The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2259
  • @Rat they're as easy to make as pancakes, if you can find soybean oil. :)

    btw, my Space day yesterday netted a whopping 280 points.
  • @TomPuss @JLZ666 That video reminds me of Mrs. Rat in "HER" SC430. Normally, she's a bit on the shy side. But she turns into a wild woman when she drops the top and hits the pedal. I enjoy riding beside her, but it's a little scary and I don't need the heated seat if you know what I mean. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge, say no more. But I'd never act on it. I can't compete with her love of that car while she's driving. And I've never tried. I'm just happy being in her top two loves. ha ha I think I'm in the top two?
    Women and there toys... isn't it the men that are suppose to be car crazy? ha ha
  • I noticed the tiny move @Kelani. I did warn you the points get harder to find the higher you go. Enjoy. I don't know about you, but I'm still worried about @burpie. I don't think he's flung his potential yet.
  • @kelani grrrrhhhh
    I'm booted down to third (oh no)
    And little opportunity to fling after tonight.
    Girly lunch tomorrow, garden trail Saturday, power boat racing Sunday (as a spectator)
    Have to try my best to keep up....

  • @fenikus Glad you liked them (those two cats are real thugs, aren't they, makes a change from cute fluffy ones :) Also good to hear you appreciaote d'Onofrio too

    @rat So mrs @rat drives like this on the open road too, like in the vid? Unbelievable! But I guess the traffic cops will never catch her...

    @kelani Hey *shivers* - that IS a weird story - thanks!
    Now, one of you guys must know where "va va voom" comes from. . . Hint: Robert Aldrich movie, also very weird indeed!
  • @kelani Yes there's that song, but this movie goes much further back. . . Clue: film noir
  • @Tompuss @hunnybunny paid you to keep me from flinging, didn't she? :p Hmm. film noir. The song came out in the early 1950s. I remember it charted on Billboard. How much further back are we talking here? :)
  • No @TomPuss. She doesn't use the top end thankfully. But she loves getting to her cruising speed very quickly. *and her cruising speed exceeds the speed limit*
    If I hypothetically drove her car on Alligator Ally while vacationing in Florida? And again, if I had hypothetically tried to see what it could do on the top end. It might have reached 150mph before I got scared and backed off. Hypothetically, it has more giddy up than I could stand on a straight level road. Hypothetically, the ride gets smoother and handles better the faster you go. Hypothetically speaking.

    Supposedly her car is electronically limited to 167mph. I'll never find out. Ha

    Edit: Not hypothetically, that's the day I lost the keys locking us out of the car in the middle of nowhere in the rain. After waiting for a locksmith for two hours he couldn't break into the car. Good security system. ha ha We waited another two hours to have the car towed over 100 miles to the nearest town. Good times.
  • @kelani Me wrong, YOU right! Song (there have been more than one with this title, which is why I screwed up) preceded "Kiss me Deadly". Which is one of the weirdest movies ever. OB Lots of free drinks for this guy!
    * slinks away*
    Night night xoxo
  • Thanks for putting me back on the right track in TT 18, Mrs. Bunny.
  • Hey @Kelani, did you know that for one low price of $75, Eustace will give you an hour-long, horse-drawn carriage tour of Turtle Island? If I was living where you are, I'd do it in a heartbeat.
  • @Kelani, Amish don't seem as interesting to me as Eustace. I didn't know he's had a book and a bunch of documentaries made on him prior to Mountain Men.

    BTW, the most idiotic educational-reality show I ever saw was Amish Mafia on either History or Discovery.
  • @Kelani, I like how Turtle Island FAQ gently tells people: no cell phones, you idiots! (and then they tell you not to smoke either for good measure):

    Can I take pictures?
    You are welcome to bring your camera and take a picture with Eustace and the buggy. Do consider though, a bumpy carriage ride on mountain trails may not be the most suitable condition for your cell phone. You may want to leave it, and any tobacco products in your parked vehicle.
  • @fenikus See the last question in that FAQ? See why they put it last? :D

    edit: wow TT is being a point factory today.
  • I'm back to HH, I need to take care of some "office" business there if you know what I mean. Have you played HH 15? That is one crazy level scoring-wise.
  • @fenikus Eviction time? :P I've played 15. Haven't started 2nd runthrough yet. Seems like most of TT and HH have crazy scoring potential.
  • @Kelani, yes -- already had to evict someone yesterday but now there's another whippersnapper that doesn't realize who rules High Dive :=>
  • Mission accomplished…now where was I in TT?
  • @fenikus last time I checked, 9th place :P

    Neat. There's a new green bar about videos below the score entry row on the walkthrough pages. Brings all shared videos up to the top.
  • I meant what level smarta** :=>

    Hm, lookee here, you've been a busy bee while I was distracted by HH...
  • Is anyone else experiencing jerky screen on TT and HH? When that starts happening for me, the game has about a couple minutes left before it crashes. Annoying.
  • Oh yeah, that *is* neat @Kelani. I'm guessing it automatically scans comments for youtube video references.

    Edit: Are there any levels where there is more than one user video shared? Curious how it looks in that scenario.
  • @fenikus yeah, I'm getting the jerky TT right now. Guess I should restart, but it's been giving me sooo many points. :P

    I'd imagine with multiple videos, it'd just show a list. Makes me want to get PC video recording working right.

    edit: No way that high score on TT #4 score is right, even with the one-in-a-million 1-birder. I see Inspectors @Bunny and @Bern are already on the case.
  • Why would 134K not be possible with a 1-birder? It's a moot point because the person said he followed comments which talk about 2-birders, but I would think if you can pull off a 1-birder, it'd bring well over 130K.
  • @fenikus You need total destruction to get those points, and the 1-birder leaves too much debris.. I think 130k is the max for a 2b.
  • @Kelani, second shot on TT 3, did you go "deep" through the sweet spot all the way to TNT with bomb bird (like we discussed couple of days ago)?
  • BTW, my game was becoming almost unplayable with all the screen jerking even after few resets (and one hard reset of the iPad). Then I turned wifi off and now it's running smooth.
  • @fenikus that particular shot, bomb went in that little U-shaped depression in the void next to the TNT. I also stopped manually detonating. All the way to the TNT did similar damage. The key for me was to fire shot 1 flat so it broke the bottom wooden block between all those boxes on the ground. That got me like 29-32k, and left the stones there to be sashed by shot 2 debris.
  • Grr TT5. Gotta be a better way.
    {2 mins later} Nevermind. Yay.

    It's spooky how well the whine works. I successfully invoked it 3x today.
  • Sorry I haven't been in tonight :/"can't catch up. Having Pproblem with my tablet that's driving me crazy. I can't connect to the google play store:( I tried cotacting them and they actualy called me but 'mysteriously'got disconnected when i explained my trouble to 'Jose' :(
    Then got a really nice email telling me to do a factory reset aha...ya like that's gonna help!!
    Going flinging soory gotta get some sleep.
  • Yeah, I see the first shot on TT 3, @Kelani. The problem is that now I lost my mojo for the second shot which I had down pat few days ago. This level reminds me of Beach Volley -- lots of levels there where you have to make very exacting shots, and more than one. i like it.
  • @fenikus on the second shot, zoom in full and look at the lighter colored scenery where you'd pull back to aim. It look like the right half of a star (not estar). Aim so you see a sliver of that lighter color at Bomb bird's 4:00. By sliver, I mean just enough for you to see it. I could hit the sweet spot 90% of the time by using that reference.

    Grrr 19 is being a PITA
    {3 mins later}. Yay!
  • Yeah, this is def a level to play zoomed in. I should also put my glasses on because I thought you wrote "silver" instead of "sliver". Obviously, that didn't make any sense ;-)

    p.s. Slow down there, sparky. If you continue manufacturing points at this rate, no one is going to be able to catch you...
  • lol. no kidding. I'm tired and hungry, but I don't wanna stop flinging or restart til I squeeze all the luck outta this session.

    Hmm. Silver of a Lighter Color. Sounds like a bad romance novel for the elderly.
  • There's also a pretty decent reference point for the first shot on TT 3. Zoomed in, line up Red so that the sling elastic looks just below horizontal. You'll see 3 specs of…pale blue (?) color in the background. The higher of his 2 hairs (?) should just about cover the lowest and smallest of the specs.
  • Hello @everyone,
    Just a quick flyby to see how you're all doing. Sorry this is going to be shirt, as I must get to bed soon, eyelids are drooping, wanting to slam shut! Fighting this fatigue is near futile.

    Loved that video of the ZR1! Kinda reminds me of the Toyota Supra Turbo I had, in-line 6, intercooled, 5-spd manual, 2.8 liter and 230 horses, that baby looked fast just standing still! Back then it was expensive at $23K US, but I didn't care. Boy I sure miss that car!

    OB, a tall glass of strawberry lemonade please. It's after midnight here, and temperature says it's still 81F! Heatwave started yesterday, and it's miserable! It's going to be hotter tomorrow! ugh :-((

    Nighty night everyone!
  • And @kelani complained about a little bunny fur yesterday morning.
    I got up today and found a "Kel stampede" had left me for dead.
    Out with the girlies today, so no chance to catch up :-(
  • Happy Friday !!!
    Have a fantabulous flingin' day everyone :)♧♧♧♧♧
  • @kelani Thanks for the Lita Ford vid, va va cool :) Also the poster, love that style. . . so loved the 1950s, wish I could take a trip in time back there. . .

    "Silver of a lighter color" (oh, nice one lol): where does "elderly" start, IYO? It's a state of mind, I think - witness our wonderful Dolly and also Leonard Cohen, another major passion of mine. This is my favorite vid among all those he made of "Hallelujah" simply because of who he is, how he sings at this particular moment in time, and how the audience still loves him. Take time out to savour this if you haven't seen it before:

    Your comment that Dolly is everywhere reminded me of this graffito scrawled on a wall at the University of East Anglia, concerning leading academic Malcolm Bradbury, who was most often MIA on visits, lecture tours etc, to the chagrin of the student who wrote this:

    Q: What's the difference between God and Professor Bradbury?
    A: God is everywhere, but Professor Bradbury is everywhere but here.

    Dolly's in good company, I think!
  • @fenikus - BI 8-9 sorry about that but @rat9 made me do it.
  • @Ollygod no need to apologize, I was actually trying to find a discreet way to alert you of this new strategy so that you can take back your well deserved top spot in BI 1. Good flinging, chap.
  • Hello to you @all.
    My wife, my darling, has juggled with backups, all scores back. Lost them during the update of the new ABO. Great. (She knows how to handle Apple stuff).
  • @rat9 well that was a short time at the top for me, excellent response.
    Oh well back to the grind stone for me then, at least it's only 100 points
    (at the moment anyway)
  • @Ollygod I see you in #1 now. Did you get 1,800 points in the last two minutes? :)

    @hunnybunny now, now. I told you I was gonna do a little psychological warfare on our competitor. I expect you to catch up quickly and finish the job.

    edit: @fenikus High Dive challenge today. You're #25th and falling.
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