Angry Birds Complete Golden Egg Star Walkthrough

If you’re having trouble passing one or more of the Golden Egg levels to unlock the star the walkthroughs below will definitely help. Just match the number on egg in the image below to the walkthrough you want to view. You might want to bookmark this page as it will be updated as more Golden Eggs are released.

Note, we don’t actively update this page anymore as we now have a single Golden Eggs walkthrough page that shows you how to find the Golden Eggs and unlock the star.

Angry Birds Golden Eggs Selection Screens with Numbers


Solutions for solving the puzzle levels:

Note, as updates come out the instructions below get a little out dated. The walkthroughs above are better way to solve the puzzles and where applicable include the same exact instructions that are written below. We’re keeping these here–for now–for archival purposes.


06/16/2011 – Added walkthroughs for v1.6.0 (Mine And Dine)
03/18/2011 – Added walkthroughs for v1.5.3
01/27/2010 – Now includes individual star walkthroughs for all of the Golden Eggs & removed the old puzzle levels.
12/23/2010 – Updated for version 1.5 (the Mighty Eagle update). The 5th and 6th Golden Egg levels are now different. The puzzle levels “Mighty Eagle’s Beak” and “Snoozing Pig” are gone and have been replaced with regular levels that are pretty easy to solve.

Comments (173)

By Miles

I have some images with graphic overlays, depicting each puzzle star’s solution here: “”


Brill game got all golden eggs, what a challenge

By Sam

Why wont it let me get the Angry Radio star? I push 2 simultaneously but only one button will go down! eerrrrrrr! it’s aggravating!

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Trying turning the dial instead way over (I believe to the right). That’s actually how I got the star.

By Jun Howe

I want to play angry birds on computer

By Aylward

I’m having a problem with the pig nose golden egg level. I press both his nostrils and there’s the star, shining away. but when I go back to the main egg screen the egg hasn’t got a star in the middle of it and the outer screen doesn’t say I’ve got enough stars to include that one. I’ve tried tapping on the star and all sorts but no luck. Any help? Is this a bug maybe?

By Gary

You need to tap the star

By Gray

I’m having Problems with golden egg ?13 ( the one with all the pigs in the sack) I complete the level and it shows a star, but then that star doesn’t show in the middle of the egg afterwards. Is anyone else having this problem?

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Hrm, that could be a bug. Anyone else seen this?

By Sonic

i was having the same problem… i just went back in and got the egg again in 8-15 then treated the egg like new, beat the GE13 challenge and it starred it for me…

By eggbug

I am also having this issue but with at least four of the egg levels including 13.

By Ken Hodgson

I am having a similar problem for star #10 – I have completed the level several times – even tried tapping the star afterwards and the star will not appear in the egg…

By Danny

Gray, I’m having the same problem. I have all 15 golden eggs, but only 14 stars. When I play golden egg 13 and clear the level it says ‘Level Cleared!’, but going back to the golden egg screen it doesn’t show a star on egg 13.

By Alan

Same problem here, Danny – mine’s the lower left egg, complete the level, it flashes a star on the screen, return to egg screen and the star isn’t there :(

Very frustrating!!

By Alan

Aha! Read ALL the comments.

Re-‘earned’ the egg in Level 8-15 and then re-did it and I have my star.

Now I just need to work out this latest puzzle one from the new update!!

Is anyone got Golden egg # 17 total destruction level 4
Nightrose 3

By Dan

You just need to get three stars on all of level four. However, I can’t figure out how to get the star for golden egg 17.

By unicorngoddess

Angry Birds has been my most favorite obsesson for a couple of months now…and I just now discovered these golden egg stars yesterday! Thanks to your guide I was able to add an extra achivement to my stats. Thanks!

By Don Ritson

To get the star for Egg 17, tap the Red Bird, then tap and hold the bird and slide him to the left and right like a scroll bar. That’s how I got the star.


I take the fifth!!!!!!!!!!!!

By ERicJ

FYI: eggs #6 and #7 have been changed in the Android version. They’re no longer the “Snoozing Pig” and “Eagle’s Beak”. They’re more traditional bird launching levels.

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Good to know. That’s going to make updating this site even more complex than it already is!

By C

My suspicion is that Rovio have done this because not all Android devices support multitouch, and both Snoozing Pig and Eagle’s Beak require it.

Note that the pinch-zoom does still work on Android just fine however (Nexus One).

Also, golden egg #17 is different on Android. See the comments further down for screenshots and description. I’m still trying to figure out how to solve it.

By Mark

Hi everyone!

Love the game (of course, who doesn’t?!).

I have a technical challenge (I think). I play on an iPad, and for some reason, can’t get the star on the golden egg #11. I’m not looking for instructions here, I’ve won that level many times over, and have gotten a high score that is quite competitive with others online, and more than those people get when they get the star on a video walk through. But for some reason, I never actually get awarded that star. I have all the other stars on all the other golden eggs.

Is this a technical glitch? Am I missing something?

Appreciate any feedback.

By Mark

NM. Read another post (sorry, should have done that first!) and discovered that if I ‘re-obtain’ the egg and win the level again, I get my star.

By jgilbert17

I can’t figure out how to get the big setup. Its not even on my screen. I have three stars on all levels and all stars on eggs. What do i need to do

By ERicJ

You probably need to download the new version.

By ERicJ

Anyone gotten the star for Egg #17 on *Android* (v1.4.2)? The only thing I see on the screen is a sleeping big red bird. No pigs at all:

If I tap the big red bird then he squaks and opens his eyes:

After opening his eyes he disappears:

If I tap the spot where he was then he’ll come back in sleeping form.

Repeat the pattern forever.

By Rugby1

The exact same thing happens to me. Found out anything?

By ERicJ

Haven’t found anything new. The big red bird doesn’t slide side-to-side like the iOS version. I’m on a Samsung Epic 4G if that makes a difference.

By Rugby1

I am on the HTC Incredible. The iOS version has footprints in the dirt as well as the pigs to fill in but I don’t see any of that. Your screen shots are exactly what I see as well. Maybe it’s an android only bug. I have three stars on all 195 levels with 17 golden eggs and 16 stars. The only golden egg with no star is #17. I gatta say it’s starting to bug me.

By ron

Agree, think it must be a bug… tried everything to see something other than the big bird waking up, disappearing, and coming back. No luck yet.

By annoyed

Just want to throw in that I’m seeing the same thing on Android. Sleep, tap, open eyes, disappear. GRRRR

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

I sent a bug report to Rovio. Hopefully we hear something soon.

By C

It’s NOT a bug, just a different level to the iPhone version. And quite a tricky one it would seem…

By David

If you tap it once, then quickly again, the still sleeping bird remains on the screen. Perhaps there is a pattern necessary to solve this one. I’ve tried tapping it a million times. Once, twice, tried to do the rhythm of the theme music. Nothing so far. But at least it’s something.

By brian

if you first tap the sun 2-4 times, the touch the bird quickly, he will rock back’n forth awake and stay on the screen… from there, i’m at a loss…

By brian

then* touch the bird quickly… also, its pretty random how often he awakes rocking

By brian

hitting the sun 4 times, then hitting the bird, in a fairly quick rhythm seems to make the rocking occur more often… also, if it disappears, it seems you must restart the lvl and try again (i have yet to get him rocking after he has disappeared)

By C

Nice find! This definitely isn’t a bug as some people are saying, it’s just a different level to the iPhone version.

I found it really difficult to get the bird rocking, but I think I’ve found a more reliable way to do it. Tap the sun once, then the grass between the sun and the bird, then wait maybe a second or two before tapping the bird. Most of the time that’ll do the trick. I’m still as stumped as you are about what to do next though :(

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Guys, per Rovio, “Thanks for getting in touch with us about this. This is indeed a bug in the game and we are going to fix this to a future update.”

By David

Probably a bug, but thanks, finally getting it to rock back and forth anyway. Seems like I can affect the swaying by moving my finger on the screen, but nothing significant, yet.

By Mike

When the birdstarts rocking rock your phone and he continues to rock………

By ERicJ

Interesting that Bird Leader got a reply back. I still haven’t heard anything on the bug report that I submitted on this (Egg level 17) back on Nov 10. Rovio was very quick to respond about the bug I submitted on level 7-4 (yellow bird stick in mid-air after breaking a board).

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Yeah, it took a couple days, but they did get back to me. That said, their communication with us has really slowed down as of late. I hope it doesn’t stay that way.

By lisa

This is the only egg that I don’t have a star for and I’m on the Samsung Fascinate. I get the lone red bird and he disappears like you all have said. It’s driving me crazy!

By Kris

on the 17th golden egg level

I do Not have the Field filled with Piggs :O

How do i complete the level then .. i just have a Big Fat Red bird sitting in front of a sun

By Kris

Oh just noticed the posts above.

no matters..

i’m also on a Samsung.

By Christina

Is there anything after I solve all 17 of the golden eggs??

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Did you 3 star all levels? Also, if you’re on the iOS check out the achievements.

By sam

hi any luck yet on golden egg 17 on android ??? do we have to wait for update ???

By amek

Any further news on the “bug” or any solutions (getting star on 17th golden egg)? Only got bird to rock once and never again…

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Nope. Per Rovio, they’re going to fix it in the next update.

By Angry Pig

Any idea when would Angry Birds be updated for Android?

By rd43

how are you playing angry birds via computer?

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

You don’t really. If you have a jailbroken iPhone/iPod Touch you can screencast to your computer.

By Christopher

I have all 17 eggs and all 17 stars any questions????????

By lisa

I have an android phone and I don’t get the puzzles where you open the bird’s beak or plug the pig’s nose. What’s the deal? Also egg #17 doesn’t show rows for me to touch to reveal the pigs.

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

There is a known bug in the Android version, so you won’t be able to unlock the 17th star until an update is released.

By phntm

i have all 4 levels w/ all 3 stars and all 17 eggs w/all stars…
whats next?? i heard there was supposed to be more levels revealed once this was done.

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

You’ll have the wait for the next update, which may be the Mighty Eagle version. We’ll see.

By jason

I have gold egg #17 but when I open it, all I have is the big red bird. I don’t have the option to turn on the pigs. Any suggestions?

By BoyWonder

I have the same issue. When you tap the bird he chirps and then disapears. If you tap him and then tap again quickly, he closes beak and eyes. Any thoughts?

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

See the comments here.

By adam Culpepper

Yep. Same issue on andoid froyo 2.2. All levels with 3 stars. Opened 17th golden egg. Just an invisible red bird. Touch him and he chirps but no” pig” screen. I assume this is the bug? Anyway through it yet? Wanna complete it!


When I get to the “snoozing pig” star level, I touch the nose, the eyes opens, the nose opens and shows me the star and I tap it. Great. But when I touch the star, nothing happens. I’m never able to earn the star, it’s just stuck there.

Any thoughts? Thanks!

By Jen

how is everyone getting the puzzle levels? and i thought there were only 15 golden eggs?? please help. i play on my itouch

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