Angry Birds Stella Level 5 Episode 1 Walkthrough

Here is our 3 star walkthrough video strategy for Angry Birds Stella Level 5 Episode 1 (Branch Out). The score in the video is 16,960.

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Comments (51)

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16080 points
By crash (@tmax)Score: 17,510

I destroyed everything I could find 23480. Have screen shot..didn’t seem too hard though

Rank: Sling God with 26055 points
By sal9 (@sal9)Score: 17,510

@tmax There aren’t enough blocks to reach that score – Do you remember what happened?

Rank: Boss Hog with 13495 points
By Bird Maniac (@earthbound)Score: 23,280

My thoughts exactly @sal9 – I’ve tried for two days to increase but it’s just not possible. Birds swaps cannot be done on this level so the score from @tmax is questionable

Rank: Gold Flinger with 7820 points
By Idefix1976 (@idefix1976)Score: 18,000

I have also 23k. I have destroyed everything!

Rank: Gold Flinger with 7820 points
By Idefix1976 (@idefix1976)Score: 18,000

Here is a video:

Rank: Boss Hog with 13495 points
By Bird Maniac (@earthbound)Score: 23,280

Unless I’m missing something I really cannot see where the extra 5K points is achievable – I’ve cleared everything for my score quite a few times, so I’m querying the top three scores!


Rank: Avian Overlord with 18470 points
By cosmo2503 (@cosmo2503)Score: 17,510

@earthbound bird swaps are permitted so you have to bear it.

Rank: Boss Hog with 13495 points
By Bird Maniac (@earthbound)Score: 23,280

@cosmo2503 thanks for the reply, so when do the bird swaps kick-in as crash only has 7 scores entered? Admit I’ve only just started this episode so help greatfully received

Rank: Boss Hog with 13495 points
By Bird Maniac (@earthbound)Score: 23,280

btw @cosmo2503 I didn’t think that swaps were available on levels 1 – 5

Rank: Avian Overlord with 18470 points
By cosmo2503 (@cosmo2503)Score: 17,510

@earthbond sorry I am not sure when swaps become available and whether they are available at level 5, I also don’t know if Crash’s score is real, I just wanted to warn that swap scores are permitted. Enjoy game :-)

Rank: Champion with 3330 points
By Bangry Ird (@bangry-ird)Score: 23,290

I got a score of 17560 and that score had been removed wich i don’t understand. If you try hard enough it is possible to get this score! I filled it in again because i got it again! It would be clearer if i can make a screenshot but that isjust the problem. I can’t. So 2 or 3 days ago i got a message from SweetP for thanking me so honest about my scores and now my scores have been cleared out.Level 5 i laked about? Please come on the line to explain it to me.

Greetzzz, @Bangry-Ird ;-)

Rank: Champion with 3330 points
By Bangry Ird (@bangry-ird)Score: 23,290

21860 that is my score. First shot the pig. Then fast get another bird to shoot the debris above the pig, and then again get a bird fast after the second shot to kill the tire upper left and then it is able to get such scores so please don’t remove it again ;-) You have unlimited birds on this but you have to be quick to do it. A better explanation i don’t have.

Greetzzz, @Bangry-Ird :-)

Rank: Champion with 3330 points
By Bangry Ird (@bangry-ird)Score: 23,290

22560 is my score now. You have unlimited birds to shoot and when you do it right you can get such scores my high is now 22560 and this is 100% a legal score. as i explained in the message before you just have to be fast enough to use more birds. Levels 1,2,4 and 5 you have a possibility to use more birds because they are unlimited so i did not any illegals to get my score. Tonight i shall try to make a movie from the level while i am playing it. Then there will be the evidence to clear out all misunderstanding ;-) So hopefully this misunderstanding has been removed and we can go on flinging more highscores.

Greetzzz, @Bangry-Ird ;-)

Rank: Boss Hog with 13165 points
By birdMeister (@birdmeister)Score: 17,990

22400 using same approach.

Rank: Boss Hog with 13165 points
By birdMeister (@birdmeister)Score: 17,990
Rank: Sling God with 26640 points
By SweetP (@sweetp)

Hello @bangry-ird. Sorry, I did not see you @mention me, so I did not get any notification of your comment. As others have commented, there is a difference in the scoring between platforms. I am playing on an Android, and have a current score of 20K in this level. So, like yourself, I cannot post that score until Rovio updates/fixes the scoring thresholds and releases an update. Until then, the @admins have capped the high score at 18,000.
Sorry for the inconvenience, but until Rovio releases an update to make the playing field equal, we’ll just have to bear with this for now.

Rank: Boss Hog with 13495 points
By Bird Maniac (@earthbound)Score: 23,280

@bangry-ird – I’ve got nothing like your description, I’ve taken a snap-shot & included it in my album here –

Rank: Champion with 3330 points
By Bangry Ird (@bangry-ird)Score: 23,290

@ Bird Maniac i will post a screenshot later this evening so you can see what i ment. I’ve got a lot more things to shoot in my level 5 than you’ve got. That is the difference i see. But wich one is the real one yours or mine. I find it a bit strange that there is so much difference in one level. I never had something like this before :-) Till later on.

Greetzzz, @Bangry-Ird ;-)

Rank: Boss Hog with 13495 points
By Bird Maniac (@earthbound)Score: 23,280

@bangry-ird many thanks – ok, now we’re getting into the world of different platforms, my screen shot is from iphone5s – so we could have differences across platforms!

btw it’s @earthbound for the tsg, thsnks

Rank: Champion with 3330 points
By Bangry Ird (@bangry-ird)Score: 23,290

I am playing on a pc but what i am playing is android on a pc. My thing i am using is bluestacks and that is a android application to play android games on a pc. So what i am playing is just a normal android Stella version on a pc. And i just checked at my neighbour and he is playing Stella also on a samsung galaxy and his level 5 is the same as mine! So i again don’t understand why my score isn’t counting? Last week i played on an ipad of a friend of mine. And my conclusion was that playing on ios is much difficulter then playing on any other system ;-)

Greetzzz, @Bangry-Ird ;-)

Rank: Deputized with 210 points
By PigCrusher (@pigcrusher)Score: 23,540

I am playing on a Samsung Galaxy S5, and I can confirm the tire and hanging plank.

I can also confirm this debris was NOT in the level the last time I played it.

Rank: Master Slinger with 7130 points
By Kelani (@kelani)Score: 23,690

@pigcrusher Thank you! Do you know if there were any minor updates released for your device since the last time you played it? Also, would it be possible for you to post a screenshot of the level, so we can see what you see?

Anyone else who sees these things, please reply to this post with
-what device you’re using
-if you can confirm the level didn’t have these items before.

cc: @admins Android received an update on Sept 10 which changed this level. They now have additional items (a tire swing and hanging shelf located above the pig). This allows for higher scores on those devices.

Rank: Boss Hog with 13165 points
By birdMeister (@birdmeister)Score: 17,990

My Samsung Android tablet was also updated twice. The latest was last night and it wiped out my hig score of 27K for level 5.

Rank: Deputized with 210 points
By PigCrusher (@pigcrusher)Score: 23,540

@Kelani I posted the photo below, but here is the link again:

My phone informed me that it has updated Stella twice now. Once the day after it came out and once this morning. I would guess this morning’s update changed level 5.

P.S. I was able to score 23,480 without much difficulty.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16080 points
By crash (@tmax)Score: 17,510

hey now…… it took me a few tries, lol :)

Rank: Master Slinger with 7130 points
By Kelani (@kelani)Score: 23,690

@bangry-ird Please check out @earthbound‘s screenshot above. If your level does not look exactly like that, we really need a screenshot of your level. You are describing things (tire, debris above the pig) that do not exist for any of us. Please understand nobody’s attacking you or your score. We have a mystery, and until it’s solved, allowing higher scores only creates confusion. When we understand how you got the score, the admins will decide what happens. If your score is not from a glitch or some unfair advantage, I’m sure they’ll allow it. For now, let’s just solve the mystery.

Rank: Deputized with 210 points
By PigCrusher (@pigcrusher)Score: 23,540
Rank: Boss Hog with 13495 points
By Bird Maniac (@earthbound)Score: 23,280

@pigcrusher Significantly different from my image – thanks!

Rank: Champion with 3330 points
By Bangry Ird (@bangry-ird)Score: 23,290

Pigcrusher thanks a lot now the people won’t have to wait at my screenshot but i will post it in the next few hours :-)

What a difference in levels it could be and i am for sure that this is not the only difference. We just have to check all highscores that are filled in here on angrybirdsnest :-)

Greetzzz, @Bangry-Ird ;-)

Rank: Boss Hog with 13495 points
By Bird Maniac (@earthbound)Score: 23,280

@kelani – “let’s just solve the mystery” +1 from me too!!

Rank: Master Slinger with 7130 points
By Kelani (@kelani)Score: 23,690

Ok, Thanks to @pigcrusher‘s screenshot, the mystery’s solved. One of those Android updates changed this level. If an Android player doesn’t see the little tire swing and rope shelf above the pig, they haven’t installed those updates.

On iOS, I’ve not seen/installed any updates. There aren’t any on the app store yet.

@bangry-ird @birdmeister The admins will ultimately decide what happens, but I think when/if an iOS update makes the level identical for everyone, then your higher score will be permitted. All I can say is, please be patient. Let’s allow one of them weigh in, and see what they say.

ALL: A Sept. 10 update for Android added more objects to this level. This change allows scores ~6-10k higher than the current max of 17,510.

Android screenshot showing the changed level

cc: @admins

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16080 points
By crash (@tmax)Score: 17,510

what about a @tmax ?!?! just kidding, thanks for helping with getting to the bottom of what happened. I realized my score was quite a bit higher, and was positive i didn’t have the bird glitch because I could almost repeat it when I was actually paying attention for the glitch. The thought of different platforms having different things to damage didn’t cross my mind.

anyhow, have a nice day/evening

Rank: Master Slinger with 7130 points
By Kelani (@kelani)Score: 23,690

@tmax Yes, your score may be valid. We just need to wait and see what the admins have to say. But for it to be fair for everyone, here’s what I expect:

If the iOS level is updated to match Android, the score threshold will be raised, and you’ll all be able to enter your awesome scores.

If iOS doesn’t get the change, the scoring would probably be capped at 17,510 (the iOS max) which is what higher-scoring Android players would enter. This would essentially negate this level for the sake of fairness.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16080 points
By crash (@tmax)Score: 17,510

all righty, i am just going to enter 17,510 in for now then. and i guess root for the iOS update to happen, lol

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16080 points
By crash (@tmax)Score: 17,510

okay, probably some other comments of mine can be removed…. i always feel odd having 7 comments in a row on something, lol. But below are links to a couple of pictures i uploaded to my album. Showing my 23,480 score and what i believe hasn’t changed starting screen. I went to the android play store and there was no update for the game at the time of this writing, although it said there had been an update recently, so i must have gotten it. That being said my level 5 still looks the same i think, definately a tire, and i’m not exactly sure but i got 21,00 just now and had a lot of stuff left so i think it’s the same.


Rank: Gold Flinger with 8830 points
By Andy (@andy2510)Score: 18,000

Also got a 22k plus score – to be fair to other users without the update I’m going to put a high-score equalling 18k on here.

I’m nice like that!

Rank: Master Slinger with 7130 points
By Kelani (@kelani)Score: 23,690

@andy2510 Technically, fair would be everyone with 18k matching the known iOS max of 17,510 until the update rolls out. But with all the score-boosting bugs in this game, what’s another 490 points? :)

Anyway, this was also reported to Rovio, so when I hear back, I’ll post something here.

Rank: Gold Flinger with 8830 points
By Andy (@andy2510)Score: 18,000

@kelani hopefully there will be an iOS update soon with the updated level. Reminds me of that level in Space (Cold Cuts 10 I think) that has changed twice and that the high scores are no longer obtainable.

Rank: Pig Leader with 11530 points
By redzym (@redzym)Score: 17,510

There are no additional items on iOS at this stage so 17510 is the max achievable.

Rank: Sling God with 33800 points
By sparty83 (@sparty83)Score: 22,840

@admins and everyone else,
This is how I feel about this level. All scores that can be verified by a screen capture should be allowed. If you can not get a screen capture of your score, just like every previous level, it is not valid. My reasoning:

1) The level that is available to Android was released by Rovio. It is a valid level.

2) Swaps are not permitted on this level so that can’t be used a as a reason
2b) Swap scores are allowed. But since this is a pre swap level, it doe not come into play

3) The Hammer is not available, so scores obtained can not be the benefit of the Hammer

4) It’s possible that iOS will get the same updated level in the future

5) Rovio changes levels all the time. Sometimes it increases scores, sometimes just the opposite. This happens so much so, even Slim created a thread for it

6) This is not a FLUKE glitch. This is something Rovio did intentionally

7) this is not a UNKNOWN glitch. It’s not like the glitch that a few ingenious ‘Nesters found in Angry Birds Seasons Wreck the Halls Level 1-23. Approx 6 people out of 1300 plus were able to exploit that glitch and have their scores OK’d even though it was not a know glitch until AFTER it was fixed.

8) The fact that a certain level differs from one platform to another should not be considered. This is a level available to Android which is not some obscure gaming platform. It it not, in my opinion, the same as the level differences that are in the Chrome version of AB. (besides me and about 3 others, who actually played the chrome version?)

I play mainly on Android, so yes, I would benefit from this. I have also started playing it on my wife’s iPad which does not benefit from this.

Rank: Master Slinger with 7130 points
By Kelani (@kelani)Score: 23,690

@sparty83 Since Rovio confirmed today that this will be corrected, I see no reason why the Android scores won’t be allowed. It’s simply a question of whether the admins decide to allow them now, or when the iOS update comes out.

Rank: Boss Hog with 13165 points
By birdMeister (@birdmeister)Score: 17,990

@sparty83, very well put. This logic should prevail for all levels and not just this one.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16080 points
By crash (@tmax)Score: 17,510

Also, even if you play on an iOs, it doesnt mean you cant play the level on somebody elses Android phone…. :-)

Rank: Sling God with 20000 points
By Bird Tester (@bird-tester)Score: 17,790

On Android scores over 23K are repetable. I have 23.650 but I didn’t push for more. So I play as long as I made “suitable low score” with 1B/17.790.

Rank: Master Slinger with 7130 points
By Kelani (@kelani)Score: 23,690

The 1.03 iOS update which came out today updated this level to match Android.

@admins score cap can now be raised to new max, which is around 23,650

Rank: Sling God with 33800 points
By sparty83 (@sparty83)Score: 22,840

@admins, and @kelani,

screen cap of level 5 taken from my wifes ipad air showing ios now matches android. the cap should be raised to reflect the new higher scores that are possible (for both platforms)

Rank: Sling God with 26055 points
By sal9 (@sal9)Score: 17,510

@kelani @sparty83 The maximum was raised. Thanks

Rank: Sling God with 33800 points
By sparty83 (@sparty83)Score: 22,840

thanks @sal9

Rank: Champion with 3330 points
By Bangry Ird (@bangry-ird)Score: 23,290

At last the scores are permitted. My high was all the time 23.290 whoehoe :-)

And a description of how to play it is given much more messages to the top ;-)

Greetzzz, @bangry-ird

Rank: Boss Hog with 13700 points
By tinostar11 (@tinostar11)Score: 23,690

I improved on my High Score , but it’s not allowing me , saying it’s too high. Posted my screenshot as proof of a higher Max score for this Level

Rank: DaBomb with 395 points
By Onubis (@onubis)Score: 21,000

Yeah, I got 23850 on this by breaking as much as I could on the level. Can’t enter as it says its to high.

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