The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2553
  • Ya @knichy what?
    Night Pa ♡
  • Darn Princess , changed my clothes and she gotta pop in lol..
    Nighty night
  • @all Bolo for @snoid if he finds his way here;)
    Again nighty night
  • Afternoon, all
  • Good Afternoon @hunnybunny
    @all :)
  • @knichy do you mean you left comments here but they didn't show here? And is ECUSA ¿ East Connecticut USA¿
  • @kathy where are you playing now? I'm stuck in horrible snow drifts in Seasons Greedings. And made no progress, whatsoever. Just cold and with hurting flinging finger!
    And the occasional puppy hunt.

    ECUSA comes up as Methodist church if googled

    Edit: Episcopal church
  • Ewww Seasons Greedings is very very frustrating, I'm still in Pig Days not as bad but still frustrating and hard:( @hunnybunny, hmm I wonder what's going on with @knichy
  • ATP World Tennis Finals, just started, excuse me @kathy
    I just love a good tennis match
  • See ya @hunnybunny enjoy watching that ball go back and forth...back and forth...back and forth...back and ..oooh was mesmerized there for a sec lol. .
  • Wake Up Ob!! Ya Ya I Know I'm not a customer and I can get my own drink..o.k go back to your nap.
    *fixes herself a Pigkiller and a plate of bacon bits*
    Hope all are well
    @bernersenn did i thank you for checking on @tompuss? If not thank you, glad to hear she's o.k. but understanding she's deprssed. Hope she found her kitty:(
  • @HunnyBunny -- Who is Dušan?
    @all -- Just returned from a weekend in Carmel, CA. No, no golf, especially not at Pebble Beach, but we could see it from the beach in Carmel. More later.
  • @TomPuss -- Hope you found your kitty.
    I'm sure the Paris terrorism attacks have really upset everyone in France. It makes the rest of us realize it could happen here too.
  • No golf @mvnla2? Hope you had a nice time anyway, look forward to hearing more:)
  • Btw is freezing cold and rainy here, ,yuck..
  • Help! Big Sur has been invaded and captured, without a single battle it seems, by pampas grass! There are entire hillsides covered in the iridescent white flames of the pampas-grass flower heads, backlit by the morning light. They seem to love the steep, ocean-facing hillsides of the coastal range near Big Sur, and even the cliffs near Pacific Coast Highway, as long as they can find a bit of dirt. As the day progresses, they turn into a gentile golden-brown glow. As beautiful as they are they still don’t belong here!
    For those not familiar with California (CA) geography, Big Sur is one of CA’s prime tourist attractions. It is a spectacular stretch of coastline that starts ~125 mi south of San Francisco and extends for ~50 miles. On the ocean side there are dramatic stretches of rocky beach, and on the land side there are the steep hillsides of the coastal range (the Santa Lucia Mountains, with the highest peak 5,155 ft (1571 m) 3 mi from the ocean).
  • Good morning to you @All.
    @Kathy Tompuss' Kitty is back home again. Everything fine, Kitty and 'mum' are happy.
  • @Kathy ECUSA = East Coast USA. I had some internet issues, and some things did not actually upload and I got frustrated and quit. busy with other stuff over the weekend, not a lot of fling time.
  • @mvnla2 there is the most beautiful pampas grass clinging to the edge of the Marina, where we live, on the way into Cardiff Bay. Goodness only knows how it got there, or how it thrives in a crack in the concrete!
    If I remember, I'll take a picture

  • Ahh, not a far hop from Bristol, eh?
  • Ty @bernersenn :) Happy to hear @tompuss found her kitty:D
    I was close @knichy
    Now i have look up Pampas Grass @mvnla2, but why does it not belong?
  • Kathy - your ECUSA is part of my ECUSA. I mean, There's a lot of us in ECUSA, except @MVNLA2 and @snoid who are SWUSA, and @hunnybunny and @bernersenn who are OCONUS. It's all about the acronyms!
  • Welcome back @Mvnla2 Pampas grass is fast growing, drought tolerant, great erosion preventative in dry soil, stays green all winter in mild climates and comes in pretty colors. What's the downside? I've even heard of it being used as a fire break in the mountains since it stays green and doesn't burn. But it is invasive and will even grow in concrete. Nothings perfect.

    I've heard of and used the acronym CONUS before @knichy. But I've never seen the versions you used. ECUSA? SWUSA? OCONUS? New to me. I must be out of touch. It wouldn't be the first time. ha ha

    Yea!!! @TomPuss has her kitty back!!! Thanks for the update @bernersenn. Sorry, but I wasn't able to join you in the Space challenge today. I was busy retaking first place in Mirrors Space Fry Me to the Moon from a new challenger. Who is this @SJA101ABN anyway? He came out of nowhere but has been a Nest member as long as I have. Hmmm?

    Sorry you're all wet @Ma. And cold too?

  • Holiday tip. It's time to start thawing those larger turkeys.
  • @Kathy -- The pampas grass is quite spectacular, but it is not native to the U.S., and certainly doesn't belong in one of our most treasured natural wonders (the Big Sur coast).
  • I feel your pain @Mvnla2. I've driven that route many times and reveled in it's majesty. But most things on this planet are in a state of flux...ever changing. Eventually that coastline will be somewhere in the Artic. That'll take care of your pampas grass problem.
  • @rat -- Yes, but I don't think I'll be around to see it.
  • Good morning to you all.
    Well, well. I am OCONOS. @Hunnybunny is it, so that is comforting me. No need to visit my physician. Lol.
    @Knichy what did you actually mean? I'm curious and loved to get informed about these stuff.

  • OK...I give up. What is OCONOS?
  • ECUSA = East Coast USA
    SWUSA = SouthWest USA
    CONUS = (CONtinental|CONtiguous|CONterminous) Unites States
    OCONUS = Outside CONUS
    and to clarify
    Alaska & Hawaii = OCONUS
  • Bloody hell @knicky I never knew I lived in Hawaii and poor @bernersenn was stuck in the cold wastes of Alaska
    Least hoping its that way round lol!
  • Mmmmm, been to Hawaii, love to go back. Got to get me another cushy work trip!

    Appears as though the cold wastes of Alaska are good for the flinging fingers!
  • Of course I've got several friends in the UK as well. Love to pop in for a real pub ale!
  • But for now enjoying a Newcastle, Tadcaster's finest.

    Round for the house on me!
  • @knichy You defined CONUS as "continental" United States. Using your definition Alaska would be CONUS. It's on the same continent as the lower forty-eight. But it's not CONUS. The United States government, who is very fond of acronyms, uses CONUS to refer only to the lower forty-eight "contiguous" states. As to ECUSA and SWUSA, after spending over twenty years in the military, I never saw them used. And I couldn't find them on the WWW (World Wide Web) either. Where did you see them used?
    Since your such a whiz with acronyms @knichy, can you tell me what BFNIMCBLIDK represents?

    BTW, I was trying to be funny when I asked @bernersenn, "What is OCONOS?". He had changed the second to the last letter in OCONUS to an "O" making it a totally new acronym. I forgive you @bernersenn. It's strictly an American acronym so your not familiar with it. But we already have enough without making up new ones due to erroneous keystrokes. ha ha ha

    Oh! Thanks for the offer of a beer @knichy. But I don't drink. Alcohol use* might explain why I've never seen those acronyms and you have. ha ha
    * no offense intended. I'm only having fun with acronyms.
  • Good morning guys.
    @Rat what are you talking about? A typo in just that little word? Me, bad guy.
    I've seen the explanation of @knichy (thanks for them). Meaning that I don't fit in this picture.
    On the other hand, why not use OCONOS for us, Europeans? Ask Obama.
    Till later
  • Ha ha ha Great @bernersenn! Clear as mud.

    Mornin' everybody in CONUS.
  • Not to be confused with IKONOS, which is a satellite constellation ... CONUS has been used for all three, they switched from continental to contiguous and/or conterminous after we added Alaska. Not that I personally remember 8*)
    BFNIMCBLIDK - Unless its Big * Number In My Cranium But Lately I Don't Know, ya got me there

    Actually, ECUSA and SWUSA go along with RMUSA, MWUSA, NWUSA, NEUSA, and ESUSA, along with a few others to define regions as they're broken up for visual databases for flight sims, so they are military in nature, but very limited in exposure.

    And thank you for your service!
  • Hey all! Just dropping in to encourage you to drop by the discussion for ABO to congratulate Asher. He finally entered all of his scores and has claimed the top of the ABO Total Score Leaderboard. I am especially grateful to him for always sharing his detailed strategies. Please drop by to add your congratulations and thanks
  • @knichy BFNIMCBLIDK is an acronym used only in the BP. It translates to "Bye for now, I might come back later...I don't know".
  • Happy Turkey Day Ma. And to everyone else that celebrates Thanksgiving, I wish a safe and happy holiday.
  • Kappa Thanksgiving to all my birdie friends on the other side of the Atlantic! Have fun!
  • MUMSIE!!!!
    How ya been? Did you enjoy your visit?
  • Happy Thanksgiving to all my flinging friends to the south! Hope you all have a wonderful day full of family & great food :)
  • @BPC
    We should also congratulate @rat9 who succeeded in improving his already unreal score on Fry Me To The Moon.
  • Happy Thanksgiving All
    Sorry I've been mia, had all my top teeth pulled on Tuesday and got temporary denture
    In a lot of pain, can't smoke, cant have a drink, cant eat I'm just miserable company.
    Hope all had a wonderful day.
    Pa you don't celebrate Thanksgiving?
  • I normally celebrate Thanksgiving Ma. But SWDNF wasn't feeling well Tuesday so we stayed home with an empty cupboard instead of driving 500 miles to visit family. What am I thankful for this holiday you ask? I'm thankful I wasn't miserable in a car for 1000 miles this week. Yea! In case you haven't guessed...I wasn't feeling well either.
  • I obviously borrowed @kathy's hoodoo voodoo keyboard ‘Kappa!!’ It was of course meant to read ’Happy!!'
    Hi @rat - yes I had a ball in the US - life here is busy, my brothers and I finally coordinated diaries for going through our Mom's house to take some memories and put it on the market. Tough at times but lots of laughter at old photos and memories sparked by silly things - like a lamp! It is lovely, a carved African lady in black wood & was given to Mum & Dad from a friend of theirs on his return from Africa on the day that Mr What won the Grand National at Aintree (1958) and was promptly named Mrs What! So many memories - Mum lived there for 65 years!!
    Grandkids are also keeping us busy and as the weather is wet and miserable no golf!
    Hope you all had a great day today.
    @Kathy - sounds miserable but hopefully will be worth it in the end!
  • Yikes Ma. They pulled all of them at once. OUCH!!! I haven't had a tooth pulled since my wisdom teeth as a kid. And even that was done in two installments. I'm surprised you can breathe through all the swelling you must have. Take care of yourself. No Turkey for you today.
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