The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2242
  • Well then @fenikus thank you. .OB switch that to a Marmoset killer and put the other half on fenikus tab..hee hee:) actually get a round for the house on me:)
    I played the first 3 levels of the update on my phone. .I was not forced to use the blues on level 3? I just reset a couple times..did i read somewhere that it was a forced pu? It is considered a pu though right? It didn't count in the first 2 levels cuz he/she was already on the sling.
  • Oh boy!! The princess must be feeling left out with all these pages flying by without her:/
  • @Kathy, I'm surprised you were able to reset level 3 before using PU Blu. A lot of people reported earlier that they were forced to use it. I was too, on both android and iPad. I just threw him to the left and then reset the level. It is considered a PU on all levels except 1 and 2, yes.
  • @fenikus now why would I have a ready made answer? I'm way behind everyone else :P Anyway, as luck would have it, someone already posted it in the BP. IIRC Shoot chuck left of the sling on #14 to make him fall down all the branches. Hidden lock somewhere down there.
  • Yep @fenikus I just reset quickly and then just red was in the sling but had the blues icon on the top left with 10 next to it.hmm so if people were forced to use it do those scores count? Darn! ! I only installed on my phone (android) not my ttablet yet.I wanted to make sure there were no issues. Idk maybe when i do it on my tablet I'll see if it makes me use it there.
  • I just took #2 on B2 level #23 using burpie strat;)
  • @Kelani, you kind of answered your own question (which I'm sure was rhetorical) re: why would you have a ready made answer. You read everything and forget nothing, lol. Why would I waste my time reading cryptic posts in TT update page when I can just Keloooogle BP!
  • I wish I had a memory like that @fenikus. I can't remember someone's sex, male or female, if I don't tattoo it on the back of my hand.
    Kelooogle? funny...
  • @fenikus lol. I only remember the trivial. Anything -really- important, like names, dates, safe combinations? Pfft. gone. Keloooogle is a good one. I hope Kathy's phone wasn't paying attention. It'll start calling me Koogle, Kringle, Krinkle, Klink or Kegel.

    @Kathy whatever happens on #3 at least we know it'll be fair :P
  • That's not fair @Kathy. Now all the BP patrons are ahead of me on 8-23. I must return to this one.
  • I wish we could see what happens to the structures that fall on #20. It'd probably be glorious.
  • Sorry @Pa :/
  • @sweetP -- Sounds awful, but glad you kicked the big "C".
  • Argghhh I keep getting logged out!!
    No WWWwwwHhhhhhiiiiiinnnnneeeee today? That's mine lol my as well get it in before time is ul!!
    No say can i catch up in all these flying pages!!
    Bedtime soon a few more flings
  • Oh boy, Hidden Harbor is really High Dive II

    edit: @Kathy ah, so you did figure out #23 Very nice :)
  • Well, 5 levels is gonna do it for me today -- off to bed. Very happy with Timber Tumble, excellent episode so far.
  • @JLZ_666 -- Sorry for late reply, but

    For gear at level 17, clear the structure holding the switch and the bottom right structure, then shoot Terrence high and hit into the curve at the middle of the level, it should bounce to the tyre (?) and bounce back into the gap. :)
  • Yep @Kelani :) I owe you a thanks as well for your help in that level:) ty
  • *Passes flashlight to OB for safekeeping*
    Night everyone
  • @Kathy you're welcome. Glad it helped you out. :)

    Oh my. on HH3, OB pushed up all the structures and they stayed like that, with a big OB-shaped hole underneath. I gotta get a screenshot of that.
  • HH @kelani ? That Could be a couple different levels. .Haunted Hogs?
    Oh yeah I'm going to forgot to shut off dinger.
    Hey did i see my friend @chicka here? If she comes back please tell her I'm sorrty I missed her:( it's this stupid time zone thing I hate it. But thanka to all who gave her a welcome and made her feel comfortable @Kelani and everyone :) I haven't quite caught up all the way.. but i really must go to sleep. . Night nighy
  • Night Ma
  • @Kathy Haunted Hogs is in Seasons, right? We all know how I feel about Seasons :P
    This time HH=Hidden Harbor aka High Dive 2

    btw, @Chicka did come in like 10 mins after you went to bed. I told her you were hoping she'd come in. I think she left you a message.
  • Good night @kathy and morning to the rest. Sjeesh even after a cup of coffee the world seems a tad to bright, wonder why?! Great to see you all enjoy the new Rio levels. I must admit they are fun, almost wants me to start Rio... Almost :p
  • @estar It almost got ya? aww. so close. I've enjoyed them. Got a pile 'o high scores and figured out most of the 3* scores again. Busy night :P
  • Morning Star
    You don't see these too often. Is it @Estar or just Venus.
  • Thanks for the tip on 8-23 @KillerKathy. Thar be a new sheriff because of you.
  • @kelani if i was a rich girl, tadadidalalalalala (sorry heard a song in my head) we would have more time, mire time equals.... Expansion of the E-Star activities... Hmmmm would be nice... Yup I think i am still dreaming :p

    Hee hee... Mister @rat You are absolutely right this star isn't a Morning star to often LOL
  • okay Hubby out the door, so either I roll over and zzzzzleep smore or get dressed and start all the chores, got lots to do today and maybe take an afternoon nap. This debate usually ends up me doing the latter, but buzzing bee always crashes right at the end when it is too late for the nap, hmmmm what to do what to
  • Try to enjoy work @Estar. I'm enjoying myself. I've flung for over two hours today. True, my hand is swollen and I can't turn my head to the right, but I had fun dad burn it.
  • I do mister @Rat I do... I have a great boss and the work I do is what i love to do, but still...
    Anyhoe, going to get my rear moving and get stuff done and hope the afternoon nap will be an option. Night night mister @rat and @kelani have a good sleep and or nap!
  • @Rat Same here with the head thing. My neck doesn't like something about my ipadding position.

    @estar if you were a rich girl, you'd be the same, except then you could hire a few secretaries... and have the Dutch air force drop crates of mentos in my yard :D
  • @Kelani Ahm gonna gichew ifn yew don't start playin BI #2 agin.
  • That PU sits there right next to the pause button! It's like the Short Fuse PU.

    Well, I better get to flinging so I can keep up with the oncoming slew of comments!

    See ya'll later.

    Good morning to our friends across the pond, and a good night and sweet dream to everyone on this side!
  • @Rat I done told yew ah'm gunna play Beek Wan n Tew hall dayum day.

    @SweetP They're trying to cover the screen with powerups. Eventually, they'll make it so if you tap one, you buy $20 worth :)
  • Awl dayum day Kel! Looka hyeer, ya hafta et sumtime.
  • Finally finished 3* (3star, not estar) both episodes except bonuses in 8 hours. There's so many awesome levels in each. If this is the last Rio update, they sure did it justice. I didn't keep track of the 1-birders, but there aren't many, and some of them have higher scoring 2b potential.

    edit: whoops. I missed the last 5 Harbor levels.
  • @Rat Hayull Ray-ut! Yew know ah'll brake fer supper an' the outhouse.

    Ah gotta fix vittles for the dayum cat 'n dawg torectly. They're makin' a racket up'n them stairs.
  • If we got really deep into the local slang, It'd be just like a secret code. Nobody'd know a thing we said. :D
  • Might could've Kel. If'n ya twern't so darn burn young an a tad too citified.
  • Enjoy your sleepy time @SweetP !
  • Don't forget your Udder Balm @SweetP. You want to keep those burns moist.
  • Hello guys, Good morning to you all. A new day, new work and later, time for Rio.
    Question: When you look at the Rio Leaderboards, there is a episode called 'Hidden Harbor'. What's that?
  • Stupid question about that Hidden Harbor, please forget it.
  • @all So cute!

    Boxer dog at water fountain

    Rocky selects tree for next Christmas
  • @tompuss cute they are. That water fountain. My first thoughts were 'nice to have for my guys' then realized that they hate water. They think water is to drink.
    Btw @guys enjoyed yourself last night? Awesom, I predicted it - a complete army of Sheriffs at my door.
  • Now it's me apologising for the late reply @seasonsking. Thanks for your help! It's all so obvious when it's pointed out to you! Thank you :D
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