Walkthrough video and non power-up strategy for Angry Birds Star Wars Facebook Tournament Level #2 (Day 2, released on December 17th, Week 53 which began on December 16th, 2013). Our non power-up strategy is to loft Han Solo between the two towers and aim his blaster at the base of the right structure. Then send Obi-Wan towards the middle of left structure and trigger the force rightward upon impact. The score in the video is 100,760.
Our Angry Birds Star Wars Facebook Tournament walkthroughs show you how to obtain 3 stars, most of the time without the aid of Power-Ups (we do make exceptions). If you have a different strategy feel free to leave a comment below; however, don't just post your score via the comments. Tournament walkthroughs are added weekly as new levels come out, so be sure to check the walkthrough page.
I almost 1-birded this, the laser reflected as the right tower fell and knocked out all but 1 storm trooper in the tower on left. Will keep trying.
And I one-birded it. But only got 105k.
It’s an old level again. Here’s a one birder strategy from the comments http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CuA4dmCIgcA&feature=youtu.be
Thanks! 108840 by this strat. No PUs.
Thank you @nmnikilov for sharing. No P/U’s. 108k
111,680 no pu
AB-SW on FB… countdown…
i know that sucks no more tournaments,maybe we will get the 1st 2 worlds of ab s w 2 and a weekly tournament on absw2,that would be good
I guess that explains why we’ve been getting nothing but repeats for the last five months. Ah well….
this is another easy level,aim han just over the tip of the metal triangle on the 1st structure so that u go over it avoiding the blaster to the 1st pig on far structure,as soon as he hits the pig,fire ur blaster at the wall where u land on the pig,hans blaster will destroy the far structure,it will fall onto pigs on ground,then obi wan at 1st structure,pushing over to the right finishing level off,if any pigs are left on ground,the 1st structure falling will finish them off 98k
111,680 2 birds no power ups!! boom!
@burdturd care to share HOW you did 111k with 2 birds?
like nikolov’s video but used 2nd bird for more damage.