Angry Birds Star Wars Death Star 2 Level 6-30 Walkthrough

Boss fight! Our strategy for Angry Birds Star Wars Death Star 2 level 6-30 is to fling Luke above the first moving platform, followed quickly by Obi-Wan pushing the blocks immediately in front of the slingshot platform. Keep the pace up, launching Leia as soon as possible toward Emperor and pulling the wooden wheels in the top-right corner. Hopefully Emperor will be hanging on by only a thread, thereby arming Lard Vader for the finishing touch! Vader can be flung multiple times until the Emperor is popped, so get some extra damage points before destroying the Empire. The score in the video below is 73,880.

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Category: 06. Death Star 2, Angry Birds Star Wars, Walkthroughs
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Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)Score: 85,110

What do you mean Vader can be flung multiple times? Does this mean you need to use PUs to pass this level???

Rank: Sling God with 37440 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Nope. Just don’t take out the Emperor with the first fling and Vader will return to the slingshot.

Rank: DaBomb with 435 points
By rahul (@rahulsamal)

This level is tough to finish with one bird, but it can be.Fling jedi on sidious so that uses his electricity to push you up near the metal ball.You need to use his lightsaber there so that both the metal balls and the small wooden blocks fall on sidious.Make them fall on him so that his electricity is over and then they fall on him.

Rank: Pig Leader with 10760 points
By PdB (@playdbird)Score: 117,960

I played this just like the video.
Killed the Emperor with the second bird so I didn’t need to throw Lea.
The second shot covered the Emperor with blocks and he disintegrated.
I flung one Vader high into the ceiling and then killed the emperor with the second, so there are more points out there.

Rank: Sling God with 24465 points
By justpast40 (@justpast40)Score: 95,590

This level definitely takes some patience & is perhaps one of the most frustrating as I really didn’t understand exactly what it was that “I” needed to do to get Vader in the slingshot. Other than aiming as shown, it seems so hit & miss & so …. dependent on luck. I did manage a 2-birder for 83460 on Android phone & not immediately launching Leia paid off this time. I’m done with this as I don’t see 100k in my future, let alone the 118500 currently needed for TopScore.

Rank: Pig Leader with 10760 points
By PdB (@playdbird)Score: 117,960

@justpast40 you really have to spend a lot of time and be very lucky to get a 100K score or higher. Look at the video down below (can’t recall the players name). First you have to get the emporer zapped and vader in the sling with one bird. Takes MANY attempts, and luck and a perfect shot are required. Then you have to be willing to chip away at every single piece of debris, and launch vader to where he can find debris under the platform. Again, watch the video. Finally, some random chance will have vader return to the sling after you finally use him to destroy the emporer. Another piece of luck required. I have played this level a lot. Every time I think I reach the high, and come to find it has been beaten. A very tough level. You should be pretty pleased with your score.

Rank: Deputized with 100 points
By mibkay (@mibkay)Score: 116,550

@justpast40 you could try strategy in this video to get higher score.

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9295 points
By georgerxtx (@georgerxtx)Score: 92,070

Thanks @mibkay. Took a long time but eventually got the first bird to activate vader did not have the patience to clean up for 9 minutes like the video. Managed 92,020

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)Score: 85,110

Self-destruction, anyone? if you see anything please report in forum on Self-destroying Levels.
Had this level open while doing other things and out to the corner of my eye, noticed a block fall off. Started level again and noticed that blocks on both moving platforms shift a little with each change in direction. Went away for a while and came back to a whopping 300 pts and several blocks missing from both platforms. Not clear if this will help or hurt, because you can’t dump them on the Emperor.

Rank: Pig Leader with 10760 points
By PdB (@playdbird)Score: 117,960

I’ve left this running for over two hours.
The two moving platforms have disintegrated, and the blocks are on the deck.
The score is 1290 and increasing at a snails pace.
IMO there’s no payoff in pursuing this.

Rank: Pig Leader with 10760 points
By PdB (@playdbird)Score: 117,960

What I have noticed is that sometimes the Emperor is more docile than others.
Sometimes he aggressively pushes all the blocks away with his lasers and other times his lasers are much less active.
If he happens to be in aggressive mode you will have a much harder time wiping him out.

Rank: Hardened with 715 points
By angry nerds (@angry-nerds)Score: 106,190

The emperor has a power bar under him when it is high he will be aggressive when low not as much when empty you can harm him.

Rank: Hardened with 715 points
By angry nerds (@angry-nerds)Score: 106,190

The red squares will clearly mark his power if he goes without harm for too long then he will start to recharge. The only way to lower his power is to make him use it he will then be harm able. If he reaches full power he will shoot lightning randomly then spin up or down.

Rank: Fling King with 4460 points
By alo10w (@alo10w)Score: 113,080

Thnx for tips!

Rank: Debriefed with 1470 points
By stevieboy (@stevieboy)

@playdbird yea the emperor does get more aggresive and then not so aggresive which u can tell which one mood he is in by watching the 4 lights on his chair…..4 lights dont attack as his electric will just zap everything……1 light let rip on him he will only hv a short zap of electric leaving him vulenable to hv every bit of debri right off his head :)

Rank: Explosive with 2080 points
By cwheels (@cwheels)

How can you get 100% millennium falcon ? When vader is engaged falcon cannot be used.

Rank: Hardened with 715 points
By angry nerds (@angry-nerds)Score: 106,190

Try using the falcon before it engages Vader.

Rank: Champion with 3520 points
By LTCStanley (@ltcstanley)Score: 85,490

Are there Millennium Falcon walkthroughs for any of the Death Star 2 levels? Latest ones I saw were for Endor.

Rank: Slinger with 1025 points
By Porkton Student (@porktonstudent)Score: 95,880

3 flings…..

Luke- Same as the video.
Obi-Wan – Same as the video, but i do this shortly after flinging Luke to up.
Vader – There’s possible luckiness if you got Vader only by two birds.

First Try-Second try – Fling Vader up to drop the boulders and clean the debrises.
Third try- Vader to the Emperor. Use his force to pop Emperor. Luckily, Vader got back to the slingshot. It costs 50k bonus (Vader,Leia,Han Solo, Chewbacca, Rebel Pilots)

Rank: Slinger with 1025 points
By Porkton Student (@porktonstudent)Score: 95,880

Sorry “Try” instead of “shot”.

Rank: Slinger with 1025 points
By Porkton Student (@porktonstudent)Score: 95,880
By Val

I can’t get Vader to engage no matter what I do. Ugh.

Rank: Slinger with 1025 points
By Porkton Student (@porktonstudent)Score: 95,880

Don’t worry :) If you can injured Vader, i hope you can get Vader………Keep flinging !

Rank: Avian Overlord with 17065 points
By GypsyBird (@gypsybird)Score: 81,770

Wow. This level is a booger! Took me forever to get 3 stars. Hard to understand how people are getting over 90k let alone over 100k. The secret strategy would be sweet to know.

Merry Christmas fellow Nesters!

Rank: Fling King with 4460 points
By alo10w (@alo10w)Score: 113,080

90k is 2 birds to release Vader. Once you release Vader – fire him as many times as you wish to clear the screen with the final shot to knock out the emperor pig. The two shot method is easier said than done but the method has been described. Persevere.

100k+ is this strategy with one bird. Due to the lack of generosity of those who have achieved this score, I will speculate that it is a one bird to release Vader. I suspect that the stone on the chain falls and is electrified to smash down on the emperor pig. My guess is to wait until that happens before firing bird 2. This is what gave me my current score of 91k.

Hope this helps.

Rank: Fling King with 4460 points
By alo10w (@alo10w)Score: 113,080

Just to add – I did not achieve a one bird for 91K. It was 2 (but I was trying for 1)

Rank: Hardened with 715 points
By angry nerds (@angry-nerds)Score: 106,190

I got one bird aim for the metal chips on the first moving platform and use the light saber to chop the platform Luke will push the blocks on the emperor. And the emperor will push them into the hatch that the video uses Leia to open. Then destroy every thing with Vader and finally destroy the emperor. This took like a hundred trys but I got the top score. So it was worth it.

Rank: Hardened with 715 points
By angry nerds (@angry-nerds)Score: 106,190

No longer top score.

Rank: Hardened with 530 points
By RichardTheo (@richardtheo)

Anyone know how to got 40 lightning strikes for “lightning frency achievement?”…….Must be an easier way than I am doing…Help and Thank You……

Rank: Pig Leader with 10760 points
By PdB (@playdbird)Score: 117,960

The Emperor has to shove the little blocks and wheels away a lot.
Play the level about 1000 times and I’m sure you’ll get it.
Use all the birds and just attack slowly and strategically.
I didn’t even realize I got it till I read this and went to see that I did indeed have it.

Rank: Champion with 3495 points
By scott20 (@scott20)Score: 88,550

Only advice I can think of is to make sure before you fling any bird that The Emperor conjures up and surrounds himself with his lightning. I suppose it’s every 15-20 seconds or so? Took me about 25 attempts to get this achievement. Not an easy one to get. Good luck!!

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)Score: 85,110

@richardTheo — Followed @scott20‘s advice, and got it in a few tries. In addition, it really helps if blocks, etc fall into the updraft in lower right. They keep coming back until the Emperor vaporizes them. The metal ball is also great. He will keep hitting it until it drops, hopefully into that updraft. It takes a lot of hits to destroy it. Good Luck!

Rank: Pig Leader with 10760 points
By PdB (@playdbird)Score: 117,960

Congrats on high score.
You must have gotten a one birder on this, as I did.
I am curious how you managed 107K though – very impressive.
Can you share any details?
Thank you!

Rank: Gold Flinger with 8365 points
By wRm (@wrm39)Score: 113,030

Thank you.

My advices:
– push the metal chips on the floating platform over the emperor, like @angry-nerds described it
– keep your fingers crossed ;)
– clean up; if possible destroy the wooden parts with Vader direct without using the force (gives you normally more than the 300 points when it falls out of the screen or hits the emperor), destroy the rest of the ceiling
– use as many Vaders as you need
– practice how close you can activate the force without harm the boss
Now you should have 38k-41k points + 11.5k from the final shot + 50k bonus.
But where are the missing points hiding? In the pit on the emperors right! Everything what falls in it can Vader get out or destroy (wood). Everything! There are usually 3-5k additional points in it.

Rank: Hardened with 715 points
By angry nerds (@angry-nerds)Score: 106,190

I found a new strategy that knocks the emperor more often. (For me atleast) Instead of pushing blocks on the emperor and have him push them in the hatch. You can just use Luke to hit the emperor and be tossed up into the hatch use his light saber to destroy the platform going up and down. It all falls on the emperor and Vader gets in the sling shot.

Rank: Fling King with 4080 points
By Tinus (@tinus)Score: 112,280

OK, for those going for the really high one-birder scores, some additional tips. First, make sure the first round of blocks falls on the Emperor when he’s still down. If he discharges and goes up before the blocks can do some damage, restart. Secondly, don’t restart too soon. There are plenty ways to get the Emporer finally if you got some patience. Two examples:

– if the right blowerside is overcrowded with blocks (keeping them from hitting the Emperor), let the Emeror discharge once. He’ll push a lot of blocks away, giving the leftovers a second chance
– if the Emperor is almost done and there is some debris below him / between him and Vader, wait for a discharge. Sometimes the debris will bounce of Vader back to the Emperor giving him the final blow. This is most helpful if the ball-on-chain got released by the Emperor, but coming up just short of final destruction

Basically you’ll quickly learn when a restart is needed (if you’re not going to practise your housekeeping skills with the second bird).

So, assuming you got Vader, now you’ll need some serious housekeeping done. Note that you’ll need the Emperor in the down position. If he’s up, you can’t cleanup the ceiling properly (so if you need the second bird, wait until the Emperor is down again).

The trick now is to get every bit of material into the right blower stream so it can land on the Emperor. The wooden blocks can be smashed just by landing Vader on it, but the rocks need the Emperor. Just carefully start working every piece into the stream. Pay attention if one escapes into the right hole so you can push it out again. Shoot Vader also at least once to the left of the screen, there might be a block or 2 there. If timed properly, debris lying on the right platform can be pushed away too (I once managed even to get one of the 2 large metal diagonal boards). Use a high arc to get Vader fall on top of some rocks that lie still on the right blower. Shoot Vader directly below the Emperor. Etc. etc. etc. And make very, very sure the right blower side is empty. Every piece counts, there’s no time limit (no Premature Calculation here) once Vader is available, so clean up the mess :-)

I managed a 94K+ score with two birds just practising my housekeeping skills. Currently I’m just 3 blocks away from the current Top Score, so I’m off. Got som’ housekeepin’ to do ;-)

Rank: Fling King with 4080 points
By Tinus (@tinus)Score: 112,280

Oh, I case someone is wondering, I don’t know what the trick is for the extra 10K (Vader returning to the slingshot after taking out The Emperor). My best guess is that that is the L-factor

Rank: Deputized with 100 points
By mibkay (@mibkay)Score: 116,550

To get +10k at the final stage you need make Vader to return to slingshot during Emperor explosion. Here you could see how.

By Hiskid74

How do u get vader engaged to shoot? I have tried and can’t seem to figure it out….help…does he just jump in the slingshot?

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 65,640

He will load into the slingshot automatically once Emperor takes significant damage.

By Alderbaran

I don’t know about anyone else, but the final animation sequence when Red takes off Vader’s mask brings a tear to your eye. Yes, even though we know that’s exactly what we expect to happen!

Rank: Hardened with 715 points
By angry nerds (@angry-nerds)Score: 106,190

Found a some what consistent one bird strategy for 103K-106K.

Rank: Debriefed with 1470 points
By stevieboy (@stevieboy)

i managed to beat this level with only 1 bird luke…….i dont know what happened i shot up to the moving platform on the left destroyed what was holding debri up…..looked at tv for 5 secs maybe 10 looked back and vader was in the sling so 1 bird is possible…….just dont know how i done it lol…

Rank: Debriefed with 1470 points
By stevieboy (@stevieboy)

just asking if anyone has the same prob i do…i will fight and beat the emperor and when i pause and click retry to get a better score……the boss fight music has gone..the awesome boss fight star wars theme……then u are fighting him and vader in silence…no music,just sound effects……anyone else had this ?????????

Rank: Slinger with 1150 points
By Samthered (@samuelredbird)

This probably happened to everyone… It happened to me

By dbzealot

Got 117,260 with single bird. Aim luke so that his projected course touches the second ‘orbit’ of the emperor’s window. That should cause him to bounce off the force lightning and over the right floating platform. Light sabre the ceiling to release one of the round metal barrels en route to releasing the wooding blocks from the top hatch. With luck and all the blocks falling in the right places, Vader is released. With Vader, make sure you clean up all the mess as everyone else has stated. Especially the ceiling. Those pieces are worth thousands of points. To get the concrete slabs on the right of the screen, you need to bounce vader off the emperor and activate the force when he is out of the emperor’s range. Takes practice.

Rank: Deputized with 100 points
By mibkay (@mibkay)Score: 116,550

Got 116,550 with single bird. One caveat I didn’t see here is that to get +10k at the final stage you need make Vader to return to slingshot during Emperor explosion. From the recorded video it is clear to see that more than 117k is possible to achieve.

Rank: Well Traveled with 1825 points
By Trinit Rotoluene (@trinit)Score: 118,520

I’d really like to learn how to reliably earn that extra 10k (because I’m 9830 points off the lead:-)). How would you describe the pattern of Vader’s flight when he’s about to return? I’ve taken a hundred practice runs (take 2-3 birds to immobilize the emperor, don’t worry about the cleanup, just try to make Vader return after the final kill) but I’ve only succeeded a few times and I haven’t seen a clear pattern.

Rank: Deputized with 100 points
By mibkay (@mibkay)Score: 116,550

I didn’t find any reliable pattern. Only practice. Just to get “feeling” of the “moment he will return right now” :) Did many runs of the same trajectory just to see at what moment he starts to return and after that did final run. Also, I have an idea that it is a bug in the game and I wonder what game developers could say about it ;)

Rank: Well Traveled with 1825 points
By Trinit Rotoluene (@trinit)Score: 118,520


I guess this young jedi just needs more patience and practice before learning how to better feel and control the force.

Rank: Well Traveled with 1825 points
By Trinit Rotoluene (@trinit)Score: 118,520

Patience finally paid off.


I like to prepare by pushing the emperor as far down as he can go. The fastest way is to aim at his bottom left chin, get tangled with his head armor and gently pull it down. Finish by tapping at the top of the head a few times.

Then I find a trajectory that gives Vader a fast spin after the bounce, almost reaching the ledge on the right. I activate the force just when the spin slows down. Start conservatively, there is no hurry (if you activate too early just once, that’s the end).

Rank: Pig Leader with 12150 points
By sunshine (@sunshine)Score: 84,540

@mibkay awesome video! Thanks for making it and sharing. You helped me get over average! Thanks @playdbird for mentioning this video to @justpast40 !!!!

Rank: Pig Leader with 10760 points
By PdB (@playdbird)Score: 117,960

@wicket182 – any tips on getting a higher score?
I’ve played this level thousands of times and each time I think I’ve gotten all the debris there is to get.
Scores of 115K are eluding me. Any thoughts would be helpful.

Rank: Sling God with 25850 points
By wicket182 (@wicket182)Score: 118,490

U can get 105-109,000 (maybe just a little more) from the cleanup after using one bird to get the Emperor. U need to destroy as much of the wooden objects as u can with Vader rather than having the Emperor destroy them. You also must get Vader back in the slingshot after you destroy the Emperor to get the extra 10,000 points. Do your best to keep stuff from going down the hole on the left, you can’t get it out. It is doable but takes a lot of time. Many times the fifteen minutes of cleanup I did was wasted when Vader did not return to the slingshot.

Rank: Slinger with 1150 points
By Samthered (@samuelredbird)

In order to make a two-bird clear, you will need quite a lot of luck by your side.

Vader can be fired down the hole behind the slingshot, but you have to activate his ability almost right after he collides into the wall. He can be fired several times, so clean the ceiling before finishing off the Emperor.

Note: shooting the Emperor with Han’s blaster while the Emperor has his lightning will not work because the lightning works similarly to Luke’s lightsaber, deflecting the shots everywhere (even though the lasers are more powerful)

Rank: DaBomb with 425 points
By Grumpus (@grumpus)

Being an old dummy, I only got 64,910, but that was enough for three stars. If I hadn’t read these comments, I wouldn’t have known you can use Vader more than once. I used him the first time to clean up stuff in the upper screen, then sent him back again straight at the Emperor and held down the force button. When I saw that last star light up, I was tickled green!

Rank: Well Traveled with 1825 points
By Trinit Rotoluene (@trinit)Score: 118,520

This may useful to know when trying to get that elusive one-birder: you must hit the Emperor exactly 12 times to immobilize him and release Vader from his power. Hits by birds, small objects and large objects count equally.

There is no time limit for the 12 hits. However, after a few seconds without hits, the Emperor will regenerate its power field.

When the Emperor blasts the power field out and starts to move, if there are any objects inside the field, they may explode and give an extra hit. Therefore, if you count 11 hits and there is a wooden ball stuck under the Emperor’s platform, just wait and see what happens.

Rank: Well Traveled with 1545 points
By Goran (@goran)Score: 127,470

After you you get Vader activated, the best thing to do is to nudge a brick from the nearest pile, so it stops the debris going down the left “hole”…..@abcrazy, you got a few K to reach my top episode score, this will get you half way there :)

Rank: Master Slinger with 5325 points
By ABcrazy (@abcrazy)Score: 115,320

Don’t I know it @Goran a few MORE K as of today. :-) Way to go! Rest easy, it will be a while till I get another chance to work on scores. Work is winding up starting this week. Continue to enjoy your lead. I’ll be back in a couple of months.

By Edho

It took me about 10 times to figure it out.
When I have succeeded to beat the Emperor, it became easier.

Here are the hints :
– Focus to attack and defeat the Emperor only.
– Pay attention to the power indicator light below the Emperor. Four Lights On mean the Emperor in the Stronger State. Ready to strike the Emperor at the weakest point, One light, use the ruins or debris from the roof.

– Keep the attack aimed directly to the Emperor when he is defenseless.

Attack sequences

1. First turn by Luke. Fly high to the roof, cut the iron stuff, floating platform and wooden/iron ball at the same time. Remember, wait until the power indicator light became one. And USE the RUINS (wooden ball from the roof).
> after the Emperor fended/parry the fallen ruins, he will became exhausted, defenseless and at his the WEAKEST condition, (kind of smoking). (all power indicator lights off).

2. Second turn by Obi-Wan. Two options:
– if the Emperor already smoked, just hit him with the Obi-Wan’s ‘force’.
– if the Emperor still in stand by mode (power indicator lights on), hit the wooden pile/stack on the floor (next to Darth Vader) and aims the direction to the Emperor. Mostly, he will became defenseless this time.

3. Third turn by Leia. Just aim the laser puller to the Emperor.

>>> Once, I have SUCCEEDED to defeat the Emperor after third strike. <<>> and left three warriors remain <<< (means bonus : 30 k) <<<

4. Or we can use all the warriors to defeat the Emperor.
5. In the end… Suprisingly, final strike will comes from Darth Vader. He became our most powerful and important ally in the end.

Good Luck Folks. And thank you all for the sharing here.

ps: watch the short scene after the battle. Luke and his father revealed in the end… kind of funny saw it in the forms of birds. haha.

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