The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2413
  • Poor, poor @Ma. She's mad because she's 1k of the top score on level eleven. At the rate she's scoring in Pig Bang, she'll take over the lead before she's done. Poor @Kathy!!! lol
  • @kelani longest place name in Wales, actually in GB
    And, no, I can't pronounce it with any accuracy ......
  • Time to lurk, Sunday, after lunch, is cleaning and listening to music time
  • @hunnybunny is that the lake, or the town in Anglesey island?

    edit: gotta be the island. the lake I was thinking of is in Webster, Mass. (lake Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg) which was misspelled on the sign for years without anyone noticing :)

    @jkhab69 Thanks. I've gotten 102k 2b and 3b scores on that level, so I'm still not sure which strategy is the best. :)
  • Hi folks! Very funny @Pa :/( not) hee hee
    @hunnybunny really you can't pronounce that?
    @Kelani I tried listening to your solo in my car I thought it would come through the Bluetooth but it didn't I'll have to get a cord to connect it.
    I see quite a few like the third part,why did you think no one would? And how come you don't play anymore ?
  • Hi guys, finally found some time to enjoy. Have a nice sunday.
  • @hunnybunny how are people named, coming out of that place?
  • @Kathy my playing broke your bluetooth? ouch! :)
  • @bernersenn Hi ;) where have you been hiding? Miss you smiling face around here.
  • Noooo @Kelani lol my Bluetooth works but for some reason the download won't. Idk:/
  • I thought every sound my phone makes would come through on bluetooth, my phone call do and if I'm on tune-in radio app it comes through, even the blaze website works but just not downloaded stuff.itried using 'aux' also but nope:/
  • I could provably ask one of the kids at work they know everything lol;)
  • @kathy, something isn't well with me. As I mentioned earlier, I am tired, actually last week from my holiday. My doctor did some tests, my blood, iron, liver, kidneys, heart, lungs, everything ok. The brains working fine. I sleep well, but when I get up in the morning I am deadly tired. Still working, that is the only thing I do at the moment. And in that situation it is too much effort for me to communicate here, the translation to english is to heavy for me. I must say that the last two days it is going slighly better. I hope it will continue. I can also report that flinging isn't that good when not feeling healthy.
  • Ooohh no @bernersenn I'm so sorry to hear your not feeling well:(
    Is good all the tests come out o.k but then not good that you don't know what is making you so tired:( I send you all my prayers for feeling better my friend♡
  • @bernersenn Do you think it could be related to the virus you got while on holiday? Also, don't discount sleep. I had a similar problem last year, and thought I was sleeping well, but when I went in for a sleep study, I learned I was actually waking up briefly every few minutes, 200-220 times each night. (normal is 5-10).
  • @kathy thank you. The worrying about what it could be is also killing. I should not do that, but cannot always ignore it.
  • Your welcome @bernersenn and yes the worrying definitely wont help, but i understand it's hard not to.
  • @kelani it is in my opinion I catched up in Switzerland. As said, the last week I was already tired. That isn't normal after two weeks very nice holiday. About the sleep I cannot say anything to it.
  • @Kathy unless you were able to download the song and have the file on your device, it's probably just treated as a browser sound, which may not go through bluetooth. I've yet to mess with any music on ipad. Mostly because cuz filled it up with games. Oh wait, that was me. :)
  • @bernersen I hope you figure it out, but if it helps you worry less, "sudden extreme daytime fatigue" can be caused by many things, but most of them are not major, and are treatable: (low thyroid hormone, low testosterone, sleep problems, depression, chronic fatigue syndrome, lyme disease, etc..)
  • No @Kelani i was able to download it to my phone. And as I said the blaze website which is I guess on my browse just like bp that works through Bluetooth. Maybe i have to move the download to somewhere?
  • @Kelani uhmm Sure that list of possible causes would sure ease my mind:/
  • @bernersenn -- Hope you feel better soon. Don't let the doctors tell you your imagining it since they haven't figured it out. They really should be able to figure it out.
    To find out how well you are sleeping, you can do a sleep study in a hospital or clinic, or you can get something like what I have, a Fitbit. It's a pedometer that you wear around your wrist. In addition to telling you how many steps you take each day, it can tell you how well you sleep (how many times you are restless). I think there are a bunch of similar devices now. The one I have is light-weight and not too big, but it tells you nothing unless you sync it to your computer. Even after a year, I find myself looking at it to find out what time it is, and there is nothing there.
  • @mvnla2 thanks for the advice. However, sleeping? As soon as I smell a pillow I'm gone. Almost dead, don't hear anything.
  • I'm confused Hi @Estar
    I thought the Escher level was @mvnla2 doing?
  • @bernersenn!!! nooooo that sounds awful. I had a similar lack of energy at the beginning of the year, besides the pita that is. Turned out it was a lack of vitamin D in my blood. I wished you could have gotten a clear and easy result like I did. As to the sleeping thing... Maybe it sounds weird, but I actually investigated the pita I am dealing with looking at my sleeping during the night. I was thinking, maybe I am tossing that leg over the edge of the bed and lay there in the same position all night. At first I thought it was a weird idea, but yup... we installed a webcam (one with night vision) that taped a couple of nights of sleeping. SOOOO weird to see, but on the other hand pretty enlightening. I didn't sleep with my leg over the edge of the bed, but I did notice I woke up several times at night and a couple of times I actually went to the bathroom without me remembering the next morning hahahahaa. Also fun to see was our cat Jaapie waking us up in the morning.

    Anyway it didn't reveal anything I could use, but I could cross that possibility of the list of possible suspects. I donno, maybe an idea for you to think of if you don't feel better in a few days.
  • @kathy Rovio has dedicated a couple of themes and or places, ABN is one of them and ABN has chosen their theme is going to be Escher.
  • @kelani its a place name. Its a bit of a con, can't remember the whole story, but someone made up the name I think for the railway station. But I've been there loads of times, it's the closest petrol station to Angelsey's very tiny airport, where I used to fly into when working

    @bernersenn I'm feeling much the same. I did this time last year. I'm sure it's Seasonally Adjusted Disorder. My hubby suffers terribly when our clocks go back to GMT at the end of the month
  • @kathy So anyone can enter an Escher inspired level for the Nest. Not sure how many levels each theme is going to get though... one, two or a whole set... haven't read it to the letter ghi
  • @estar thanks for the advice. I'll think of it.
  • Ohh lol thanks @Estar must have been slim idea given the physics involved
    I can't draw as you might remember from Dwf ;)
  • @hunnybunny reading all those comments I must come to the conclusion that it is a annoying situation, but, that all of you came over it. So I will (I hope). I'll let you know as soon it's going better. Then I can continue my hunting that Ernor guy in SH. Thanks to @all
  • @kelani that is a lot of waking up during the night... are you still doing that or did you get meds or a device to keep you asleep? My auntie took one too because she would fall asleep anytime anywhere, it turned out she has sleep apnea. Stopped breathing 100+ times during an hour, woke up and fell to sleep again. So yeah no wonder she could fall asleep in the middle of the conversation. She now has a breathing device to keep open her airway and she has turned into one vibrant and awake person in a few days. Amazing right what a sleep study can reveal!
  • Not sure @kathy donno if it was a pool of themes ABN could choose from or that they came up with it, but tee hee it's dutch, it's AB and it's the Nest LOL
    And it's not necessary to draw all that well @kathy they just need to understand your idea so they can run with it. Of course I could not help myself and used my photoshop talent to make a good picture, but like I said, that could also be me trying to compensate the fact I don't have an elaborate game play. I might drop it in here in a few to get your opinions, always helps to have an extra set of eyes right?
  • @bernersenn hunting the "annoying" Ernor63 is a fruitless pursuit! Perhaps that's what wrong......
  • @hunnybunny you make me laugh, thanks. I even was thinking that our mr. @rat actually is playing with two accounts. The @rat for the space and rio thing, in seasons as the Ernor. No, that would be weird. OB, serve this sweet people their favorite drink as thank for their compassion.
  • Well maybe I'll think on it @Estar hmm.. and yes would love to see your idea also:)
    Gonna pop and finish watching my movie
    See all later:)
  • @bernersenn get some rest, take lots of vitamins and hope you feel better soon. Thanks for popping in anyway and letting us know. I know writing in English takes it toll, it just seems to shut down when the energy levels drop to a certain point. Still possible, but it takes more effort, so again thanks for doing so! [[hugs]] and be safe my friend!
  • @estar It went away just as mysteriously as it began, but it definitely made me a zombie during the day. Irregular sleep is just of the quirks of my mystery condition.

    edit: neat level :) You have vector images of all the characters too?

    @bernersenn I also felt like I was sleeping great. I was never conscious of waking up, since it was only for a few seconds, and I was bouncing between Stage 4 sleep to Stage 2. But the numbers didn't lie. All those events meant I was getting around 3-4 hours of real sleep, despite being "asleep" 7.5hrs :)
  • @kelani thanks and no I used the images that come with the game, with a little digging in the game itself there is a wonderful folder with a lot of images. I do have most of the birds as a vector image though (manually traced in illustrator)... always handy for making avatars ;)
  • @estar is it lots of images, or one single image for each character, with all the different variations? I should hunt for them in PC. They're very handy indeed :)
  • @kelani not all the images are in the folder and as of late they have used more and more coded images (sorry not sure anymore of the extension) but yeah all the characters are there in various forms, all transparent, but multiple ones in one image. So it's a bit of a jumble to sort them. Which I always planned on doing, cutting each item from the group image and rename them for quick access, but I never started that enormous task. Everytime when I want an image I know is there somewhere I wished I did categorised them though.
  • Not sure how it works on the PC, but on the Mac, right click on the App itself and I choose "Show package content" and it gives me access to the inner workings of the app. Somewhere in there is a folder Content>Resources>data>images
  • I am going to StarGate or 3 hee hee before I turn in for the night. Everyone enjoy a SuperSunday!
  • @E-Star -- Love your Escher level! Looks so good they won't have to waste any time on artwork. (Unlike mine, which requires some time even to figure out what I'm talking about, and has no art at all.)
    @Kathy -- Artistic ability not required, to enter at least.
  • @bernersenn -- Glad there were a few people here with real experience with sleep problems. Much better than my telling you what I think. At least according to Fitbit, my sleep efficiency is >90%, and as high as 98% if hubby is traveling.
  • @all thank you for you're support. It's over with me for today. Nighty, nighty
  • @estar yeah, it's different on PC. I haven't found them yet, but did find a lot of other game graphics. I'll keep poking around. People have uploaded the big character sheets, but they're smaller versions. I don't blame you for not finishing that huge task. Yuck! That'd be sooo tedious :)

    Happy stargating :)
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