Here is our walkthrough strategy for Angry Birds Seasons Summer Camp Level 1-7. You can read more about the Summer Camp update and find helpful links here.
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- 06. Greasy Swamp
- 07. Greenerville
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- 21. Oinklahoma
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I think either you, me or Rovio have gone mad.
On iPad Air2 this is 1-1
@hunnybunny Wait, what? Are you saying the level order in your game is different than in my video?
@mighty-red-1 I’m getting your 1-1 vid on 1-4 too.
I think I’ve gone mad. Will hard close iPad and recheck. Bear with me…
@mighty-red-1 think its an ABN glitch Getting 1-1 on levels 1-1 to 1-4
Check it out
@hunnybunny No glitches spotted.
@mighty-red-1 if I leave a walkthrough running, it goes 1-1 1-2 1-3 in perfect order
@hunnybunny That’s normal – it’s a compilation video, NOT an individual video.
Well @mighty-red-1 it is not normal! I’ve played seasons for years and never seen it before! Sorry to trouble you, thanks again for the vids ….
@hunnybunny Compilations are now our new format for walkthroughs – we decided that it’s best to do all levels in one video rather than one video for each level.
@mighty-red-1 Well that Sucks. Big time. Why on earth do you think flingers want to to view twenty one vids all together when someone just wanted see where they were going wrong on a particular level?
Don’t want to fall out with you, but “Really?”
@hunnybunny I have to agree with you, I’m not a fan of the compiliation-style videos either, it makes it rather difficult to find the exact level & spot where you’re looking for help (sorry @mighty-red-1).
@karen68 @hunnybunny @mighty-red1 I have to also agree,this is not an ideal way to help flingers.
@ Birdleader??
Jeesh i hate automatic spacing!!
Sorry @mighty-red-1
@hunnybunny @karen68 @Kathy @mighty-red-1 – I thought it was strange too and I must agree I like to old way better too, but in the meantime, there’s somewhat of a way around it…
when you come to a level…the compilation video does start playing the level you are on…if you hit “refresh” right after you watch it, it will stop and then you can re-watch that same level again.
For example, on this level, if I hit the play button above, level 7 does play first…if I let it keep going it will continue on to 8, 9 10, etc…but if you hit the refresh button…it will stop and revert back to level 7…where you can hit play again if you want to watch it again. I hope that helps :-)
thanks @lesleyg it’s just kinda hard if you want to pause it and rewind a bit to watch and practice the shot. but your advice about refreshing is a help ty:)
174,880 = 2*
175,480 = 3*
Here is the walkthrough video separated from the compilation above:
I got lucky when Red caused a lot more destruction than I expected, and Matilda took care of the rest!
Here’s my 2-birder video.
@sweetp great video. The debris that is left will define your score. Thanks
@bernersenn folowing @sweetp video i think a one birder is possible here also, i just missed it
You’re welcome @bernersenn. I think there is a lucky one-birder here, if debris from the explosion hits the top structure to bring it down!
Keep flinging @kathy, I know you can do it!
Woot Wtg @peejaydee27, I’m still not having any luck on this one, ,think I’m trying to hard lol, if that’s possible?
anyway I agree with @sweetp, you’ll be holding that trophy for a while Congratulations :D
Followed your first video @sweetp but got a 2-birder for 204970, and top score for now. Thanks!
I think @kathy is right and there could be a 1-birder here, so I’m expecting the sheriff to come knocking soon. I’ll just make the most of it while I can lol :-))
Woot! You’re welcome and Congrats @PeeJayDee27 on your shiny new trophy. I don’t think you have to worry about that sheriff taking it away, your score is going to be tough to beat!
Always happy to help when I can :)
211650 with 2 birds.
Just super lucky I guess, especially with Matilda.
A small trick for Red: aim as high as possible to just flick the small wood pole. The TNT must go all the way down, and if possible just clipping the wing of the beepig.
Here is the final result.
And the highscore screenshot.
There is a 1-bird here. It occurs when you play like @asher describes above. Tnt needs to blast small piece attached to flag over to hit vertical wood holding up boulders. 200k my best so far but potential for more
ABS SC 1-7 1 bird
@foley200 replaying for score, just hit the one birda as you described, but a boulder bumped Chuck’s cage without breaking it. So if chuck had been set free, 212+
@sweetp Just visiting here – did a video for level 1-7 Summer Camp daily challenge but not sure if this is the place to put it as there is not a dedicated level page that I can find viz videos seem to be grouped on the same page.
@steviep147, you got the right place. As you can see, your video link is right below the walkthrough video under mine. Thank you for sharing it with us!
Thanks @sweetp. I am easily confused and the main video walkthrough screen showing Levels 1-21 didn’t help!
Thank you @steviep147 for the video. It is the same I used. Worked great to obtain an above average score. The final scoring does require a bit of luck with the destruction of the wood and the fall of rocks.
Thought I was above average but I guess I have more work to do. Just like the video from @sweetp
Got lucky with a one bird clear.