Angry Birds Star Wars Boba Fett Missions Level B-1 Walkthrough

Welcome to our walkthroughs for the Boba Fett Missions! These levels are available as a $0.99 USD in-app purchase for iOS and Android via Google Play. Alternatively, the levels can be unlocked by obtaining all five jetpacks that Boba Fett has scattered across the Star Wars galaxy. For more information, see the Cloud City release post.

Our strategy for Angry Birds Star Wars Boba Fett Missions level B-1 is to toss Obi-Wan into the chains high above the level, using the Force to push Boba Fett downward. With the left side of the level cleared, fling Chewie into the base of the remaining tower. Aim a little higher than the bottom, since the tower has secondary stability. The score in the video below is 95,030.

Did you know that you can earn the Block Buster achievement on this level? Check out our walkthrough if you need help!

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Comments (35)

Rank: Champion with 3295 points
By mmrosek (@mmrosek)Score: 107,240

High arc into the chains (higher than vid), force push down into boba (I was more to the right of him than vid), then luck takes over. He cleared the entire right side leaving one caged trooper on the left for cleanup. 107k

By quilly

Got a one obi but only 104k using similar. I’ve noticed in this new update that one birdies are not always the best answer.

Rank: Master Slinger with 7255 points
By AngerManagement (@angermanagement)Score: 116,430

Finally lucked out at 112k, possibility of maybe 115k+ :)

Rank: Sling God with 26055 points
By sal9 (@sal9)Score: 101,890

Good level to achieve “Block Buster”.

Rank: Sling God with 20000 points
By Bird Tester (@bird-tester)Score: 115,330

BB little hard to do but this vid inspired my 1B (low 103K). First passes was 3B with 93 & 94.6+ (hard-do 3B), 2B best 96.6+.

Rank: Sling God with 32035 points
By ABeggerToo (@abeggertoo)Score: 112,870

High lob with Obi to break chain. Delay slightly before activating force downward. Obi falls to the right side of Boba, leaning him right to take out structure. Wheels fall to destroy remnants. Repeatable, with the usual amount of ABSW luck.

Rank: Out of this World with 2605 points
By Jerry246 (@jerry246)Score: 107,970

Thanks for the strat. I was able to improve 5k!

Rank: Shooter with 930 points
By MLDbird (@mldbird)Score: 114,500

Total fluke. I tried to do as the video but missed the chains. Boba Fett was forced down but the went haywire through the stack taking out all the pigs and storm troupers. But the chain never fell leaving all the boulders above untouched. 103530 block buster achieved.

I just wish I could repeat it with the chain drop for extra points.

Rank: Fling King with 4890 points
By ccman (@ccman)Score: 110,430

I went under the stones and pushed Boba down and slightly to the left. He took the bottom left 2 pigs out and then went to the right before finally flying up to the right side of the chain. Being trying to repeat for ages and got close a couple of times but he either crashes straight into the floor or shoots off to the left. Just a small difference in the angle of release and when you use the force can make a huge difference to where he ends up. Like most of these levels it’s a case of try, try , try again – good luck and a very Happy easter to all.

Rank: Master Slinger with 5940 points
By 78RPM (@78rpm)Score: 116,150

Did basically the same as the video but activated just a little later. BF took out the two left stormpiggies, did a 180 and worked his way up the right side for 116k. Keep in mind this was after many many tries…

Rank: Master Slinger with 7255 points
By AngerManagement (@angermanagement)Score: 116,430

Big thanks to @78rpm, for the inspiration for me to get no.1:D

[Fully zoomed out] I aimed exactly on the end of the black oval on the wall, then I used the forced directly at Boba, when 2/3 of Obi-Wan is adjacent to the window, and the remaining 1 third of him is adjacent to the grey wall (If you are still stuck, which is a good possibility, then aim directly at Boba, about 0.9 seconds after impact with the chain;) If you are still stuck, then feel free to ask me for more help:]

Rank: Sling God with 37575 points
By HallieGinSB (@hallieginsb)Score: 117,250

@angermanagement thanks for the detailed aiming pointers. Targeting Boba Fett after Obi-Wan hits the chain worked best for me. The latest Cloud City release prompted me to look at all of my SW scores, and my score on this one was pretty low before trying what you suggest. Thanks for the great tips!

Rank: Master Slinger with 7255 points
By AngerManagement (@angermanagement)Score: 116,430

Glad I could help a great flinger get a great score, @hallieginsb:D

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 112,330

Thanks @78rpm and@angermanagement no idea what i did right but follows you’re advice and it worked..i have No clue how to control or even aim at Boba Fett i wish there were steering directions lol..
Good luck @Kimmiecv we are going to be here a while i think:(

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9940 points
By kimmiecv (@kimmiecv)Score: 112,850

I agree Thank you guys Big time!! @Kathy yep my thoughts Exactly!! These levels are going to be a trial in keeping our phones in one piece!!! ;)

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 112,330

Yep for sure @Kimmiecv lol!!! , nice score..:) see ya next!!

Rank: Master Slinger with 7255 points
By AngerManagement (@angermanagement)Score: 116,430

Glad to help, @kimmiecv & @kathy:)

Rank: Sling God with 20000 points
By Bird Tester (@bird-tester)Score: 115,330

I have no excuse because it was last level when I was over #100. After long time hudge progress from 108 to 115K :) by AA way. Next I could repeat 111K.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 18615 points
By rubeeinthesky (@rubeeinthesky)Score: 109,590

Hello @angermanagement! I’m curious about your 9/10 of a second suggestion. Would that be like, “one Mississip”? I think my timing that is off…

Rank: Master Slinger with 7255 points
By AngerManagement (@angermanagement)Score: 116,430

Sounds perfect to me @rubeeinthesky :) Perseverance will get you there :D

Rank: Sling God with 46350 points
By comex666 (@comex666)Score: 117,990

thx to @angermanagement for details.
i send Obi between 45 and 50 degrees (near the black oval on the wall).
Chain cut between the second and the third chain-link.
Start Obi, when Boba is on the highest point.
Activate Obi after cut the chain, target is the left antenna of Boba.
Important is the distance between Obi and Boba.
it´s 7 o´clock in the morning
and what I do the rest of the day?

Rank: Sling God with 46350 points
By comex666 (@comex666)Score: 117,990

here a video with 116k:

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16710 points
By thee-michelle (@thee-michelle)Score: 112,590

Many many time, +110K score at last!
Thanks your strategy!

Rank: DaBomb with 350 points
By angrycats (@boss)Score: 101,050

Cleared everything one shot but score seems low 101050. Thanks again for videos amslimworthy

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)Score: 110,110

I can see that waiting for averages to fall on this episode has gotten me nowhere good. At best I have maintained my rank relative to the lowest. : ((

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9130 points
By bird addict (@bird-addict)Score: 109,040

@mvnla2 you’re not helping the avgs fall with that score! But see? I’m helping them fall for you :)

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)Score: 110,110

@bird-addict I did my duty helping the average for quite a while. The wine obviously worked eventually. Good luck!

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9130 points
By bird addict (@bird-addict)Score: 109,040

Thanks @mvnla2, Ill keep at it!

Rank: Pig Leader with 10025 points
By smonard88 (@smonard88)Score: 115,080

My guess is that this has probably been mentioned elsewhere, but just in case….I found, after about an hour of play, that I can sort of control the direction Boba goes in by how long I leave finger touched to the screen. You definitely want him heading to the right to take out that tower.

Cleared the level with just Obi. I sent fet spinning into lower left tower then Obi cleared the left tower by himself. My score was 109.490

By John

I scored 96100 by flinging Obi-Wan under Boba Fett and pushing him up into the chains releasing the balls. Then I finished off the remaining Pig with Chewi.

Rank: Sling God with 26000 points
By Uncle B (@uncle-b)Score: 117,150

Although 840 points shy of a “Puppy qualifying” high score, I thought it might be worth sharing the level of destruction achieved to obtain my current best score of 117,150. The trajectory of the shot is visible in the screenshot ~ force was directed at Boba Fett after the chain was broken and Obi-Wan was dropping downward. (Score was obtained playing on a PC with screen zoomed in to the degree pictured.)

Screenshot showing level of destruction for a 1-bird score of 117,150:

Rank: Sling God with 37575 points
By HallieGinSB (@hallieginsb)Score: 117,250

Still working my way through re-playing Star Wars, and, once again, a first class video by @comex666 shows the way.

Rank: Explosive with 2245 points
By Azurill (@azurill)Score: 106,030

Ok so I know there’s strats for this, i just shot Obi above Boba Fett, activated him so he can sweep the botton portion, ignoring the chain entirely, and I got 106030. I don’t know how.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16365 points
By Brian N (@briann)Score: 119,230

Got bad toothache just now so this cheered me up a little. Although it’s ironic my score ends in 2 30.
Thanks @angermanagement for the strat and @comex666 for the video.
Thanks also @sweetp.

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