Our strategy for Angry Birds Star Wars Path of the Jedi level J-32 is to fling Luke through the ropes in the top-center of the level. Send Han into the now-accessible stones, pushing them rightward, while shooting out the base of the left tower. If debris falls from the right tower onto the TNT below, the level should be cleared.
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I started with a high lob into the gap between the cliff and the first tower. Then Han as in the video but use the blaster to cut the ropes. I see two advantages: you get the difficult shot first, and some extra points for slashing the base of the tower.
This method works wonderfully! Thank you!
By f91jsw way scored 73.120. THX. I likes lobbig.
I “discovered” this method after a few unsuccessful tries at getting across the top with Luke.
@f91jsw Thanks for confirm this alternate strategy!
Same here @jtb
Thank you @f91jsw for the alternate strategy post. It worked great. Aiming spot for the first Luke is to have the end of the laser barely touch the left side of the background tree bark/vine. Also used Hans to cut all three ropes and hit some stones on the way down to the right.
@wrw01 nice tip on cutting all three ropes with Han. Dropping that top block pushes more debris down the crevice between the two structures and gives more points.
@wrw01 cancel that lol P,&P paid off…
Concerning this shoot you fly with Han towards the first rope and cut the two immediately after start.
Hey @wrw01 sorry to bother you again..hope all is well:)
My score shown i got the video way, but curiosity i tried this strat..i seem able to get the Luke shot in the gap..get the backswing on vines…but the Hans shot is confusing me i aim just like video but i can’t get the laser Up to hit that first rope above the metal block hanging…any hints on that shot…
Nice score and good job. In a previous post you mentioned the 3Ps and what was the third? They are Patience, Persistence and Practice.
Thanks @wrw01 :) ahh Practice young Jedi practice:)
You can’t hit it if you shoot like the video
@wrw01 I have the 3 Ps in spades now but I am curious, after trying tons of different angles I’ve not been able to get exactly where your aiming to get that rope with the brick to hit fall? If you can remember as it’s been a long time, it’d be really helpful?! :) Just so you know I’ve been at this level for 1 1/2 days so yeah the 3 Ps aren’t the problem!! LOL ;)
@kimmiecv It has been a while and I do not remember a “technique” of how I ended up cutting the 3 ropes. Activating Hans on the way down seems to stick in my mind but for the life in me cannot recall anything specific on that shot. That is probably an indication that just shooting the laser produced a lucky hit on a few tries. Sorry I was not much help on this one other than mentioning the outcome of the shot rather than the specific technique on how to obtain the result.
No worries @wrw01, thanks for getting back to me, I hope your doing well and driving carefully!! :)
That’s how I improved my score. Much more destruction this way.
This helped me improve by 7k; thank you!
Worked like a charm after only a few tries. Thanks!
This is how i did it too..
1st shot higher – by the rope with hanging block. Han same course (72.310).
During replaying I must go very high arc (under the cliff of course). Luke smashed a block and jumped forward and cut last rope. Next Han Solo – same track. I don’t now if I was too fast with 2nd shot :(. Improved to 73.460. This way is scorable :)).
Funny way. During lobbying frequently Luke hitting a stone guard (board & triangle). Try going further. Result is hanging “scale pan” filled with 5 stones. Scores rang 69-71K. Not so bad, somehow.
I was lucky to finish this one alive, that damn little metal bar kept deflecting the cannonball from hitting the TNT below right, but at least I 3 starred it.
It is possible to cut both support ropes with your 1st shot – fling Luke so he flies just under the hanging block as close as possible without touching it to land right on the centre top of the large disc, activate the lightsaber as he lands & he can continue through to cut the 2nd rope. I got this to work about 1 in 10 tries. Ideally Luke or one of the small stones should roll down & set off the TNT, but unfortunately this rarely happens, & you’re left with a 2nd shot exactly like the video so no real advantage.
If you do get the TNT the right side goes with a score of around 30k. It gives a clearer shot at the left side with Han, but I never scored over 53k this way. I got my current score of 54k following the walkthrough.
I’ve returned to this level many times over the past few days trying to get this to work better without success, perhaps another intrepid flinger can find a way to perfect it.
@karen68 this is the way I’ve been flinging from day one & I’ve had various scores after 1st shot. I’ve only managed to get through to 2nd rope a handful of times but as you mentioned it doesn’t necessarily mean a higher score,you’ve still got to nail that 2nd shot The points definately come from how the towers crumble.
Hey @jlz-666 this level really frustrated me with so much debris left sitting there. The right tower needs to crumble to the right & fall down the slope for more points but half the time the towers seem to just fall into the middle on top of each other with little result.
And I meant scores of 73k & 74k , not 53k & 54k. Having a brainless Sunday afternoon I guess.
This probably only works with the green light-saber, but after all, it should be good for something, right? Aim Luke on high arc so he comes down on left side of middle gap. He should just hit the small horizontal stone block sticking out of left tower. Just as, or a microsec after he hits, activate the light saber. The saber needs to take out the bottom right vertical block of left tower, so tower falls to right. This should break wooden plank in center and give you 26K or more points. For my high score of 77040 K, the top of left tower pushed the right tower to the right and I got a one-birder! Unfortunately I didn’t see details, since I was getting ready to fling Hans as describe by @f91jsw. Since you get more points on first shot, you should end up with a higher score, although except for 1-birder, I didn’t manage that, and am going to stop trying.
Thanks @mvnla2!
Your Description of first shot really gives more points than aiming with high arc left to the left tower!
Still, second shot needs a lucky hand to let the right tower fall properly for high points!
Thanks @mvnla2, I finally got a one-birder and 76,740 points using your strategy (previous 2-bird high 75,850). I believe the spire (the almost vertical metal block leaning against the triangle) of the falling tower cut the rope supporting the hammock-like roof of the other building. Then the parts swayed just right to cause a small metal block on the right to fall into the TNT.
To make the first contact between the buildings happen so high, you must be careful not to annihilate any other structural parts of the first building besides the thin bottom right leg.
Was able to repeat with @mayes2158‘s strategy, taking out both the bottom right stele leg and the wooden floor just above it. The spire punctured the vertical wooden front wall of the second building, causing a similar instability as before. This makes me doubt if I really observed my earlier shot correctly. Maybe it was actually similar to this.
The method seems somewhat repeatable after a little practice but it doesn’t always score as much as a good two-birder. I caught a screen shot of the fall in action: Image
@mvnla2, thanks so much for your strategy, it got me 77750 with a 1-birder & with the **** blue saber**** no less. So for those who have not yet obtained the upgraded green saber, this is doable : – )
After 3* with 2 birds for a little below average of 73450, I’d moved on taking a break from this level. I came back today after 3* on 33 & 34 & although I’d tried this a number of times, today everything literally fell into place as I hit the lower right side of left structure watching it knocking or falling right & eventually something fell on TNT. Neither hanging rope ever broke, instead things swayed right & left (which allowed something to fall on TNT) before level ended & I smiled as 3-10k bonus birds added up.
…and mvnla2, congrats on your new Pig Leader rank.
Thanks for the aiming tip @mvnla2. I never got the one birdie, but a pretty sweet two birder.
excellent strat @mvnla2, thank you. One birder and increase in score of 3000. Appreciate you sharing
lol posted before i entered my score
78420 – I fling the first red bird over the near slanted object to hit the large round grey object on the far tower just above the small round object, and activate AFTER it hits.
The light-saber should cut the vertical brown piece below the round objects, dropping the round things, and after they roll off, that small vertical grey object on the far right falls on the tnt taking out the right side. (If not, the next solo bird will do it.)
Then the Solo bird as in the video.
Hopefully most of the damage has been done with the first shot.
Sorry, my bad! I wish I had made a screen shot of what was left, which was not much.
I used a different strategy that also got an above average score. I shot Luke like the video trying to make sure the two vines are snapped. Then I shot Han in a high arc and aimed at the wood on the left from top to bottom which generates a lot of points from destroying the wood. Most people trying and shoot the structure from the bottom but shooting from the top also works though you need great timing to destroy the left side pigs. The structure can finish them off too.
Ideally Han will also cut the final vine causing a piece of rock to detonate the TNT and that always shifted the structure down the cliff. I got 75k but there is a potential for more points using this method if you can get Han’s lasers timed perfectly so that more debris is damaged or destroyed.
1 bird method – 77150
high arced the bird between the towers, hitting on left side of wodden plank in the middle breaking it and taking that bird out, hit green lighsaber just before i hit to take out lower right leg of left tower, tower fell to the right and took out right tower, the rocks above were never touched so more points are possible if this was to fall also.
Tested and working but low score 74-75k
I flung Luke high, bringing him down on the left side of the first tower, slicing thru all three levels and bringing it down. then I sent Han toward the boulders, shooting thru the ropes. Once the ropes are cut and Han hits the boulder, one will fall on the TNT and clear the level.
I am very excited because this is the first time ever that I scored three stars with a different strategy than this site!
I got a one birder with the strategy described above but the score wasn’t that impressive: 76020. I got 500 pts more using Karen68’s strategy. I haven’t been able to beat 76520 no matter what I do so I think I’ll let it go for now.
Here’s an alternative first shot but it’s somewhat difficult to execute consistently because it requires launching Han with less than full speed. Launch so that Han goeas just over the first tower and hits the vertical wooden plank in the front of the second tower. The path is blocked by the left end of the steel hammock hanging above the tower but if you activate your green light saber well before hitting it, it will evaporate before you reach it and your flight is not affected. To complete a successful first shot, one of the small steel blocks on the right side of the tower should fall on the TNT below and make the whole tower collapse. The severed hammock will usually sweep some debris into the void on the right.
The second shot can be the same as in the video. I get a better success rate by aiming the laser not at the steel block on the bottom of the first tower but at the end of the horizontal wooden plank just above it. A high lob, firing into the tower from above through the wooden floors, can also succeed (but I can’t do that reliably).
I have been trying for a top score for a long time. Ironically, I was stuck at 72,000 on this level for a LONG time. I shot Luke close to the first block but didn’t hit it, then I activated the lightsaber when I hit just on top of the large round cylinder. I ended up bouncing all the way over to the right but just barely. Luke fell and hit the TNT. In the meantime, as luck would have it, the rest of that building was collapsing to the left which in turn took out everything to the left as well. I couldn’t repeat this if I tried. Total luck, but finally a top score.
77,860 two birder. Fling Luke high (a little right of vertical) to thread him down between rocks and first tower …. activate light saber towards bottom to take out all those pigs. Launch Han at ropes to cut first two, but high enough so that you can shoot downwards and ricochet to cut right side rope. Lots of damage by falling rocks and something should roll over to the right to blow up the TNT killing the remaining pigs.
Have to rely on the far right boulder to roll / fall to the right triggering the TNT and for all ensuing debris to cascade to the right down the rocks to get a BIG score, but have repeated this method several times since, regularly scoring 73-75k
Hello, we have achieved at least 3.25 million points on all 40 Path of the Jedi levels (I think this one got us the points necessary), but for some reason, we don’t have the Jedi Addict badge yet. Is there something else we have to do before we get it?
Here are some observations concerning the high lob method. First shoot cut through the two lower boards and the highest needs to be broken aswll.. be sure that not to much debris is blocking the plank between the two structures.
Aim Han For the first rope of the hanging metal.
Immediately after start through the two ropes and pray that the falling metal cuts through th plank between the structures . And that the Small metal ball hits the Rear TNT.
Luke high arc, barely miss the angled beam on top of the left tower on the way down. Break the top wooden beam and hit the end of the horizontal metal beam. Activate Saber as late as possible (about the time he hits the metal beam). Han to top of hanging block, fire to right suspended beam on ascension (under the hanging block). Do this for a few hours. 80,280
many thx to @wicket182
i missed the wood, but here my video:
Just like @wicket182 described but I got a lucky one birder. When the left tower collapsed to the right the slanted metal top hit the right tower and dislodged the middle metal support on the right side of the right tower. It fell down and hit the TNT. The top round boulders did not fall and the game timed out before I could have tried to bring the hammock down.