The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2477
  • @mvnla2 i really haven't been playing AB lately, i play some of ABT and ABE last night and that was about it, which is one of the reasons i haven't been around here lately, school is alright besides the piles of homework i have to do
  • aw ye i still got that page changer power
  • Hey @angryboy aka angry guy! Nice to see you around again, even if you aren't playing much AB. Schoolwork does require a lot of work and time!
  • @catsnbirds yes, yes it does, but there's nothing to do except embrace it as much as i can
  • @Rat9, it's been a mild winter so far, but if you keep trashing my high scores by 25k points you may find that The Hague has a freaky windchill factor ;-)
  • Hi @angryboy nice to meet you!
    Good luck with all that homework (I know how you feel :(
  • Oops, I did it again. I see the Polar Vortex pushing a chill your direction even as we converse.
    Sorry @Burpie, you're no longer in 1st place in Brass Hogs. But you like second place don't you? lol
  • Hi my birdie friends, still stuck in Space Mirror Side, but thought I would get a drink while editing the next batch of levels. @hunnybunny… IKR daunting to say the least, but half way thru (130 mirror levels are up, 30 in process) . So just one video at a time, we will get there LOL… @sweetp Sorry your mission was one a Beak Impact level… as the 8th episode, it will be last in line, but we are working on it :D

    I see there has been a new feature for the Android players! Sweet! Doesn't surprise me Apple doesn't have that function. I think the Android allows AB to temporarily store a video and if you don't want to share it, it tosses it away. To do this AB need to have access root/file system to store that temp file. Because Apple doesn't allow much of anything in the root/file system, my guess is that Rovio could not put that feature in the new update on the iOS devices.

    Nice you found a way to shared your video @sweetp … in basic it is the same thing I do yes, with the only addition of the editing (adding the endscreen and logo) and my every obsessed and OCD mind to have every bit of info on YT the same (which in app transfer to YT don't always provide, read my Camtasia tosses every video as a "household" video and I have to manually adjust the setting to "gaming")…
    I applaud any video maker to help out the stressed and weary flingers, so cheers to you @sweetp for getting it to work :D

    @mvnla2 hope to have the walkthrough pages for all the mirror levels up real soon, even if we don't have the video yet, but even making the draft posts per level is a big task to do, so bare with us :D

    Mister @rat nice to see you are back to your normal "beat me if you can" mode. That means you have found a way to deal with your (new) pains or did they reduce on their own?

    @Angryboy!!! long time no see!!! Good to see you are doing well :D

    Ahhh missed so much, great to see everyone popping in again, love it! Hope to be a better lurker and popper after the Space recordings.
  • hey @AEX10 and thanks, @estar yes its been too long of a time
  • @Rat9 And you haven't even entered a score for level 30 yet. Ouch.

    It looks like a second pass can yield 3.2M for the episode. After some real grinding who knows. Which means that I really shouldn't stop yet... It would make things too easy for @Romo
  • Ooh the Flingers are battling it out in space ;)
  • Hi @Estar. I like the fact that the levels were doled out. I wasn't up to playing it straight through. I still haven't played the last two BH levels other than one fling at level 29 just to get enough points to grab back 1st places in BH and Space. I didn't feel right not being in the top ten. uugh
    Overall I'm till doing pretty bad but better than I have been for months.

    Just the first pass @Burpie. You know the drill. Sorry about all those top scores. There's still plenty of room to take em all back. I haven't looked. Are you still chasing level 24. I got a bit of a lead on ya in that one. lol

    PRO's??? Pro infers were getting paid @AEX10. We're in the same group as you. Flingers.

  • @Rat -- Thanks for the pic. That screen does not have the double arrows on my device. Grr! One other question: When you get your missions, do you use the green arrow to go directly to the mission? I've been avoiding this since it was causing the game to freeze frequently. Will try again.
  • Well, that was quick. Did a hard shutdown of all apps. As soon as I hit the green arrow to go directly to the mission, the game froze.
  • @AEX10 I'm guessing you are considerably younger than me, and you have loads of time to make some money and visit amazing places (although at this time of year just "hot places" does it for me!)
    Ah Mister @Rat, I just knew you'd look...... It ain't half bad at all
    @mvnla2 why rush? I know I'm chilled out here (read warm not FFFFFreezing, as I would be at home) Take your time, you never know, good scores come slowly
    @kathy I see now why Mvnla is confused. What on earth are you talking about? But seems like you are in top flinging form, as always
    @estar still amazed by your videos

    And HWDNF had a fabulous birthday yesterday. We started with pink champagne for breakfast

    Back to the holiday, see you soon ;-)
  • Enjoy your Hol @hunnybunny and a belated Happy Bday to your husband!

  • Ughhhh and can I just do a little whineyyyy... just started the next in line for the record marathon... Pig Dipper... Oh my piggies in the bank! just barely got 3* in level 1 (just a couple of points above 3* limit), 2 was doable, but level 3 is just pure evil! it must be a one birdy, but I am not seeing it! Yuck!
  • Goo Pats!!
  • @Estar Pig Dipper Mirror or regular?
  • Go Seahawks!
  • *Ahem cough cough *
    OB @AEX10 is shut off lol!!
    just joking lol should be a good game May The best team win:)
  • Yay! Touchdown!
    7:7 It's on!
  • o.k @AEX10 you don't hear me Yelling when My team scored First ;) Nice TV though I'll give ya that. .uhmm @angryboy where are you?
  • Dang! :)
  • Yes 14:14! Half-time
  • Woo Woot!! Great Game @AEX10 :)
  • @kathy I'm everywhere at once
  • O yeah, Seahawks! 14:17
  • The Super Bowl is ok I guess, but it's got nothing on the puppy bowl
  • 14:24! Puppy bowl?
  • 24-21 3 point game 6 minutes @AEX10 hee hee you know Brady 'The Comeback Kid' :);)
  • 2:52 and still 21:24
  • Woo !!! Hooo!!!
  • Noooo! 28:24!
  • Wahooo !!! sorry @AEX10 really ...well..not really Hee hee
    Wooot Woot!!!
  • Sore Losers:( i only said that because they shouldn't have started a fight:/
    but was a good game
  • Well, Good Game lol
  • Good Game The 2 best teams ìn the League;)
  • I had some ice cream made me feel better :)
    Good night @all
  • Night @AEX10 Glad that the ice cream helped:) you know it's all in fun right?
    nighty night sweet dreams; )
  • Fenikus Flingers 342 -- Brass Hogs 360. Close game indeed and the Flingers are on the offensive.
  • Well, I've now gotten to Brass Hoggs 30, and the hard way (by completing enough missions). But it now says I need another 2 point to the next reward??? Anyone know what that is?
    @Kathy -- Congrats on the Pats win. I think deflate gate has been put to rest by science.
    @AEX10 -- Sorry your team didn't win; I wasn't rooting for either.
    Still have to watch the ads, but most of those I saw were pretty lame.
  • Thanks @mvnla2 Thank goodness for science:)
  • @mvnla2, I think you can keep going with daily missions to get power-ups and space eagles. Once you get to 360 points, it increments the total by 5 points, so each 5 points you earn will earn you some reward.
  • oh and congrats on completing BH ! I'm finished with first pass also. but still have locked levels do I'm wondering how long maybe by the time i finish second pass I'll have unlock them.
  • @fenikus -- Thanks! I don't need Space Eagles or PUs, so won't do any more missions.
  • @mvnla2 -- believe you me, I am done with these missions for good as well. I have to say I'm a bit disappointed with level 30…they were talking about some Hector Porko in the the update description and it seems to be just an ordinary king pig. Whatever.
  • Same here @mvnla2 ;) sorry keyboard messed up.
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