The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2285
  • @sweetp, thanks for working on it - first seven now are BP people. That's nice
  • *rubs hands excitedly* I love it when no one notices where I'm flinging even though i was invited. .heehheee sneak attack..OB I'll have a Marmoset killer, no whining for me yet today; ) ;)
  • @hunnybunny I figured you did haha;) just on my first pass..;)
  • Up to fifth on HH by 210 points, and goodness how I managed it. Couldn't hit a barn door tonight

    Goodnight all

    Fling a bit before bed, will report back, if, and only if, I have a great score

    Seems unlikely :-(
  • @fenikus your HD nemesis just sent me enough PCCL candidates to keep testbox busy until winter, and I think those were just what he could think of right then. lol
  • Good night @hunnybunny Nice flinging!
    Ok I've hit a level where I have Nooo clue what to do.. I've tried a bunch of stuff..BUT..nope not looking at walkthrough! ! Just leaderboards seem like there Must be a one bird shot there i just can't figure it out! ! Not even average with my 2 bird shot s!
    Yepppers it's WWWwwwHhhhhhiiiiiinnnnneeeee time! !OB another Marmoset Killer please:)
  • @Kathy which level?
  • Level#10 @kelani I can't figure it out:(
  • There no way to get both top platforms with only 2 birds and 3 bird not even near average. I've cleeared the level with 2 but no where near average:(
  • @Kathy sure there is, and both shots are really easy. Thats' why getting above average is so hard. Everyone has the same score.

    I'm guessing you haven't checked the walkthrough yet?
  • No @kelani I haven't checked the walkthrough. Still on first pass. But i think i may have to on this one break my rule. Cuz i can't see it:(
  • Ive 2 way of flinging bird 1.. both seem good. But bird 2 giving me nothing. Is it a one birder?
  • @Kathy nope, 2-birder.
  • I'm gonna have to peek:(
  • I even just got both top platforms and cleared with 2 birds! ! Still not average. .not even close:(
  • @Kathy the only time I got above average was my 175k score. It'll take awhile.
  • You have to remember Matilda hates me:(
  • O.k I peeked :( Sooooo now my question is. Which method is eveyone using? Why no comments? And if eveyone using silverbird stratwhy n thanks?
    I've been back and forth trying both unwittingly without peeking now i feel like wish i didn't but regardless I did so which method is everyone using. ? I think a little more elaboration would be helpful:(
  • Never mind:)
  • Today is my ABN anniversary :) 3 years! ! OB all drinks on me for tonight and tomorrow for the over-the pond friends that i missed today:)
  • Thanks @Rat9, I was trying to get back my trophy from you, but couldn't even get close. But in the meantime, improved on a few levels and slowly inched my way back up the ladder.

    @Hunnybunny, whining for good luck never hurts! But don't know where I sheriffed ya. I was flinging like a madwoman to get back into the BP Se7en.

  • hey @Sweetp !! Yahooo you did a great job flinging! ! The BP7 rules! ! Hmm I thought we were 8 though..I must miscouned:/
  • Wec ARE 8
    3 @fenikus
    4) @kelani
    5) @hunnybunny
    7)@me so who am i missing?
  • Nobody i just can't count lol.
  • Aww level #11 looked a lot more fun than it is:( I thought it was like a tetris level or match the blocks.m just another fling and pray:(
  • @Kathy congrats on your 3year anniversary :) That's a looooot of whines. :)

    @all I'm gone for the night. My dog's leg is really bothering her today, and medicine didn't do anything, so I'm gonna have to get up early and get her to the vet. :(
  • :( aww @kelani good luck.I hope she feels better:(
    Thanks and btw the whines worked:)
    Night night. .hope all goes well at the vet☆☆★
  • Night Ma
  • @bernersenn. How do we know manu is on vacation?
    @sweetp. Hope you feel better tomorrow
  • I'm not going yet @pa. .I was saying night to @kelani.
    You going?
  • @mvnla2 I don't think manu is on vacation.. he's been aactive. Happyshake is on vacation
  • I'm headed to bed soon Ma. No flingin' though.
  • @kathy Dang it, I missed you! Need you to post a sundance for @bernersenn today!
  • Good morning to you all. Less flinging today, today we visit the raw alps. No room for Ipads.
    @mvnla2 we don't know if he is on vacation. Sent him a message.
  • @tompuss weather is good today. It's now 70 degrees, will go up to 75.
  • Ah-hah @Kelani, "Boarder" it is! LOL

    Thanks @mvnla2 and @Kel, been feeling much better today. No more dizzy spells. I think the extra few hours of sleep helped, and I took two naps today.

    No worries, @Kathy. I thought we were 8, but I can't count anyway LOL!

  • It's sleepy time for me, so I'll say good night @all!

    Oops, almost missed you @bernersenn, have a good day and have fun in the alps!
  • @bernersenn Yay! Hoping for great things for you! Don't know if my PM arrived in time. . but from bahnhof don't turn left onto High St, ask anyone, they will direct you, plenty of yellow signs also.

    @SweetP Hope you feel better soon, hon ((((good vibes))))) . . .

    @kelani . . . . and to your dog too xoxo
  • @kelani that's bad news, please inform us about the progress with your dog.
  • Awesome, @bernersenn, so happy you made it at last! xoxo
  • @bernersenn nice pic! Is the amount of summer snow on that mountain normal? It seems pretty thin.
  • @kelani unforunately it's getting less and less every year. Normally in August it's at it's deepest level. This year, with its bad summer it is a little bit more. Here in the mountains you can see with own eyes the warming up of the earth. The glaciers shrink and shrink. That is a pitty
  • @bernersenn, @TomPuss…hey, Wengen, that's where they make Swiss Army Knifes, innit?
  • @Kelani, sounds like Patty dog needs some tough love…in the form of you putting her on a regimen to lose a few pounds. What type/brand of dog food are you feeding her?
  • @fenikus there is a brand Wenger swiss knifes, the headquarter is in Delémont (Jura). Owner of the brand nowadays is Victorinox. Although the people in Wengen want us to believe it has to do something with Wengen it isn't. Don't be afraid, most of the people think that they are made in Wengen
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