Angry Birds Space Utopia Level 4-3 Walkthrough

Utopia level 4-3 is the first time we see popcorn in Angry Birds Space! If you cause damage to the kernels, they expand rapidly and cause most structures to become incredibly unstable. One strategy to earn three stars on this level is to send the Ice bird south of the first planet and into the TNT on the second planet. The explosion should clear most of that structures there. (Note: The lollipop is worth 3,000 points!) Send Terence into the kernels on the southern hemisphere of the first planet and clear all pigs there. If necessary, use another Ice bird to clear out any pesky pigs.

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Category: 04. Utopia, Angry Birds Space, Walkthroughs
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Rank: Sling God with 21285 points
By AngryAdvisor (@lesleyg)Score: 144,590

135050 with 3 birds. So far my best scores were sending first ice bird at bottom popcorn of first planet, this destroys bottom and usually leads to debris flying over to right planet and killing a pig or two over there. Then I send terrance at the top right at the wood in front of popcorn which ignites tnt and demolishes the rest of the first planet. Then third bird under first planet to come up and freeze stone and ignite the tnt on top right planet. Flying debris usually gets the lollipop.

Rank: Sling God with 21285 points
By AngryAdvisor (@lesleyg)Score: 144,590

I got a better score with two birds and a different strat. First ice bird at popcorn on bottom of left planet. This ignited tnt and got all pigs on first planet. Then I aimed Terence under the first planet to come up and land on the tnt on top of the second planet which killed all pigs and lollipop on second planet.

Rank: Pig Leader with 10780 points
By mcc8206 (@mcc8206)Score: 145,900

Great strategy! I followed this and got 145,730. Top score for the next 3 minutes or so. ;-)

Rank: Gold Flinger with 8570 points
By Kartflyer (@kartflyer)Score: 143,360

Wow, can’t believe how much damage this strategy does in the level. Thanks @lesleyg! :)

Rank: Well Traveled with 1990 points
By Fillmore1234 (@fillmore1234)Score: 144,780

A lot of luck happens on this level. I amazingly one-birded it, but with no additional damage, my score was only 132,120. And I can’t seem to get better. I’ll continue trying and hopefully something good happens.

Rank: Well Traveled with 1990 points
By Fillmore1234 (@fillmore1234)Score: 144,780

And luck I have! i just got 142,480 with @lesleyg ‘s strategy. Thanks!

Rank: Avian Overlord with 17260 points
By burbman (@burbman)Score: 145,480

@lesleyg – how do you get the lower tower on the near cookie to fall toward the TNT? Mine always falls toward the sling when I try this.

Rank: Sling God with 21285 points
By AngryAdvisor (@lesleyg)Score: 144,590

Here is a screen shot I took when I did the shot again just now. I hope the link works. I’ve never done it before:

I uploaded it to my album…if this link doesn’t work. I aimed it at the long plank in the middle just South of the popcorn at the bottom planet and tapped screen as to push it rightward. GL…let me know if it worked ;-)

Rank: Sling God with 21285 points
By AngryAdvisor (@lesleyg)Score: 144,590

I forgot to mention you @burbman, so you get a notification ;-)

Rank: Avian Overlord with 17260 points
By burbman (@burbman)Score: 145,480

Worked like a charm. Thank you @lesleyg!

Rank: Sling God with 21285 points
By AngryAdvisor (@lesleyg)Score: 144,590

YAY!!! I’m so glad!!! I’ve never uploaded a screen shot before but I really wanted to be able to answer your question, so thanks to you…I learned how ;-)

Rank: Flinger with 90 points
By koploze (@koploze)Score: 142,090

For everybody who still can’t get the tower fall to the right, I have a little different approach then @lesleyg. Aim your first ice bird at the block southern of the long plank. When this block breaks, immediately tap the screen so the ice bird explodes. The key thing is that the stone block on the right of the popcorn has to be frozen, so your stucture will fall on the TNT. If not, your structure will colapse straight down or to the left. At last send Terrence in to the TNT on the second planet.

Rank: Well Traveled with 1855 points
By DocTonyNYC (@doctonynyc)Score: 151,500

This is one of those levels that is driving me up a wall (although I had to admit that I was already half up that wall from 4-2 which also drove me nuts). I always try to figure these out on my own, and I do a lot of experimenting along the way, but I just can’t seem to get much destruction on this level.

I’ve used the method in the video, the method @lesleyg described, and the method from @angryperson below. Like@burbman, I’m having a hard time getting the bottom tower to fall to the right and get the TNT. In fact, after about 100 tries, I think it fell right twice, but missed the TNT. Does anyone have any tips here? Where are you hitting the tower with the icebird?

I’ve had moderately more success using a mix between the ABN video and Angryboy’s methods (there isn’t much difference, really– getting all the structures to go down on the second planet in one shot seems to be more a matter of luck than where icebird hits the TNT).

Where I’m really struggling with this is getting more destruction on the first planet, so any suggestions will be appreciated. I’m a pretty good AB player, and it drives me nuts when I find a level that makes me struggle so much!

(I have a horrible cold/allergies, and it’s entirely possible that there is a direct correlation between AB angst and how I feel!)

Rank: Sling God with 21285 points
By AngryAdvisor (@lesleyg)Score: 144,590

@doctonynyc…I’ve posted a screen shot above with the trajectoy of the first shot…gl ;-)

Rank: Well Traveled with 1855 points
By DocTonyNYC (@doctonynyc)Score: 151,500

@lesleyg. . . Thanks a ton! I will give it a shot (or hundreds!).

Rank: Sling God with 21285 points
By AngryAdvisor (@lesleyg)Score: 144,590

You are doesn’t work all the time of course but when it does, it’s nice! Be sure to tap upon impact as it works much better this way…GL ;-) Now I just need to work on improving my score!


Well-I must be doing something wrong-after 50 mins of continuously trying this method I am averaging 125,000- 2*-when I get a clearance-compared with a best of 136,000+ using the video method!

Rank: Well Traveled with 1960 points
By z0z0 (@z0z0)Score: 151,410

Wow @lesleyg a big compliment for this possible 1 bird strategy.
After 30 minutes of being stuck at 135k I finally did it for 151k, a 1 birder. It did seem to improve as soon as I started to detonate it on impact, so the top stones won’t freeze, but stay concrete. The concrete sled to the right into the tnt, the woodenroller blasted into the tnt of the 2nd planet, a piece of conrete blasted into the south part of second planet.

Rank: Sling God with 21285 points
By AngryAdvisor (@lesleyg)Score: 144,590

Congrats @z0z0 on top score!!!! I thought a one bird might be possible because debris gets thrown over to second planet alot! Thanks for the compliment and glad I could help ;-)

Rank: Debriefed with 1315 points
By rexster (@rexster)Score: 140,930

Took me three but finally got a better score with this strategy, thanks AA

Rank: Deputized with 180 points
By Morph Tactic (@morph-tactic)Score: 135,790

managed ur method and got 135 790… :( after maybe 1000 failures. In Utopia, seems like when I do the method people explained, I always get way less damage than everyone else lol dunno why

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9830 points
By Chris (@chriss)Score: 139,520

I’m not able to destroy the first TNT with the first ice bird.

Rank: Boss Hog with 13250 points
By Maiasatara (@maiasatara)Score: 139,210

Still can’t get things to fall toward the TNT regardless of where I aim and when I tap. EXTREMELY frustrating. To the point of wanting to throw the phone. I much prefer levels in which I can see progress every few resets even if it’s only a few hundred points. Having to play through an hour of constant resetting without so much as a ten point improvement (hoping to gain a few thousand when it works) is nearly unbearable. I may have to walk away from this one but good luck to those that have patience and luck!

Rank: Sling God with 26000 points
By Uncle B (@uncle-b)Score: 142,790

Ditto !!!

Rank: Master Slinger with 7400 points
By Angryguy (@angryperson)Score: 132,790

132790 with 2 birds. shoot the ice bird down just above the lower building and it should destroy the second planet. then shoot the green bird also down, aim for the small pig in the lower building and that should destroy the rest.

Rank: Master Slinger with 5725 points
By leelee0927 (@leelee0927)Score: 144,060

I used this same method, just with a bit more destruction by getting all of the popcorn to pop.

Rank: Master Slinger with 7400 points
By Angryguy (@angryperson)Score: 132,790

cool, thats the luck working

Rank: Explosive with 2380 points
By duffy (@duffy)Score: 144,240

@leelee. Thank you for your strat which, after MANY tries, worked for me. Sorry about the score but thanks for being generous. I’ve never seen my name up there for highest score but I’m sure it won’t be there long. Thanks again.

Rank: Explosive with 2380 points
By duffy (@duffy)Score: 144,240

Wow! High score lasted for about 5 minutes!

Rank: Explosive with 2380 points
By duffy (@duffy)Score: 144,240

@angryboy. I apologize. I should have thanked you for the strat that gave me my high score. So thank you, even if it didn’t last long as the top score. It was fun for the 5 minutes it lasted! Thanks again. I may try this episode again later.

Rank: Fling King with 4430 points
By Andreas189 (@andreas189)

typo above! in the description you say 4-1 although it is 4-3!

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 146,310

Thanks. I go very very quickly through these posts, copying from a template. Things happen haha.

Rank: Fling King with 4055 points
By cbird2796 (@cbird2796)Score: 145,450

Here is an easier and more reliable 3 bird strategy.

1) 1st bird at the base of the stone tower on the first planet.
2) 2nd bird aim where he will land in the top middle of the remaining tower on the first planet. He should knock over the tower into the TNT and he should fly over into the tower on the 2nd planet.
3) 3 bird to bottom of first planet and into the remaining stone tower.

Rank: Sling God with 21110 points
By aleksch (@aleksch)Score: 147,830

Thanks, cbird ! I love your method. After many unsuccessful attempts to explode TNT on the first planet with the ice bird I switched to your method and after a few times scored 145740.

Rank: Well Traveled with 1855 points
By DocTonyNYC (@doctonynyc)Score: 151,500

Thank you @cbbird2796!

As you can see above, I struggled like crazy with this level. No matter what I did, I just couldn’t get anything else to work (though a shout out to @lesleyg for trying very hard to help me!). It was frustrating because I’m actually a pretty good player, but this level was my nemesis!

Your strategy worked like a charm.

Rank: Well Traveled with 1855 points
By DocTonyNYC (@doctonynyc)Score: 151,500

Sorry, I meant @cbird2796. Thank you, again.

Rank: Hardened with 530 points
By Nicolas1er (@nicolas1er)Score: 148,900

Thank you @cbbird2796!I was like @doctonynyc I struggled like crazy with this level nothing work apart your start !

Rank: Sling God with 21285 points
By AngryAdvisor (@lesleyg)Score: 144,590

@doctonynyc…congrats!!! I’m glad you finally got a great score!!! I still need to improve my score so perhaps I should try it too ;-)

Rank: Well Traveled with 1855 points
By DocTonyNYC (@doctonynyc)Score: 151,500

Thanks, @lesleyg! This was just one of those levels that drove me nuts! After hundreds of tries, I never got the TNT to explode using your approach. Then, because I was subscribed to the discussion, I kept getting the emails from everyone who had no problem. Obviously, it had nothing to do with your excellent strat. I was relieved when @cbird2796 posted an alternative that worked for me.

One thing I will say about this method is that I don’t think there’s much chance for a one birder, though it was obviously rare with your method. I will also say that scores vary quite a bit with this approach. As with most levels, it’s just a matter of getting things to fall and break. There wasn’t much debris left when I got my high score.

Thanks again for your support–even if I couldn’t pull it off!

Rank: Well Traveled with 1855 points
By DocTonyNYC (@doctonynyc)Score: 151,500

I decided to return to this level again for a few minutes.

While I still don’t think a one-birder is possible with this strategy, I did get a two birder. Just a couple more comments to refine this a bit. . .

The goal, obviously, with the first bird is to destroy as much of the stone tower (1st planet) as possible. The TNT from the second shot won’t help much with leftover debris from the tower. For really high scores, most of it needs to be gone.

After the second shot, you want as little remaining debris as possible on first planet.

With my two birder, I actually didn’t get a great shot with Terrence (well, it didn’t seem “great”)–there was more debris that I would want, and it didn’t hit the stone tower on the bottom of the 2nd planet very well. Debris usually goes counter clockwise from that tower (toward the lollipop), but in this case it also fell clockwise knocking over the structure next to it and jostling the TNT enough to blow it up. Unfortunately, my screenshot doesn’t show the debris on the second planet (I was zoomed in all the way–easier on my old eyes!). It does show the trajectory of Terrence, though, in case anyone is having trouble figuring it out.

While I’m glad that Android users finally got Utopia, I’m sure it means that my top score won’t last long. . .

Rank: Well Traveled with 1990 points
By Fillmore1234 (@fillmore1234)Score: 144,780

I did somehow manage to 2 bird it but only for 144780. There wasn’t even that much destruction left though so I don’t see why my score was that low.

Rank: Well Traveled with 1855 points
By DocTonyNYC (@doctonynyc)Score: 151,500

Before getting this very lucky score (and I acknowledge that it was very lucky with how things fell), I had 147,980 with three birds–my memory is that there was very little debris left.. For your two birder, There must have been more debris than you thought. Maybe some of it blew out of the gravity field of one or both planets and didn’t break (that can happen with a lot of the Space levels).

Although I didn’t capture a shot of it, the destruction on the second planet was much better than on the first.

This is one or those levels where destruction really varies considerably even when the shots seem to be spot on. With this method I have little trouble of consistently getting scores in the 130s, 140s are quite rare, the 151 was a luckly fluke. But, I can also say that every time I’ve returned to the level, I’ve improved my score a bit without too much time invested (though I’m not expecting to see consistent improvement on my score now).

Of course, the irony of this is that this is the level that had me completely frustrated a few days ago.

Rank: Master Slinger with 6700 points
By wanda (@wanda)Score: 153,480

@doctonynyc, I think it is possible for a one birder with this strategy. I had only the very bottom of the right planet remaining after the first bird. There was still debris floating about, but nothing quite made it to the bottom piggie. There was a long stone plank flying toward the bottom, but it crashed just short of the bottom structure. The L factor + persistence just might do it ;).

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)Score: 156,130

Finally got some improvement for LOD using @cbird2796 ‘s strat. I was starting above average, so thinking about leaving without improvement. I read all of @DocTonyNYC ‘s additional comments and studied his pic of second shot, which really helped.

Rank: Master Slinger with 6700 points
By wanda (@wanda)Score: 153,480

WOW, @cbird2796, 153480 with two birds :). Thank you! I couldn’t believe the destruction from the first bird. All but lower pig on right planet was gone! I just sent Terrence around the right planet and destroyed the lower structure.
Thank you, again. This strategy improved my score by almost 20k.

Rank: Master Slinger with 7305 points
By surfcow (@surfcow)Score: 142,420

Instead of sending Ice below the first planet toward the cement structure’s unpopped kernels, try aiming at the mostly wooden building on the top of the first planet. The bird easily blows through the space filled with popcorn, giving you a clear shot at the TNT on far side. Manually detonate Mr. Freeze as late as possible in order to get the TNT to explode. With luck, debris will spread to planet number two. Next, fling the big green guy as high as possible around top of first planet, sending him below the second and into the TNT on top side. This should take out everything, including lollipop, over there.. If needed, the third bird will finish off that bottom pig on first planet. Just aim for the “seam” between two parts of the structure, about halfway up the side, and tap on impact. Aloha.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16895 points
By bikkit (@bikkit)Score: 153,890

wooo! my first ever top score! First bird at bottom popcorn as in other strategies and luckily it triggered the right hand TNT killing everything except the pig and the bottom tower. Terrence then sent “up and over” to get that tower.

Rank: Debriefed with 1390 points
By concretebrunette (@concretebrunette)

This is my Sisyphus of levels. I just can’t. Get. Three. Stars.

[Sisyphus is a Greek mythology reference]

Rank: Debriefed with 1390 points
By concretebrunette (@concretebrunette)

I finally got it, by sheer dumb luck, not skill.

Rank: Debriefed with 1275 points
By prosperity (@prosperity)Score: 144,840

Will not return to this one until average is higher than my current score. This one was a killer to me, attempting AngryAdvisor’s strategy for hours and hours…

Rank: Well Traveled with 1855 points
By DocTonyNYC (@doctonynyc)Score: 151,500

Did you try the strat by cbird? In fact, if you attempt the first shot in AngryAdvisor’s strat, and the tower doesn’t fall toward the TNT (but assuming it does fall), you can then try the second shot described by cbird. I usually have little problem when AngryAdvisor describes a shot, but I could not get this shot to work for me either.

Trust me, I sympathize with your frustration on this level, but once I figured out something that worked for me I started to really like it!

Rank: Debriefed with 1275 points
By prosperity (@prosperity)Score: 144,840

Tried cbird’s strategy too, but it would leave me with 131-135k. AngryAdvisors strats are usually flawless and always works within 5-10 attempts, but this time it just wouldn’t happen for me.

I’m grateful for your sympathies, DocTonyNYC :-) I’ll probably need a day or two to try for the top 100, though…

Rank: Shooter with 855 points
By GFish (@gfish)Score: 127,510

There’s a very funny glitch(?) on this level:
When Terence swings between the two planets, and you tap the screen to squawk, the little pig at 9 o’ clock on the far cookie suddenly ‘jumps’ upward, to get stuck in midair on the langragian point L1.

Rank: Pig Leader with 10760 points
By PdB (@playdbird)Score: 147,880

You’re right – he really lifts off! He always falls back to the tower and pops though for me.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 17260 points
By burbman (@burbman)Score: 145,480

You can get any of the smaller pigs to jump like that if you have Terrance yell as he passes over them. A couple of times, I have had them leave the gravitational pull. They freeze and pop, so there are no lost points. Kinda fun to play with!

Rank: Well Traveled with 1530 points
By Red (@james1562)Score: 141,090

If you send big brother above the towers and press to make his noise thing, he makes the pigs jump. Red also does this but his is weaker. Red’s noise doesn’t work on all the levels.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 18405 points
By JTB (@jtb)Score: 147,160

The amount of luck needed on this level borders on the side of ridiculous… I’ve been trying for 4 straight days now to improve my score and I can’t get that tower to fall to the right more than once in every 100 or side tries or Terrence to sail through the top structure and onto the other planet at all.

Now, having ranted about it, I’m hoping that my score will improve very soon!

Rank: Pig Leader with 10760 points
By PdB (@playdbird)Score: 147,880

You’re right – this level (and a lot of Utopia) is based on luck. That tower rarely falls to the right, and if it does it even more rarely sets off the TNT.

Utopia is all about setting up your first shot as best you can, and then hoping luck is with you.

Rank: Well Traveled with 1855 points
By DocTonyNYC (@doctonynyc)Score: 151,500

@jtb. The goal with Terrence in the other strategy is NOT to have him go through the stricture and then fly over to the other planet. Terrence should hit the TOP of the structure only. Often, this pushes a few pieces over into the TNT and Terrence flies over to the other planet hitting the southern structure. If you hit the northern structure any other way, he won’t have enough momentum to fly over to planet two.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 18405 points
By JTB (@jtb)Score: 147,160

@DocTonyNYC Oh man…where’s the do-over button for the last few days!!!! LOL

I’m getting consistently better scores using this method so hopefully I’ll improve. Thanks!

Rank: Well Traveled with 1855 points
By DocTonyNYC (@doctonynyc)Score: 151,500

I’m glad i could help. I had similar reactions to this level at first, so I totally understand your frustration.

By nbdynprtcular

I have heard it said that the definition of insanity is repeating a process the same way over and over, expecting a different result. If that is true, this level is the embodiment of insanity in it’s truest form.

Rank: DaBomb with 475 points
By apurvmax1994 (@apurvmax1994)

hi,i am apurv from india.i have angry birds installed on my pc.i just have a do you get those 944 Mighty Eagles?.i wanna know on which platform you play and get those?how can i buy/get mighty eagle?
Please help! :)

Rank: Sling God with 26055 points
By sal9 (@sal9)Score: 137,500

Please refer to this Space Eagle Guide for more information.
Space Eagle is not available for pc at the moment.

Rank: Hardened with 530 points
By Nicolas1er (@nicolas1er)Score: 148,900

Finally one-birder for my best score:
1) 1st bird at the base of the stone tower on the first planet.
2) Luck !

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)Score: 156,130

@AMSlimfordy — On some levels, this one for example, when I try to view the video full screen (MacBook Air, Safari) the video starts out OK, but after the first bird hits, the video moves half-way off the screen to the right, and I can’t get it back. Any idea what is going on?

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 146,310

You should run a Google search about that issue.

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)Score: 156,130

@AMSlimfordy — I did a Google search and found nothing useful. This problem only happens with some videos; most are OK.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 146,310

Sorry then. Maybe open a new thread on a Mac forum somewhere.

Rank: Well Traveled with 1990 points
By Fillmore1234 (@fillmore1234)Score: 144,780

It’s an add for Tanks…. every time the add pops off the Youtube screen gets shifted to the right. I have no idea why and it really annoys me.

Rank: Master Slinger with 6710 points
By hinarei (@hinarei)Score: 143,150

I’ve been struggling so much on this level. it’s hard enough to get 3 stars let alone much nearer the average. A mishmash of the tips in here helped me improve from just about 3-stars to 138k but I can’t for the life of me get further than that. That first tower won’t fall right.

Begging doesn’t help. :(

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)Score: 156,130

@hinarei Totally sympathize with your commen! I could have written it a few minutes ago. Try cbird2967’s strategy, and be sure to read ALL of the comments by DocTonyNYC.

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)Score: 156,130

It’s time to try begging some of the people with high scores on the challenge!
@wanda @hallieginSB @trishohara @kartflyer @ccjolly Any more detailed hints along the lines of a PAT (precision aiming technique) AND hit point?

Rank: Gold Flinger with 8570 points
By Kartflyer (@kartflyer)Score: 143,360

I got it using cbird’s strategy above, took about half an hour before I got this score. Second bird for this level is the difference between a high score or a lower one. Pull back sling at full power for Terence and aim the scope directly on the pig on top of the stone structure on first planet.

Rank: Master Slinger with 6700 points
By wanda (@wanda)Score: 153,480

@mvnla2 I aimed the first bird at the bottom of the left planet, just above the wooden triangle ( I was trying to hit the split in the stone planks just to the left of the popcorn kernels), and tapped the screen as soon as it landed. It took a few seconds for the bottom to collapse and fall to the right. I sent Terrence around the bottom of the left planet and hit the remaining structure that was on the bottom of the right planet. I think this level relies heavily on the L factor :). I have gotten close a few times since, but nowhere near the 153k score. I will play more later today; if I find anything else that might help, I will post here. Good luck.

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 150,250

ive been playing the wrong for lotd I was on 4-5..hope these tips help I’ve got a lot of catching up l to do!! Wish me luck..and good luck to all:)

Rank: Master Slinger with 6700 points
By wanda (@wanda)Score: 153,480

Lol,@Kathy! I did that yesterday. I was playing 5-14 until about 9:40 PM. Good luck.

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 150,250

Ty @Wanda I’ve actually done well with @trishohara. Strat..I am in 6 th on leaders. And 2 on improved ;)

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)Score: 156,130

@kartflyer @Wanda Thanks! Will see if any of your tips will work for me. I have very little of the L-factor in my favor.

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)Score: 156,130

At least I can tell myself that the L-factor on this is device dependent, since neither of you use an iPad! ; )

Rank: Sling God with 37220 points
By HallieGinSB (@hallieginsb)Score: 148,820

Whine for luck may be the best strategy on this one! My previous high score was 144k with method described best by @lesleyg in earlier posts. I just couldn’t get enough destruction on the bottom tower on the second planet. Switched to the strategy first described by cbird2796 and got my score that way with two birds. In my case, aimed the first bird at the base of the bottom tower on the first planet. Some of the stone at the top of that tower slid clockwise when the tower collapsed and jostled the tower at the top of the planet. I then aimed Terence to hit the top of that tower where the pig is and clipped the right corner so it fell onto the tnt. Terence went on to hit that pesky tower at the bottom of the second planet. Either the explosion on the first planet, or maybe some debris, helped propel Terence around to the bottom right of the top tower, which got jostled enough by Terence and debris to explode. I’ve been trying to do this again to be able to describe it better but so far no luck.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 18120 points
By trishohara (@trishohara)Score: 147,190

@mvnla2 I hit the horizontal plank of the bottom left tower with the ice bird. It fell to the left, as usual ;-)
Then I aimed Terence on the little pig on the top tower at the left. Somehow he managed to clear the complete right side as well. Usually he only clears the right bottom tower and you need ice bird in addition. But when I got my high score, he killed everything on the right, and I had two birds left.

Good luck, I think in that level you need it

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 150,250

I. Have a question my background is white, while in video and screen shots everyone else is black and purplish?

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 150,250

Ty @trishohara first try with your strat I made it on the leaderboard :) 150250 not bad;)
Big improvement from the 120k I couldn’t get above:)

Rank: Master Slinger with 6700 points
By wanda (@wanda)Score: 153,480

Awesome score, @Kathy!

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 150,250

Thank you @Wanda :)

Rank: Gold Flinger with 8570 points
By Kartflyer (@kartflyer)Score: 143,360

Check your settings; if my memory serves me right, there is a option to toggle the background in the main screen. You must’ve activated that? :)

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 150,250

Ty @kartflyer but all in my settings is sound and info..maybe water damage I guess. But my other episodez seem o.k. weird..I hope I can back up case I need new phone:( again! !

Rank: Sling God with 37220 points
By HallieGinSB (@hallieginsb)Score: 148,820

@trishohara just tried hitting the horizontal plank on first shot as you described. Second shot through the pig on the top tower as usual. Terence wasn’t anywhere near the top tower on the second planet, but it blew up anyway! Maybe something happened that I didn’t see (deus ex machina?) @mvnla2 maybe this will work for you!

Rank: Avian Overlord with 18120 points
By trishohara (@trishohara)Score: 147,190

The left pig sometimes hits the right stone tower. But can it hit hard enough to push this over?

Rank: Sling God with 46080 points
By karen68 (@karen68)Score: 146,110

I wasn’t going to try this one due to memories of hours spent trying to get 3 stars. But hey, it’s “the challenge” right?
I followed cbird’s strategy as described above, & it took an awful lot of trying. The hardest part was getting enough damage from Terence when he travels over to the tower on the right side. Finally the L factor was on my side, as I don’t think it was skill.
My score after 2 shots was about 85k.
I did manage it in 2 birds but only scored 135k.
Good luck all, & @wanda, congrats, nice score!

Rank: Sling God with 46080 points
By karen68 (@karen68)Score: 146,110

Sorry, I should also say congrats to everyone, there are some amazing scores here!

Rank: Master Slinger with 6700 points
By wanda (@wanda)Score: 153,480

@karen68, thanks! You’re righ; there are many great scores coming in today. The average will definitely go up! Congratulations to all the high scorers on this one :).

Rank: Master Slinger with 6710 points
By hinarei (@hinarei)Score: 143,150

@mvnla2 that’s very valuable advice actually – read a walkthrough thread from start to finish if you’re stuck. Thanks very much to all in the thread, specially @cbird2967 & @doctonynyc. While my score on this won’t set the world alight it dire mean I’ve crept above average, which by this point was what I was really hoping for! Following cbird’s strat helped bundles :)

Rank: Master Slinger with 6710 points
By hinarei (@hinarei)Score: 143,150

Sorry @cbird2796, got your number blopped round!

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)Score: 156,130

@all Whoot!!! Thanks! Begging really does help. So much in this case that I feel guilty. I will post screenshot in my album. But basically what I did: First bird at the crack between the lowest rectangle and the square stone block on lower left tower of first planet. This managed to fall to the right, detonate TNT, clear the first planet, AND send debris to the second planet, detonating TNT and clearing all except bottom tower. Second bird around bottom of first planet and into remaining tower. I don’t usually have this kind of luck!!!

Utopia 4-3.png

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 150,250

Whoaa. @mvnla2. Great Job!!! Whoot is the word congrats!!!
and a big freindly welcome to hinarei happy you’ve joind us all here ABN :)

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 150,250

Meant to @hinarei welcome;)

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)Score: 156,130

Drinks on me at the Bloated Pig in the forum. Offer good today for regulars, and forever for 1st timers. This is almost as good as a hole-in-one, which I’ve never achieved!

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)Score: 156,130

Today means 24 hours from now.

Rank: Explosive with 2125 points
By xXAngryBirdLover2214Xx (@angrybirdlover2)

congrats on the top score @mvnla2!!!

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)Score: 156,130

BTW — My immediately previous score was ~141 K, just below DocTonyNYC. I still can’t believe this score.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 18120 points
By trishohara (@trishohara)Score: 147,190

awesome @mvnla2! Congrats to this amazing score!

Rank: Master Slinger with 6710 points
By hinarei (@hinarei)Score: 143,150

I would just like to note here that I now despise you @mvnla2 :P However I will take you up on your offer of a drink!

no, seriously, well done!

Rank: Master Slinger with 6700 points
By wanda (@wanda)Score: 153,480

@mvnla2,fantastic score! Great job!

Rank: Sling God with 46975 points
By bernersenn (@bernersenn)Score: 148,610

@mvnla2 thanks for this strat. I can’t fling that much as I would, but this helped me to get 148k

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)Score: 156,130

@hinarei — Good thing I have a thick skin! You too will get your moments of glory if you keep playing. Mine usually last about 15 min, but I hope this one will last longer. My strategy for the most 15 minutes of glory is to try to play an entire episode as soon as it is released, that way you are more likely to get a top score, however fleeting!

Rank: Master Slinger with 6710 points
By hinarei (@hinarei)Score: 143,150

@mvnla2 if your skin is anything like what the left side of that south tower is made of then you have armour, my friend =) I’m not here for high scores though, which is a good thing really. The strats here are pretty solid, but for this one I am really having a hard time, so you enjoy your score: I can confirm you’ve earned this one.

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)Score: 156,130

@hinarei — The south tower is not all that bad, but it doesn’t fall the right way all that often. Aim for the seams between the blocks.

Rank: Master Slinger with 6710 points
By hinarei (@hinarei)Score: 143,150

I’ve been trying to but can’t pull it off well enough to improve on my score and that seems a big key to a top score here. I’ll keep going, obviously, but there’s some magic pixel I’m not quite hitting :)

By me

Can someone who has one of the alternate methods make a video? I’ve been stuck for 10 days on this level trying everything show and I can’d get above 130

Rank: Well Traveled with 1855 points
By DocTonyNYC (@doctonynyc)Score: 151,500

Unfortunately, making a video can be difficult for many people, so you might not get many responses. Have you searched on YouTube for videos–there are generally 10-15 videos for each level (some good, some not so good)?

Rank: Pig Leader with 12170 points
By sunshine (@sunshine)Score: 139,350

I have been reading and trying everyone’s tips, and suggestion. I have gotten about the same scores with all. I do have to say, @trishorara and @kartflyer from July 21, seem to be helping the most. Just need that higher score now.

Rank: Sling God with 37475 points
By Dr O'Neski (@steviep147)Score: 144,620

Here’s a video for 144k using 3 birds. 2 will probably get a puppy!

Rank: Sling God with 37475 points
By Dr O'Neski (@steviep147)Score: 144,620

Forgot to say thanks to @lesleyg for the 2 bird strat for which I used 3!

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