Angry Birds Space Utopia Level 4-30 Walkthrough

Boss fight! As far as we can tell the goal in Utopia level 4-30 is to upset the Super Mongo Fat Pig’s tummy. While he’s huge, his ungodly appetite will be his undoing because he blindly eats whatever is near his mouth. He obviously loves popcorn! However, he really does not like burnt popcorn or asteroids, as they really upset his huge tummy. So the goal here is to upset his stomach until he…wait for it…explodes! A good strategy is to push asteroids into his mouth. Timing is key, as you want the asteroids near his mouth as it circles around. While going for the asteroids you’ll likely hit the popcorn makers, which will cause them to momentarily malfunction, yielding a burnt piece of popcorn. Enjoy this amazing level!

Note: The gold eggsteroid that appears after the Fat Pig pops is not a Golden Eggsteroid in the traditional sense, as it’s not obtainable (at least not that we have found). We believe it’s there to symbolize that the birds have recovered their eggsteroid. If you do need help finding the Golden Eggsteroids we have a guide for that.

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Comments (97)

Rank: Well Traveled with 1990 points
By Fillmore1234 (@fillmore1234)Score: 66,860

Top score again for the moment. (probably till tomorrow morning) This is actually a very tricky level. You got to make sure that the pig eats a lot of the stones (don’t worry about the burnt popcorn, the stones give a lot more damage to the fat pig) but at the same time, you have to get one of the stones on the side of the pig so that the popcorn falls and breaks on the stone. Patience and luck is required to get a decent score.


For sure-3 asteroids of any size and a Terence = thank you & goodnight for this super pig! 49,050

Rank: Deputized with 150 points
By Panacea (@panacea)

I accidentally pushed two stones into the cornucopia on the northeast with the red bird. It generated so much burnt popcorn it killed the pig! 57250.

Rank: Fling King with 4540 points
By Hidayat1999 (@hidayat1999)Score: 49,800

How pity is the Fat Pig. He was forced to vomit the eggsteroid. Well, he’s cuter if he’s small.

Rank: Explosive with 2170 points
By Pieni lintu (@pieni-lintu)Score: 58,920

Lol I actually kind of like him :) I felt mean for blowing him up :D

Rank: Hardened with 650 points
By bluigugu (@bluigugu)Score: 67,240

Push the asteroids to stay at the opening of popcorn maker (mine located at the top right) to cause malfunction of it and for yielding continues burnt piece of black popcorn.
and I meant by using the 1st bird only.

Rank: Pig Leader with 10655 points
By burpie (@burpie)Score: 67,260

Agreed, send the first bird to bounce a few asteroid to clog the popcorn maker in the top right corner. I aimed for the left of the 2 asteroids at the 10 o clock position of the boss pig. Then sit & wait.

Rank: Boss Hog with 13250 points
By Maiasatara (@maiasatara)Score: 56,990

@bluigugu and @burpie – I’ve tried this several times without success. Here are my problems:
1. How are you getting stones from 10 o’clock to 2 o’clock without it dropping into the gravitational field and stop exactly at the opening of the chute?
2. IF I get a chute (blocked bottom left worked twice) it did not continue to spew out burnt popcorn but stopped all three from producing.
3. How long does pig spin with two purple eyes and a head full of uneaten popcorn, mouth opening and closing before he gives up from starvation? You mention above to block the maker then just wait.
While waiting with zero new popcorn made and none eaten:
4a. If I tip my phone say to plug it in, popcorn is produced. 1-2 kernels per chute.
4b. All his chewing knocks free kernels from his head. For every piece of “head corn” he eats, the chutes will procure exactly that many even though they are frozen. Once the number is even again, they stop.
4c. After five minutes, though nothing changed, the chutes start producing again. When that happened. I was forced to throw Terrence.
4d. Threw Terrence and big pig spun in a circle, thrilled to shake off all the stale popcorn he’s been wearing and all production started again. When he ate Terrence he blew up but defeated the whole purpose of this strategy – CLEARING WITH FEWER THAN THREE BIRDS.

So how did you all get this to work, exactly? Thanks!

Rank: Master Slinger with 7130 points
By Kelani (@kelani)Score: 68,120

@maiasatara While waiting on replies to that impressive list of questions, here’s another strategy to try. I think it’s a 4-birder.

Use the first two birds to drop a big boulder of your choice approximately where Big Pig’s ears are.
Fire Terence to land between both boulders, on top of Big Pig’s head.

Now, Piggy gets to eat popcorn that falls from his ears to his chinny chin chin, but any that falls between the two boulder “dams” will be destroyed (or eaten) by Terence’s corpse, which will never go away. Each kernel is 10 points, so you can rack up some nice points before he starts his spin cycle (this happens when he’s not eating a popcorn at least every second or two.) There’s a finite number of popcorn that’s allowed onscreen at once. As more of it gets flung out of the grav field, the production slows, then stops.

Sometimes the spin cycle will fling the boulders into other debris, and the bumpers will bring it back, killing piggy. others, you need to help things along by sending OB into another big boulder, and trying to send as much debris towards piggy’s mouth.

Doesn’t always work, but it’s a fun strategy. I spent hours on it :)

Rank: Pig Leader with 10655 points
By burpie (@burpie)Score: 67,260

@maiasatara I just replayed this level and got the exact same score. I bump into the single, medium size boulder by itself. Not the 2 other boulders closer to the gravity field. When I bump into that boulder, I want it to travel in a straight line to the large boulder to the north of the pig, and I want the large boulder to tap the medium boulder to it’s right into the popcorn maker. The large boulder keeps the medium one in place.

The popcorn maker spits out burned popcorn for about 2 minutes until the pig goes pop.

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 66,850

Thanks @kelani idk what is going on but i aimed like you said and now I’m just rackinh up points:/ will see what happens :)

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 66,850

Red and Terence are taking a ride lol! Now i just had a boulder fall on its own i think this level has glitches @mvnla2

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 66,850

Nothin happened! I can’t even make average on this stupid frustrating level:/!!

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 66,850

Wooot!! Finally i got the boulder in the right enough position to shoot out a whole bunch (maybe 10 ) burnt popcorn .. one bird just as @burpie says thanks burpie:)

Rank: Fling King with 4540 points
By Hidayat1999 (@hidayat1999)Score: 49,800

Red Bird at bottom left asteroid near the popcorn maker, Orange Bird at the trio asteroids at top left, and finally feed the Fat Pig with Terence.

Rank: Fling King with 4540 points
By Hidayat1999 (@hidayat1999)Score: 49,800

Oh, and watch the timing. A great timing is hit the asteroids while he’s munching (and when his mouth is near the asteroids).

Rank: Slinger with 1065 points
By OneBadPiggie (@onebadpiggie)

Tips and tricks: Try letting the Fat Pig consume the Atom Bird, Terrence, and the Firebomb Bird. Activate their powers when they’re in his stomach and he’ll have a bigger stomachache!

By willem

Maybe this spills the fun of finishing this level, but the big pig can be killed with just the first red bird (leaving another 60.000 points for the remaining birds).

Hit the bird at the left of the rock in the NW-corner so this rock caramboles to the two most northern rocks. These two will then block the upper popcornpopper, leaving it to block the ‘healthy’ popcorns and spitting out just black ones. Then just wait for the big pig to eat all the black ones and explodes.

Rank: Pig Leader with 10760 points
By PdB (@playdbird)Score: 70,750

Have you actually done this or is this just theory?

Rank: Fling King with 4870 points
By Harrystar6 (@harrystar6)Score: 66,980

@playdbird I did this stragety today and I got a good score but I haven’t entered it yet

Rank: Pig Leader with 11120 points
By thetoddman23 (@thetoddman23)Score: 66,950

@willem, this is exactly how I got mine to work as well but the popcorn maker only spit out the black popcorn for about 30 seconds and then it was back to the normal popcorn, lucky enough I just left the level running and all the bad popcorn eventually made it around to his mouth for a 1-birder.

Rank: Hardened with 530 points
By Nicolas1er (@nicolas1er)Score: 66,820

Hi, I have also done my best score with this method

Rank: Avian Overlord with 18405 points
By JTB (@jtb)Score: 66,930

That’s how I got my score but, man, is that a wicked, tricky shot. Lots of luck!

Rank: Gold Flinger with 8570 points
By Kartflyer (@kartflyer)Score: 68,010

Lol, that was pretty entertaining to watch. Thanks for the fun strategy! :D

Rank: Well Traveled with 1905 points
By SuicideSolution (@suicidesolution)Score: 66,520

Thanks for this strategy (see my other comment below).

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)Score: 67,350

Whoot! This really works! I didn’t think it would, because I only got 5 or 6 black popcorns, but I waited, and waited, … and w…a…i…t…e…d. A couple of pieces of popcorn pushed the big boulder further away from the horn, and I almost gave up. Finally, a piece of popcorn pushed the little boulder at ~7 o’clock into the pigs mouth, and he died!!! Incidentally, after a while the fat pig starts spitting out the popcorn he swallows.

Rank: Well Traveled with 1505 points
By TenJoker (@tenjoker)Score: 66,870

Cool strategy! For those who are having trouble with the asteroid placement, here’s a screenshot. It produced burnt popcorn from the start until the end of the level:

Rank: Explosive with 2380 points
By duffy (@duffy)Score: 67,980

@PlayDBird…Do you mind sharing your strategy? I assume from your comments that it was different from Willem’s, yet you had a very respectable score. I know it was a while ago, but if you can remember, I’d appreciate it. I am really struggling with this level.

Rank: Pig Leader with 10760 points
By PdB (@playdbird)Score: 70,750

Hi @duffy
Read down below for a comment by marc987. He also has a screen shot. I think the “jammed popcorn” strategy is all the same. It’s hard to describe, but you have to use the red bird to hit the leftmost of the three “floating” asteroids so that it bounces into the two near the upper right popcorn machine. The asteroids will get stuck in there and the machine will continually produce black popcorn, and the pig will die just from eating that, leaving you with 60K bonus. Check out the screenshot and read ALL the threads about this because there are a lot of them. And be prepared for a lot of trial and error. I’d say it took me hundreds of shots to finally get it. Good luck!

Rank: Explosive with 2380 points
By duffy (@duffy)Score: 67,980

Thank you, @PlayDBird. I’ll check all the threads again. Marc987’s screenshot did help a lot. I had thought the asteroids had to be “side by side” in front of the popcorn machine. I really appreciate your reply and help. I’ll keep trying. Maybe I’ll check YouTube and see if, by chance, E-Star has posted a video. It’s just so hard for me to visualize this shot in my head. Thank you again, my friend.

Rank: Pig Leader with 10760 points
By PdB (@playdbird)Score: 70,750

I know @amslimfordy is trying to get this on video also. One thing you may want to keep in mind is that it’s kind of a delicate shot – you may not want to pull the slingshot back all the way. It’s almost something that happens more by accident than by intention. Don’t get frustrated – keep trying! :-)

Rank: Explosive with 2380 points
By duffy (@duffy)Score: 67,980

@PlayDBird…if amslimfordy could get this on video, it would be wonderful! But I’ll keep at it. I looked at marc987’s screenshot again. I must have been half-asleep when I looked at it last night. The asteroids ARE side by side, but kind of at the side of the popcorn maker. Duh. But I did think they had to be directly in front. What it comes down to is that I just don’t “get it”. TY again.

Rank: Explosive with 2380 points
By duffy (@duffy)Score: 67,980

@PlayDBird…OMG. Got it on my first try today. I cannot believe it. I tried it several times after but couldn’t repeat. I’ll take my score & run. It WAS fun to see him explode. Thank you again for your support.

Rank: Pig Leader with 10760 points
By PdB (@playdbird)Score: 70,750

@duffy LOL – really? Your first try? I’m really happy for you – glad you didn’t have to put in as much time as I did. Now you can leave this level behind – I don’t think you can get much higher than you did! Congrats to you! :-)

Rank: Pig Leader with 12170 points
By sunshine (@sunshine)Score: 67,320

@playdbird thanks for your help! That was fun! ;)

Rank: Pig Leader with 10760 points
By PdB (@playdbird)Score: 70,750

@sunshine – glad I could help – glad it was fun!

By Kate

Yay. Score= 51770! I had beaten it before just by experimenting but only got like 21500. Now I got 3 stars! It does take a lot of patience and just trying different things but getting him to eat the stones is the best way to go.

Rank: Shooter with 955 points
By Inaba Himeko (@epicotaku)

I got a one-birder. Shoot the RB to the 3 asteroids at the top left part, at above the lowest one in the three, the RB should bounce to the top part and pushes some more asteroids to destroy the popcorn and upset the Fat Pig’s stomach. If done correctly, the pig should be killed and gains about 55+K (maybe).

By Liam

I hate to be picky, but there are seven(7) birds total to use. You said you shot only one bird, the red one. That should have left six(6) on the podium waiting. Your score should have been over 60k.

Rank: Shooter with 955 points
By Inaba Himeko (@epicotaku)

I don’t know why, but I’m positive that I only shot 1 bird and killed the pig, which got me a 59k. Don’t know why. Maybe I accidentally shot another bird without noticing.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16460 points
By PJng (@pjng)Score: 66,880

What the …, my PC apps freeze when i play this level, after using second bird, fat pig is destroy, starting count unused bird, game freeze.
First time AB game freeze on my PC.

Rank: Fling King with 4390 points
By SouperBrick (@souperbrick)

Lol, I have hours of enjoyment having him explode! :)

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9295 points
By georgerxtx (@georgerxtx)Score: 66,840

I may have the lowest 1 * score 8,320 though not able to enter a score that low ;-((

Will keep trying need to get above average.

Back to flinging.

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9295 points
By georgerxtx (@georgerxtx)Score: 66,840

34,320 now still only 1*. Will have to wait until the train trip home to improve the score must pay attention to work now.

By Rc

The golden egg at the end is not obtainable but worth 100 points if u blow it up.

Rank: Pig Leader with 10760 points
By PdB (@playdbird)Score: 70,750

When I shoot at it the birds go straight through it….

Rank: Avian Overlord with 17375 points
By burbman (@burbman)Score: 72,520

Anyone else had the fat pig start spinning around really fast? I thought it was going to do something special, but then he stopped and went back to spinning slowly.

Rank: Master Slinger with 6710 points
By hinarei (@hinarei)Score: 49,460

it did that for me too, just a few times before I got my posted score! Was hoping he’d bounce or something :)

I ended up getting my 3-stars by catching a rebound from Red back into a lucky small asteroid which also clipped a popcorn maker, inflating Orange between the bumper and another large asteroid, then hitting the pig square in the nose with Terence. He was spat back out twice, coming back to the pig’s mouth both times off the bumpers, and the fat one popped quicker than he’d done on other attempts :)

By Liam

I let this one run without toss a bird to see if it self destructed.
So far not.
But, after the fat pig does it’s fast spin thing to fling off all the popcorn, the horns don’t seem to provide him with more.
Has anyone else tried to let it go to see what happens?

Rank: Avian Overlord with 17375 points
By burbman (@burbman)Score: 72,520

I have let it go several times and had fat pig eat as many as three asteroids after having unpopped kernels pop in his mouth and knocking asteroids off the bouncers and into his mouth. SO far no complete destruction though, and by the time he is done it is hard to find additional asteroids to feed him.

Rank: Master Slinger with 7130 points
By Kelani (@kelani)Score: 68,120

Fat Pig does this after the popcorn starts to slow down, due to most of it being collected on his back, or flung out into space.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 50,920

I’m trying to get the 1-birder on video. Can someone provide me with a detailed description? My understanding is you try to “jam” the northeast popcorn horn, though it is not clear which asteroid(s) are involved in this push.

By Liam

The only way I can even get close to jamming it up is to slowly push the small rock(upper left) so that it hits bounce pad, then the left most large one at top, pushes it against the other one and both(hopefully) stop in front of the horn. I have almost got it several times, but so far, not enough to make it keep sending out burnt popcorn.

It’s tough to do. At least IMO it is.
Good luck!

By Liam

I also don’t think the R/B can be shot off at full speed.

Rank: Gold Flinger with 8570 points
By Kartflyer (@kartflyer)Score: 68,010

Willem’s strategy requires one to skim off the top left boulder, pushing the 2 boulders that are near the licorice. Those 2 boulders (with luck) push each other hitting the horn in such a way one is touching the horn, while the other is touching the boulder. Do you know the concept that once you hit the horn with something, it bounces off? The first boulder is responsible for hitting the horn, while the other is responsible for keeping the first boulder from moving, making the horn spit out lots of burned popcorn.

By Liam

OK – 66860 – That works! Top of top left boulder(maybe 9-10 on the clock), push it into the larger upper right one that will push the smaller against the horn, then the larger one nestles against the smaller one.
Still not a very easy shot, and not really consistent. It doesn’t take much for them to ‘disconnect’ and the horn start putting gout white again.

Rank: Slinger with 1170 points
By pigbob (@pigbob)

Finally got it quite an amazing shot and funny to watch the burnt popcorn constantly pouring out.
One litte thing to mention is that the two larger asteroids in front of the licorice get jammed by the horn. I’m only saying this because I wasn’t sure if the asteroid the bird hits had to get jammed.
Anyway thanks all for a high scoring strategy that finally paied off.

Rank: Shooter with 795 points
By ZOLOTKO86 (@zatoloko)Score: 67,010

My shot this is. And I’m waiting. My account has turned out better when the average stood at the top of the stone, right from the gun humble. Cannon threw five black popcorn. That’s it. But it happens that the level of finishes from room to eat a pig. Then the score was 64K65K. Sorry for my english)

Rank: Shooter with 795 points
By ZOLOTKO86 (@zatoloko)Score: 67,010

And look at this. The average stone by the gun. why black flies popcorn. So I took off 5 black popcorn.

By Liam

Shot at small stone. pushing large into medium, and up against the horn. It only put out 5 or 6 burnt popcorn’s, but I waited for the to reach the mouth. It didn’t take long.

Rank: Well Traveled with 1960 points
By z0z0 (@z0z0)Score: 66,960

@amslimfordy, I guess you didn’t get lucky yet.
Obtained it with the published pictures.

Fully zoomed out you’ll see 3 asteroids NW of bigpig. 1has a bright star, it spins at times. Hit it on the left side so it goes to the big North asteroid, which also spins at times. That asteroid should skim the gravity field and continue to the small NE asteroid pushing it on the horn. The first asteroid goes down to the big pig. Timing lets you either feed it to the pig or crunch the popcorn on his skin. The big asteroid goes into bumper and to the horn as well, leaving the smaller one getting stuck at the opening.

Now just wait for black popcorn, it will kill him eventually. White corn means you can start over if you want a 1-birder.

Rank: Well Traveled with 1960 points
By z0z0 (@z0z0)Score: 66,960

To be more specific, the first asteroid goes up and bounces back towards the big pig. The big asteroid bounces, but not on the jelly. I got better results when the skin was filled with popcorn, but a 1-birder is good for 66k anyways which is a nice score.

Rank: Champion with 3040 points
By Optik (@optik)Score: 66,880

I was able to get the stones to set next to the upper right popcorn gun without floating away and it shot continuous black popcorn until the pig was defeated.

Rank: Champion with 3915 points
By marc987 (@marc987)Score: 66,910

Utopia 4-30, 66910 w/1 bird..
Many thanks to all of the super shooters for sharing this great strat!!
A photo that perhaps may help some.. Thx again!!

Rank: Well Traveled with 1905 points
By SuicideSolution (@suicidesolution)Score: 66,520

@marc987 Thank you so much. Studied your picture and was able to pull off the shot after 5-10 minutes of trying.

Rank: Pig Leader with 11120 points
By thetoddman23 (@thetoddman23)Score: 66,950

Congrats @suicidesolution, definately fun to sit there and watch him eat all the burnt popcorn lol

Rank: Well Traveled with 1905 points
By SuicideSolution (@suicidesolution)Score: 66,520

Yes. And it was much easier than my strategy of firing two birds off and waiting for pts and luck to accumulate. Got 60K score that way, but it took 30 minutes. I think 70K is possible with the fire & wait strategy, but it would take some extreme patience and luck. This way was much better.

Rank: Pig Leader with 10760 points
By PdB (@playdbird)Score: 70,750

@marc987 – It happened just the same way for me…to the point we have the exact same score…how strange is that? Thanks for the pic!

Rank: Pig Leader with 10760 points
By PdB (@playdbird)Score: 70,750

I wedged the asteroid under the popcorn maker and the pig kept eating kernels and bad popcorn and he didn’t explode when I expected him to – the points just kept accumulating.

Rank: Sling God with 21285 points
By AngryAdvisor (@lesleyg)Score: 66,820

I have a 2 birdie strat for 58650 for anyone looking for an alternative to the one birdie which I haven’t been able to get..Yet!

Aim red bird at the same stone everyone else is referring to on the one birdie but if it doesn’t wedge the two boulders against the NE popcorn horn for the one birdie you can still get an above average score by getting atleast two of these boulders to get sucked in and eaten by the “Ginormous Fatty”.

Mine bounced off the licorice and went into the gravity field while taking another boulder with it. Make sure Fatso is facing the right way for them to land near his mouth.
Then aim OB at the bottom left between the horn and the two stones and manually inflate him so he hits the horn to get some black popcorn to come out while pushing the two boulders there, (big and little one) into his gorging mouth. Again make sure you wait until he has turned his mouth towards this direction. Four stones and some black popcorn should do the trick!

Rank: Sling God with 21285 points
By AngryAdvisor (@lesleyg)Score: 66,820

Well what do ya know..I just got the one birdie, like 5 minutes after posting my two bird strat, yay me!!! Thanks for tips everyone ;-)

When I first saw this level I had to laugh seeing the Gianormous Fat Hog with his tongue hanging out gorging all the popcorn. I love it, too funny…and then I had Terrence land on his head and he started sweating, tee hee…Eewwwyyy Seewwwyyy, lol ;-)

Rank: Explosive with 2380 points
By duffy (@duffy)Score: 67,980

@PlayDBird…ran out of threads. I just couldn’t leave it alone. Kept trying to get it one more time & I did…for a higher score. I really have put hours & days into this level. i just happened to get lucky early today – twice. I was beginning to think I’d have to leave the Leaderboard blank for this level cuz I never got a score high enough to enter. Now I’m wondering if I can beat high score. Just kidding.

Rank: Pig Leader with 10760 points
By PdB (@playdbird)Score: 70,750

@duffy – I’ve gotten it twice too – but my second score was about 1000 points less.
I think you should give the high score a try – you’re almost there, and you’re obviously in the zone.
Give it a whirl! :-D

Rank: Explosive with 2380 points
By duffy (@duffy)Score: 67,980

@PlayDBird…I followed your advice & went for Gold but I couldn’t get it. The asteroids landed right & burnt popcorn would come out but then it turned white. Never could improve my score. Maybe tomorrow. :D

Rank: Master Slinger with 5615 points
By ABinTX (@abintx)Score: 68,920

I just kept flinging the red bird and waiting to see what happened. Then restarted and did again. Many, many times. You definitely need to push one of the asteroids towards the upper part of the horn’s opening. I had several times where the asteroid went directly in front of the horn’s opening and all that happened was the popcorn coming out pushed the asteroid out of the way. So the key is to get it slightly above, kind of like on the upper corner.

I have done it 4 times now – scores ranging from 66K – 69K. Seems just a matter of luck as to how many points beyond 60K that you get.

Rank: Master Slinger with 5615 points
By ABinTX (@abintx)Score: 68,920

Meant to say 66K-68K … oops …but it was close to 69! lol

Rank: Sling God with 24525 points
By SJA101ABN (@sja101abn)Score: 74,800

One bird. Red bird to 1 o’clock, just barely under top of 3 rocks. Puts large of 3 on surface to rack up points. Red bird also onto surface and gets swallowed and spit out four or five times hitting rocks and cornucopia putting more debris and burnt popcorn for Hector to swallow, then wait. 74800.

By Rain

you should let the pig eat bad things like rocks and burnt popcorn

Rank: Hardened with 505 points
By giratina1231 (@austyn)

@AMslimfordy i think you watch how i met your mother ’cause. ..wait for it… Word was.the most popular word on. .wait for it… How i met your mother

Marvin. ..wait for it… Ericksen

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 50,920

This one was actually @BirdLeader‘s text, I believe. The “wait for it” doesn’t sound like me…

Rank: Hardened with 505 points
By giratina1231 (@austyn)

Really? ! ’cause it’s say. ..wit for it… By @AMslimfordy is’nt it?

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 50,920

Yes, but I had not yet reached this level when I was creating the posts. BirdLeader came in afterwards and changed the text.

Rank: Debriefed with 1260 points
By Majestic Flinger (@ice-bird99)

defeated the big pig with three birds. then i saw an eggsteroid. so… i shoot a bird at it and another one but it didnt help, then from that moment i realised it was just a stupid picture!!!

By bisquick1

WAIT…….for me, once the fatso stopped eating, and I had fed him at least 3 asteroids and a couple of black popcorn pieces, I just waited and waited (which I’m not good at) and he exploded, giving me 58000……finally. Both eyes were purple and his tongue was hanging out. Thanks! I could never get the shot that blocked the popcorn feeder.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 17375 points
By burbman (@burbman)Score: 72,520

Woo Hoo! New top score! Just sat and waited for pig to shoot popcorn kernels out of his mouth at the asteroids surrounding him. Got lucky and he pinned one of them next to a popcorn popper so it spit out several black pieces. Unfortunately he went into quick spin mode and flung everything away from himself before he ate all of it, but it only took feeding him one more rock to finish him off. On the plus side, when rocks get spun off and explode against the cookies, they give a lot of points!

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)Score: 67,350

@Burbman — Congrats on the high score! You certainly deserve getting a high score or two on the basis of patience. Don’t you still have more than one high score in these wait forever for self-destruction levels? So how long did you have to wait this time? What was the score before you gave him a rock? I’m thinking we should add this to the list of self-destroying levels. I assume you only shot one bird after the pig was almost done?

Rank: Avian Overlord with 17375 points
By burbman (@burbman)Score: 72,520

@mvnla2 – I think this is my only current “patience” high score. I let this one run about 20 – 25 minutes, and after he did his little spin move to break a couple of rocks and send the remaining black popcorn off into space, score was somewhere in the high six thousand range. Definately add this to the list of self destroying levels, as I am positive this level will eventally yield a zero birder for a score in the high 70- low 80k range.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 17375 points
By burbman (@burbman)Score: 72,520

@playdbird – I swear I saw a post from you regarding this, but cannot find it now. I have uploaded a screenshot of my score to my album

Rank: Pig Leader with 10760 points
By PdB (@playdbird)Score: 70,750

Nice (non) shooting @burbman ! I hoped that score would last longer, but you found the magic approach it seems. Congrats!

Rank: Sling God with 21085 points
By dasa (@dasa51)Score: 73,710

Aiming for the no-birder and was left with a rotating pig with popcorn hair and litle movement. Chucked in red and all went wild with pig rotating like mad and virtually all rocks ended up in centre, eaten by pig which then exploded leaving a 73k score. Still chasing the no-birder…

Rank: Sling God with 21085 points
By dasa (@dasa51)Score: 73,710

Once again @burbman you have helped me out. My score was not that low but was finding new Space levels a bit samey until i saw your post about chasing down a ‘no-birder’ on this level. Thought I would join in. One birder got me current second to your great score.
Race you to the no birder….

Rank: Champion with 3945 points
By Fleshyskeleton (@fleshyskeleton)Score: 60,540

Fling a big rock/terence onto the pig and all popcorn onto it is popped.I had the patience to gain 12K that way but then all poppers stopped working.Enraged,I used next bird to finish boss off(4 birds used)but still managed 50K.Some might patiently wait,but it’s like building a sand castle using pinches of sand(10 pts each,imagine)

Rank: Master Slinger with 7255 points
By AngerManagement (@angermanagement)Score: 66,870

Just got the 1-birder, the trick is definitely to get both rocks to block, as if there is only one then the rock will eventually, maybe after only one black popcorn, be blown away and the normal, white popcorn will return, resulting in no one-birder:)

Rank: Master Slinger with 7130 points
By Kelani (@kelani)Score: 68,120

Another level with (in theory) unlimited high score. I got top 20 w/ 3 birds. Red drops near SE big boulder, yellow drops far SE big boulder, but not in his mouth. I landed them in approx. the same locations as the pig’s ears, where they and red’s corpse sat for about 45 mins, slowly nuking popcorn as it rained down. Eventually, the unpopped kernels bounce enough popcorn out of play that no more is popped. (There’s apparently a limit of ~50 pieces that can be onscreen at once) Once that happens, and before piggy starts his disco revolution, flung Terence between small boulders at NE, bounced off the bumper and kicked the large boulder down onto the other two, which rolled them and terence around into piggy’s mouth.

Score with this varies wildly based on randomness of how many popcorns get kicked out of play. I got 20k-68k, but as a rule, I have awful luck, so I’m sure much more is possible.

I also tried dropped 3 boulders and terence on piggy’s head. but the unpopped ones tended to ‘clog’ access to Terence, and they popped instantly on impact with boulders, which made everything get flung away too quickly. You get maybe 5-8k rapidly before the scoring drops off.

Rank: Boss Hog with 14300 points
By swansaredead (@swanz)Score: 59,930

Much patience….;-)

By Simon

If you can “park” some asteroids on the popcornucopia at the 2:00 o’clock position. It will continuously make black popcorn. You then just sit an wait. With max x 10,000 points

Rank: Avian Overlord with 19860 points
By Sasho95 (@sasho95)Score: 67,040

Great strategy @Simon! Just like you said I have parked with the red bird one of the astroids and just wait :)

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