Angry Birds Toons Episode 13 Sneak Peek: Gardening with Terence

Angry Birds Toons Episode 13 “Gardening with Terence” will be airing across all Angry Birds apps in the Angry Birds Toons channel this Sunday, June 9th!

If you have missed the previous sneak peek videos, you can check them out here: Sneak Peek Videos

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Comments (14)

Rank: Fling King with 4260 points
By Beakins (@beakins)

Yay Terence is here!

Rank: Sling God with 68785 points
By wrw01 (@wrw01)

Is Terence going to fix, repair, make-right the garden that is pictured in the preview? At the very least Terence will protect the eggs of the birds against the pigs?

Rank: Fling King with 4260 points
By Beakins (@beakins)

Maybe or maybe not. Yes, he will like other angry birds!

Rank: Fling King with 4540 points
By Hidayat1999 (@hidayat1999)

Too bad no one could ever move Terence from his standing post, except Terence himself.

Rank: Out of this World with 2550 points
By Aman (@amandeep)

No one can move Terence from his place, even Matilda ,LOL :D

Rank: Fling King with 4260 points
By Beakins (@beakins)

Even King Pig can move Terence from his place!

Rank: Champion with 3470 points
By . (@minh)

No one can move Terence but he will move if the pigs steal the eggs :D

Rank: Champion with 3575 points
By Omega X (@omega-x)

Hm…careful not to include any plot details in the description, eh? :P

Anyway, my thoughts about Terence:

Terence. He has been a never-ending source of amusement for me in the world of Angry Birds, because once I look at his size and never changing expression of utter bemusement, I couldn’t help but feel amused myself. Finally, he has arrived in AB Toons! Hooray!! *dances in delight*

About his appearance in the Toons series, I have a few thoughts:

I couldn’t help but feel that the animators deliberately exaggerated his size and weight in the episode, due to the fact that he’s…..well, larger than I expected. Especially in the shots where Matilda is compared to Terence, he seems almost enlarged. Also, his weight seems to stretch to astronomical expects due to the fact that he didn’t even seem bothered by Matilda’s constant pounding. Even the basic laws of leverage seems to fail around him. Question to Rovio: How HEAVY exactly is Terence??? The first time I saw the title, I thought that it is “Governing Terence” (blame it on the depleting quality of my spectacles :P)

About the mini film itself:

I find the video extremely funny, both in terms of plot and exaggeration. However, I wonder, due to the alternating expects of the series (One episode in the view of the flock and the one after it in the view of the pigs etc) that pigs should make an appearance in the film. If so, I look forward to see how Terence deals with it. Rolling over them would do quite a nice job, wouldn’t it? ;) (just a random guess of course…)

Omega X

Rank: Boss Hog with 14280 points
By Josm (@josm)

Off topic: there was an new update from The Croods today version 1.2.0

By GoldenHeartChris

Interesting, I found a picture from Angry Birds: Hatching A Universe, where you can see the Boomerang Bird’s character model from Angry Birds Toons. He’s a bit different, from his game counterpart, but I think, he looks good. What do you think about it? :-)

I remember, when people asked Rovio about Hal and Bubbles, because they don’t appear in the Angry Birds Toons trailer. Rovio said, that they are not fond of the cameras.” They will definitely appear, but only later in the series. :-) (Sorry, if my English wasn’t so perfect. >.<)

Rank: Out of this World with 2890 points
By Spacer (@spacer)

Is it me or did Terrence smile at the end?

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By Mighty (@)

Yes he smiled

Rank: Sling God with 35860 points
By Joey (@joeyba)

Matilda is really toon’s material. She fits perfectly in.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16710 points
By thee-michelle (@thee-michelle)

This movie fan!
His smile was smart!

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