting scores than in the earlier levels? Do they all just not want to post below-average scores? Is the competition too daunting? Are that many fewer people playing AB?
  • @mvnla2 My guess was those people just haven't gotten to part 2 yet, or maybe they just can't handle the time it takes to play all those levels :)
  • How are all these people getting 97k on #24? Someone's not posting a strategy, I think.
  • @kelani -- You're not that far behind, but if you want to know, ask them.
  • @mvnla2 Nobody here to ask :) Anyway, I figured it out and posted for ya.
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