Angry Birds Star Wars Facebook Tournament Level 3 Week 57 – January 15th 2014

Walkthrough video and non power-up strategy for Angry Birds Star Wars Facebook Tournament Level #3 (Day 3, released on January 15th, Week 57 which began on January 13th, 2014). Our non-power up strategy is to send Han Solo towards the armed pig troopers on the left to destroy them. Then send Obi-Wan towards the middle of the debris, and initiate the Force rightward to clear the level. The score in the video below is 110,350.

Our Angry Birds Star Wars Facebook Tournament walkthroughs show you how to obtain 3 stars, most of the time without the aid of Power-Ups (we do make exceptions). If you have a different strategy feel free to leave a comment below; however, don't just post your score via the comments. Tournament walkthroughs are added weekly as new levels come out, so be sure to check the walkthrough page.

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Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By TienShenLong (@)Score: 124,180

1-Bird No-PU’s 120K
Aim Han up to fall behind the laser pigs. Start shooting DOWN and make the 1st laser hit the small metal piece near right laser pig. Goal is to destroy the base of the bid left tower and the lowest pig on it. There is no need to worry for the central n right stuff. Well timed, this will clear all.
As always, here’s the pic:

Rank: DaBomb with 390 points
By little john (@little-john)

thanks. Got a score of 114.040 after only 2 attempts using this method.

Rank: Master Slinger with 7455 points
By sasilik (@sasilik)Score: 123,830

When Han started to fall downward then I aimed at the bottom of the first big tower, at the edge of ice block behind which is small pig. It all fell nicely down. But only 118K so far.

Rank: Master Slinger with 7455 points
By sasilik (@sasilik)Score: 123,830

Hmm, shot Han like on video and aimed similar way but result was one-birder and 121K

Rank: Debriefed with 1470 points
By stevieboy (@stevieboy)Score: 117,530

thanks m8 @tienshenlong …..your strat was really something else the way it just made the whole level crumble practically every single time…..iv went from 110k my strat to 117k ur strat so thanks again….p.s. i managed a 1 birder with my strat and it wasnt very repeatable like yours was but it only netted me 106k….

Rank: DaBomb with 390 points
By little john (@little-john)

This is a repeat of level 3 week 6. Video posted by Dmitri (@dmitri)
Score in the video 117.450

Rank: Explosive with 2070 points
By livingny (@livingny)

118,470 I shot same as in video but aimed lower on the second tower. Still shot out the glass base with pigs on the left but laser took out lower pig in second tower which took out all and tower fell and pushed enough for far right tower to fall which took out all the rest! Don’t know if this is repeatable…

Rank: Sling God with 57260 points
By Terribletom (@terribletom)Score: 120,510

1st shot like video….and waited. Right tower started shaking and eventually collapsed. Lots of debris left, so score can be higher. 114K

Rank: Sling God with 57260 points
By Terribletom (@terribletom)Score: 120,510

Just bettered my score by 4k…up to 118k

Rank: Debriefed with 1470 points
By stevieboy (@stevieboy)Score: 117,530

not quite the 1 bird method that @tienshenlong managed,which i will try but i shot han over the laser pigs and shot thru the 1st wood on 1st tower right down to lower wood on 2nd tower.the wheel fell down killing the laser pigs and totally destroying the 1st tower while the blaster destroyed the 2nd tower which only left 2 pigs on the ground……i used obi to clean the level up,netting me a 110k score……but only 2 pigs left after han…..i beleive that a 1 birder may be possible this way too…..iv been so close….

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9020 points
By Steinbird (@steinbird)Score: 124,830

I was actually having trouble getting over the tower as suggested by @tienshenlong and others here. In fact, I just ended up only taking out the left-hand tower with the laser pigs on my first shot. Not wanting to waste a crystal, I sent Obi-Wan into the base of the “new” (remaining) left tower, in which the entire structure remained undamaged. I aimed OW not into the glass wall to the left of the bottom pig, but instead into the left side of the horizontal metal beam just above his head. I triggered the force late, after the collision, clicking somewhere way to the top right. This took out EVERYTHING.

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By TienShenLong (@)Score: 124,180

For very bored ones: This lvl “know-facts”… from personal records by experimentation…

– ONCE rare issue: Aimed Han just below the laser pigs and between the lasers, and shoot at the low angle (metal cube-ice bar)then.. all 3 pigs and ice under was launched very high and to the center… laser pigs destroy all ice and wood stuff but do near zero dmg to most metal things… and obviously kill all pigs before crash-land. HOW? WHY? Irrelevant… but that happens. Sadly, only 118K and not worthy a 2nd bird.

– Inspired by @stevieboy alternate firing solution(s): (all 1-birdie)
Aim to the laser gun cannon of 2nd pig and you can shoot to:
a) the low end of the vertical-central bar on the semi-circular top (no so efficent but when it works… WORKS!)
b) Aim and fire through the 2nd pig’s laser gun! as if aiming lower base wood… DEADLY most times.
c) Aim for the low small ice piece besides big metal cube timing for hit it before, during and passing its vertical line of sight. NOt frecuent but achieved my 124K why that one.
… and aimin a little higher as/if to land on the center of the hole between both left towers…
d) Shoot to the left side of the low horizontal metal bar between the wood vertical pieces when you pass the head of 1st laser pig, and wathc the magic of ricocheting…
e) Same angle as previous… shoot AS YOU CAN HIT the small metal square on left side of big right tower’s base, the lower one, just besides the big-headed right pig on the center… and start firing ASAP you can after pass the laser pigs tower… Rate: 35-40%
f) The weird way: Aim straigh to the letf big metal box, sling and start firing to the low-right angle (the lowest)of metal bricks under the most hated pig on this lvl… What? There is nothing there? True… but works pretty well 15-18% Only for the ones that rely on the force… and DO IT not try (Yoda’s quote)
… and finally… the 80% rate one (but low scoring)…
g) Aim semi hi-arc to shoot the small wood under middle pig on big RIGHT tower through the woods of the big left one. Obviously will be better to fall on the space between left towers (and break some glass/wood if possible) but not a must… All pigs RIP most times and nothing more most times… but 80% ocurrence COUNTS.

and I’ll post no more strat 4 today: like the one you could fire to the left central hollow triangle while passing the laser pigs; sling all the way to the low-left pig’s itself and fire to the stone ball above as LATE as you can; the “unexpected one”… just hit and break the horizontal wood bar on big left tower… or just hit the tower WELL… and do not fire at all… (you do not expect that, isn’t it? lol); the “jedi-mind-control-trick” (1-2% chance): laser pig (only one) change side and strike-back… WELL… this is one of that level that actually allow multiple firng solutions…
and one of the most “cheaper” about scoring, specially on metal stuff…
I’ve send all right tower’s but the base to the right end and for what? to get 5-6k excluding pigs at top.

I’ve told you… only for bored ones… :)

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