Angry Birds Seasons Summer Pignic Level 1-28 Walkthrough

Our strategy for Summer Pignic level 28 is to loft the White bird, bombing the right leg of the far-left tower. This should level the two structures. Fire the Yellow bird straight into the wooden support of the third structure to topple that. Try to trigger the TNT on the right with the next Yellow bird, following up with the White bird if necessary. The score in the video below is 119,960.

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Comments (102)

By Margrethe

119,260. Tree stars, one bird left. Not good I think, will make it better latter. And then tell how I did.

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By SlothLoveChunk (@slothlovechunk)

Good this is a hard level 124k wit two birds left. The first white bird is the important one. You have to drop a bomb and hit that dog leg on the right side of the first tower. This takes out the first and second structures. Then aim the yellow bird at the pig at the bottom with the big top hat and then take the next yellow bird and put through wood hitting tnt wiping last two pigs out.

It also takes a few tries as you can’t mess up even a little bit with this method.

Rank: Champion with 3300 points
By ohforfive (@ohforfive)Score: 131,040

Finally managed to beat the average score after countless tries using this shot sequence. Accuracy is essential and the game makes you pay for any errors in aiming. Scored 131,040

By CagUk

128,680 WB between first 2 structures drop egg to hit bottom both structures fall, need to clear enough debris for clear shot at pig with hat. YB at bottom pig through wood. YB at final pigs. Lots more points in this

Rank: Fling King with 4800 points
By myhthk (@myhthk)Score: 129,870

using the same method and got 126,620, one bird left too … once i got 2 birds left but with lower points ….

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By SlothLoveChunk (@slothlovechunk)

Same method posted above 124k and the first and only time I 3 stared it so far. Like I figured the levels are getting harder and I haven’t seen any tricks yet.

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By SlothLoveChunk (@slothlovechunk)

BTW I think I left the first piece of tnt. If you can get both and all flowers 130k plus seems possible.

Rank: Hardened with 650 points
By armyms25 (@armyms25)Score: 132,370

131,560 using 3 birds same method as CagUk guess I just got luckier, now for more points!

Rank: Deputized with 125 points
By FlyHi (@flyhi)

133500. Same method as CagUk but only 3 birds used !!! 2nd YB goes in a blows right hand structure to smithereens!!!!!! WooooooHoooooo . Lovely destruction !!!!

Rank: Champion with 3440 points
By CougRon (@cougron)Score: 140,160

This one kicked my butt. Finally got it to 125k and three stars by lobbing first white bird into trench in front of the center pig with the hat. The tricky part was launching the egg so it took out the concrete on the left of the gap but still richoched to take out the wood and the pig on the right (It’s real easy to launch too soon or hit something before the right launch point). I then used the two yellow to take out the rest of the far right side. The final white bird I then sent high and then carefully launched the egg to land behind the first tower causing it to collapse and take the last pigs with it (I can almost never get that dynamite to blow up). Last bird gives a 10k bonus.

Rank: Champion with 3440 points
By CougRon (@cougron)Score: 140,160

managed to increase my score to 135k by getting the egg just a little closer to the dynamite, causing it to explode and get me more points.

Rank: Deputized with 125 points
By FlyHi (@flyhi)

Cmon Joe can’t wait to see what you make of this one – bring on more points and maybe a different approach? Thanx in advance :)

By Joe

Morning, everyone.

I have to admit this is a pretty challenging level in ABS Summer Pignic episode, lots of hit and miss trials.

134,050 using three birds.

Bird #1 (Fatty Bomber): Make a nice arc over the first tower into the vertical space between two towers. Once centralized, tap the screen to drop the egg bomb onto the upper right corner of a horizontal plank on top of concrete block on the right of the first platform just between two towers. If done correctly, the egg bomb WON’T immediately blow the TNT but blows a big section from the center tower, killing two pigs. Most of the first structure will leap to the sides, killing two more pigs. A pink flower on the left side of the platform will be destroyed in the process. One or more concrete block(s) will land onto the TNT to blow everything away. This will clear the way for the next bird. WARNING: A lot of patience is needed to get it right.

Bird #2 (Yellow Rocket): Simply aim for the platform level helmeted pig on upper left corner of the second platform through a wooden plank. Once this wooden plank support is destroyed, the whole tower on top of the now gone support will collapse to the left to destroy what’s left in the pit between two platforms. Two pigs will be killed in the process. This will clear the way for the next bird. Note: no boost is required for this bird.

Bird #3 (Yellow Rocket): Here’s the another challenging part. Simply aim for the wooden block just between a square wooden block and concrete plank. Just moments before hitting, tap the screen for boost. The bird will drill through two wooden blocks and land onto the TNT to blow everything away. The last two remaining pigs will be killed and a red flower will be destroyed in the process.

Bird #4 (Fatty Bomber): 10,000 points bonus if done correctly.

Bird #5 (Yellow Rocket): 10,000 points bonus if done correctly.

Note: Lots of grass patches but still no golden egg found in this level.

For a better picture, please see this link: screenshot.

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By Jacob (@jacob)

This is the first level of Summer Pignic where I’ve been unable to get 3 stars on my own. Been looking forward to your guide!
Will try this now, and post my results.

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By Jacob (@jacob)

I got 118,560 with this method, but I needed al my birds so I must’ve done something wrong :-)
The good news is, it provided me with 3 stars! But I’ll keep trying to improve my score. Thanx Joe!

By superbird

The first two i shoot very well… But i hate the third bird!!! In 95% only 1 wood break and the tnt dont blow up!!!!

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By Gugli (@)

I got 141,460 with the same method !
Lot of patience and a lit bit lucky shot :)

By HansM

Same Method, got 142.690

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By SlothLoveChunk (@slothlovechunk)

Very hard to do on most devices. You either leave box of TNT on left or end up missing with the yellow bird as the video shows.

Very hard level. I have 124k doing it both ways but every single bird has to be right. The video shows the easiest way to 3 star it if that is your goal.

There are some patches of grass I haven’t gotten to yet. Did you hit them all? If so how?

By Joe

Nope. Those grass patches that are within the black structure is impossible to get. Those other grass patches that are accessible with birds don’t have a hidden golden egg.

By Ghatti

success at last – thanks Joe!

Rank: Well Traveled with 1855 points
By DocTonyNYC (@doctonynyc)Score: 138,820

I did this a little bit differently than others–I don’t think the first bird needs to be quite so difficult.

Rather than shooting the first bird high up, hoping to go between the first two towers, I shot it straight across and dropped an egg between the two towers instead. This destroyed most of the first two structures, exploded the TNT, and killed the pigs on the structures,

Second bird through the vertical plank to hit the pig and take out tower three.

Third bird can, if you are lucky, take out the rest of it by hitting the horizontal plank under the empty box. More times than not, I have not been able to get the bird through to the TNT. However, I have done it twice, so it is definitely possible.

Right now, wth this method, I have about 128K, but there were more points available if things had fallen better. It’s certainly possible that the high up and down first bird could yield more points, but I really doubt it (though I will have a better idea after a little more work at it).

Oh, by the way, I achieved the points for Score Addict on this level (3,398,000 are needed and I have 3,519,660 at the moment). However, Game Center has not seen fit to award it to me yet.

Rank: Master Slinger with 7315 points
By rjohnson_8ball (@rjohnson_8ball)Score: 133,640

Game Center did not give me my Score Addict award yet either. It’s been hours.

Got 132,470 on my iPhone4 by dropping an egg along backside of 1st building (destroying left and middle buildings), then yellow bird at the big pig with the blue hat, then a yellow to the wood at the far building, getting lucky with a collapse onto the TNT.

Rank: Master Slinger with 5360 points
By Inactive (@chaostsar)Score: 134,980

Yeah, gamecenter is definitely not registering achievements. Grrr.

Rank: Well Traveled with 1855 points
By DocTonyNYC (@doctonynyc)Score: 138,820

Game Cemter is so flaky sometimes. About a week ago, while doing one of the Pignic levels, I got a little message telling me I got Score Addict for another part of Seasons (I cannot remember which part). In fact, I had earned it months ago when I completed the particular season!

Rank: Well Traveled with 1855 points
By DocTonyNYC (@doctonynyc)Score: 138,820

Now that I’m a little more awake, I’m starting to notice some of the nuances of this level. The third bird (by far the trickiest, I think) works best when it pushes everything to the right. With so,e luck, this will shake things up enough to drop something onto the TNT. It’s very difficult to shoot through to the TNTn with the bird directly. In fact, I doubt that I have done this, but the caffeine has taken some time to kick in! I suspect i was always doing the push thing instead.

I’m at about 129,600 with this method now. I’m really convinced now that the up and down shot it not necessary because all of the stuff on the right that is hit by the deflated bird gets destroyed anyway.

Rank: Pig Leader with 11110 points
By Habanero (@habanero)Score: 136,740

Yes, to me this level is about aiming to get 72K to 80K with the first 2 birds
(by the same method more or less everybody has used) and then, if achieved then
just really going for it with the 3rd yellow. If I have less than 70K after the
first 2 birds, I tend to not waste time and just restart.
Never had that 3rd yellow cut through both blocks either, but sometimes it rolls
the right hand structure over and sets off the TNT and there’s your highscore…
well, 128K for me so far anyway.

And yes, wake up Game Center … where’s my high score achievment!?

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By SlothLoveChunk (@slothlovechunk)

124920 is the highest I can currently get on this device. The aiming is down to the pixel. I’ve shot through the TNT with the third yellow bird but left either a bird or tnt with the white bird. I’ve blew up the tnt and all birds with the tnt using the white bird but I have never been able to do all 3 perfectly to get 130k. Gotta put it down.

The video is the best method for the average bear for sure. If someone comes up with a different method please let us know but I really don’t think there is one.

BTW if you lob the white bird as low as possible your chances of total destruction increase but you have to be quick.

Rank: Pig Leader with 11110 points
By Habanero (@habanero)Score: 136,740

Thanks … I am sure it will be a brief stay as soooo many good players on the ABN board, but will enjoy it while it lasts! Did your Score Addict for Summer Pignic appear in the end … still nothing here?

Rank: Well Traveled with 1855 points
By DocTonyNYC (@doctonynyc)Score: 138,820

Hey Habanero. Congrats in the new high score total! Well done.

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By Jacob (@jacob)

You’re right, it’s much easier to just shoot the first bird straight ahaid. Thanx!

Rank: Master Slinger with 7315 points
By rjohnson_8ball (@rjohnson_8ball)Score: 133,640

Actually, I send the first white bird high to make it easier for me to drop the egg precisely onto the corner behind the 1st building. Also, try for lots of damage on the left and center with the first 2 birds.

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By SlothLoveChunk (@slothlovechunk)

It’s hard either way for me.

By BigBird

Like you, Habanero, I usually stop after two if haven’t scored high enough. However, a few minutes ago the first TNT didn’t explode, but I continued anyway. I have no idea how it happened, but somehow I got 132.5K, improving my score by 3,000. I dont have any idea what was different as I really did not seem to have massive destruction everywhere else. Anyway, this tells me there are a bunch more points to be had in this level.

Has anyone figured out the key to getting things to shift to the right on the third bird? It seems pretty hit or miss to me. I think you need to get the horizontal block under the empty square, but it doesn’t seem to work consistently. Finally, I’m certain now that my earlier shots made the things shift rather than breaking through all the blocks.

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)Score: 140,980

@DocTonyNYC and @Joe — Yes! Finally, a nice score and my first above average on this level (at least recently). The time that everything worked, I did send WB up high, but not sure this mattered much. Second shot not easy to mess up, although I have. Key to 3rd shot is as Doc Tony says: Hit the wooden block below the empty square wood block to push everything to right.

By Margrethe

128,420, more and less like Joe and thank you. This level is more difficult than it looks.
(Please fix my Mighty Hoax 5:16, so I can go back my life. And yes I have looked for help, can’t get 113,000 have 109,720. Just need that one and the Golden Egg is mine)

Rank: Master Slinger with 7315 points
By rjohnson_8ball (@rjohnson_8ball)Score: 133,640

What do you mean by “fix Mighty Hoax 5-16?”

Rank: Master Slinger with 7315 points
By rjohnson_8ball (@rjohnson_8ball)Score: 133,640

I am guessing by the comments at the AB 5-16 walkthrough that Margrethe wants the bombs sent to platforms in order, top to bottom in the video. Some believe that works better than doing the platforms in a random order. In my opinion, the key is to get maximum destruction with each platform, plus kill the pigs.

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By SlothLoveChunk (@slothlovechunk)

I guess watch the video?

By trishohara

this is the most difficult Summer Pignic level so far to get 3 stars. At least for me

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By SlothLoveChunk (@slothlovechunk)

Me too 126060 with one too many birds. I wont be satisfied until I pass 130. It’s hard but one thing with these levels is they seem to get harder the more you play. Sometimes it’s good to set it down for a while and then try again when you get a recharge on patience.

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By SlothLoveChunk (@slothlovechunk)

Somewhere between 110k and 113k is 2 stars.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 134,110

2 stars at 117k
3 stars at 118k

Rank: Master Slinger with 7305 points
By surfcow (@surfcow)Score: 135,690

Yup. 118,000 seems to be cut for three stars. Aloha.

By Camilla

I hope tomorrow there will be some black bomb birds.. They are so much fun :)

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9055 points
By magsy79 (@magsy79)Score: 140,300

Holy heck – 140300 with three birds (coulda been two if I could ever shoot the yellow bird properly into the last tower).

Just total luck the way the first tower fell and the way the TNT blast sent debris into towers two and three. Brought down everything. Wow – my heart was racing!

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By SlothLoveChunk (@slothlovechunk)

What platform do you have? I can’t seem to come nowhere close to that even though I seem to be breaking the same stuff.

On the last levels I had scores right up there but mainly by luck.

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9055 points
By magsy79 (@magsy79)Score: 140,300

I play on an iPad.

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By SlothLoveChunk (@slothlovechunk)

I have to have 3 birds at least. My problem is either leaving something or needing 4 birds. If someone knocks down that last tower with one bird please explain how?

Rank: Sling God with 37500 points
By catsnbirds (@catsnbirds)Score: 145,180

143260 with two birds. Talk about a racing heart! First bird as everyone shoots, but the TNT explosion took out the top part of the right tower too. I thought for a second that I had lost track of how many birds I’d launched! Second bird into the right hand TNT as Joe described, but there wasn’t much in the way and somehow I didn’t miss.

Definately time for a break now – that was a shot I’ll never be able to replicate! (But it sure was fun!!!)

Rank: Deputized with 175 points
By liz (@mags)Score: 141,650

I’ve been having good luck with a slightly different method than has been mentioned. First, drop egg between first two structures, to take those out, that’s the same. But, with the second bird, aim for the stone triangle at the top of the right structure. That pushes everything toward the right, and I imagine with a lucky hit it could take it all down. I played clean-up with the next yellow bird, shooting through the now partially broken wood pile into the TNT, last two birds left for bonus. I got around 131k the first time I tried this method, I have high hopes to increase that if I can stop making silly mistakes, and get a bit of luck.

Rank: Out of this World with 2590 points
By frozndevl (@frozndevl)Score: 136,980

What about the pig in the hat, did he blow when you hit the stone triangle or with the 3rd bird (yellow)?

Rank: Deputized with 175 points
By liz (@mags)Score: 141,650

The fat one with the blue hat? When the TNT blows, it (with some luck) pushes the structure around him to the left and he gets either knocked off or pinched. Of course, without luck, it just shifts sideways, doesn’t break or fall, and he sits there blinking at you :/

So far I haven’t had any more luck than the first time, at least haven’t increased my score yet.

Rank: Deputized with 175 points
By liz (@mags)Score: 141,650

Ha! I spoke too soon, had a little weird luck. I managed to not explode the left TNT with the first shot (just that way everything bounces on the board above it like it’s a diving board, I can’t be the only one this has happened to) but I went ahead and took my second shot, more for practice than anything. Finally got that luck that I thought could cause hitting the stone triangle to knock everything over- it did, took out the TNT, everything on the right. Just tossed the next yellow bird into the left side of the structure the first TNT didn’t take out, and it did go off this time.

138,660! If I could just combine a good first shot (like the 53k I got once) with that second shot that took out everything else, I might be able to pump up to 150k. Yeah, like that’s likely :). I will have to try some more to see if I can get 140k.

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By SlothLoveChunk (@slothlovechunk)

That’s highly likely as your method has yielded my personal best. I missed twice and still got 130k. If I don’t miss with that yellow bird I’m sure 150 will work.

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By Jacob (@jacob)

wow. I like this method! thanx!

Rank: Out of this World with 2590 points
By frozndevl (@frozndevl)Score: 136,980

Just got 136,980 using this method, albeit with 4 birds.

#1 – drop between structure 1 and 2
#2 – yellow into the stone triangle
#3 – Attempt to get to the TNT on the right, this always fails for me.
#4 – Clean up with the last white bird.

Near total destruction, I think I had 57K after the first bird.

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By SlothLoveChunk (@slothlovechunk)

Thanks I shall try that.

Rank: Well Traveled with 1855 points
By DocTonyNYC (@doctonynyc)Score: 138,820

Wow, Liz, you rock! Great method. I had my doubts for a while because I just couldn’t seem to get any movement after hitting the triangle. After about ten tries, it worked like a charm for 136,540. This could have bee much better, but I had a bad shot in there, too.

Thanks again (I’m still grateful for your creative solution to 1-15 that ended up nabbing me a monster score)!

Rank: DaBomb with 460 points
By Rebecca (@rebecca)Score: 151,240

Scored 151240 with your method but have been unable to duplicate. Scored 134+ with Joe’s stategy. Thanks to you both.

Rank: Slinger with 1220 points
By GlenSpain (@glenspain)Score: 143,120

Liz, awesome strategy. Just revisiting some old levels where I wasn’t happy with my score. Used your method after not being able to get above 45k on the first bird with the above other strategy. Had 55k after bird one. Then knocked over the rest per your method. The Blue hatted bird sat blinking at me for what seemed an eternity after the TNT blew, but then rolled off to the left for a 143k plus score. Many thanks!

Rank: Debriefed with 1425 points
By Vanadis42 (@vanadis42)Score: 149,020

Great strategy! Got to rank 3 in this level using it, which is something that usually doesn’t happen to me. ;)
Thanks so much! :)

Rank: Out of this World with 2770 points
By bomb bird (@spongebob)

Thank you so much for the strategy @mags, improved my score by 7k.

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By SlothLoveChunk (@slothlovechunk)

I don’t get the scoring, I got 119k when using all birds with the same level of destruction and 1 less as the video shows about 110k is all I can manage. I don’t think the scoring system is letting everything break. Once you break that last bird that’s it. It stops but not every time.

Anyone else noticed this after the last updates?

By Poppy

150,070. Can consistently get in the 140s. First bird egg between first two towers. Need to have at least 55000 at this point. Second bird high into triangle as others have mentioned. If you can get it all to fall at this point you should be near 150000. Even if you don’t, using one more bird will still leave you in the 140s.

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By SlothLoveChunk (@slothlovechunk)

I have to use 3 doing this but got my best of a little over 130k and only had 49,000 at first. Ah, tomorrow.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 18130 points
By trishohara (@trishohara)Score: 145,650

I got my personal high score of 124180 points with this method:
– White Bird straight up and getting low between middle and right tower. Drop the egg late, so that it destroys the middle tower and crashes into the pig with the blue hat.
– Yellow Bird into the remainings of the right tower. If needed the second one as well
– Second white Bird for cleaning the left tower.

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By SlothLoveChunk (@slothlovechunk)

That was the first way I tried but had no luck because I knocked the first tower down with the white bird hurled down at an angle and up into it which worked but left lost of debris in the wrong place.

I always try 1, 2, 3, etc. first. Saw way to take out both towers with white bird but still haven’t been able to do that and knock the cement triangle with one yellow bird into 3rd tower, but I have seen both happen. I just can’t make them happen together for a real high score.

I guess I’m just not as good at video games as I once was. I need a kid and tell them how to do it and I’m sure, well that’s cheating. Anyhow, I’m always interested in new methods as achieving personal bests and even top ten scores.

I can usually 3-star any level before seeing the video or reading posts but hey after that…..

Rank: Deputized with 155 points
By sling shooter (@sling-shooter)

Got 139660!!!
The same method as the video, but I didn’t used the last white bird, and tons of destruction can help, to!

By timbo4815162342

im surprised we havent gotten an update to fix the scoring issue after beating a level. whats going on with that? you know what im talking about where it adds the score you just got to the overall score and it just keeps going and going and going…

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 134,110

That’s such a small bug that it’s not worth a standalone update. The counter will stop at your Trick or Treat score.

By Dumdittydum

30 days hath September, April, June and November. All the rest have 31, etc. Where is the 31 for this month? Anyone else notice this?

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 134,110

This started at the mid/end of June and ends on 21 July.

Rank: Explosive with 2185 points
By PrettyAngry (@prettyangry)

Thank you, Angry Birds Nest, for saving my sanity. This level was tough!

Rank: Sling God with 37725 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)Score: 124,300

Most welcome!

By GirliciousBirdie

127840 with two birds left :)

By Al

I have high score of 138,380 and consistently score it in the 130 000 range. But the problem is it is only giving me 2 stars!! Has anyone else had this problem?

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 134,110

Hrm, are you sure this is the correct level? Seems like 130s should be amply high.

By Ib Krabbenhøft

OH MY GOD how I hate the “you have to hit the egg pixel-perfect or you have no chance at all” – levels. I bet the testers have a pause mode and can do pixel-by-pixel stop motion back and forth.

These levels are soo hard.

By lolgrl99

i tried seven times and didn’t get three stars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i will continue trying.
hope i get three stars!

thanks >:(

By Kbird

I am playing seasons 2011 and am on level 5. I have cleared all the pigs twice and still get a message that I failed the level. What else am I supposed to do?

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 134,110

If you check that level’s walkthrough, you will see a note that says there’s a baby pig hidden under the first semicircle. There’s no glitch or bug. You just need good vision.

By Kbird

I got all the pigs, including that one.

By Kbird

Level 5 doesn’t have a semi circle. I have zoomed in after completing the phase and no pigs are left. Am I supposed to destroy anything else besides the pigs?

Rank: Sling God with 26055 points
By sal9 (@sal9)Score: 124,660

It does have four semi circles laying on the floor (brown dented semi circles with pink flowers on the two left ones). There is a small pig between the far left and the middle semi circle that is easily missed, specially on smart phone screens. It sits there half hidden by the grass.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 134,110

Per that post:

Beware: Baby Piggy is hiding in the grass under the white flower, so be sure you pop him with the first shot.

Rank: Master Slinger with 6640 points
By E-Star (@e-star)Score: 139,420

@mags thanks for the tip of the stone triangle! I used it in my run, first bird with a high arc and release the egg between the 2 structures, second yellow bird aiming for the stone triangle of the right structure. left side of that structure collapsed. Third bird set of the TNT and took care of the remaining piggies. I got a score of 139420 this way.

Here is my video.

Rank: Sling God with 70300 points
By wrw01 (@wrw01)Score: 139,580

Oh @e-star and mags you both provided a challenge on this level. After three days, many hours and thousands of launches, your strategy worked. Wow!!! It is exciting and fun when it goes correctly.

The challenge on this level was getting the big pig with the blue hat to fall by the Yellow Bird on the second shot impacting the stone triangle on the right side. That one was the most fun to obtain.

The other challenge was obtaining 50k+ in points with the White Bird. Noticed that if the tnt activated immediately a score in the 40k range was provided almost each time. If the WB dropped the egg just to the right side of the stone block, that is too the right of the left side tnt, it appeared to delay the activation the tnt until the structure fell and more often than not, a score in the 50k+ range was provided.

Used 4 birds a few times to obtain a score in the 135k range. Same basic strat with the 4th for cleanup on the blue hat pig and complete destruction on the lower level.
Thank you e-star for posting the video because I do not ever thought getting that hatted pig with hitting the stone triangle was possible without seeing your video. Thanks for making me a better player. Gained over 10k in points.

Rank: Sling God with 46235 points
By karen68 (@karen68)Score: 147,130

Thank you for the video @E-star, using the great tip from @mags.
My score was a 2-birder using the 2nd shot into the stone triangle. I think it hit around the middle of the triangle. The blue-hatted pig was pushed to the left but did not fall. The same shot squeezed the rest of the far tower slowly to the right so that a block fell on the TNT & detonated it. The explosion caused the blue-hat pig to fall off to the left, plus caused some more damage to the middle debris.
I had 3 2-birders like this for 135k, 137k & finally 144k. The difference was in the destruction off the 1st shot. Had 55k on my 144k attempt.

Shows what was left –

I’ve had the top of the 1st tower collapse on it’s own a couple of times, falling into the gap between the 1st & 2nd towers, so it was blocking a clean 1st shot. Haven’t seen any other parts collapse although the towers wobble a lot.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 19730 points
By To Walking Tall (@to-walking-tall)Score: 142,760

Nice shooting @karen68. My 142K today was with your same shots; I think I had 57K on the first shot. I thought for once I might get the Underdog Badge but apparently it is still eluding me! :-)

Rank: Pig Leader with 12035 points
By DrT (@drt)

Just as I was shooting 1st bird, the 2nd tower began to wobble and fall. I have no idea if this would have affected my score since bird was already in the air when it started to fall. I’ve played this level many times and it has only happened once.

Just wondering if anybody else has had this happen.

Rank: Sling God with 39390 points
By meanguy (@meanguy)Score: 145,290

@mvnla2 & @drt– This has been happening frequently since I stated playing the Challenge last night. I took a screenshot to show the damage. The link is posted below. Anyway,each time the second towers falls,it goes right where I want to drop the egg,so I have to restart.It usually yields less than 10,000 points. Happy Flinging !!


Rank: Pig Leader with 12035 points
By DrT (@drt)

I forgot to mention that I’m playing the computer version on my laptop.

Anyways, I took a look at your screenshot and actually, it could be helpful. Not sure where you’re aiming 1st shot. I have been going for the vertical stone on the right of the 1st tower. It has a small plank on top. With the right hit, the tnt also explodes. Best 1st bird score was 56K using this method. Based on your screenshot, this may still be possible.

Rank: Sling God with 39390 points
By meanguy (@meanguy)Score: 145,290

This screenshot was just one of several collapses of the second tower. This particular one was playable, most are not. Usually, there is debris laying up against the lower right vertical concrete piece that blocks the dropped egg from landing where I want it.
By the way, this is only happening on my android-based tablet.

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)Score: 140,980

@drt @meanguy — Thanks for the report. Please let me know if forum text needs modification.
Turns out this is already on the list, but apparently wasn’t reported on walkthrough:

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