Angry Birds Seasons Hogs and Kisses Golden Egg Walkthrough

There are two Golden Eggs in Angry Birds Seasons Hogs and Kisses. For complete details on how to obtain each of the Golden Eggs and for our video walkthroughs just click on the respective image below to be taken to that page.

Golden Egg #5 – Level 7 has the Golden Egg. Zoom out and you’ll see there is a Golden Egg below the bird platform. You can get it by launching a White bird backwards and dropping the egg bomb so it lands right next to the egg.

Golden Egg #6 – Big Heart is unlocked after you 3-star all levels. Once you’ve accomplished this goal tap the heart in the middle of the Golden Egg screen to open up the level.

Hogs and Kisses Golden Eggs Video Walkthroughs


Last but not least, bunch of users have reported that they can’t seem to get the “Star” or get the Big Heart to light up. I think we solved this mystery. From what we can tell the stars in the Big Heart DO light up, they are just very faint. Check out the side-by-side comparison below and compare it to the image on your device. In case you can’t read the text, the image on the left is the one lit up.

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Comments (82)

By Jessie

Okay I’ve made 3 stars on every level and I only have one golden egg level. I have also passed the heart level with above 20,000 and nothing has happened.

By Stewart

Me too dont get it?! where is the 3rd golden egg?

By Iply

Mine didn’t light up… Even with the 3 extra lvl from facebook.. And ive god 20.320 on the big heart

By Jenna

The first time I finished level 15, at the very end the “girl” egg seemed to fly up. I wasn’t expecting that and kind of goggled at it, and it was gone before I had a chance to touch the screen or do anything about it. I have tried to replicate that several times but no go. (I’ve hit the egg, finished the rest of the level without touching the egg [after all the eggs are “good,”], every combination I can think of.) Not sure what I did to make it happen — there was a lot of chaos and TNT explosions before that happened, and it barely registered. I’m also not certain that’s what I saw. Noting in case it helps anyone else figure it out though.

By MoniMe

I managed to knock out the block under the girl egg with nothing but the TNT box under it, it dropped straight down, the box blew up and launched the egg straigt up. It didn’t break though. Maybe it isn’t supposed to break?

Rank: Sling God with 37260 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

That seems to be the case. Thanks for letting us know.

By Jenna

Thanks! I’ve gotten up to 159,590 trying to recreate the circumstances, what you describe makes sense.

I agree that the egg is not supposed to break, since it’s what we’re trying to “save” after all. (On the 1-15 levels screen, the pig is running off with the girl egg while the boy egg is back with the rest of the angry birds.)

By missy

You have to get three stars on every single level for the heart to lit all the way up…I also got the egg with the bow in level 15 but nothing happened….think you have to find the one with hat too…haven’t seen it

By Jenna

I think the boy egg (with the hat) isn’t “in” the level since it’s just the girl egg that (who?) was stolen by the evil, evil piggies. (On the 1-15 levels screen, the boy egg is safely with the rest of the birds as they watch the pig run off with the girl egg in a net.)

By king killer

Yeah, is that egg even possible to destroy?

Rank: Sling God with 37260 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Not by hitting it. Maybe by dropping it on to the TNT?

By djdizzy

i dropped the egg on the tnt sending the egg straight back up it hit s cloud with a block on top of it the block landed on top of the white egg still not broken i dont think its possible to break it

By Michael

I’ve hit that White egg dead on several times and it won’t break. It most likely has to be destroyed by landing it right next to the TNT and then detonating it with a well placed bird.

By Dan

I wondered this too. A pig with cupids arrow jumps around when you’ve completed the game (unlike the other seasons) and when you 3 star each level, a star appears on the end of his arrow. Thought there would have been a heart as well.

By One-six

does anyone know what’s up with the clouds high in the sky in 1-6? You can see them by shooting a yellow bird really high.

Rank: Sling God with 37260 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Interesting, I just shot some birds up there, but nothing interesting happened. They do seem out of place though.

By jared

I think it’s supposed to get you to shoot a guy into “orbit” maybe?

By msako

Hey about the clouds up high those are the clouds suspending the cupid pig. If you bust them it brings the cu-pig down.

By jo

Do you think they will come out with a St. Patricks version in march or sometime soon?

Rank: Sling God with 37260 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

That’s the rumor. I hope so!

By Tom

Android version- I have 3 stars in all 15 levels and have no facebook account. Is there anyway to proceed without facebook account?

By Big red

Yes just tap it and go back to the game and Its

By Habanero

Nice icon!! I’ve had it for a while now myself!!

By Ernie

What about the egg with the bow on it on the far right side of level 1-15 (about halfway up the screen)? I have managed to knock it down, but haven’t been able to break it yet… Is this another golden egg or am I wasting my time?

Rank: Pig Leader with 11200 points
By FujiToast (@fujitoast)

I think I know which egg you’re referring to and no that is not a golden egg. I’ve knocked them all of those little special eggs down and haven’t seen anything extra as of yet.

By Dan

It’s just the girl egg you have to save.

By Missy

How would you “save that egg”? I’ve knocked it down and spent an hour trying everything to get it to break (with no luck) VERY frustrating.

By Hannah

What do you mean it’s the girl egg you have to save? How do you save it, and what happens when you do

Rank: Sling God with 37260 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

I don’t think you actually ‘save’ the girl egg. Typically, once you finish the last level the birds get their eggs back. I think it’s more symbolic than anything else, but who knows.

By cindi

so after the heart is lite up and I got the egg in level 7 is that the end of the game?

Rank: Pig Leader with 11200 points
By FujiToast (@fujitoast)

For now, kinda. St. Paddy’s will be out soon but many of us often keep trying to better ours scores. Angry Birds has no real end. ;)

By Sally

I’ve knocked the girl egg down and blown it out of the screen before finishing off all the pigs. Does anyone know if you can get an actual girl bird like in the app icon?

Rank: Pig Leader with 11200 points
By FujiToast (@fujitoast)

We haven’t found anything special to happen with the eggs with bows on them. So I don’t think so right now.

Rank: Sling God with 37260 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

I think she’s talking about the girl red bird. Sally, I don’t think there is one, though there are girl pigs.

By Sally

Thx, Bird Leader.

By Alabama

Wow. :)

By Kalok

Tried so hard to deal with the egg with bow at 1-15. It just blow off the screen by the bomb.
I and thinking what will happen to it if I drop it straight down onto the bomb. However this is just so difficult.

By Tracy

I’ve dropped the egg straight down on the bomb and it just shoots into the air. Never breaks. So don’t worry about that one.but is there a second golden egg? Besides the heart for 3 stars and the egg in 1-7?

Rank: Pig Leader with 11200 points
By FujiToast (@fujitoast)

Not at the moment

By Maggie

We believe that u can get a gold egg by breaking the girl egg on 1-15

By Jenna

It doesn’t seem to be breakable. I’ve knocked it off the perch, exploded TNT under it so it flew straight up (and didn’t ever descend), and every other combination of things that might break it — no go. (163,something points tho!)

It doesn’t make sense in terms of the storyline for breaking it to be rewarded with anything, anyway.

By Kalok

Jenna, I also tried dropping it on the ground, exploded the TNT next to it……etc, it still remain unbreakable.
The only way I can think of, which not yet achieved successfully, is to drop to down straight onto the TNT.
Which means I have to take the Big pig and cloud underneath without exploding the TNT, then smash the cloud with yellow bird, so that the egg will drop vertically.

You may try it.

By ars

I only see one golden Egg and the heart after i get 3 stars in the whole Hogs level. ? is that correct? or should I get a second actual golden egg? I believe my white heart is lit up, but It did not give me a yellow egg??

By esr

Mine is doing the same thing.

By Tim

I have 3 stars and only one egg too. Does a second egg show up

By ash

I’m confused so let me just say when I downloaded this game I didn’t know about three stars and golden eggs and all that stuff. None the less, I became addicted and I was so excited when I hit all the piggy things and broke all the structures. I beat the freakin game in a week ( I have.a life, stuck with a broken foot) ok. So now come to find out I have to get three stars and golden eggs all this stuff… so do I have to delete my hard work and re download the game again to get all this?

Rank: Pig Leader with 11200 points
By FujiToast (@fujitoast)

@ash, no, no, no. You just need to accomplish a higher score on each level to GET 3 stars. Peruse the site if you get stuck on a level and you can check the almanac to find out what score is required to get 3 stars. Have fun!

By ash

But then I won’t get any of the golden eggs ex: the level 7 on hogs and kisses there is an egg on that level but now I’ve finished that level and when I go back to it I can’t get it its not even shown anymore. right?

Rank: Pig Leader with 11200 points
By FujiToast (@fujitoast)

Nope, all eggs are still accessible even after you pass the level. No reinstall will be necessary. I guarantee it. ;)

By Natasha Kelly

The lights on the heart, do they all come up at once, once three stars are achieved on every level?

Rank: Sling God with 37260 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Yes. They are very faint though.

By sam

I’m pretty sure there is a third egg somewhere. On my iPhone, to the left of each level is a status bar. I’ve completed Hogs and Kisses with 3 stars on each level and completed both of the known golden eggs. My status is just shy of the top. That tells me I’m missing something. I’m sure there’s a third egg, we just have to find it! Does anyone else know what I’m talking about?

Rank: Pig Leader with 11200 points
By FujiToast (@fujitoast)

Actually I think you’re referring to the Global Ranking Bar. That Bar just tells you how far up your score ranks against other players. So, not really a status bar in the way that you’re thinking.

By Sam

You’re right, that is what I’m thinking. When I got 3 stars on every level in each world of Angry Birds and the St. Patty’s world of AB Seasons it went to the top. Meh, I tried.

Thanks :)

By Johnny

How do you get the world ranking bar to appear.

Rank: Sling God with 37260 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

You will need to be on an iOS device and have a Game Center account.


on level 1-6 of hogs and kisses if you shoot the first bird straight up there is a stack of clouds that are not breakable, but looks like there should be a golden egg on top of it but nothing… im trying to figure out what they would be there for??? anyone help??? im a bit ocd when it comes to finishing my game and i need to have 3stars on all levels and all golden eggs…

Rank: Sling God with 37260 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Yeah, we talked about that awhile back, but unfortunately there is no Golden Egg up there.

Rank: Pig Leader with 11200 points
By FujiToast (@fujitoast)

As far as we know there are no more golden eggs in this edition.


copy.. thanks

By neil

There is a third egg, but I haven’t been able to crack it. It is located on level 15 of hogs and kisses to the upper right. I tried blowing it up with the tnt undernath and smashing it with stones. Maybe someone else can crack it.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

We’ve all tried, but it never cracks. Also, even if cracked, it is not a golden egg. This is confirmed by the numbering of golden eggs as of the v1.4.0 update.

By Kaitlyn

um that just will not do. i tryed it too and it did not work. maybe it is just decoration or points

By nicholas

I think their is a golden egg in level 2 of hogs and kisses in the pile of food their is a golden apple hit it and you might get the last golden egg

Rank: Pig Leader with 11200 points
By FujiToast (@fujitoast)

Sorry not a golden egg. Just some yellow fruit of some kind.

so i am on angry birds seasons golden eggs, one egg was yellow for me to play, then another , then it went to another screen with one egg, i just cant figure out how to get these eggs and where are the levels, 1 egg only gave me one level. help

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

Thats correct. Each golden egg unlocks it’s corresponding golden egg level. There are two golden eggs per season (an egg to find in-game plus the three-star egg), except for Easter (10 in-game plus three-star)

By Caroline G

There is a glden egg on level six of hogs and kisses. Notice the big pig swinging back and forth? Well shoot a yellow bird high up and there is a platform from which the pig is swinging. Whether there really is another egg there or not, Idk because I haven’t cracked it yet, but it is higly possible.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

Very tough to see on iPhone, but I see the clouds you are talking about. I don’t think it’s a golden egg, because it would upset the numbering in Seasons, but GREAT find.

By mbraun1

No egg. Just a platform.

Rank: Flinger with 30 points
By Nightwizard (@nightwizard)

I just have a comment about Hogs & Kisses for anyone using the PC version.
I just played through this section and there are only 15 levels not 18.
Just so no one else tries going crazy like I did looking for additional levels.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

This is true about Hogs and Kisses, Go Green Get Lucky, Easter Eggs, and Mooncake Festival. We noted this in the Seasons PC release.

By Jace

I cannot get to play the very last level 1-19 with the heart it is lit but thought there was one last game after 3 stars in all levels any ideas thanks

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

Sorry, I don’t really understand your question. There are 15 levels on the first page, three on the second, the Big Heart, and a Golden Egg. Beyond that, there is nothing more to this episode.

By Jace

I can’t play the big heart level even though I have 3 stars in all other levels

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

This is a known issue that Rovio is investigating.

By Jace

Great thank you for the response I was looking forward to playing it after working do hard to get three stars in all levels oh well thanks again

Rank: Master Slinger with 6050 points
By bigred1683 (@bigred1683)

Has there been any resolution on this one from Rovio? I just got around to 3-starring all the Hogs and Kisses levels and I am unable to click on the big heart level.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

There hasn’t been an update yet, so no change.

Rank: Master Slinger with 5140 points
By tfhusker (@tfhusker)

Know that I am very late to completing Hogs and Kisses, but here is my problem. I have 3-starred all levels, but cannot play the Big Heart. Tap on it, and nothing. Have I missed something on the levels along the way, or is it just too late? Thanks

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

Just abug

Rank: Master Slinger with 5140 points
By tfhusker (@tfhusker)

Ok thanks

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