Angry Birds Seasons Ham’o’ween Level 1-13 Walkthrough

Our strategy for Ham’o’ween level 1-13 is to lob the Orange bird so it rests between the second and middle structures. The expansion should clear the entire left side and clear a nice path for the next shot. Fire the first White bird to bomb the well-protected pig in the middle and ricochet into the third tower. Destroy the last tower with the next White bird, and use the Orange bird if cleanup is needed. The score in the video below is 98,110.

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Comments (81)

By L

Managed to do it with just 1 shot, got me 108k points. Placed the shot a tiny bit in front of the one in the video so it didn’t hit the big pig but went through both pieces of wood, then exploded it. Tried that method about 50 times before it worked once though, so a lot of luck required.

By sandyhanc

After about a million tries, finally did it with one bird, 103930. I’ll take it!

Rank: Slinger with 1155 points
By natureswrath (@natureswrath)Score: 119,880

High score strat: first orange bird just to the right of the central pig with the pumpkin slice on his head. You are trying to just miss him, hit the long thin diagonal wooden block, miss the small square wooden block (hit to the left of this), and then finally break through the next long thin diagonal wooden block (just below the first) and land just to the left of the base of the fourth structure (from the left). When you active the orange bird you are looking for a couple things for it to be a ‘good shot’. Firstly, you really want to do a lot of damage to the two right-hand-side structures and the central structure (at the very least). To do this the skeleton supporting the right-most structure usually needs to get hit by a flying piece of debris (which happens fairly often). Secondly, you really want at least some damage to the second structure (from the left) and for the two resident pigs to die. If you get lucky a lot of the structure will fall onto the first structure and be leaning on it. For the second shot you want to aim the white bird low, just over the top of the skeleton supporting the left most structure, and then release the egg. This will destroy the supporting skeleton and the body of the white bird will cause some damage. If the second structure is leaning on the first this can then often result in some additional damage as they both topple over and hopefully any remaining pigs in the second tower will also be killed. Following this strat I managed 109K, but this involved a fair few attempts and a lot of luck with destruction (the main variable was the amount of destruction from the first shot).

I am not sure if a one bird solution is possible on this level. If you got insanely lucky and somehow managed to topple the left-most structure it would be but I would think this would take a piece of debris destroying the supporting skeleton and a lot of momentum imparted from the orange bird. Anyone thinking of trying a one bird strat is going to hate those damn skeletons after a while…

Rank: Slinger with 1055 points
By wilks666 (@wilks666)Score: 97,000

Yeah you are right, Those Skeletons nearly cost me $500 : My iPad. >:(( i hate this level.

Rank: Slinger with 1155 points
By natureswrath (@natureswrath)Score: 119,880

Read down for a much better (aka much easier) strat that still yields a high score! Link here

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 99,310

Hey nature,

Just so you know, I’m not deleting your comments willy-nilly. I’m embedding them into your original posts so that the whole strategy is in one place. Also, for your trouble (if you’re familiar with our new ranking system), I’ll credit you with 30 posts — one per level in Ham’o’ween.

Thanks for helping out the community. I’m sure I’ll go through and try out your strats at some point when I get some down time. :)

Rank: Slinger with 1155 points
By natureswrath (@natureswrath)Score: 119,880

Hey Slim, I noticed that but I was all too pleased to have you do it. It made it all look a lot better, kept it nice and central without 6 different posts all trying to say the same thing. So thanks for that, and for the extra posts :)

I’ll get the rest of the levels up when I get a chance to get some working high-score strats for them. With everything I have got from the ABN community it is the least I can do!

Rank: Avian Overlord with 15315 points
By windwalker (@windwalker)Score: 116,450

hi @natureswrath a one bird is possible, have had about 4 or 5 but they don’t give a high score like yours. Placed balloon bird between 2 and 3rd tower and when it inflated it took out all pigs

Rank: Champion with 3915 points
By marc987 (@marc987)Score: 119,710

1-13, 105180.. “ABN Team”, many thanks for the video and the 6k. improvement!.. thx

Rank: Slinger with 1155 points
By natureswrath (@natureswrath)Score: 119,880

I’ll take a stab and say that the person in first managed a 1 bird solution. Either that or they almost cleared with two birds. Either way 118K is a pretty impressive score for this level.

Rank: Deputized with 100 points
By zaz (@zaz)Score: 118,490

It was a two birds solution.

After the first bird, the left structure was the only still here. I think I’ve been very lucky with this first shot !

Rank: Slinger with 1155 points
By natureswrath (@natureswrath)Score: 119,880

Even more impressive that is was a two bird strat, nice work zaz :)


I followed nataureswrath’s strategy and earned 104,610 so it does work.

Rank: Champion with 3915 points
By marc987 (@marc987)Score: 119,710

1-13, 119710 w/1 shot.. YES! The “one birdie” shot is confirmed and no it was not luck but rather pure skill (only joking). After tons of hours and a few “almost should have been” shots, finally the last tower to the left fell to its’ left. The photo link speaks for itself, the exact same shot is there to be seen. I concentrated on the horizontal beam of the fourth structure and manually detonated the orange bird on impact. It was not a *rolling down* the plank shot but rather a *clean direct hit* to the beam’s exposed tip. To be honest, the AB Gods must have helped me just a little, they’re pretty good like that. Enjoy the photo and good luck!.. thx

By moonsabre

So very impressive Marc =) Your off the wall super strats always impress me my friend!

Rank: Champion with 3915 points
By marc987 (@marc987)Score: 119,710

Hey Victor, had no idea you were “shooting” here also, thanks for the compliments. Actually you’re not too bad yourself when its comes to sharing the “sweeter shots” of AB with the AB community. Take care buddy! PS.. thx

Rank: Slinger with 1155 points
By natureswrath (@natureswrath)Score: 119,880

Nice SS marc, this is the exact shot I was trying to describe above! I better pull my finger out and get that one bird strat down. I knew it was possible but didn’t have the time to invest when I was trying to figure out the best way to do this level the other day. Back to it!

Rank: Out of this World with 2590 points
By rocklands (@rocklands)Score: 112,350

wow MArc, you never fail to impress with your awesome shots, another pearl, you must have half a dozen entries to shot of the year :-), great shooting!

Rank: Slinger with 1155 points
By natureswrath (@natureswrath)Score: 119,880

Sorry Marc… A revisit here has seen me steal your baby, so I sincerely apologize. You set the bar so high it has taken me about 20 hours of play to even get close to your score. Hats off to you my friend!

Rank: Slinger with 1155 points
By natureswrath (@natureswrath)Score: 119,880

Go to the left of the pig not the right, it’s so much easier to get a 1 bird solution. High arc shot with the beak of the orange bird just touching the shaft of the sling-shot (this is what makes it easier as I can get the proper placement ~25% of the time). You will easily bust through both long thin wooden blocks and will usually bounce off the central triangle wooden block. When the orange bird is approximately at the level of the long thin horizontal stone blocks that make up the supports of the second and third towers activate it. I would say that ~5% of the time you will get a 1 bird solution which makes for a MUCH better method than the one I set out above. I got scores ranging from 99 – 112.5K. There are a lot more points in this level but that will have to wait for another night. Just to put it in perspective I managed 16x 1 bird solutions in ~30 minutes of play so if I can do that anyone should be able to get this to work!

—–Streamlined Version—–

Bird 1: high arc that lands just to the left of the central pig that has a mustache and a pumpkin hat. This will break through the two thin wooden blocks and drop down into the gap to the left. Activate at the level of the stone base supports for maximum damage whilst still imparting enough momentum to topple the far right and left structures.
Birds 2, 3 & 4: 30K points.

@spurs01 I hope this helps :)

Rank: Champion with 3915 points
By marc987 (@marc987)Score: 119,710

natureswrath, there’s one thing in our favor that definitely must be taken into account,.. our deputized sombreros! Nice “shooting”, even if it was the “easier” way. :-)

Rank: Slinger with 1155 points
By natureswrath (@natureswrath)Score: 119,880

Still chasing your score marc! You have set the bar pretty damn high on this one :)

Rank: Out of this World with 2590 points
By frozndevl (@frozndevl)Score: 114,000

Beautiful, another wonderful instruction from you Nature. On my first 1-bird success, got me 114K. Thanks!

Rank: Slinger with 1155 points
By natureswrath (@natureswrath)Score: 119,880

@frozndevl nice work :) This strat is leagues ahead of the older one. I can see the top end of the score board getting a bit more crowded now :P

Rank: Master Slinger with 6910 points
By spurs01 (@spurs01)Score: 111,650

Haven’t managed it yet, but one thing I like about this website is the way folks share their strategies! Thanks all.

Rank: Sling God with 37630 points
By catsnbirds (@catsnbirds)Score: 121,670

@natureswrath Thank-you, especially for the “orange bird beak touching the sling-shot” tip. Elevated me to one bird range within five minutes!

Rank: Hardened with 640 points
By sparkleclair (@sparkleclair)Score: 110,110

Thank you so much, this was my nemesis level, only 1 I needed help getting 3*. Now have total destruction

Rank: Slinger with 1155 points
By natureswrath (@natureswrath)Score: 119,880

@catsnbirds great work :) It’s a much better strat than the first one, it just took a bit of stuffing around to figure it all out.
@Sparkeclair happy to help. This level was pretty nasty before I figured this shot out.

Rank: Champion with 3300 points
By ohforfive (@ohforfive)Score: 103,810

One bird shot for 103810 using your method. Too bad I didn’t try it a couple hours ago. Thanks

Rank: Sling God with 26640 points
By SweetP (@sweetp)Score: 125,770

WOO-HOOO!! @natureswrath your one-bird solution dropping into the left side of the moustachioed pig worked wonders! You were right about those nasty skeletons, impeding the fall of the towers. It only took me about 6 hours of flinging that o/b over and over again until I finally got an above-average score.

By Beverly Wilder

I got 108740 with one bird. Shot it to the left of the big pig and tapped the screen right after the bird went through the two sticks.

By Kathy

This may sound strange but I have had the most trouble with level 11, and now 13 , my daughter passed away on 11/13, (long time ago) we used to play video games together,! Its kinda weird that I am having soo much trouble with these levels. She up there challenging me lol, wish she would just help .I need divine intervention, on this one, or just natureswrath.

Rank: Sling God with 37795 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)Score: 100,960

Sorry for your loss, Kathy. I think you’re right though, she’s probably already beat the levels and is getting a kick out of watching you struggle.

By Kathy

Thank you, you are probably right, she usually did kick my butt on all levels of any game we course. And ty also natureswrath, I will keep flinging birds til I best it. I definitely appreciate all the effort you put in ,as I am sure everyone in the ABN community does as well.

Rank: Slinger with 1155 points
By natureswrath (@natureswrath)Score: 119,880

Nothing divine about my intervention Kathy but know that I do invest a considerable amount of time in trying to get some of these strats to work so if you don’t manage it in the first 50 tries then I wouldn’t be too put off by it. Sorry to hear about your loss, I am sure you will persevere though. Your daughter’s memory clearly still lives on in your love of computer games. Best of luck :)

Rank: Champion with 3915 points
By marc987 (@marc987)Score: 119,710

All my love for you Kathy. Please be strong..

Rank: Boss Hog with 14935 points
By swellD (@swelld)Score: 122,040

Hey @kathy I had no reason to know of course but I am terribly sad to hear about the the loss of your child, which I think is the worst thing a parent can experience. I think it’s pretty darn cool of you to remember her by playing games as what should be more fun right?

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 131,610

Hey @swellD Ty for your thoughts and yes…its probably the worst a parent can experience but her memory keeps me living;) And as Bl says she’s probably getting a kick out of watching me struggle though since this comment I’ve became a much better she might be pushing my Birdies a little bit for me;)

Rank: Champion with 3915 points
By marc987 (@marc987)Score: 119,710

AngryGRX – My one birdie shot photo and text are above confirming the “Top Score”, 119K. Sure could use your help on 2-14, if you get the chance post me here or at the ABA address. thx Gregor!

By Kathy

This level is going to end up with a beautiful android phone out the window.I have tried every hint ,every strategy, praying, not working when I put the beak touching the slingshot it doesn’t go far enough, when I pull it back a little, it goes too far, I tried the video , tried the one bird right shot, the left one bird shot, got a lot of almosts , shoulda, coulda , woulda, didn’t . Wah wah wah

Rank: Champion with 3915 points
By marc987 (@marc987)Score: 119,710

Kathy, don’t give up, you just know its going to be the very next “one more try”. Good luck! =-)

By Kathy

97470 4 birds, 3 stars finnaly, I will live with that for now , will come back another time, ty all for your help and support:)

Rank: Champion with 3915 points
By marc987 (@marc987)Score: 119,710

ABNest good morning,

Its not my style to question another Member’s score. Either this is the, “Shot of the Year” or perhaps there’s been a mistake in keyboard manipulation, it happens. Of the entire Angry Birds Series, ONLY ONE SCORE has been registered by this Member at the ABNest Leaderboards and of course, it just so happens to be, “Ham’o’ween” 1-13″.

Could you please, purely out of “AB Logic” have a peek at this for me. Thanks for your time.. Marc

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 99,310

“Only scores” are purged periodically anyways, but I have removed this one. Thanks for the heads up.

Rank: Champion with 3915 points
By marc987 (@marc987)Score: 119,710

AMslimfordy – Thanks for returning my Baby to me safe and sound.

Rank: DaBomb with 460 points
By Diefishmaggi (@diefishmaggi)

I just follow the walkthrough but i scored 103400

Rank: Champion with 3915 points
By marc987 (@marc987)Score: 119,710

Diefishmaggi – Nice shooting! thx for posting..

Rank: Debriefed with 1270 points
By M_Pete (@m_pete)Score: 119,270

If you want top score on this one, mine was originally top but now a few hundred behind at 119,270 – it simply took hours and hundreds of tries. I was going to explain my methods but they’re already listed above – my winning shot ended up being pretty much the same as the video but comes down to the timing of the landing and when you “explode” the orange bird. Keep trying and with luck you’ll get it in one bird and topple the entire screen with little left to destroy. It’s the skeletons that get in the way. Otherwise getting through both diagonal slabs on the left or right will also finish it with one bird but with less points.

By Jerry

110,870 on 1 bird. Landed it just like example and dominoed all the way on both sides.

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By GmaBird (@)

Got over 100,000 a couple of times, but it took two, three or all the birds. I’m so stubborn – wanted to do it in one shot.

FINALLY. One shot. 116,000. Followed the above-described “left of the center pumpkin, through the horizontal bars” method.

Can’t save the screenshot, tho’ because I did it on an iPod and don’t know how to get an iPod screenshot.

Rank: Champion with 3295 points
By Laurence (@laurence)Score: 97,540

Should be hold both buttons (home and power) at the same time for a second or so. Works for iPhone anyway!

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By GmaBird (@)

Thanks Laurence – worked like a charm!

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9130 points
By bird addict (@bird-addict)Score: 110,730

Score 110780 – 1bird – a big thanks to both marc987 and natureswrath for the strats. Love the images, they’re very helpful Especially the added diagrams on naturewrath,s. :-) One thing I’d like to add is that I had to play with the positioning of ob nose as touching the slingshot was too close on my device (android tablet) I pulled away just a couple of pixels. Also had better luck when activating ob just slightly above the horizontal stone plank. I don,t post very often because I think most people finished with Seasons months ago. But for the record, I owe a thanks to many posters of this AB community and of course all administrators.

Rank: Shooter with 775 points
By zz11cloverfield (@zz11cloverfield)Score: 103,790

The hardest level in Ham O’Ween for me. Have tried this more than some hundred times (maybe), have imagined the natureswrath’s path but tried it more than a hundred times before manage a 103,790 as the last level to be 3-starred.

Rank: Pig Leader with 12405 points
By kingbird (@kingbird)

1st bird straight through third section of first tower. Everthing just flew up into the air. Strange, bur I’ll take it.

Rank: Pig Leader with 10760 points
By PdB (@playdbird)Score: 113,210

I would have had a one birder if I had been patient. After the huge explosion I had one pig teetering (rightmost) so I launched white bird. As white was flying the last pig fell. Almost had a great score.

Rank: Master Slinger with 5415 points
By remi3241 (@remi3241)Score: 125,180

@kingbird can you elaborate a little bit more about your exact method like for instance you mention through 3rd section of 1st tower, when did you inflate and whats the third section on the 1st tower exactly? Thx

Rank: Boss Hog with 14935 points
By swellD (@swelld)Score: 122,040

@remi3241 I can elaborate later but I got it to work but am refining the shot. The third secrion is essentially the top of the tower. You want to release the OB just a little higher than flat so that the OB passes through the two rectangular wood block at the top whilst rolling over the horizontal plank below them. The OB will pass through landing at the leftmost lowest rectangular block of tower 2. Manually inflate to shoot everything up and right. Believe me you will know when you you are close.

Rank: Fling King with 4355 points
By laurileena (@laurileena)

Great summary. It describes the shot I made while trying to follow @kingbird ‘s instructions. I had better luck with this method than the high arc. I will keep trying for more destruction.

Rank: Boss Hog with 14935 points
By swellD (@swelld)Score: 122,040

here’s a pic of my aftermath. this was a two birder


Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 131,610

Thanks @Karen68 :) :) your aiming point helped me finally get in the top 100 (13) worked on my Samsung tablet:)

Rank: Sling God with 46365 points
By karen68 (@karen68)Score: 131,120

@swelld I see what you mean, you know when you hit the right spot. I had a couple of 1-birders in the 114k range then out of nowhere got what looked like the same spray of everything to the right but I guess got a better collapse of everything for 131k.
To line the shot up I use the background colours. Zoomed in on ipad, I line up OB so that the bottom of his tail feathers is lined up along the top edge of where the background colour changes from dark to light behind the slingshot. The timing of inflating him is important as well, once I saw him hit the rectangular stone I tried to activate him as quickly as possible. Thank you for your tips on this one – excellent as always! :)

Rank: Boss Hog with 12875 points
By MikeinMont (@mikeinmont)Score: 114,540

Thanks @karen68 and @swelld. Between you two I have the target zeroed in. Now I have to work on damage points. I remember this level as frustration unlimited way back when. Keep up the great flinging.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 17455 points
By burbman (@burbman)Score: 130,890

@swellID – Wow, I see what you mean by “you will know when you are close”!! That was a big ‘splosion!!

Rank: Sling God with 70520 points
By wrw01 (@wrw01)Score: 119,380

@swelld Thank you for posting your strategy. @karen68 Thank you for posting your aiming point. After many hours was able to luckily find the sweet spot and ended the level with one bird. The explosion was big enough to push the right side over and destroy the pigs, skeleton and lantern along with some debris to obtain a decent score. Did have some 114-116k scores with one bird remaining working from left to right through the structure.

Rank: Boss Hog with 14715 points
By xebic88 (@xebic88)Score: 130,340

Here,s a vid for any1 wanting to try the shot through the left tower thats been mentioned ,as u will see my impatience ,and a skeleton bent on revenge for losing his head cost me a few points ,…. thanks for the tips and good luck to all..:)

Rank: Boss Hog with 14715 points
By xebic88 (@xebic88)Score: 130,340

oh ,if u wait about 4 minutes u will get the 2 min version

Rank: Avian Overlord with 15315 points
By windwalker (@windwalker)Score: 116,450

Thanks for the vid @xebic88, hadn’t realised it could take that long for the final bird to fall, will now try to curb my impatience

Rank: Boss Hog with 14715 points
By xebic88 (@xebic88)Score: 130,340

Hi ya @windwalker ,i would say that was an exception rather than the norm ,and even rarer to video it ,i only got 2 other scores over 120k ,and im afraid i did not catch in the video how extreme that first shot can be ,cause i cant get over 110 now ,,have a good day xx

Rank: Pig Leader with 11530 points
By redzym (@redzym)Score: 127,740

All this time later and tour video is still a Godsend. Thought I eas doing welll till I headed over here and saw some of the scores. Don’t expect to be up there with the’super slingers’ but you guys sure do help us ‘lesser talented flingers’ to improve so many, many thanks to you all.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 18045 points
By kpnanny (@kpnanny)Score: 115,860

@xebic88 Revisiting these levels to see if I can improve old scores – the lengthy video was EXTREMELY helpful as it demonstrated how rare the “exploding” bubble you need actually happens. I still haven’t hit a one birder, but was able to increase from 107k to 115+k after several hundred tries….Lather, Rinse, Repeat :) Thanks again!

Rank: Master Slinger with 6640 points
By E-Star (@e-star)Score: 122,730

Hee hee and there you are again @xebic88 granted you where here in the past, but funny that I come a cross you comment twice in one day. I shot the orange bird thru the left tower as mentioned by a couple above. And got an one birdie and a score of 122730. If the big blow out happened more, I would try and to come closer to your amazing score @xebic88, but for now, I am happy with my 122k!

Here is my video.

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9940 points
By kimmiecv (@kimmiecv)Score: 126,040

Ohhh man alive Thank You times a million @e-star and my sweetheart @xebic88 for you wonderful videos!! I Never would have thought it possible without seeing it in real life!! Mwaaaah to you both for your Awesomeness!!! :)

Rank: Boss Hog with 13905 points
By nice_psycho (@philip)Score: 113,740

If there were Academy Awards for AB Videos – you would receive one. What a shot…… Pure Magic

Rank: Master Slinger with 6640 points
By E-Star (@e-star)Score: 122,730

hee hee, thanks @philip I am honored with the idea! I actually loved watching it again to see which video you referred to. Us birdie folk just love to see pig fly :D

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 131,610

@Mighty-red-1 @ Sweetp The high d score on this level is 4k above 2nd place, with no comments or post from this player.
I think the rightful owner of the trophy is @karen68 who is currently in second place.

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 131,610

@sweetp ^^^ look up ^^ :D

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16915 points
By Mighty Red (@mighty-red-1)Score: 101,620

@kathy Thanks for letting me know – score deleted.

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 131,610

Thanks @mighty-red-1 :)

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 131,610

@hunnybunny @karen68 I think this is one for the Harder list!! The one birder seems impossible now?

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 131,610

Whoa Cancel that @hunnybunny @Karen68 , sorry bout your trophy Karen?
Didn’t realize it was top score until i entered it so i didn’t get a screen of the 3star splash page, but i took one after if anyone needs it I’ll upload it tomorrow.

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