Angry Birds Seasons On Finn Ice Level 1-13 Walkthrough

This is our walkthrough video strategy for obtaining 3 stars on Angry Birds Seasons On Finn Ice level 1-13, which was unlocked on Saturday, December 13th, 2014. The score in the video below is 137,790.

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Rank: Avian Overlord with 16895 points
By bikkit (@bikkit)Score: 154,790

The trick appears to be, once reindeer pigs are popped, to get the sleigh to land ‘properly’ taking out the trees and pushing the other sleigh down the hill to remove everything in the valley. Then clean up with other birds as appropriate. I haven’t yet got the stove to explode as a consequence of the first fling, but I’m sure it’ll come.

Rank: Sling God with 36180 points
By PeeJayDee27 (@peejaydee27)Score: 165,480

I’m sure you’re right @bikkit, but there are a lot of different outcomes, so difficult to say what is the best way to achieve this. I actually have top score for now and on this occasion the sleigh landed upside down, but still managed to push the other sleigh/tree down the slope, and finally blow up the stove. Terrance to take out the 2 remaining trees and wood on the far right, leaving 2 bonus birds. Lucky break, and surely bigger scores to come :))

By DosMK

Got 167,000 your way. Nothing left on the right side. Badically only the PIG letters remaining and not much more left and would be very interested to see if anyone can bring those letters down.

Rank: Sling God with 21330 points
By Stocktoad (@stocktoad)Score: 168,150

@peejaydee27 notes that “the sleigh landed upside down, but still managed to push the other sleigh/tree down the slope, and finally blow up the stove.”

I have blown the stove with the first bird several times now, and every time the sleigh landed upside down. It might be possible another way, but that is certainly the easiest way. How to get it to land upside down????? I have no magic solution, but again I will quote @peejaydee27 “Try pulling blue until he is “sitting” on Tony’s ears. Release him and split just before the first sleigh pig. The rest is down to luck!” That worked for me.

Rank: Sling God with 45780 points
By karen68 (@karen68)Score: 165,970

@stocktoad sorry for the silly question, but where exactly are Tony’s ears?

Rank: Sling God with 21330 points
By Stocktoad (@stocktoad)Score: 168,150

@karen68 LOL….. Well, I didn’t really see them either, but I kind of aimed from where I thought his ears should be…… if he had ears.

Rank: Sling God with 45780 points
By karen68 (@karen68)Score: 165,970

Thanks @stocktoad… then I guess I’ve been aiming the blues the right way, I was wondering if I was missing something. Just waiting for the luck to kick in.
Thanks for the tip, & congrats on your awesome score! :)

Rank: Boss Hog with 13250 points
By Maiasatara (@maiasatara)Score: 156,780

I’m getting REALLY tired of this outcome…

Anyone else, lol?
Good luck, all!

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 163,700

Yes!! @maiasatara I also am very tired of that outcome lol .. I’ve gotten a few times both sleds the back one upside down as mentioned above seems to be the key to the slide but still not getting enough oomph to blow the stove :( whine..

Rank: Sling God with 36180 points
By PeeJayDee27 (@peejaydee27)Score: 165,480

Congrats on your top score @stocktoad – and sorry to you and @karen68 for the confusion over ears! Not the best ever description (maybe too many pre-Christmas eggnogs). Should have said “under the feathers on his head” lol. Well anyway, the idea worked. I’ll be more careful next time :)). Now I’ve just got to try and catch you up……..

Rank: Sling God with 45780 points
By karen68 (@karen68)Score: 165,970

@peejaydee27 lol no worries, I figured it out.
Keep the tips coming, eggnog-inspired or not, they’re always helpful :D

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 163,700

Ahhhaha @peejaydee27 Thank you lol i was wondering myself where on tony could i picture ears haha. . Maybe now you could help me figure where is everyone a aiming and /or activating tony after you get the trees to slide down? Help please I’ve been at it all afternoon and have quite a pitiful score as you can see :(

Rank: Sling God with 36180 points
By PeeJayDee27 (@peejaydee27)Score: 165,480

Hi again @kathy. First of all I’m more than ever convinced that the best chance for the first shot is to use the feathers on his head as a guide. Line him up with the ‘v’ shape made by the feathers then pull him down a little. Split a fraction before the first sleigh pig. I’ve retried this a lot today and blown the stove several times, 2 for scores >61K.

The second shot can be tricky, as the evil geniuses at Rovio have been doing their best again to frustrate us, and after struggling with shot 1, shot 2 can leave a pig or 2 unscathed. Grrrrr. I’ve found the best way to clear the right side most of the time is this. Pull Tony down half way towards the sling pole, then slowly let him move back to the left. The sling pouch will slide up his body, until it is touching his tail feathers, and is aligned with YB behind him. This should land him about halfway up the tree, and 8 times out of 10 destroy everything, or almost everything. Launch point looks like this:

Might need to adjust a pixel or 2, but I’ve found this the most reliable so far.

Good luck!

Rank: Sling God with 69580 points
By wrw01 (@wrw01)Score: 166,010

Used the same strategy and had the same results a few times. Scores ranged from,145k+ to the score listed. The top blue takes out the 4 pigs and sleigh. I split the blues from the sling. Thanks for posting @stocktoad.

Rank: Master Slinger with 5110 points
By Jkhab69 (@jkhab69)Score: 158,530

for everyone who is still trying to get a decent score on this levell I’ve gotten the sled upside down going down the hill and blowing up the stove once. unfortunately I screwed up the follow-up shot so I would suggest at least every five flings even if the first shot doesn’t have the desired effect, practice the second shot so you have the trajectory down.

Rank: Well Traveled with 1860 points
By fatboyslick (@fatboyslick)Score: 164,510

What tactics are you using for the first bird….no idea how to get the sleighs to move down the slope

Rank: Sling God with 36180 points
By PeeJayDee27 (@peejaydee27)Score: 165,480

Try pulling blue until he is “sitting” on Tony’s ears. Release him and split just before the first sleigh pig. The rest is down to luck!

Rank: Sling God with 56720 points
By Terribletom (@terribletom)Score: 156,140

Blue bird to reinpigs, dropping sleigh on trees. I had them slide down slop, and partially into pit. Tony into pit to clean up. Yellow bird to the trees far right 156k

Rank: Pig Leader with 12085 points
By kai92 (@kai92)Score: 151,540

minimum 3 star score is not 128,000. I score 126,790 already get 3 star.

Rank: Sling God with 33790 points
By sparty83 (@sparty83)Score: 157,850

I’ve gotten as low as 106k and gotten 3 stars

Rank: Pig Leader with 10780 points
By mcc8206 (@mcc8206)Score: 166,070

I’m starting to think that ALL scores are 3* since I just got 98k and 3 stars.

Rank: Sling God with 35805 points
By ixan57 (@ixan57)Score: 163,520

@admins Impossible lowest achieved after 2hrs 99k so 98k stands

Rank: Sling God with 46680 points
By bernersenn (@bernersenn)Score: 167,430

@ixan57 that’s good enough, thanks

Rank: Champion with 3255 points
By Mark B (@bowserm)Score: 157,930

I have been doing mine differently..

First bird like the video.
Second bird throw it towards the back sled. It will push it back destroying the trees and sliding back down the hill. It gains enough speed to destroy the wood pile in the hole.

This gives you a 2 bird solution. I have consistently gotten 147-151k doing it this way.

Rank: Sling God with 28470 points
By CaptREC (@captrec)Score: 158,520

Great strat @bowserm! Got me to average. I decided to use YB to take out the far right trees and stuff, yielded more than 10k so def worth it. I’m assuming your 157k score was similar?

Rank: Sling God with 21565 points
By dmsral (@dmsral)Score: 159,120

I’ve been working with this too, but shooting the yellow too, undercutting the back trees and pushing the little structure off the cliff for a few more points. Up to 159120

Rank: Boss Hog with 13250 points
By Maiasatara (@maiasatara)Score: 156,780

All of these strategies are great advice but they all assume the tree-sleighs go far enough into the pit to blow the stove. That has never happened even once for me. I can get them to slide together into the wood but they always stop. I’m too furious and frustrated to look up everyone’s platform on the leaderboard but I’m wondering if this level doesn’t favor the iPhone? I’m never in the top for Christmas episodes but this is the first time in Finn that I’ve felt like really complaining. (Except a previous Mighty Eagle post, lol.) So bring on the whine factor cuz I’ve put that lousy bird under Tony’s head feathers, where his ears should be, under where his ears should be and everywhere else on his fat head and it NEVER works, not even the probability of luck. Is that a thing? Probability of Luck? Have I stumbled upon a PhD thesis topic? Good luck, all!

Rank: Sling God with 36180 points
By PeeJayDee27 (@peejaydee27)Score: 165,480

I truly sympathize @maiasatara. I got very lucky right away with this one, but 1-11 is driving me crazy. I have followed all the good strats people have described, but still cannot break 225K, and am sliding down the leaderboard by the hour (currently 86th). NOTHING I try does any good, and it’s sooooo frustrating, so I really know how you feel about this one. Everyone else makes it sound easy, but nothing works for you.
Sorry about the ears thing (my fault), but launching from just under his head feathers and splitting just before the first sleigh pig is how I got my best score. It really is pure dumb luck at the end of the day, so fling away and hope for the best, and when you get your PhD it will all be worthwhile. :))

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 163,700

Ohh my @stocktoad “Flinging like a Madwoman” ?? had to be @kimmiecv 😂 Haven’t heard that since she left!! heehee
thanks for the tips.. I’ll keep at it and “Fling like a Madwoman ” in honor of my retired!! hopefully she’ll join us again one day!

Rank: Sling God with 21330 points
By Stocktoad (@stocktoad)Score: 168,150

@maiasatara I have gotten the sleigh to blow the stove maybe 8 times now, but this is a fickle level. Later last night I tried for quite a while when I was trying to get a better location on where the “ears” are for @karen68 and got nowhere. It does take lots of rinses and repeats no matter where you aim. I forget who it was, but on some other level someone finally got the results she was looking for by “flinging like a mad woman”. That is probably good advice for this level. Don’t worry too much on exactly where you are aiming, or exactly when you actuate, just keep the aim between the feather tuft on top and the eyebrow. Actuating a smidgen farther away than seems intuitive might also help. Other things to note…… Make sure you practice the second shot to the trees. The first time I got the first shot to work was probably the best one I ever had, and I needed an extra shot to finish (I still ended up with 160K using the extra bird) The sleigh works best upside down, but I did get it to work right side up once, but never sideways. Probably the most frustrating thing is if the stove blows and the big pig with the axe is still alive. That makes the second shot pretty tough to get right. Hope I helped. Good luck!

Rank: Boss Hog with 13250 points
By Maiasatara (@maiasatara)Score: 156,780

Thanks @stocktoad; good advice. Both technical and for sanity…fling like a madwoman, lol. I will practice Tony to the trees for shot 2. I’ve always needed him in the pit so I’m sure my first attempts will be bad. Took a break when the whine didn’t work right away. Here’s hoping SOMEthing does…I’m very competitive, lol.

Rank: Sling God with 36180 points
By PeeJayDee27 (@peejaydee27)Score: 165,480

@maiasatara – if it helps, here is a screen shot of what might be a good launch point, then splitting an instant before the first sleigh pig.

Tried this again this morning and got the stove to explode twice in about 15 minutes play, once with a score of 62k, and several near misses. Best when the sleigh lands upside down and “nudges” the first tree bit by bit, rather than smoothly sliding down. Sleigh doesn’t consistently land upside down, but often enough to make it worthwhile to keep trying. :)

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 163,700

@peejaydee27 Any chance you still have that screenshot? when i click on it, it says’restricted access’ perhaps you have it set to private? instead of public?
Yes I’m torturing myself trying to improve yet another episode! sorry i don’t mean to be a Pita.😟

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 163,700

Cancel that @peejaydee27 I found your screenshot above , from before when i was crying for help!! lol Why oh Why do i do this to myself???? answer that and I’ll say your as crazy as me 😂

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 163,700

Managed to gain 4k to at least get into the top 💯!!
Spot #95 .. but better than 166 where i was 😉🐣

Rank: Sling God with 36180 points
By PeeJayDee27 (@peejaydee27)Score: 165,480

You’re right @kathy. That link is no longer valid – no idea why. But I guess you read my earlier post also with a link that does actually work. Glad you managed to increase your score:))

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 163,700

thanks @peejaydee27 🐣
Hopefully I’ll be done with this Seasons Quest soon..
I’d like to say done with it once and for All.. but i can’t actually say ill never be back lol.. I’ve said that to many times already! 😂

Rank: Sling God with 27640 points
By gumby (@gumby)Score: 169,570

@kathy just like @e-star video

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 163,700

😝 Thanks @Gumby !!

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 163,700

Oohh and @Gumby Congrats on the trophy!!! another good reason to post.🏆

Rank: Champion with 3255 points
By Mark B (@bowserm)Score: 157,930

Yes, I figured out that shooting yellow at the base of the remaining tree will destroy the tree, and most (if not all) of the house with the remaining 2 presents on it yields an extra 8-12k. It depends on how much is actually destroyed of course.

Rank: Master Slinger with 6640 points
By E-Star (@e-star)Score: 162,740

I send the blues towards the sleigh, but activated them immediately upon release. This way the bottom 2 birds will take out the sleigh and the top one often will take down the 2 piggies up in the tree. With luck (read a lot of rinse and repeat!!) the sleigh will fall down and take down the second sleigh on the bottom into the pit and detonates the TNT at the bottom. When that happens, you are set up for a good score, if not I suggest one should start over… I know mind numbing, but it does happen at some point. After the left side is taken care of send Tony in with an arc towards the tree at the top right. I cut it at the second layer, so Tony keeps his momentum and slides thru towards the present and wood next to the tree. With luck the top of the tree will take out the pig on the left of it. I got a score of 162,740 this way.

Here is my my video.

Rank: Sling God with 36180 points
By PeeJayDee27 (@peejaydee27)Score: 165,480

What the heck?
Well, scratch all the comments above about using the feathers on Tony’s head as an aiming point for Blue Bird! Videos and screenshots also not a help anymore. Rovio have changed the design and moved Tony way back on the shelf. Thanks guys!!
So back to the drawing board – just have to estimate now I guess. Let’s see how this plays out….🎅. Good luck all.

Rank: Boss Hog with 14175 points
By knichy (@knichy)Score: 153,760

I’m sure y’all noticed, but it is never mentioned in the thread, the wood at the left spells PIG SKI

Rank: Sling God with 23640 points
By hornet32 (@hornet32)Score: 170,430

Just like @e-star video (thanks for that) for the puppy. It took SEVERAL attempts to put the two shots together for a score of 170,430.

Here’s the screenshot showing the trajectory with the second and final Bird. Sorry about hitting the volume button while trying to quickly get my screenshot. Also is the final score screen shot in my album @sweetp

Rank: Sling God with 23640 points
By hornet32 (@hornet32)Score: 170,430

Apparently the first link isn’t valid. The second link shows both screenshots. Thanks

Rank: Sling God with 27640 points
By gumby (@gumby)Score: 169,570

@hornet32 Great score, unfortunately there are no puppies being awarded for this.

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 163,700

Great Score @hornet32, sorry but @Gumby is correct, there are traditionally no puppies awarded during Advent, we tried to beg for them but alas.
but Congrats on the shiny trophy 🏆

Rank: Sling God with 26000 points
By Uncle B (@uncle-b)

Congratulations on your outstanding High Score @hornet32 ~ Good Job!

Rank: Sling God with 23640 points
By hornet32 (@hornet32)Score: 170,430

I just read that. Thanks for letting me know @gumby

Rank: Sling God with 23640 points
By hornet32 (@hornet32)Score: 170,430

…..and @kathy

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 163,700

Your welcome @hornet32 🐣

Rank: Boss Hog with 14175 points
By knichy (@knichy)Score: 153,760

@hornet32 we’re calling them “non-puppies”. I think Karen has over a half-dozen now.

Rank: Sling God with 21330 points
By Stocktoad (@stocktoad)Score: 168,150

Hmmmm……instead of “non-puppies” maybe “grinch-puppies. I think I have the dubious honor of getting the first one. @knichy @karen68 @kathy @hornet32 @gumby

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 163,700

Nice Flinging @stocktoad n ya Grinch Puppies sounds about right🦌
@hunnybunnyhas a list i think of grinch puppy winners 🐉

Rank: Sling God with 45780 points
By karen68 (@karen68)Score: 165,970

@stocktoad here you go. 🙂

Grinch Puppy

Rank: Sling God with 21330 points
By Stocktoad (@stocktoad)Score: 168,150

@karen68 Perfect!

Rank: Sling God with 27640 points
By gumby (@gumby)Score: 169,570

@stocktoad LOL grinch puppies :) I have 3 and a new trophy, but I lost the trophy on this level to @hornet32 great score.

Rank: Sling God with 23640 points
By hornet32 (@hornet32)Score: 170,430

Lol. Thanks @knichy and @uncle-b. That gives me one non-puppy to go along with my previous three puppies haha.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 18405 points
By JTB (@jtb)Score: 153,030

Needed three birds to clear everything. This level is more difficult than it first appears, I think.

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